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AFC calls for break-up of Harmon’s responsibilities in wake of BK Tiwari-gate

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon [seated left), Chairman of the Guyana Civil Aviation Larry London (standing second from left) and top officials of Baishan Lin in an aircraft in China. Seated (at extreme right) is a Guyana government official.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon (seated left), Chairman of the Guyana Civil Aviation Larry London (standing second from left) and top officials of Baishan Lin in an aircraft in China. Seated (at extreme right) is a Guyana government official. (Kaieteur News photo)

The Alliance For Change (AFC) on Sunday ended a leadership retreat, calling for a break-up of the responsibilities of the Minster of State, Joseph Harmon in the wake of the appointment of Brian “BK” Tiwari as a ministerial advisor.

The party which, commands an agreed 40 percent representation in Cabinet and is responsible for several key ministries, reasoned that Tiwari’s now rescinded appointment was as result of the concentration of several functions in Harmon.

“The Alliance for Change is of the opinion that the current difficulties which the government has encountered in the continuing revelations arising out of the appointment of the Advisor on Business Development and the issues surrounding this, have their roots in the concentration of the powers of the office of the Cabinet Secretary, the Minister of State in the Ministry of the Presidency  and the  effective Head of Presidential Secretariat in a single person.

The responsibilities of each of the above portfolios are substantial and of critical importance to the smooth operations of the Government and would benefit  from separate appointments,”  the party said in a strongly worded statement.

The AFC said it has mandated it leadership in Cabinet to “have these issues raised and addressed as a matter of national importance.”  That party’s leadership in Cabinet includes Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson and Minister of Telecommunications and Tourism, Catherine Hughes.

Analysts and observers have long labeled Harmon as Guyana’s ‘Deputy President’ compared to Nagamoootoo’s relatively light portfolio as Prime Minister.  The National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) was recently taken away from him and handed to Hughes in her capacity as Telecoms Minister.  In addition the State Media, Nagamootoo is responsible for Governance and Constitutional Reform.

The party assured that it was committed to the Coalition Government but said “the principles of good governance, transparency and equal opportunity  are fundamental to the success of the Coalition.” The party added it was committed to responsible and transparent governance and looked forward to the conclusion of the Code of Conduct for government officials and its application.”

The AFC’s position came hours after influential People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) member, Amna Ally as well as Harmon thumbed their noses at his critics. He basically said he would be not be responding to media reports because the President has already spoken on the matter, a clear reference to  the Guyanese leader’s rescinding of the January 29, 2016 appointment of Tiwari.

Ally said Harmon is not corrupt and the President still has confidence in the Minister of State or he would have been already sent packing.

Harmon has already come under fire for calling off the seizure of two luxury vehicles owned by the Chinese forest company, Baishan Lin,  by the Guyana Revenue Authority allegedly for outstanding duties, less than one week after he returned from China where he and top officials of that company were seen together in a Kaieteur News newspaper photograph aboard an aircraft.

The President has since stated that he has instructed that there should be no intrusion in the work of other ministers.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

AFC should shut the Truck up.  They were the ones who put Harmon there. Well now all they have to do is deal with the 10,000 lb gorilla.  What is so hard about that?  Whatever happen to dem Cummingsburg Accord that got us into this schitthole in the first place?  Did Harmon flush it down the Chineee people toilet?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

The AFC is getting caught in the PNC corruption that Ramjattan is speaking  out as though the AFC is innocent. Why Ramjattan and Moses didn't speak out on the salary increase and many other things in the past? They're the same shit on different end of the table.


In the face of weak leadership from the top, the various mini chiefs will rise up, take the initiative and try to muscle in for position.  Harmon is doing what comes naturally in the circumstances.  Maybe his powers should be broken, not sure, but all this means is you will have more mini chiefs to deal with.  In the end the top is still weak and benign!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

AFC should shut the Truck up.  They were the ones who put Harmon there. Well now all they have to do is deal with the 10,000 lb gorilla.  What is so hard about that?  Whatever happen to dem Cummingsburg Accord that got us into this schitthole in the first place?  Did Harmon flush it down the Chineee people toilet?

A question for Mitwah!

VishMahabir posted:

How did the AFC put Harmon there? I thought this was Granger's choice, as Harmon is a loyal former army personnel, who Granger put to eclipse the power of Nagamootoo.

When they entered into the Cummingsburg Accord, everyone knew their role in the Coalition Government.  Harmon was designated Minister of State.  My comment refers to the fact that the AFC put these PNC boys in power.  I would like to further clarify that the reason, the sole reason for the AFC boys putting the PNC in power is to get rid of  Jagdeo.  Not once was the interest of the Guyanese people taken into consideration. Not once!

Bibi Haniffa

The AFC said it has mandated it leadership in Cabinet to “have these issues raised and addressed as a matter of national importance.”  That party’s leadership in Cabinet includes Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson and Minister of Telecommunications and Tourism, Catherine Hughes.

The Nemakaram and Hughes will be quite, they have a fat salary, perks and good pension. They will accept what ever Guyana Kim Jung Un Granger and Joseph say to them.  

They will not break up the coalition, because PPP will not take them ( traitors)  back.  

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

AFC should shut the Truck up.  They were the ones who put Harmon there. Well now all they have to do is deal with the 10,000 lb gorilla.  What is so hard about that?  Whatever happen to dem Cummingsburg Accord that got us into this schitthole in the first place?  Did Harmon flush it down the Chineee people toilet?

A question for Mitwah!

All me a see Mitwah sing now is " Happy Navratri " every other day. 

Last edited by Former Member
ian posted:

The AFC said it has mandated it leadership in Cabinet to “have these issues raised and addressed as a matter of national importance.”  That party’s leadership in Cabinet includes Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson and Minister of Telecommunications and Tourism, Catherine Hughes.

The Nemakaram and Hughes will be quite, they have a fat salary, perks and good pension. They will accept what ever Guyana Kim Jung Un Granger and Joseph say to them.  

They will not break up the coalition, because PPP will not take them ( traitors)  back.  

Not sure about this...the PPP has to play smart politics. They need every vote they can get, given the results of the last election.

But it looks like Moses and Ramjattan will continue to swallow their pride...assuming nothing comes out of the Harmon-gate affair.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

How did the AFC put Harmon there? I thought this was Granger's choice, as Harmon is a loyal former army personnel, who Granger put to eclipse the power of Nagamootoo.

When they entered into the Cummingsburg Accord, everyone knew their role in the Coalition Government.  Harmon was designated Minister of State.  My comment refers to the fact that the AFC put these PNC boys in power.  I would like to further clarify that the reason, the sole reason for the AFC boys putting the PNC in power is to get rid of  Jagdeo.  Not once was the interest of the Guyanese people taken into consideration. Not once!



is the afc powerless in this coalition? What ever happened to all the development that Ramjattan, Trotman, Nagamootoo and thier supporters on GNI were bragging about? Mitwah, T, D2, Redux, Gilly, Gerhard and others were never short of ideas how they can improve the economic conditions. Now all we hear is the sound of silence from these fellows as they piggy back on initiatives started by the PPP. 


Even those who are oblivious to the political machinations in the coalition government are feeling the squeeze from the recent economic downturn. This government is on focused reducing the power of the AFC and suppressing the PPP simultaneously while the economy is being neglected. The PNC is attempting to do what LFS Burnham did following the elections of 1964.  If they succeed it would be to the detriment of the nation. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

How did the AFC put Harmon there? I thought this was Granger's choice, as Harmon is a loyal former army personnel, who Granger put to eclipse the power of Nagamootoo.

When they entered into the Cummingsburg Accord, everyone knew their role in the Coalition Government.  Harmon was designated Minister of State.  My comment refers to the fact that the AFC put these PNC boys in power.  I would like to further clarify that the reason, the sole reason for the AFC boys putting the PNC in power is to get rid of  Jagdeo.  Not once was the interest of the Guyanese people taken into consideration. Not once!

True dat! They had to remove Jagdeo's sleazy arse outta there.

VishMahabir posted:
ian posted:

The AFC said it has mandated it leadership in Cabinet to “have these issues raised and addressed as a matter of national importance.”  That party’s leadership in Cabinet includes Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson and Minister of Telecommunications and Tourism, Catherine Hughes.

The Nemakaram and Hughes will be quite, they have a fat salary, perks and good pension. They will accept what ever Guyana Kim Jung Un Granger and Joseph say to them.  

They will not break up the coalition, because PPP will not take them ( traitors)  back.  

Not sure about this...the PPP has to play smart politics. They need every vote they can get, given the results of the last election.

But it looks like Moses and Ramjattan will continue to swallow their pride...assuming nothing comes out of the Harmon-gate affair.  

I totally agree with you Vish, however, the PPP central committee has a way of castrating their ship jumpers.

If they wise up, and take their supporters at heart they can rock the coalition.  

yuji22 posted:

Butlers Moses and Ramjattan sold the AFC and their supporters for a few pieces of silver.

Remember Judas ?

What ever happened to Rumjat meeting with Kim Jung Un Granger regarding the LGE. I miss this one... did anyone knows the outcome. Or Granger give he rass a bottle a white rum and he was good with that. 

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

AFC should shut the Truck up.  They were the ones who put Harmon there. Well now all they have to do is deal with the 10,000 lb gorilla.  What is so hard about that?  Whatever happen to dem Cummingsburg Accord that got us into this schitthole in the first place?  Did Harmon flush it down the Chineee people toilet?

A question for Mitwah!

Mitwahji - what is the answer??????

Bibi Haniffa

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