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Parents afraid to send children to school

October 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



Chaos at L’ Aventure Secondary Schoolâ€Ķ


Parents are now afraid to send their children to the L’Aventure Secondary School, Canal Number One, following the violent attack on students by six armed teenage boys on Friday last.
According to a parent, violence has become a norm at the learning institution but Friday’s attack which left one student and a teacher injured was the worst.
On Friday, a gang of teenage boys armed with bottles, cutlasses and knives attacked the students and teachers, forcing them to flee the school. The attack was aimed at some fifth form boys who had delivered a sound trashing to a fourth form boy on Thursday afternoon while school was in session.
According to some students, a little after 9:00 hours six teenage boys, among them two fourth form students of the L’Aventure Secondary School, stationed themselves on the playfield behind the school and hurled bottles at the building.
The boys entered the school compound by jumping the back fence. They surrounded the Home Economics Department where their target was and began throwing bottles at and inside the room. They eventually got hold of one of their targets and stabbed him several times on the left hand. A teacher was hurt during the ordeal.
According to a parent of a fourth former, “My daughter come home early Friday devastated from the incident and is afraid to return to school. She told me that the attack was vicious and that it is frightening how, just like that, boys can invade the school and hurt us.”
“One of the boys who attacked the school does usually poke my daughter whenever she walks by and I asked her if she wants me to report the matter to the police owing to what happened Friday but she said no because is a gang and they might hurt us,” the concerned mother added.
A parent who identified herself as Roxanne said that her child is begging her for a transfer since almost daily there are fights disrupting the learning environment. Though, transferring her child seems like a good option the woman said that she cannot afford to send her child to a school far away from home.
The woman said that if the school’s administration had hosted parent-teacher association meetings regularly this undesirable situation could have been combated.
“These young boys cannot be blamed all together for their actions. Is us big people who have failed them. If the teachers had observed their behaviour, long now they should have called in the parents and get help from the Ministry,” Roxanne said.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Henry:

There is really no such call, but it's plausible, isn't it?

Especially if the areas which the littering takes place are inhabited predominantly by one ethnic grouping .......... brace yourself for Nigel Hughes' race-hate filled statements 

Lolo mouth, your statement is racist to the core, a reflection of the PPP/C mentality at Freedumb House.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Henry:

There is really no such call, but it's plausible, isn't it?

Especially if the areas which the littering takes place are inhabited predominantly by one ethnic grouping .......... brace yourself for Nigel Hughes' race-hate filled statements 

Dunce quit pressing race buttons. There is no garbage collection in practically 80% of the nation's village so littering and dumping of garbage is routine everywhere. Note in the low lying coastal villages the twice annual flooding turns the place in to a fecal soup as open pit toilets are flooded and the garbage dumps are liberated into the flood plain.


You bigots only look to accuse others of affliction that is chronic from top down in the administration. After all, the maintain power by pressing race buttons. The attack on Hughes as racist and Moses as his loyal disciple is no less but to demonize the two of them so you can regain control of your prodigals who defected to the AFC. Note, the numbers game is against the PPP.


Indians are on their second migration in vast numbers and the Amerindians are becoming wise to the PPP lies. They know the demarcation of their lands is not a matter of lack of money but greed of the PPP. After all, giving house-lots in vast numbers to coast-landers is a bragging point of the PPP. Then there is the giveaways to foreigner miners of large scale money is not the reason native peoples do not get their land. Greed is.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Once again, D2 misses the point.

Responding to your paltry attempt at satire was a waste of time so I ignored you, My response was to the racist insisting that where "littering takes place are inhabited predominantly by one ethnic grouping ".


In reality you missed my point. Re read my post.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Henry:

So apparently the AFC has finally formed a youth organization.

Acquired the skills and expertise from the Agricola experience

Why are you acting like a dumb ass? You know full well that only the PPP has the connections and finances to set up a youth activist branch. It is similar to the Hitler Youth groups that were designed to terrorize opponents of the regime. The PPP regime were the ones who organized the Agricola troubles as disclosed by those who were hired by the PPP to cause troubles.


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