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AFC calls for probe into textbooks orders


September 20, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

….Govt.’s stance tantamount to telling Guyanese to steal


The fallout from Government’s admission that it authorized hundreds of millions of dollars in purchases of photocopied textbooks is continuing.

Yesterday, Alliance For Change (AFC) Parliamentarian and Executive Member, Moses Nagamootoo, called for a probe. He said that it is a clear case of Government openly encouraging Guyanese to steal.


Moses Nagamootoo


In recent days, the debate over the photocopied textbooks has been raging.
On one hand are the official distributors of textbooks who hold the local rights. On the other side is the government which says it cannot afford to buy the original text books. Instead it has been asking local businesses to supply good copies of the original texts.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent annually for these purchases.
Last week, following protests by local authorized book stores and at least one Trinidad-based publisher over the pre-selection and tendering of bids for photocopied books, an international publishing association described Guyana’s stance as illegal.

During the AFC’s weekly press briefing yesterday, Nagamootoo found it strange that government was finding money to build a Marriott Hotel and casino, yet had little or none for the purchase of textbooks.

“The pirated books are stolen intellectual property and we don’t seem to have a nature of decency anymore that the Cabinet to Guyana could in fact collectively, including the Attorney General, agree to “thief” other people’s work.”

The AFC official said that it is time for revised copyright laws to be passed.

“We must take note that other Caribbean countries like Trinidad, Jamaica and Barbados are protecting their intellectual properties. They are protecting their patents, their designs. Guyana has draft copyright laws since 1999 and nobody thought it wise to bring them forward.”

According to Nagamootoo, the reasons for the delay are clear.

“Why? Because some have benefitted from the violations and undermining of the copyright legislations.”

Nagamootoo, a lawyer by profession, made reference to the discovery of serious problems in the 2010 ordering of textbooks.

Almost $110M, according to the Auditor General’s report of 2010, was granted in contracts for the supply of books. A significant part was found not to have been delivered and cheques were even found to be written months before the contracts were even granted.

“The Minister (Education), Shaik Baksh, said that he did not sign the contract and he did not make the payment.”

That scandal, Nagamootoo said, was never investigated.

“That scandal cries out to be investigated. Now you have Cabinet saying it authorized a contract for people to do photocopies and for them to sell it to the Ministry. In other words, they are saying that there were no irregularities in 2010. We believe that this is an attempt by the Cabinet to whitewash corruption. It is an attempt to evade an investigation into the $110M in 2010 and what went wrong.”

The Parliamentarian stressed that what made it worse is that Government stipulated in bid documents that the books should as much as possible, resemble the original.

“We would become the laughingstock of the world. Jamaica has reggae and they are eager to enforce their patents and registrations rights. Our nation is telling the world we have nothing intellectual to protect and we could open the floodgates to piracy even while, ironically, we are prosecuting those who invade other people’s boats and steal their catches… and we put them before the criminal courts.”

The official argued that the ordering of pirated text books is tantamount to encouraging people to steal other people’s property.

“What is the difference between the pirates in the high seas and the pirates in Vlissengen Road (Office of the President)? This is very serious issue."

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Almost $110M, according to the Auditor General’s report of 2010, was granted in contracts for the supply of books. A significant part was found not to have been delivered and cheques were even found to be written months before the contracts were even granted.


“The Minister (Education), Shaik Baksh, said that he did not sign the contract and he did not make the payment.”

That scandal, Nagamootoo said, was never investigated.


I was at my son's school last night and several teachers said the kids don't need the text books but they must purchase it, that's the rules.  The teachers have copies of hand-outs they download to give to the kids.  They then give assignments of research which is done via the internet and public library.  My son also took a college course in the Summer and had to purchase the book for $175 and never once opened it in class.


I cannot say what is right and what is wrong (morally) but in today's e-learning environment I'm surprised copies of text books are such a big deal.  If this is so wrong, then the Indian, Chinese and other Govt are gross international criminals for copying patented drugs for the poverty-stricken population.


Anyway, the GoG should use this opportunity to come to an agreement with the publishers on the reproduction of their material.  I'm sure no one want's the kids to be deprived.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The publishers might be able to sue Guyana in any country they choose.

They would get nowhere.

And yet the GOG have money to build a Marriott Hotel and a casino, and have little or none for the purchase of textbooks.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The publishers might be able to sue Guyana in any country they choose.

They would get nowhere.

And yet the GOG have money to build a Marriott Hotel and a casino, and have little or none for the purchase of textbooks.

Why spend the full amount on original texts when you can get copies for half price that gives the same benefit? What ever money saved can go to build the Marriott Hotel. That's is the old books method for stretching a dollar. I bet Ramjattan don't have that money sense.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Busy doing what? Fabricating lies like Gerhard or practicing how to be president?

Find out naah! You got lot's of time on your hands....oops I forgot you don't have hands.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramjattan practice is very busy, seems like yours kinda slow.

When I was in Guyana, a close friend of mine said that Ramjattan only take on clients who have large sums of cash. I am only the messenger.."don't tase me bro". 

Has any one heard this???

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramjattan practice is very busy, seems like yours kinda slow.

When I was in Guyana, a close friend of mine said that Ramjattan only take on clients who have large sums of cash. I am only the messenger.."don't tase me bro". 

Has any one heard this???

What kind of message is that? Did your friend get turned down byRamjattan because he is poor? Or did he hear the story from a close friend of his who in turn heard it from a close friend etc.?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The publishers might be able to sue Guyana in any country they choose.

They would get nowhere.

And yet the GOG have money to build a Marriott Hotel and a casino, and have little or none for the purchase of textbooks.

Why spend the full amount on original texts when you can get copies for half price that gives the same benefit? What ever money saved can go to build the Marriott Hotel. That's is the old books method for stretching a dollar. I bet Ramjattan don't have that money sense.

 This government can commit all sorts of perfidy and you low lives will go along with it. At what point does corruption ever reaches a threshold with you folks.


Note this government was the one in court in the us to defend its right to the use of the name "Demerara sugar" on sugar packaging. I wonder if their lucrative licquor market is to be undercut by someone re labeling their produce with our names and offer it up for sale on the international market.


These infringement cuts both ways. You do not have a moral or ground to protest and lose the legal strategy is you have already deemed it to be not a transgressable act because you already sanction thief of literary property by saying you would not enforce copyright laws.


This represents another lawyer of moral relativism of this government.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramjattan practice is very busy, seems like yours kinda slow.

When I was in Guyana, a close friend of mine said that Ramjattan only take on clients who have large sums of cash. I am only the messenger.."don't tase me bro". 

Has any one heard this???

That hearsay... I happen to know he does pro bono work. He is expenssive because he is good. Else who would hire him?

Originally Posted by Henry:

I decline your flirty invitation, Mr. Antiman for Change.


BTW, Now I understand your choice of avatar. 

Do you know the difference between a blue parakeet and green parakeet?


I know you would tell me one is green and the other is blue.  The green parakeet is straight and the blue one is bisexual and you can tell by the messy wing as depicted by your avatar.


I really don't have anything against your lifestyle. So go along your gay way and have a happy gay day.


Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses is a SHAMELESS, DISGRACEFUL man. Any inquiry on who Paid for his Law degree and his Children's Education????

 What would you know of disgrace when you condone theft? An inquiry need to be for yours since you qualify yourself to be a moron daily on this site.


When a low Life piece of RAW SEWAGE like you call be a Moron, it is like winning the Nobel  Prize since EVERYONE on this Board certified you as the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

When a low Life piece of RAW SEWAGE like you call be a Moron, it is like winning the Nobel  Prize since EVERYONE on this Board certified you as the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet!!!!

 As I said, the above does not even qualify as scrawling graffiti on a wall with the niceties of punctuation.You are a base creature with no moral grounding. Ranting and raving only highlights that to the max.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

When a low Life piece of RAW SEWAGE like you call be a Moron, it is like winning the Nobel  Prize since EVERYONE on this Board certified you as the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet!!!!

 As I said, the above does not even qualify as scrawling graffiti on a wall with the niceties of punctuation.You are a base creature with no moral grounding. Ranting and raving only highlights that to the max.

I know you cherish the Title of JACKASS of the Planet, so enjoy.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

When a low Life piece of RAW SEWAGE like you call be a Moron, it is like winning the Nobel  Prize since EVERYONE on this Board certified you as the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet!!!!

 As I said, the above does not even qualify as scrawling graffiti on a wall with the niceties of punctuation.You are a base creature with no moral grounding. Ranting and raving only highlights that to the max.

I know you cherish the Title of JACKASS of the Planet, so enjoy.

 Still scrawling moronic prose? I enjoy what is earned and admired for its excellence  so scribbling of an amoral low life punk does not bother me. It will also not not make the idea of condoning the theft of intellectual property by our government the right thing to do.


Now what in the world does that have to do with the deliberate infraction of International law? Does support of the PPP demand so much of the individual that they all immediately abandon what is their core ethics and become moral  relativists?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramjattan practice is very busy, seems like yours kinda slow.

When I was in Guyana, a close friend of mine said that Ramjattan only take on clients who have large sums of cash. I am only the messenger.."don't tase me bro". 

Has any one heard this???






There these Visnu Bisrams go again?  My father said Ramjattan is a very good man.  A true son of Guyana.  A soldier for the rights of the people.


Unlike the DUCK - Donald, who only after the PRAGS.


What do you think Pandit Nehru?



There these Visnu Bisrams go again?  My father said Ramjattan is a very good man.  A true son of Guyana.  A soldier for the rights of the people.


Unlike the DUCK - Donald, who only after the PRAGS.


What do you think Pandit Nehru?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

When a low Life piece of RAW SEWAGE like you call be a Moron, it is like winning the Nobel  Prize since EVERYONE on this Board certified you as the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet!!!!

Since when two or three of you losers make up "everyone on this board" you lyin rass you.


Oh rant I just noticed Nehru made that post a month ago, how come I missed it? Dam, I shoulda cussed him out since las month?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Do you mind giving us an update on the AFC's investigation of Ramaya's bygan and bhajee fundraising scandal?

I am disgusted at the AFC for refusing to investigate their own. They have behaved very shameless regarding this matter. Disgraceful is an understatement.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Do you mind giving us an update on the AFC's investigation of Ramaya's bygan and bhajee fundraising scandal?

I am disgusted at the AFC for refusing to investigate their own. They have behaved very shameless regarding this matter. Disgraceful is an understatement.

Like I said that you missed the bus. The results of that investigation was posted here for all to read. How come you guys don't speak out on the PPP/C draing the treasury for their own personal enrichment?

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

When I was in Guyana, a close friend of mine said that Ramjattan only take on clients who have large sums of cash. I am only the messenger.."don't tase me bro". 

Has any one heard this???






There these Visnu Bisrams go again?  My father said Ramjattan is a very good man.  A true son of Guyana.  A soldier for the rights of the people.


Unlike the DUCK - Donald, who only after the PRAGS.


What do you think Pandit Nehru?



There these Visnu Bisrams go again?  My father said Ramjattan is a very good man.  A true son of Guyana.  A soldier for the rights of the people.


Unlike the DUCK - Donald, who only after the PRAGS.


What do you think Pandit Nehru?


For a newbie who just parachuted in, you seem to know the terrain very well.


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