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PPP running scared, losing stronghold supporters-AFC
October 6, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

The Alliance For Change (AFC) says it has been receiving reports from activists and sympathisers, of lies and slander being peddled on the PPP platform at their public meetings.
This notion was expressed by AFC Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop, who with his wife, had placed himself in the seat of sympathizers, and visited a PPP meeting in Enterprise, East Coast Demerara, on September 27.

Ramsaroop noted that not only was the meeting kept in the exact location the AFC held theirs two weeks previously, but that the crowd was in two distinct sections, those attending, numbering around 40, and those heckling.

Neil Kumar, the first speaker, immediately attacked the AFC. Gerhard said that the speaker was saying that the AFC message varied in Indian and African areas. β€œThis was heckled and booed and he spoke for around ten minutes.

β€œOne Seeraj then came on next. He said that AFC stood for Alliance For Compromise/Confusion and that APNU meant A Parasite, Nasty and Ugly. He too spoke for about ten minutes, and was also heckled.”

He further said that at approximately 6:30 pm Anil Nandlall made his way to the podium and started blurting out that the Presidential candidate for the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan was β€œa racist, that he would take away jobs and seize lands from Indians if an AFC Gov’t comes to power, that he did not appreciate the qualified children of cane-cutters and rice farmers having jobs in the PPP Gov’t. He also said that Ramjattan said he would shut down the sugar industry. For this he was roundly shouted down, β€œLie! Lie!”

He said Nandlall continued his attacks on the AFC, tying Trotman to β€œslow fiah, mo fiah, on the basis that Trotman was a member of the PNC at the time. He failed to mention that Trotman never took to the streets, and it was Trotman who asked the PNC to apologise for its past.”
Nandlall’s speech focused otherwise on the difference in Guyana in 1964 to 1992.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
If they change their goonish ways and abandon the PNC and double their offerings by joining the PPP.Hurry there is a limited time offer on this deal. lol

When you wake up out of your dream, make sure to change your medication.
The PNC and PPP are an alliance that goes back to the days of Burnham and Jagan.

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