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Former Member

Ok folks,


We are having interesting, revealing and exciting Political times ahead.


As we all know, Moses of the AFC bluffed and ended with egg on his face after threatening a no confidence motion. The AFC needs approval from the PNC before taking any major decisions especially a no confidence vote.


The PNC is afraid of a no confidence vote since they are scared that their support peak at 41 percent. Only a coalition with the AFC can change their fortunes.


Let us ask the AFC a serious question about when they will table motion. Today, Tomorrow, Next week ? Guess what, like everything that they do, they do not have an answer and a cohesive leadership.


In the end, the AFC is bluffing and cannot move a blade of grass without the approval of their Big Brother, PNC.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chris Ram's letter criticizing Granger is a reflection of AFC's desperation by the to force the hands of Granger and to lend an air to the AFC in support of their so called No Confidence motion.


Guess what ? Granger is his own man and will not yield to the AFC. He will choose to do things on his own term and condition. In the meanwhile, Moses ends up with egg on his face and now being labelled, Bluffmaster.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Chris Ram's letter criticizing Granger is a reflection of AFC's desperation by the to force the hands of Granger and to lend an air to the AFC in support of their so called No Confidence motion.


Guess what ? Granger is his own man and will not yield to the AFC. He will choose to do things on his own term and condition. In the meanwhile, Moses ends up with egg on his face and now being labelled, Bluffmaster.

Ramator is bar-rat man,the AFC will bring the ppp down 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Chris Ram's letter criticizing Granger is a reflection of AFC's desperation by the to force the hands of Granger and to lend an air to the AFC in support of their so called No Confidence motion.


Guess what ? Granger is his own man and will not yield to the AFC. He will choose to do things on his own term and condition. In the meanwhile, Moses ends up with egg on his face and now being labelled, Bluffmaster.

Ramator is bar-rat man,the AFC will bring the ppp down 

They have been saying this for ages. They are only bluffing and need PNC's blessing before making major decisions.

Last edited by Former Member

No Confidence Motionâ€Ķ

GECOM signals intention to

prepare for general elections....


New Elections...

If  Moses say so....

it is so 


July 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 
Chairman of the Guyana Election’s Commission [GECOM), Dr Steve Surujbally

Chairman of the Guyana Election’s Commission (GECOM), Dr Steve Surujbally


Forget what De President say.....

Two days after the Alliance for Change delivered a letter to President Donald Ramotar expressing its intent to table a No Confidence Motion against the Government, the Guyana Elections Commission, (GECOM) has put out a public notice signaling that it is preparing for General elections.

According to the notice, which was published in yesterday’s edition of the Guyana Chronicle, GECOM stated its intention to prepare the preliminary list for the elections given its powers under the National Registration Act.

The notice, which was signed by GECOM’s chairman, Dr Steve Surujbally, outlined that in pursuance of the powers conferred on the Elections Commission by sections 14 of the National Registration Act, Chapter 19:08, the Commissioner of Registration is directed by the Commission to prepare a preliminary list.


Forget what Prya de Piggy Say....

The preliminary list is taken from the central register established under section nine (1) of the National Registration Act. The list contains entries, records of the full names, addresses, occupations and serial numbers of registration records of every person, who is qualified for registration with reference to the October 31, 2014 as an elector for elections to the National Assembly and the Regional Democratic Council.


Forget what Nandalall say about Coke-in-de-poke,

On Friday last, the Alliance For Change (AFC) delivered a letter to President Donald Ramotar, outlining its intent of issuing a No Confidence Motion against Government.

According to the letter, the AFC sees no other alternative than to proceed with this constitutional mechanism “for removal of an unpopular Government that has ceased to enjoy the confidence of the National Assembly.”

The AFC accused the Government of demonstrating unlawful and contemptuous actions and showing disregard for the Supreme Law of the Country.
The ‘action’ to which is being referred, is the spending by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh of $4.5B of the $30B that was disapproved by the combined opposition in the 2014 Budget.


Forget what Rohee say....

The Finance Minister then went ahead and took the monies from the Consolidated Fund without the approval of Parliament.
The Constitutional Fund is the Fund “into which all public monies are placed and out of which all public expenditure should be met, only on the authority of Parliament.”

Forget what Ashnee say.....

The Minister, in justifying the legitimacy of the $4.5B expenditure, pointed to Article 218 (3B) of the Guyana Constitution which reads: “If in respect of any financial year it is found—that any moneys have been expended for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated for that purpose by the Appropriation Act or for a purpose for which no amount has been appropriated by that Act, a supplementary estimate, or as the case may be, a statement of excess showing the sums required or spent shall be laid before the Assembly by the Minister responsible for finance or any other Minister designated by the President.”

Forget what Gail say...

This provision, Singh said, had been in the Constitution ever since 1980, and further, a Statement of Excess is not unknown to the political opposition, since over the past two years they would have approved at least 58.9 per cent of the amounts on three Statements of Excess that he has tabled as a result of the various budget cuts.However, Ramjattan asserted in his letter to the President that the withdrawal/s from the Consolidated Fund was “unconstitutional” and “unauthorized.”

Forget what Sam Hinds say......

He said that it is the party’s belief that “such withdrawals as reported in Financial Paper #1 of 2014 are in clear contravention of Article 217 of the Constitution of the Republic of Guyana and Section 16 of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act [FMAA].


Forget what Luncheon say....

Article 217 of the Constitutions says “All revenues or other moneys raised or received by Guyana (not being revenues or other moneys that are payable, by or under an Act of Parliament, into some other fund established for any specific purpose or that may, by or under an Act, be retained by the authority that received them for the purpose of defraying the expenses of that authority) shall be paid into and from one Consolidated Fund.”
While Section 16 of the FMAA outlines that “there shall be no expenditure of public moneys except in accordance with Article 217 of the Constitution.”


Forget what Granger, TK, Mamoo & Kwame......


However, while the main opposition party, A Partnership for National Unity, APNU remains “somewhat undecided,” on the issue, a member of the coalition has expressed concerns regarding the next general elections.


In a letter addressed to the editor of Stabroek News, APNU Member of Parliament, James Bond noted that there is no point to the no- confidence motion unless the AFC and the APNU go to the national polls under one leader.


“I for my own part will not attach myself to that wagon unless the AFC and APNU after attaching themselves to this wagon decide that they would contest the next general elections with one representative of the listâ€Ķ.It would be utter foolishness for there to be a vote of no confidence in the House and when we are out of the House we divorce and go our separate ways.


“It is time for the leadership to rid itself of those conspiracy theoriesâ€Ķ the APNU are the brothers and sisters of all races, who want to move this country forward and set things rightâ€Ķ”


Do not waste my time and the people of Guyana’s time if you are not prepared to make a bold and correct decision. We should have done this since 2011. It’s time we lay the groundwork now,” the MP urged.



New Elections...

If  Moses say so....

it is so....

Donald Cork Duck




A word of advice, stop posting nonsense and make a valuable contribution to your party of support rather than posting nonsense. You post utter hogwash and reveal that you lack proper education and are not worthy of a debate.


Now as Nehru would say stop posting pictha lika pitcha. It demeans you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



A word of advice, stop posting nonsense and make a valuable contribution to your party of support rather than posting nonsense. You post utter hogwash and reveal that you lack proper education and are not worthy of a debate.


Now as Nehru would say stop posting pictha lika pitcha. It demeans you.

what the man is posting is what is happening in guyana,MOSES will part and divide the indians in will not be about race but grace

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



A word of advice, stop posting nonsense and make a valuable contribution to your party of support rather than posting nonsense. You post utter hogwash and reveal that you lack proper education and are not worthy of a debate.


Now as Nehru would say stop posting pictha lika pitcha. It demeans you.

what the man is posting is what is happening in guyana,MOSES will part and divide the indians in will not be about race but grace

Moses can do katahar. He is a bluff master and loves having meetings with the Chinese.





Images (1)
  • CHEC_101
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



A word of advice, stop posting nonsense and make a valuable contribution to your party of support rather than posting nonsense. You post utter hogwash and reveal that you lack proper education and are not worthy of a debate.


Now as Nehru would say stop posting pictha lika pitcha. It demeans you.

what the man is posting is what is happening in guyana,MOSES will part and divide the indians in will not be about race but grace

Moses can do katahar. He is a bluff master and loves having meetings with the Chinese.





Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I would not be surprised if one day it is revealed that the opposition parties were financed by the Chinese including payment of the hefty fees Dick Morris charged the AFC. I suspect the opposition has been working with the Chinese behind the scenes promising them sweet deals in exchange for financial support.



These shameless AFC dawgs are condemning the Chinese to please their "Masters" who hate the Chinese but are still collecting.


The Chinese know that the PPP gov't. would not sell out Guyana wholesale like the PNC. China's record at home stinks  and it is even worse overseas with corrupt governments in Africa. The PPP gov't. is not perfect but it is nowhere near what is truly considered corrupt in Africa and Latin America. The Chinese would prefer dealing with the PNC than with the PPP for this reason.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Chinese know that the PPP gov't. would not sell out Guyana wholesale like the PNC. China's record at home stinks  and it is even worse overseas with corrupt governments in Africa. The PPP gov't. is not perfect but it is nowhere near what is truly considered corrupt in Africa and Latin America. The Chinese would prefer dealing with the PNC than with the PPP for this reason.






Images (1)
  • CHEC_101
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I would not be surprised if one day it is revealed that the opposition parties were financed by the Chinese including payment of the hefty fees Dick Morris charged the AFC. I suspect the opposition has been working with the Chinese behind the scenes promising them sweet deals in exchange for financial support.

old people say do not take your shit and rub am at other people backside.the ppp is giving away guyana to the chinese 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I would not be surprised if one day it is revealed that the opposition parties were financed by the Chinese including payment of the hefty fees Dick Morris charged the AFC. I suspect the opposition has been working with the Chinese behind the scenes promising them sweet deals in exchange for financial support.

old people say do not take your shit and rub am at other people backside.the ppp is giving away guyana to the chinese 

Take a close look at Moses with the Chinese.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Chris Ram's letter criticizing Granger is a reflection of AFC's desperation by the to force the hands of Granger and to lend an air to the AFC in support of their so called No Confidence motion.


Guess what ? Granger is his own man and will not yield to the AFC. He will choose to do things on his own term and condition. In the meanwhile, Moses ends up with egg on his face and now being labelled, Bluffmaster.

So Yuji what would you say about Rose and Singh letter fishing up OLD man Granger the other day?



APNU needs a passionate leader with more political experience


Dear Editor,
Many years of observing the political play in Guyana has stimulated a passion in us to want the best for the people especially the poor and the working class who are struggling to make ends meet. For some time now, we have been calling a spade a spade by exposing the corrupt practices and other wrong doings of this greedy and uncaring regime. With the outcome of the 2011 elections, we thought that those electoral results would have provided the first opportunity for the post-Jagan PPP to act with a sense of rationality, soundness and fiscal discipline in the best interest of all the people and not just for their wealthy friends and supporters.
It was never to be, since the minority PPP regime has certainly not gotten the quality of opposition they deserve from APNU. We have tried our very best to give the benefit of the doubt to Mr. David Granger since his occupation of that office, but when we think he has reached the lowest ebb of his term and he is on a rebound, he continues to defy political reality. All the nation has gotten from Mr. Granger is political positions that complement the PPP’s wicked agenda rather than interrogate them and take appropriate political action to stop further corrupt acts and other wrong doings, including the raping of the Treasury.
For example, the Minister of Finance has on three occasions spent billions of dollars that were not approved by Parliament and yet he remains unsanctioned.  Instead, APNU is now signaling that it wants to take the matter to Court rather than throwing all its weight behind the AFC’s call for a no-confidence motion against the PPP.  In an environment where the PPP seems to hold a fairly large sway over the judiciary, APNU continues to submit itself to the Courts rather than to the people. In a country with such a weak, compromised and antiquated judiciary and a powerless legislature, the ultimate arbiter has to be the people.  Why is Mr. Granger afraid of the people? Why has he allowed the PPP to disarm the PNC of its most potent weapon—peaceful demonstrations? Where is the fire in Mr. Granger to fight for the rights of the people? Maybe, he is satisfied with his lackluster performance because those around him are afraid to speak up for fear of reprisals. Just ask Vanessa Kissoon, Aubrey Norton and others who were rebuked by the party’s leaders.
Another example of this weak leadership in the Office of the Leader of the Opposition is the incident where Parliament has passed a motion of no-confidence against Mr. Rohee in 2012.  In spite of this action, we find that in 2014, Mr. Granger led his team to vote for funds for the Office of the Minister of Home Affairs, thus giving more political power to Mr. Rohee. Since then, Rohee has turned his venom on a passive David Granger and APNU.
Then in a political environment where the PPP continues to publicly broadside the majority opposition on a daily basis, up comes Mr. Granger offering the PPP bullies a “social contract” to promote national unity.  This is not only an unreasonable, unsound and irrational political strategy but also the action of a political novice. We are telling Mr. Granger that he is wasting his precious time calling for a national front government because it will not happen in this century or in the next. The PPP will never be interested in sharing power with the combined opposition. Further, no experience political leader will say that he is not ready for elections or the people of Berbice are on their own to make sure that the PPP lower the tolls on the Bridge. Is this the strategy of a political rookie showing all his cards to his opponent rather than keeping them close to his chest? This suggests that the defeat of the PNC/APNU at the polls is inevitable.
According to reports from the media, there is an internal party incident between Ms. Vanessa Kissoon, Mr. Oscar Clarke and maybe others.  In such a situation, due process would dictate that all parties involved be withdrawn from the process and allow an independent disciplinary committee to investigate the matter and pronounce on its findings.  What we find instead is executive disorder in the PNC since only Ms. Kissoon was suspended, while the other was allowed to influence the investigation. If Mr. David Granger cannot run his party impartially, how can the people trust him to govern the country equitably? What kind of message is the PNC leadership sending to the youths of Guyana?
As we dig deeper, these incidents expose a much bigger issue. What are the stated goals of Mr. Granger as the current Leader of the Opposition and what has he achieved for the people since he was elevated to that office? We continue to struggle to find evidence of actual gains for the people under his leadership; no Local Government Elections, no Procurement Commission, no tangible increases in salary for the workers, no satisfactory increase in old age pension, no end to the unlimited and reckless waste of the taxpayers’ money including millions being given to Jagdeo for his pension and unlimited medical, travel and household expenses,  no reduction of VAT and so on.  We can list dozens of more shattered dreams of the people since 2011. Where is the vision? Where is the political mettle? Where is the political passion and will? We just have not seen any real political action from Mr. David Granger where he has taken the fight to the PPP and won. One of Mr. Granger’s weaknesses is that he continues to allow Mr. Ramotar to dictate to him when and where they should meet and what issue should be discussed. We have said repeatedly that Mr. Granger should meet with Mr. Ramotar at a neutral location such as Parliament and not in the Office of the President.
If you are a PNC supporter and living in Guyana since 2011, your chances of economic and social progression have dwindled and we can only blame Mr. David Granger for failing to fight for his supporters. The PPP has gotten so bold that they have declared economic apartheid against communities deemed pro-PNC. Just ask the Lindeners and the people in New Amsterdam. These issues are not even mentioned by Mr. Granger. Why? In fact, he continues to make mistakes and trips over them.
We have no reservation in clearly stating that it is better to have someone with more political experience and passion as the leader of the PNC rather than Mr. David Granger since he appears incapable of taking the political fight to the unrighteous and corrupt PPP regime. If he continues as leader of the PNC with such lackluster performance then the people will have two choices. One, they will most likely stay away from the polls which means the PPP wins and two, they will support the AFC en-mass, which means the people win since the PPP continues to lose thousands of supporters in Berbice and elsewhere to the AFC after 2011. The AFC is now waging a serious battle in Regions Two and Three—PPP strongholds. Where is APNU? Why is Mr. Granger not taking his message to the Indo-Guyanese communities in Guyana as he did in Richmond Hill, New York in May?
We wish Mr. Granger personally all the best but a man must know his limitation and must be true to himself even if he cannot be true to the people especially at his age. It is time to act with boldness and outfox the PPP, Mr. Granger. We are watching you daily!
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I would suggest you date Rohee's daughter for a change. You would get a junior wuk after that.


He would have a handful. Great recommendation. 

Junior Minister of Loud Mouth Ministry fits his profile.

the first thing i will do is marry you to kwame

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC think dey smart.


But Granger is an old and experienced politician, a lot smarter than all of the AFC leaders combined with the exception of Gerhard who should become the next leader of the AFC.


Granger is like a Greeenheart tree. 

Granger is wasting the black people time


Granger is the defender of Black People's rights. He will never sell them out like Norton and others.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC think dey smart.


But Granger is an old and experienced politician, a lot smarter than all of the AFC leaders combined with the exception of Gerhard who should become the next leader of the AFC.


Granger is like a Greeenheart tree. 

Granger is wasting the black people time


Granger is the defender of Black People's rights. He will never sell them out like Norton and others.

what he defending the ppp is still in government stealing the tax payer blind,the fool should already kill some ppp ministers


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