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Former Member

Shadow Finance Minister Carl Greenidge, the first speaker in the 2014 debates, noted that consultative process leading up to the presentation of the 2014 Estimates last Monday was lacking and the resulting consequences will be cuts, as seen in the last two years.

Greenidge stressed that the Opposition has the “right” to modify the 2014 Estimates.

Greenidge noted that the Government is in receipt of proposals that would ensure a budget that is favourable across the aisle; but the contention of the Government is contrary.
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, as recent as last Tuesday, said: “It is a matter of public record (that) we invited the opposition parties on several occasions, and they failed to turn up. So if there is a lack of consultation, it’s because they refused to make themselves available.

“There were repeated invitations made, and they refused to avail themselves.”

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC is trying to mislead the public that they were not invited for budget consultations but as usual, they were caught not telling the truth ONCE AGAIN.



When were they invited?? show abee these the letter??

Last edited by Former Member

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, as recent as last Tuesday, said: “It is a matter of public record (that) we invited the opposition parties on several occasions, and they failed to turn up. So if there is a lack of consultation, it’s because they refused to make themselves available.

“There were repeated invitations made, and they refused to avail themselves.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, as recent as last Tuesday, said: “It is a matter of public record (that) we invited the opposition parties on several occasions, and they failed to turn up. So if there is a lack of consultation, it’s because they refused to make themselves available.

“There were repeated invitations made, and they refused to avail themselves.”

Show we the record!


Asni cannot he trusted, he lied before and he will lie again - he is a liar!


AFC lied ONCE AGAIN. Snake Oil bottle smashed again:


Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, as recent as last Tuesday, said: “It is a matter of public record (that) we invited the opposition parties on several occasions, and they failed to turn up. So if there is a lack of consultation, it’s because they refused to make themselves available.

“There were repeated invitations made, and they refused to avail themselves.”


Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC lied ONCE AGAIN. Snake Oil bottle smashed again:


Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, as recent as last Tuesday, said: “It is a matter of public record (that) we invited the opposition parties on several occasions, and they failed to turn up. So if there is a lack of consultation, it’s because they refused to make themselves available.

“There were repeated invitations made, and they refused to avail themselves.”


The proof is in the pudding, show we the evidence.  Is you claiming an invite was issued, show we the paper work.


You proper dunce.


The proof is on public television and in Parliament.


Sad that you did not complete fourth standard.


You are peddling AFC lies and snake oil. Keep your stench elsewhere.


Yugi cannot have sex for pleasure.


It has often been observed that the stricter the religious sect, the more obsessed it is about sexuality. This is most certainly the case with the Hare Krishna devotees. Of the four “regulative principles” whose practice is required of all aspiring and initiated ISKCON followers, the most onerous is the one banning any sexual activity not specifically intended for procreation.


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