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Former Member

CAPITOL NEWS --- Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman, Nigel Hughes moments ago tendered his resignation at a management meeting of the party.

Hughes confirmed the news exclusively to Capitol News’ Senior Reporter, Royston Drakes.

He did not offer an explanation for this move but promised to issue a statement on Tuesday.

His resignation follows a Party statement calling for some of the powers of the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon to be reduced.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nigel Hughes was involved in race baiting and rioting in Agricola. The entire Agricola was on fire, children lives were at risk and people couldn't go to work or attend to their business. The sole intention was to make the country unmanageable under the PPP. He was deeply involved with under the table business as chairman of the AFC. Ramjattan at the time wanted to show the PNC that he is blacker than black to stir racial riots in the name of politics. Ramjattan should choke on a fish bone, and Nigel should commits suicide upon his resignation.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Nigel Hughes was involved in race baiting and rioting in Agricola. The entire Agricola was on fire, children lives were at risk and people couldn't go to work or attend to their business. The sole intention was to make the country unmanageable under the PPP. He was deeply involved with under the table business as chairman of the AFC. Ramjattan at the time wanted to show the PNC that he is blacker than black to stir racial riots in the name of politics. Ramjattan should choke on a fish bone, and Nigel should commits suicide upon his resignation.

He was also involved in removing the camera ( evidence)  at Hamilton Gas station in  Buxton when Brian Hamilton was murder by the buxton gang.  

This was the gang that congress place and Nigel Hughes were arming to terrorize Indians.  

The tape capture the killing and Nigel did not turn it over to police. He would then defend these criminals in court. 

Nigel Hughes is a dangerous man, he will have to answer to his creator time will tell.  




Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes has decided to step down as Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), but party leader Khemraj Ramjattan hopes to get him to change his mind.

Ramjattan, who was present at the meeting, subsequently spoke with Mr. Hughes and a meeting is arranged for Tuesday, April 12th.

The party sought to scotch reports that Hughes’ decision was apparently linked to a lack of consensus on a statement that the AFC issued at the end of Sunday’s (April 11, 2o16) retreat in which a call was made for Minister of State, Joseph Harmon to be stripped of some of his powers. β€œThe party confirms unequivocally that the statement issued on April 10th following its leadership retreat was a one which was unanimously approved by the attendees of the leadership retreat,” the AFC said in a statement.

Hughes’ decision to quit the number two spot in the AFC was made at a statutory Management Committee meeting of the party on Monday. The party did not say specifically what was Hughes’ decision, only saying that β€œChairman Nigel Hughes made an announcement with regard to his Chairmanship of the party.”

The AFC in its post-retreat statement also called on President David Granger to swiftly hand over copies of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry Report to Rodney’s family and other interest parties as well as make the report public. Also, the AFC called for an assessment of the several forensic audit reports and the acquisition of independent legal advice to determine if anyone should be charged and prosecuted by an team of professional prosecutors.

The party said it would make no further statement on the issue at this time.


It seems Nigel has a problem when questions are ask about PNC members.  

This is the second time he resigning, and Rummy bowing to his foot begging. I hope  Nigel kick he cockeye rass.

Nemakaram and Ramjat trying to hold AFC together, very soon they will be out of ministerial portfolio.  

People are only fooling themselves, at the end of the day... black = PNC. Indians = PPP. 

Nigel was always a racist. 



The PPP and PNC cannot live in the same house. At a meeting in Queens, NY Trotman proudly stated that Mr. Rickford Burke introduced him to the PNC and praised LFS Burnham as a gifted lawyer and statesman. At the meeting it was crystal clear that the unity of the Indos and Afros was superficial. It was for political convenience and nothing else. It is bound to break apart and it is already beginning to happen.

Billy Ram Balgobin


On the 11th day of April 2016 I tendered my resignation to the leadership of the Alliance for Change (AFC).

My continuing to act as Chairman of the party had become difficult and untenable.

It has been a privilege and honour to have served in the capacity as Chairman of the party.

Better Must Come." - END -

Gilbakka posted:


On the 11th day of April 2016 I tendered my resignation to the leadership of the Alliance for Change (AFC).

My continuing to act as Chairman of the party had become difficult and untenable.

It has been a privilege and honour to have served in the capacity as Chairman of the party.

Better Must Come." - END -

Dem still staying Better Must Come.  I thought that came on May 11th for the AFC.  Dem still campaigning????

Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as anotherLow Life Coolie Party.

Irrelevant Venting since when they are a coolie party.??

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


With the recent controversial Brian Tiwari affair people have lambasted this gov't. as putting "Money before Honor".  Do you concur with such strong statement???

If you've been reading my comments closely, you would have noticed that I was against Harmon's appointment of Brian Tiwarie as so-called Business Adviser. Tiwarie says he was serving in that capacity pro bono. Sheer BS. That man doesn't give something for nothing. If he gives M he expects to get back >M.

In my personal life I put Honor before Money and my close friends and relatives can confirm that. However, I will not preach to others to follow me. To each his own.

kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as another Low Life Coolie Party.

Newsflash! PPP is also a dead party.

Django posted:
kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as anotherLow Life Coolie Party.

Irrelevant Venting since when they are a coolie party.??

They are about to become a coolie party.  The non coolies are going over to the PNC. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as anotherLow Life Coolie Party.

Irrelevant Venting since when they are a coolie party.??

They are about to become a coolie party.  The non coolies are going over to the PNC. 

Freedom House guh be happy camper if that happens.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as anotherLow Life Coolie Party.

Irrelevant Venting since when they are a coolie party.??

They are about to become a coolie party.  The non coolies are going over to the PNC. 

Freedom House guh be happy camper if that happens.

At the end of the day, all Guyanese will suffer, not coolie or black.  The PNC playbook of 1964 is unfolding in front of our very eyes.  No one wins.  We all lose!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as anotherLow Life Coolie Party.

Irrelevant Venting since when they are a coolie party.??

They are about to become a coolie party.  The non coolies are going over to the PNC. 

Freedom House guh be happy camper if that happens.

At the end of the day, all Guyanese will suffer, not coolie or black.  The PNC playbook of 1964 is unfolding in front of our very eyes.  No one wins.  We all lose!

Bibi,the tactics written in the old playbook are faded the old boys will have a hard time to read it as such their implementation will be detrimental to them.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as anotherLow Life Coolie Party.

Irrelevant Venting since when they are a coolie party.??

They are about to become a coolie party.  The non coolies are going over to the PNC. 

Freedom House guh be happy camper if that happens.

At the end of the day, all Guyanese will suffer, not coolie or black.  The PNC playbook of 1964 is unfolding in front of our very eyes.  No one wins.  We all lose!

Bibi,the tactics written in the old playbook are faded the old boys will have a hard time to read it as such their implementation will be detrimental to them.

Everything so far is Burnham's blue print.  Watch what happens.  You all underestimate Granger and Harmon.  They are going to do what Jagdeo couldn't do - kill the AFC.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

AFC is dead,Nigel will openly join the PNC sect of the coalition following the foot steps of Trotman. Rumjaat and Nagga days are numbered,Granger keeping them for the big celebration in May as window dressing and after that ,heads will roll. Soon AFC will be diluted as anotherLow Life Coolie Party.

Irrelevant Venting since when they are a coolie party.??

They are about to become a coolie party.  The non coolies are going over to the PNC. 

Freedom House guh be happy camper if that happens.

At the end of the day, all Guyanese will suffer, not coolie or black.  The PNC playbook of 1964 is unfolding in front of our very eyes.  No one wins.  We all lose!

Bibi,the tactics written in the old playbook are faded the old boys will have a hard time to read it as such their implementation will be detrimental to them.

Everything so far is Burnham's blue print.  Watch what happens.  You all underestimate Granger and Harmon.  They are going to do what Jagdeo couldn't do - kill the AFC.

Excellent call Bibi.

The AFC will become a rejected Indo party with the Blacks in the AFC morphing into the PNC and being home with a Burnhamite style Granger/Harmon dictatorship.

The idiots Moses and Rumjhaat threw their AFC supporters under the bus.

Granger is backing Harmonium Harmon 1000 percent. He made it clear that Harmon is not going anywhere. This was all planned out by Granger and Harmon. Guyana will slowly turn into a dictatorship and censorship of the media will begin. KN got the first taste with Harmon's so called supporters.

Freddie also got this share from the PNC and backed down.

Welcome to a Granger/Harmon Burnhamite style dictatorship. Nobody can stand up to them, even Moses declared that Harmon is honest. Moses is shaking in his boots, peeing his pants right now.

I cannot quite read Ramjattan right now and hope that he acts smart and salvage whatever is left of the AFC otherwise the dead meat that he so correctly predicted will stink up the political landscape.

Last edited by Former Member

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