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Former Member

General Secretary of the People Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee says members of the Alliance for Change (AFC) continue to sabotage national projects for personal gains.


Rohee was at the time speaking to reporters at the party’s weekly press briefing at freedom house today, Monday September 9.


Rohee believes members of the AFC are using their public portfolio to push the agenda of private businesses in their personal interest.


He reminded of the AFC’s non-support for projects including the Specialty Hospital, the Marriott Hotel and the Airport Expansion Project which all unfolded into conflict of interest cases.


The PPP General Secretary also recalled the most recent case of such conflict of interest, involving  AFC’s Chairman Nigel Hughes and AFC’s Parliamentarian Cathy Hughes, who while working for Amaila Falls Incorporated did not support the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Plant.


In this regard, Rohee lashed out at so called Guardians of transparency for ignoring this case of conflict of interest in the opposition.

Rohee believes the drafting of a Code of Conduct by the AFC for its members is also a “cheap way” of covering up its wrong doing and pointed out that the document still affords the AFC members the privilege to work for whatever company they wish.

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Nigel Hughes - Code of Conduct:

1) Responsible for Agricola riot

2) Conflict of Interest

3) Jury Tampering

4) extortion 

5) Walk off the COI investigation

6) Tax Evasion  

7) He is still the chairman of AFC


All of which he accomplished as Chairman of the AFC.


Any legitimate political party would have kicked out Hughes a long time ago, but the AFC dogs will hold on to the few Blacks they have with desperation, no matter how corrupt they are proven to be. hahahaha

AFC has deviated from tenets it was founded onPDFPrintE-mail
Written by HASEEF YUSUF, AFC Member/Councillor   

IT has been more than a year since the AFC’s national conference where motions were passed and resolutions were made and as I do a reflection of what had transpired from then to now, it becomes clear that this party has long since deviated from tenets on which it was founded. Of the three founding members, only Ramjattan remains and it becomes more and more apparent that he has been held hostage to the views and political whims of some ‘Johnnies come lately.’ In order to keep the party together, he has to give in to them, exhibiting a total disregard for the voices of the common members and supporters.

Those out there who are of the wrong notion that the AFC is a cohesive unit is so far from the truth: there are two camps within the AFC- those who came from the PPP and those who came from the PNC and it is clear that those from the PNC have dominated most of the senior positions within the AFC, while those that came from the PPP with vengeance in their minds have secured the remaining positions. Therefore, persons like myself who felt that the AFC will never affiliate with the PNC are in absolute error! So now we have the AFC members who support the PNC and the AFC members who support the PPP. However, the good thing is many in the latter group are now of the opinion that the PPP/C is the only way forward and come the next election will make their way back home!
The latest Hughes’ fiasco has convinced a lot of them that I was correct about cronyism and corruption within the party and that the AFC’s leadership is impotent to deal with those issues, because ‘all are involved and all are consumed’.
The AFC leadership has recognised that those members and supporters that they have cunningly wooed from the PPP will return home and that was the main reason why they voted for the Amaila Hydro Project. But this façade was only part of the lies and deceptions that they so inherently are disposed to enact. They knew that for the Amaila Project to be given life it has to be a unanimous decision in parliament and that the PNC will never vote for it. Therefore they had everything to gain by voting for it- they will try to craftily hoodwink those members and supporters who have seen enough of the AFC’s insane and obscene alliance with the PNC.
If the AFC leadership is really interested in economic and social development and are interested in making the ‘right turn’, then they should use their votes to support  and restore the inappropriate and vindictive budget cuts and distance themselves from the PNC’s destabilisation programme.
It is time that the AFC’s leadership realise that Berbicians are not pawns of anyone and can think independently. It is time to support the CJIA expansion, the Money Laundering Bill, the GPL allocation, the Specialty Hospital and all those projects that will improve the daily lives of Guyanese. If you don’t, then your apparent support of the Amaila Project is just part of the drama of lies and deception and you will lose your support base!


Can the people trust the PPP anymore?

September 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


We were disappointed after reading in the KN on September 3rd, 2013, that “President non-assent to bills, Rohee advises APNU to go to court.”  The President’s refusal to assent to the Local Government Bills is most unfortunate and reveals the deceptive nature of the PPP cabal who supported the Bills unanimously in Parliament but is now saying the Bills are unconstitutional.
The PPP does not want to have local Government elections. It will expose their poor political support, hence their unpopularity with the people.  Granger and APNU did not fall for the PPP ploy, but Ramjattan and the AFC did. And even though the AFC MPs voted to support the Amalia project, the PPP has criticized them for their late support.
We want to make it very clear to the opposition, especially the AFC, that the PPP’s Stalinist style of dictatorship does not allow it to bargain, compromise or give anything to the opposition. Simply put, it is all or nothing for the PPP.
Having seen Rohee’s statement, will the people now hear from the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and the US Ambassador?
The PPP has asked for equal representation on the Local Government Commission and the Opposition handed them their wish with the intent of giving the people a chance to renew the local Government system.  All and sundry are fully aware of the risk of the Opposition move, since such a situation can result in deadlock on the Local Government Commission, but the people’s right to have local government elections was more important than whether the Commission has 7 or 8 persons.
But knowing the deceit and lack of morality of the PPP and its poor track record, the opposition should have demanded in writing from Ramotar that he would assent to the local government Bills after their passage in Parliament. But they did not and the country is now heading for a constitutional crisis.
Now the “wolves in sheep clothing” in the PPP have gotten all their way on the Commission.  They have no political appetite to hold local Government elections since they are aware that they cannot win another majority. This PPP Government is unrighteous and continues to con the unsuspecting opposition on all the political moves. We call on the opposition to demand that the PPP set a date for local government elections. After all, it has been almost 20 years since such elections were held.
When will some of our politicians learn that the PPP will cede no political ground? The majority opposition must stop making the Parliament into a rubber stamp for the PPP.  Those in the opposition who think that this has nothing to do with politics should get out of politics rather than compromise the people’s rights and political well-being with their fuzzy ideas on what is in Guyana’s long term national interest and what is in their short-term political interest.
Those who are drinking soup cannot ignore the fact that the bellies of thousands are burning every day in Guyana and they do not need a dysfunctional opposition that cannot do the basics to ease that daily burning.
The future is simple – local Government election before April 2014 or mass protest countrywide.  Linden is in a mess, Leguan is in chaos, LBI/Better Hope is in disarray, Whim/Bloomfield is in disorder, Corriverton is in turmoil, Kwakwani is in uproar and Georgetown is in a very confused state. The people cannot continue with such unstable situations any longer.  They do not trust the PPP anymore. The time for fancy speeches and promises is over.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Originally Posted by Conscience:

General Secretary of the People Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee says members of the Alliance for Change (AFC) continue to sabotage national projects for personal gains.


Rohee was at the time speaking to reporters at the party’s weekly press briefing at freedom house today, Monday September 9.


Rohee believes members of the AFC are using their public portfolio to push the agenda of private businesses in their personal interest.


He reminded of the AFC’s non-support for projects including the Specialty Hospital, the Marriott Hotel and the Airport Expansion Project which all unfolded into conflict of interest cases.


The PPP General Secretary also recalled the most recent case of such conflict of interest, involving  AFC’s Chairman Nigel Hughes and AFC’s Parliamentarian Cathy Hughes, who while working for Amaila Falls Incorporated did not support the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Plant.


In this regard, Rohee lashed out at so called Guardians of transparency for ignoring this case of conflict of interest in the opposition.

Rohee believes the drafting of a Code of Conduct by the AFC for its members is also a “cheap way” of covering up its wrong doing and pointed out that the document still affords the AFC members the privilege to work for whatever company they wish.

What wrong doing? Any fool who has ever set up a company knows the secretary is a place holder for the most part. HE was not squatting on a board like your president getting fat on graft from a company that pillaged us for 20 years without declaring a profit.


More glaring is he over saw the laundering of  Demba's assets to the Chinese for a 40 million profit! Then there is the squatting on the sugar board and overseeing the receipt of a dud factory to the tune of 250 million US and not bright enough or more greedy than bright to take it with no warranty!


But it is not about efficiency and the nations interest. It is spending money to rake in graft. That white elephant that ruined the sugar industry and the lives of 25 thousand Guyanese in the bargain meant the PPP gets to spend another 100 million.


Did not duh duh duh Iffart 7 million for Lenora disappeared into the Sugar factory accounting? Now that is what you called crookedness not a secretary who is in every sane person's mind a place holder in the founding of a company for procedural purposes! T


ell the lies to the cretinous dickheads in the party who care for a reason to self deceive. It is getting pretty hard to do that these days with all of these church mice becoming fat cats before the eyes of the impoverished population.



Last edited by Former Member

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