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AFC completes draft ‘No – Confidence’ motion against Gov’t

July 18, 2014 4:14 pmCategory: latest newsA+ / A-


By Fareeza Haniff


AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.




Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan has confirmed that the Party has completed a draft no – confidence motion which it intends to bring against the Donald Ramotar led administration.

During a telephone interview, Ramjattan told iNews that the Party will proceed with the motion if President Ramotar does not prevent his Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh from spending the country’s money “illegally.”

Ramjattan said that he will keep the draft document in his possession until “we are ready for the public to see it.”

He explained that the Party intends to share it with Opposition Leader, David Granger as soon as possible.

Ramjattan also delivered a letter to the Office of the President yesterday (July 17), addressed to President Ramotar expressing “deep concern over the unauthorized and unconstitutional withdrawals made from our nation’s Consolidated Fund by the Minister of Finance. It is my Party’s belief that such withdrawals as reported in Financial Paper #1 of 2014 are in clear contravention of Article 217 of the Constitution of the Republic of Guyana and Section 16 of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.”

Ramjattan also noted that the Party sees no other alternative than to proceed with “this constitutional mechanism [no – confidence motion] for removal of an unpopular Government that has ceased to enjoy the confidence of the National Assembly and who by its actions has demonstrated an unlawful and contemptuous disregard for the Supreme Law of the Country.”

The Donald Ramotar administration.

The Donald Ramotar administration.


The main opposition – A Partnership for National Unity had noted that it will most likely support the motion. Meanwhile, the Finance Minister is adamant that he spent the money which totals $4.5 billion legally.

He had said there is a process that has to be followed before money is spent and later presented to the National Assembly.

“What you see playing out here, this assault against the Finance Minister is a combination of personal vendettas being pursued on one hand and a politically driven campaign that is driven by distortion on the other.”

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bring it on PUNK, Jhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan!!!!  Don't be surprise if he takes it and wipe his Batty!!!!!!!

...he then wipes it across your lips, to which you squeal with delight

Last edited by cain

Opposition must deal with consequences of no-confidence vote- Ramotar

Parliament Building

Parliament Building
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President Donald Ramotar on Friday said his administration was ready for early general elections if the opposition-controlled National Assembly approves a no-confidence motion in the government but they would have to answer the electorate on number of key issues.
Responding to Alliance For Change (AFC) leader Khemraj Ramjattan’s letter, the Guyanese leader said the ruling Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) was ready for the resignation of the entire cabinet if a no-confidence vote is passed by the 65-seat House.
“As I have said publicly before, the PPP/Civic and I are prepared to face the consequences of such a motion and the electorate,” he said.
The President reiterated to Ramjattan that government was constitutionally and legally right in first spending from the Consolidated Fund and seeking parliamentary approval.
Ramotar cautioned that if the combined opposition used its one-seat majority and passed a no-confidence motion, those parties would have to explain why they never supported several key infrastructural projects. He used his response to mudsling the AFC and APNU, charging that they had once advocated the closure of the sugar industry.  Those two parties have since said they are in favour ensuring that the state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) was properly managed.  The President also seized the opportunity to attack a member of the AFC’s hierarchy.
The AFC Leader earlier Friday released his correspondence to President Ramotar, stating that since the government appeared unwilling to stop abusing its power a no-confidence vote would be the only route,
Following is the full text of President Ramotar’s response to the AFC’s Leader’s letter.
I received your letter dated 17th July, 2014 today, July 12, 2014.
Let me from the inception say that it is your constitutional right to lay a no- confidence motion in the National Assembly.
However, the pretext that you have chosen to ground your motion is completely baseless and spurious.
I resolutely maintain that the actions taken by my government about which you complain are expressly authorised and permitted by both the letter and spirit of the constitution. Indeed, you yourself participated in this identical process in the years 2012 and 2013 by supporting Financial Papers 1 of 2012 and 1 of 2013.
Article 218 (3) is unambiguous in allowing for expenditure to be incurred in the absence, or in excess of available appropriations as approved in the extant Appropriations Act. That Article reads thus:
“In respect of any financial year it is found… that any moneys have been expected for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated for that purpose by the Appropriation Act or for a purpose for which no amount has been appropriated by that Act… a statement of excess showing the amounts… spent shall be laid before the National Assembly by the Minister responsible for Finance…”
The Honourable Chief Justice, Mr. Ian Chang in his 18 July, 2012 ruling on the budget cuts case is equally unambiguous. He states thus:
“The application of article 218(3) is premised on a finding of insufficiency of an appropriate amount for a stated purpose or of no amount for a purpose for which a need has arisen and which has received no appropriation it is not this court to substitute itself for the Minister of Finance. It is he who must make the perquisite “finding” under Article 218(3) of the constitution…”
As I have said publicly before, the PPP/Civic and I are prepared to face the consequences of such a motion and the electorate.
It will give us the opportunity to demand that the AFC explains to the Guyanese people their denial of them having cheap energy by opposing the Hydro Power Station at Amaila. In so doing, you have opposed the industrialisation of our country and the creation of decent jobs for our people, particularly our young people.
You will have a chance to explain why you have voted against giving the Guyanese people better health care due to your opposition to a specialty hospital. Moreover, you will clarify for the electorate whether it was because your client lost out in the bidding process to construct the complex.
It will be a good occasion for you to explain to the people if your opposition to the construction of a Marriott Hotel was rooted in the fact that your chief financier is also in the hotel business.
It will give you the opportunity to explain to the Guyanese people how and why the Chairman of your party interfered with the judicial process causing the persons who were charged with the Lusignan massacre to walk free.
An opportunity will be presented for you to explain why you partnered with the APNU calling for the closing down of the sugar industry thereby jeopardising the lives and livelihood of thousands of sugar workers and their families.
You will explain to the Guyanese people why you cut budgetary allocations to the indigenous people affecting development in their communities. Indeed, you will explain to all the people of this country, especially the poor people, why you cut monies out of the national budget which were allocated to improve and advance their welfare and that of their children, for example, the poverty alleviation initiatives, including the student loans and uniform and transportation allowances for school children.
You will explain why you opposed the Anti Money Laundering Bill thereby exposing our country to international sanctions and our people to economic and financial hardships.
Of course, I can continue but I think the point is made.
In conclusion, I reiterate that I will never stand in the way of any person or political party seeking to exercise any constitutional right, power or freedom which they enjoy.

AFC tells Ramotar time-up, ready for no-confidence

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar
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The smaller opposition Alliance For Change (AFC) has told President Donald Ramotar that it is going ahead with its vote of no confidence in the government that will inevitably see Guyana going into early general elections before year end if approved by the combined opposition-controlled House.
AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan told the Guyanese leader that he was pushing ahead with the no confidence vote because government was spending millions of dollars from the Consolidated Fund without parliamentary approval. "Our Party sees no other alternative than to proceed with this constitutional mechanism for removal of an unpopular Government that has ceased to enjoy the confidence of the National Assembly and who by its actions has demonstrated an unlawful and contemptuous disregard for the Supreme Law of the Country," he said in the July 17, 2014 letter.
The Guyana government has maintained that it has been using money from the Fund in keeping with the constitution and High Court rulings on budget cuts.

A Partnership for National Unity's (APNU) spokesman, Mark Archer has told reporters that his opposition coalition was exploring a number of options including the no-confidence vote.

Following is the full text of the AFC Leader's letter to the President and copied to Opposition Leader David Granger.
Dear Mr. President,
I write to you out of deep concern over the unauthorized and unconstitutional withdrawals made from our nation's Consolidated Fund by the Minister of Finance.
It is my Party's belief that such withdrawals as reported in Financial Paper #1 of 2014 are in clear contravention of Article 217 of the Constitution of the Republic of Guyana and Section 16 of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.
In addition, we believe that this action taken by your Government greatly exceeds the mandate given by the people of Guyana in the elections of 2011, in which your party received 48% of the vote. I wish to emphasize that the Alliance For Change has always respected the results of those elections, the supremacy of the Constitution of Guyana and the rule of law which are the bases on which your party ought to govern.
I wish also to emphasize that the will of the Guyanese people is reflected in the composition of the National Assembly, and that one of the key roles played by that body is the authorisation of all public spending.
My Party therefore finds it wholly unacceptable that your Government is now spending from the Consolidated Fund beyond the provisions of the Appropriations Act of 2014 or any other approved by the National Assembly.
We cannot condone participate in or lend any support to such a serious breach of the Constitution and laws of Guyana, and we find it necessary in the light of the clear and present danger to the Constitution and the rule of law to explore all options necessary for safeguarding the public purse against further lawless spending.
I am aware that Article 106(6) of our Constitution provides an option that is currently being discussed nationwide i.e. the forced resignation of the Cabinet including the President following a defeat in the National Assembly on a vote of no-confidence.
In the light of what has occurred, I wish to formally clarify that my Party has indeed been actively considering this option and currently is of the view that the options for lawful and constitutional alternatives have rapidly decreased.
Our Party sees no other alternative than to proceed with this constitutional mechanism for removal of an unpopular Government that has ceased to enjoy the confidence of the National Assembly and who by its actions has demonstrated an unlawful and contemptuous disregard for the Supreme Law of the Country.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bring it on PUNK, Jhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan!!!!  Don't be surprise if he takes it and wipe his Batty!!!!!!!

...he then wipes it across your lips, to which you squeal with delight

Cain, You are the CERTIFIED SHIT EATER and SHIT CLEANER. The Dope cause you to believe SHIT is FOOD.


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