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AFC Congress opens today against a backdrop of internal wrangling -election of presidential or prime ministerial candidates not on the agenda
Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

AFC Congress opens today against a backdrop of internal wrangling -election of presidential or prime ministerial candidates not on the agenda

Notably, the party’s conference, which was initially slated for October comes at a time when the party is facing challenges, some of which are expected to cause some amount of unease at today’s Conference. These include:
*Internal wrangling as a result of Ramjattan’s endorsement of Nagamootoo as the party’s presidential candidate.
*The resignations of mainstream supporters;
* The perception that it is aligned with the main Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), particularly as it relates to the divisions in the party, which has seen two faction emerging – the Ramjattan faction and the Hughes faction;
* Indications of lost support in People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) constituencies where it managed to secure something of a foothold during the 2011 elections; and
* Damning allegations that the party is practicing race politics.
The AFC leader, when contacted for a response on whether these matters would attract the attention of the party during the conference, was unavailable for comment. “I am very busy right now,” he told the Guyana Chronicle yesterday.

A significant loss for the party was the resignation of Sasenarine Singh, who was considered the party’s Finance Chief.
Last August, the AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes had tendered his resignation, but it was not accepted. Hughes had offered his resignation after it was reported that he was the Company Secretary of Amaila Falls Hydro Inc. However, Hughes in a release had said “the incorporation of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc and my appointment as secretary had been a matter of public record since the incorporation of the Company in April 2009.
Prior to that, in March 2013, AFC Councillor Charrandas Persaud decided to leave the party over “recognition issues,” which were among a long list of his concerns that are yet to be addressed.
Several other members, including Dr Asquith Rose and Tarron Khemraj, had resigned from the party and joined A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), because of unresolved conflicts and differences on policy issues and decisions taken by the AFC’s current leadership.
The AFC representative on the Region 2 (Pomeroon/ Supenaam) Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Archie Cordis, has also parted ways with the party.
In early October this year, former AFC Region 6 (East Berbice/ Corentyne) Councillor, Haseef Yusuf, a very vocal critic of the party, was replaced by popular businessman, DevindraSookraj.


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Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC experiences a flat tire as Gerhard ran from the AFC amid serious allegations regarding the AFC:




Trotman leff dem and run too. Weh de man deh? Nobady nah hear fram de man? Like de man friken Welshman?


Gerhard is the tip of the spear working with the PNC to create the coalition of the willing and a united opposition front to ensure the defeat of the PPP.


The PPP will only continue to fool the unschooled brigade. They can only fool those who have not a high school education.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC experiences a flat tire as Gerhard ran from the AFC amid serious allegations regarding the AFC:




Trotman leff dem and run too. Weh de man deh? Nobady nah hear fram de man? Like de man friken Welshman?

Trotman is in conversation with his PNC handlers planning a merger of the AFC and PNC while they are lying to their supporters.


Skelly, guess why they don't want to name leadership candidates ?


AFC is a party of thugs, dictators and liars.

Last edited by Former Member

AFC ain't gat no money bag operation where their colleagues and collaborators are arrested in the US for money laundering, fraud and drug trafficking that is on record and the PPP is associated with every one of them.



Roger Khan

Khamraj Lall

Sonny Ramdeo - Jagdeo Jet part 1.


Shall we continue?


The PPP is even responsible for the murder of one of their own ministers. go figure.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



A party with constant infighting:




These power hungry rejects will cannibalize each other. Give em time.


They are actually a bunch of cannibals.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

AFC ain't gat no money bag operation where their colleagues and collaborators are arrested in the US for money laundering, fraud and drug trafficking that is on record and the PPP is associated with every one of them.



Roger Khan

Khamraj Lall

Sonny Ramdeo - Jagdeo Jet part 1.


Shall we continue?


The PPP is even responsible for the murder of one of their own ministers. go figure.

And your beloved PNC are all saints. And who is Grainger?


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