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AFC Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo on Monday stated that the party is seriously contemplating a no-confidence motion against the Ramotar government.


Nagamootoo cited what he said was the government’s lack of regard for accountability among other issues. He pointed to the recent revelation that the government had already spent $4.5 billion of the $37.4 billion which had been cut by the joint opposition from the $220 billion 2014 budget. The government has now tabled a financial paper in Parliament to cover this amount but there is no guarantee that the opposition will support It.


Nagamootoo said that this was just the sort of behaviour that shows the government lacks accountability. He said that a no-confidence motion “would have to be supported by the entire opposition. It is not a unilateral decision for the AFC (Alliance For Change), but it is something that is now coming to the table in light of the serious financial breach.”

A no-confidence vote passed by the one-seat opposition majority would bring down the government.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

You mean no need for riots and the army? How convenient.

low-IQ spear carrier reaching fuh "smartness"


yaaaaaaaaaannnn . . .

Last edited by Former Member

Approval of a non-confidence motion against the Government would move to an election within ninety days.


It is now left, if the news-source is correct, to see if indeed the AFC will achieve the non-confidence motion.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Approval of a non-confidence motion against the Government would move to an election within ninety days.


It is now left, if the news-source is correct, to see if indeed the AFC will achieve the non-confidence motion.


Originally Posted by redux:

this could be a game changer if the Joint Opposition is bold . . . and smart!

Does the opposition have the money to fund an election?  Why not wait untio declining gold earnings begin to bite the economy?


The AFCs big problem is that they are ambulance chasers.  What they need to focus on is LGE.

Last edited by Former Member

AFC considering no-confidence motion against gov’t -Nagamootoo

Posted By Staff Writer On June 25, 2014 In Local News


AFC Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo on Monday stated that the party is seriously contemplating a no-confidence motion against the Ramotar government.


Nagamootoo cited what he said was the government’s lack of regard for accountability among other issues. He pointed to the recent revelation that the government had already spent $4.5 billion of the $37.4 billion which had been cut by the joint opposition from the $220 billion 2014 budget. The government has now tabled a financial paper in Parliament to cover this amount but there is no guarantee that the opposition will support It.


Nagamootoo said that this was just the sort of behaviour that shows the government lacks accountability. He said that a no-confidence motion “would have to be supported by the entire opposition. It is not a unilateral decision for the AFC (Alliance For Change), but it is something that is now coming to the table in light of the serious financial breach.”


A no-confidence vote passed by the one-seat opposition majority would bring down the government. It is unclear what the main opposition APNU’s views would be on a no-confidence motion at this stage.


Article 106(6) of the constitution states that “The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence”. New elections would then have to be held in three months.

Nagamootoo, who was a longstanding member of the PPP/C before switching to the AFC in 2011, told Stabroek News that “unauthorized spending not approved by parliament shows just what they are capable of and what their intentions are”. Nagamootoo said that a no-confidence motion could be used to end the constant gridlock on a variety of issues including the anti-laundering legislation.


“We are prepared to engage the minority government on all issues and we are prepared to make reasonable compromises, that would be compromises to take the process forward,” Nagamootoo stated. He highlighted that the AFC’s stance on the passing of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism has always hinged on the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) and the party had made provision to compromise such as amending sections of the legislation, however the government has remained stubborn.


Nagamootoo said that “for the PPC we put a roadmap on how it could be actualized which was a compromise, but this government has not seen it fit to do the same”. He said that there has been an abandonment of the tripartite engagements among the parties “which is a pity and I also believe that was a deliberate move on the government’s part. It is in keeping with the style of the Ramotar regime.”


He said that “we want engagement and that these discussions need to be between the leaders and be done through parliamentary engagement”.


Nagamootoo stated that prior to last Thursday’s meeting of the National Assembly he was rhetorically asking himself how much more the country can take in relation to the government’s no-compromise stance. Nagamootoo had first posted his views on Facebook. He said that he engaged subscribers on Facebook as a politician to receive feedback and to understand what some of the people’s frustrations were.


Nagamootoo pointed out that, on the government’s part, there has been a lack of transparency and a penchant for secrecy in relation to all the major industries in Guyana, homing in on the falling gold prices. He told Stabroek News that the industry’s concerns were only exposed through media attention. He also stated that major stakeholders such as the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union have repeatedly cited their concerns over the troubled sugar sector but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Nagamootoo told Stabroek News that “incompetence” at the helm was rampant and that President Donald Ramotar was unable to lead effectively.

A former PPP/C Minister of Information, Nagamootoo told Stabroek News that the PPP/C were in a minority government but the behaviour of government ministers were as if the PPP/C headed a majority government.


Stabroek News asked Nagamootoo if the AFC was doing all that it could to instigate change as the swing party in the National Assembly. He said that more could be done and that the discussions coming out of the no-confidence talks will most likely tackle the way forward. (Pushpa Balgobin)


So what happens if the election is forced and the PPP wins, will the opposition accept the results?


I was recently in Gy and my impression is that most Indos over 35 will vote PPP because they do not have confidence in the alternative. Their response was "we know the PPP are corrupt but at least we are seeing some progress" 


This was mostly the case for Indos over 35. I am not sure how the young Indos will vote, I do know they are not happy with the lack of job opportunities.



Originally Posted by politikalamity:

So what happens if the election is forced and the PPP wins, will the opposition accept the results?


I was recently in Gy and my impression is that most Indos over 35 will vote PPP because they do not have confidence in the alternative. Their response was "we know the PPP are corrupt but at least we are seeing some progress" 


This was mostly the case for Indos over 35. I am not sure how the young Indos will vote, I do know they are not happy with the lack of job opportunities.



Yes they opposition have to respect the will of the people.


PPP poll conducted in May 2014.



We have interviewed 1,544 individuals for this poll.   
Question 1:
If an election is held today, which party would you vote for?
PPP 40.7%;   APNU 34.8%;  AFC 17.6%; undecided 6.9%.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

PPP poll conducted in May 2014.



We have interviewed 1,544 individuals for this poll.   
Question 1:
If an election is held today, which party would you vote for?
PPP 40.7%;   APNU 34.8%;  AFC 17.6%; undecided 6.9%.



Was this poll conducted in Linden, Buxton and Georgetown?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PPP poll conducted in May 2014.



We have interviewed 1,544 individuals for this poll.   
Question 1:
If an election is held today, which party would you vote for?
PPP 40.7%;   APNU 34.8%;  AFC 17.6%; undecided 6.9%.



Was this poll conducted in Linden, Buxton and Georgetown?



Samples were even taken in Lethem.  Do not under estimate Uncle Rohee, he is a man of serious business.  He paying CDN$8,000 per month, he expect best service.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PPP poll conducted in May 2014.



We have interviewed 1,544 individuals for this poll.   
Question 1:
If an election is held today, which party would you vote for?
PPP 40.7%;   APNU 34.8%;  AFC 17.6%; undecided 6.9%.



Was this poll conducted in Linden, Buxton and Georgetown?

one poll was taken in camp st jail were the ppp will be living soon

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

So what happens if the election is forced and the PPP wins, will the opposition accept the results?


I was recently in Gy and my impression is that most Indos over 35 will vote PPP because they do not have confidence in the alternative. Their response was "we know the PPP are corrupt but at least we are seeing some progress" 


This was mostly the case for Indos over 35. I am not sure how the young Indos will vote,I do know they are not happy with the lack of job opportunities.



Maybe, but that will change as the economy expands.  Either that or they take a chance with re-enslavement and no way out.  PNC will revert to their old ways.


Look Skeldon Man, these monthly PPP polls have much relevance.  The PPP were almost 49 percent in 2011, now they most they will mek is 43 percent.  


Even if Doctor Granja fold from infantilism.  The AFC sucking from both OAK trees.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Look Skeldon Man, these monthly PPP polls have much relevance.  The PPP were almost 49 percent in 2011, now they most they will mek is 43 percent.  


Even if Doctor Granja fold from infantilism.  The AFC sucking from both OAK trees.

Why yu think Moses so spouncious these days with call for no confidence and them like of bullish talk?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Look Skeldon Man, these monthly PPP polls have much relevance.  The PPP were almost 49 percent in 2011, now they most they will mek is 43 percent.  


Even if Doctor Granja fold from infantilism.  The AFC sucking from both OAK trees.

you sure you do not mean poison ivy 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Look Skeldon Man, these monthly PPP polls have much relevance.  The PPP were almost 49 percent in 2011, now they most they will mek is 43 percent.  


Even if Doctor Granja fold from infantilism.  The AFC sucking from both OAK trees.

you sure you do not mean poison ivy 

You might be right.  Remember the Regional MP Yusuf, he was more than poison ivy for the AFC, he was gramazone.  He sk@unt is a PPP crab daag.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

this could be a game changer if the Joint Opposition is bold . . . and smart!

Does the opposition have the money to fund an election?  Why not wait untio declining gold earnings begin to bite the economy?


The AFCs big problem is that they are ambulance chasers.  What they need to focus on is LGE.


Ambulance chasers. Me like that Mr CaribJ.


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