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AFC continues to masquerade for political mileage
Written by ANAND ITWAR
Thursday, 10 November 2011 02:35
AS the anticipated Election Day draws near, the opposition parties, particularly the AFC, continue to masquerade as political opportunists who are intentionally and ineffectively exaggerating the Jagdeo pension issue, to gain some political mileage. It is no surprise that they chose to take advantage of the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill issue; a bill that had been approved by the National Assembly since 2009. They should understand that this bill is a Law, and that Parliament has already been dissolved, so changes to this law or any law cannot be amended at this time.
So, if they have such revulsion against this bill, why didn’t the AFC and other opposition in 2009 make persistent noises against it that may have prevented it from becoming a law? Why they waited until now to show such opposition?
The answer is clear. They want political mileage. This mileage will lead them nowhere, since the Guyanese people can see that they are in desperation to get votes. It is a mere disappointment that instead of focusing on their platforms, they continue to play the game of picking and choosing irrelevant topics of their own self-interest to try to get ahead of the PPP/C. Well, I would not expect any better either from the AFC or the APNU.
It is all in the political game, just as they have the right to campaign and the right to freedom of expression and speech, the PPP/C also has this very right. So, they should not squeal in opposition against the PPP/C for being the forerunner in this election. The fact that there is so much opposition is an indication that the PPP/C is the envy of the 2011 election.
The PPP/C is a mature party in the political landscape of Guyana. There is no need for them to always oppose every little thing the opposition would try say, even though, these opposing parties are very good at Anancy stories.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by albert:
Its clear to see the A.F.C wanna strife on character assassination.....but the Guyanese populace are wise and endorse the P.P.P/C....the truly Nationalist party...

Kwame, AKA Albert, don't you guys realize people are sick of you hyenas?

Listen dude, there is a principle of REAPING AND SOWING and so you will be reaping what you sow hopefully after November 28. You people are so very evil to the Guyanese people!
Originally posted by albert:
On November 28...the Guyanese populace will endorse the P.P.P/C

This house is why you are so desparate. After November 28, it will be forfeited!
Originally posted by albert:
Typical A.F.C goon.....masquerading in seek for cheap political milage

You're wrong, that house is owned by a PPP goof, get yo facts straight abert.
Originally posted by albert:
If one snap the photo of an A.F.C list of candidate house and plaster it on this board....cain you may blog different

Why aren't you posting the pictures then? One Question for you. Is that house in the picture built with stolen tax payers money or drugs money?
Originally posted by albert:
Its clear to see the A.F.C wanna strife on character assassination.....but the Guyanese populace are wise and endorse the P.P.P/C....the truly Nationalist party...
Why don't the PPP give us in round numbers on how much is they think the pension is. On that we will add a 5% margin of error. That is not hard to do.

Unfortunately, even a stringent reading of the document and we have the man getting close to 200K US a year. Here the perks have not even come into play as yet. They can give us a round number if they are going to quibble about interpretations of it.
Originally posted by albert:
On November 28...the Guyanese populace will endorse the P.P.P/C

di sam mek dem shit lang..lang Albert..RUMjattan will be checking in at the Berbice mad house after the election. cheers
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by albert:
Its clear to see the A.F.C wanna strife on character assassination.....but the Guyanese populace are wise and endorse the P.P.P/C....the truly Nationalist party...
Why don't the PPP give us in round numbers on how much is they think the pension is. On that we will add a 5% margin of error. That is not hard to do.

Unfortunately, even a stringent reading of the document and we have the man getting close to 200K US a year. Here the perks have not even come into play as yet. They can give us a round number if they are going to quibble about interpretations of it.

why don't you come ley me give you some round thing and lang ting fu play wid EH Dummy 2 panman
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.

sorry parasite....i shood ah sey cassava bread and paiwari rite dumma$$ cheers
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.

This glorious sakiewinkie is dumb two times more than one in a single thought of the day.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.

This glorious sakiewinkie is dumb two times more than one in a single thought of the day.
I guess you are bright because you got a Cisco certification. Well hooray for you!
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.

This glorious sakiewinkie is dumb two times more than one in a single thought of the day.
I guess you are bright because you got a Cisco certification. Well hooray for you!

Why are you so preoccupied and predisposed with my CCIE certifications??? …this is just my side kick. While I’m hunting AFC/PNC goons like you here on GNI in the comfort of my home ,I’m currently supporting a network change in Hong Kong. I’m not a political ***** like you... who are supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep. …and by the way , I’ll be financing an orphanage in Guyana Next year with my side kick job…what is your plan???…I guess come on GNI and continue supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.

This glorious sakiewinkie is dumb two times more than one in a single thought of the day.
I guess you are bright because you got a Cisco certification. Well hooray for you!

Why are you so preoccupied and predisposed with my CCIE certifications??? …this is just my side kick. While I’m hunting AFC/PNC goons like you here on GNI in the comfort of my home ,I’m currently supporting a network change in Hong Kong. I’m not a political ***** like you... who are supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep. …and by the way , I’ll be financing an orphanage in Guyana Next year with my side kick job…what is your plan???…I guess come on GNI and continue supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep.
Hell no. Just laughing at what meets the baseline for bright in some circles!

I see you are into your own fantasy place with wild imaginings so I will let you be.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.

This glorious sakiewinkie is dumb two times more than one in a single thought of the day.
I guess you are bright because you got a Cisco certification. Well hooray for you!

Why are you so preoccupied and predisposed with my CCIE certifications??? …this is just my side kick. While I’m hunting AFC/PNC goons like you here on GNI in the comfort of my home ,I’m currently supporting a network change in Hong Kong. I’m not a political ***** like you... who are supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep. …and by the way , I’ll be financing an orphanage in Guyana Next year with my side kick job…what is your plan???…I guess come on GNI and continue supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep.

Like the PPP, why do people SAY they will do this and do that[before its done]....Why de hell dont they do it and let nature takes it course to inform the public.
Its like wanting Nanaimo bars, before doing anything. Selfishness.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by cain:
Patax aint round, it sorta like a taco.
Ask me about dem things, I'll teach ya.

hey iz soo D2 wan taco ??? it tase like taco too lol yippie partybanana panman
I am a mountain biker. For us the developed the coefficient of aesthetic awesomeness so wimps and potbellied snails like you can gripe all you want about tacos and what not.

This glorious sakiewinkie is dumb two times more than one in a single thought of the day.
I guess you are bright because you got a Cisco certification. Well hooray for you!

Why are you so preoccupied and predisposed with my CCIE certifications??? …this is just my side kick. While I’m hunting AFC/PNC goons like you here on GNI in the comfort of my home ,I’m currently supporting a network change in Hong Kong. I’m not a political ***** like you... who are supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep. …and by the way , I’ll be financing an orphanage in Guyana Next year with my side kick job…what is your plan???…I guess come on GNI and continue supporting killings of Indian babies in their sleep.
Hell no. Just laughing at what meets the baseline for bright in some circles!

I see you are into your own fantasy place with wild imaginings so I will let you be.

Double dumb (D2), you’re so stupid you’re jealous of own self …..This naturally leding you into a double dip identity crisis….today you act like a rat and tomorrow you behave like goon….what are your plans tonight? Sakiewinkiing....??????or fantasying how the goons are killing Indian babies in their sleep??
Originally posted by albert:
The utterance of the A.F.C are very distasteful, thus Guyanese populace are rejecting them wherever they go..

Then you should stick to your better tasting peanut butter.

If they are being rejected, why is the PPP losing sleep and campaigning so hard?

AFC!!! partybanana panman partybanana cheers flag

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