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The Region Six administration will be launching an investigation into allegations that a councillor on the Regional Works Committee, who is attached to the Alliance For Change (AFC) has attempted to solicit bribes from a contractor.
Rohan Jaggassar is being accused of approaching Hardat Singh for monies on more than one occasion to sign an approval certificate for payment for work done.
In a statement, Singh, who is contracted to clean canals in Black Bush Polder, said he never paid any money to Jaggassar, despite several requests from the councillor.
The issue was brought to the Region Six Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Thursday.
Regional Chairman David Armogan said the matter will be fully investigated, noting that it is the government that is normally accused of corruption by the opposition.
“Now it looks as though the opposition is working in cahoots with the contractors,” Armogan said.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) representative Jauvane Stephens congratulated the regional chairman for bringing the issue to the RDC, and urged a speedy investigation into the matter.
People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Councillor Philip Rose supported the investigation, pointing out that corruption is plaguing society.
“All must take ownership and operate above board.”
Regional Vice Chairman and Works Committee head Baupaul Jagroo told the council that anyone found guilty of any such act should be expelled, while AFC Councillor Ervin Abullah in support of his colleagues said the investigators must look to see if the contractor’s work was poor, hence, the non-payment.
Jaggassar said the contractor produces the poorest quality work in the region and expects payment for it.
He, however, admitted to signing certificates indicating that the said contractor has produced work to Jaggassar’s satisfaction and should be paid.
The regional chairman said if that is so, then the AFC councillor may be guilty of fraud.
The investigating team is being headed by the regional executive officer and includes a member from each of the three political parties.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I have been saying all along GR and others are NOt concerned with the well being of the Guyanese People BUT the opportunity to fleece the guyanese People, SNAKES, BLOODY SNAKES I tell you.


Jagdeo house is 2 mill US. Four of Irfan new water wells producing below capacity. Leonora centre of 500 mill Guyana is already falling apart. Expert claim it could be done for 200 mill. Jagdeo fully in control at OP. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have been saying all along GR and others are NOt concerned with the well being of the Guyanese People BUT the opportunity to fleece the guyanese People, SNAKES, BLOODY SNAKES I tell you.

Listen to de low class hyena shit head. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is not surprising, the AFC are merely PNC/PPP recycled rejects who bring their dutty ways with them.

How much you thief and get kick back? 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goons seems to ashamed to comment.....


You should be shame of mekkin a house of 2 mill US when most people suffaing here. 

Me an Jagdeo related. He ah me bhowjie sista, bruddha cha che, sista uncle son. Da man gat plenti muny. Abie famly ah rich too.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goons seems to ashamed to comment.....


You should be shame of mekkin a house of 2 mill US when most people suffaing here. 

Me an Jagdeo related. He ah me bhowjie sista, bruddha cha che, sista uncle son. Da man gat plenti muny. Abie famly ah rich too.

Me know bai...meh know aluh rape de people money and leff de poor poorer. Me know...

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC foulmouthed spokesperson Mitwah is in hiding.

GNI arsehole, the allegation is under investgation. I don't condone corruption like you do. Stop behaving like a queer.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goons seems to ashamed to comment.....


You should be shame of mekkin a house of 2 mill US when most people suffaing here. 

Me an Jagdeo related. He ah me bhowjie sista, bruddha cha che, sista uncle son. Da man gat plenti muny. Abie famly ah rich too.

Me know bai...meh know aluh rape de people money and leff de poor poorer. Me know...

Wah me go tell you. Abie get 2 big big house in region 6. Abie gat new free car fuh travel. Abie gat driva fuh drive abie aroun. Abie gat free food and cell fone. Abie gat all dem tiefing murdara police fuh watch abie battam house. All becas abie related to Bharat Jagdeo and me family deh ah freedom house. Me can hook yu up if you want.  Abie bin poor too, but since abie hook up wid dem PPP bais, man abie ah live dem hi life. Me go wuk hard fuh keep dem PPP in affice.


wrong is wrong thiefing is wrong it does not matter who do the thiefing,so why the ppp supporters do not call for the kind of punishment when a ppp offical is being accuse like they is calling for this socall AFC guy

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC foulmouthed spokesperson Mitwah is in hiding.

GNI arsehole, the allegation is under investgation. I don't condone corruption like you do. Stop behaving like a queer.

So, do you support an investigation of this AFC official or not. Your name calling indicate your Weakness. You are but the moist disgraceful AFC spokesperson.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC foulmouthed spokesperson Mitwah is in hiding.

GNI arsehole, the allegation is under investgation. I don't condone corruption like you do. Stop behaving like a queer.

So, do you support an investigation of this AFC official or not. Your name calling indicate your Weakness. You are but the moist disgraceful AFC spokesperson.

Arsehole I have no respect for you. If I bring my self down to your level of intelligence, you will win me with your experience. You support corruption and parasites.


"Mitwah" you should develop the ability to call a shade a shade, its clear to the Guyanese Populace that corruption is rampant in the AFC, as revealed by Mr.Yusuf, as a result the AFC goons seems to be at full throttle doing damage control, don't sell your soul "mitwah", let your conscience be your guide.... 


The Region Six administration will be launching an investigation into allegations that a councillor on the Regional Works Committee, who is attached to the Alliance For Change (AFC) has attempted to solicit bribes from a contractor.
Rohan Jaggassar is being accused of approaching Hardat Singh for monies on more than one occasion to sign an approval certificate for payment for work done.
In a statement, Singh, who is contracted to clean canals in Black Bush Polder, said he never paid any money to Jaggassar, despite several requests from the councillor.
The issue was brought to the Region Six Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Thursday.
Regional Chairman David Armogan said the matter will be fully investigated, noting that it is the government that is normally accused of corruption by the opposition.
“Now it looks as though the opposition is working in cahoots with the contractors,” Armogan said.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) representative Jauvane Stephens congratulated the regional chairman for bringing the issue to the RDC, and urged a speedy investigation into the matter.


The AFC Cabal usually accuses the Ruling Party of corruption, not knowing they are the ones that are most corrupt!!!


The Guyanese Populace will be watching how the AFC will deal with the corruption within their ranks, its a known fact, the AFC is not made up of Sunday School Boys, "Mitwah" urge your comrades to come clean....


Government corruption uncovered!

September 9, 2012 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

What is corruption? Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.
It means that:
·    Decisions are taken for private interest instead of for public benefit.
·    Democratic institutions are weakened and legitimacy, public trust and support are lost.
·    Instead of fair competition based on price, quality and innovation, competitive bribery thrives. This harms trade and deters investments.
·    The environment is threatened – when environmental protection agencies are corrupt, the very foundations of sustainable development are eroded.
·    Human rights abuses flourish – as corruption increases, regimes become more secretive, and basic social and economic rights are threatened.
·    It becomes impossible for millions of people, especially in developing countries, to earn an honest living.
Many persons have asked why the Alliance For Change is participating in a debate series on corruption that is being hosted by the government-controlled National Communications Network. The answer is simple, when truth is on your side you have nothing to fear.
The debate series offered the AFC an opportunity to do several things – demonstrate that we were not the type to be intimidated by overwhelming odds and that we have width and depth in the party by fielding different representatives.
At the first debate; the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and claims of corruption, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan brought up the issue of contracts that are awarded to persons with no experience and he gave the road-building contract to ‘Fip’ Motilall as an example. Neither the government ministers, nor the technical expert and civil society representative, could give a plausible explanation as to why a multi-million-dollar road building contract was given to Motilall, who had never built a road in his life.
In the second debate – Marriott Hotel and corruption claims – an interesting point was made by Mr. Ramjattan; why is Marriott not investing its own money in the construction of this project if indeed it is as feasible as the government would want us to believe? The ministers of government and others on the panel failed to provide a plausible answer.
The debate on CJIA Expansion Project and corruption saw several startling revelations – no need for an Environmental Impact Assessment, the government was planning to relocate the residents, the fact that the government was aware since 1994 that they would be expanding the airport yet it still proceeded not only to encourage citizens to reside there, but undertook to regularize their occupation.
Shortly after the debate, residents of  Timehri North held a press conference where they said that was the first they had heard of relocation.
Then there was the President’s pension and corruption debate -  the government ministers are yet to tell AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes where prime ocean front property can be bought below market value and at the price paid by the former president Bharrat Jagdeo.
Subsequent coverage in the media highlighted the grandiose lifestyle the former President intends to enjoy, all at the expense of poor taxpayers whose tax dollar will be used to staff his palatial home.
Also, a most revealing statement came from Dr.Nanda Gopaul who, in the most bold-face manner said, “What is wrong with a former president or a president seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency? Especially because we have term limits, knowing full well that you are going to demit office, you must ensure that you look for your future. We must not go from a president to rags,” That statement clearly revealed how the PPP/C government views the Office of the President and also indicates their general belief that it is okay to use one’s office to enrich oneself.
AFC’s General Secretary David Patterson had the government ministers up in arms when he quoted from the records of the Public Accounts Committee to reveal that the PPP/C never, during the last Parliament, named its representatives to the Public Procurement Commission, thus effectively making it impossible for the Commission to be enacted. The technical expert was left to fumble his way around to explain why the Constitution of Guyana, where it provides for a Public Procurement Commission, was not being honoured.
During the 2011 Elections campaign period, the issue of corruption was at the top of the list of things Guyanese are dissatisfied with. Everywhere the AFC went, people were complaining about the manner in which contracts were being awarded, not getting value for money when projects were being done and the blatant disregard by government officials to provide information.

Belief that most government officials were involved in some level of corruption was probably the single-most factor that caused the electorate to vote against the PPP/C and thereby caused the turning point in Guyana politics.
The Auditor General’s most recent report identified a gamut of financial discrepancies and instances of non-accountability that contravene financial management practices. This has been the case of many reports before. Yet, even though these infractions continue to be identified, many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures. It seems that the officials in these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices. This is an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office and contemptuous of taxpayers, whose money it is, that is not being properly accounted for.
Secret deals
The veil of secrecy that the Jagdeo administration employed in many of its dealings with local, regional and international companies is fast unraveling to reveal misinformation, half-truths, lies and damn lies. These companies, some with international reputations to preserve, have been providing details that are in direct contradiction to what the PPP/C government officials are saying.


The veil of secrecy that the Jagdeo administration employed in many of its dealings with local, regional and international companies is fast unraveling to reveal misinformation, half-truths, lies and damn lies. These companies, some with international reputations to preserve, have been providing details that are in direct contradiction to what the PPP/C government officials are saying.


The Region Six administration will be launching an investigation into allegations that a councillor on the Regional Works Committee, who is attached to the Alliance For Change (AFC) has attempted to solicit bribes from a contractor.
Rohan Jaggassar is being accused of approaching Hardat Singh for monies on more than one occasion to sign an approval certificate for payment for work done.
In a statement, Singh, who is contracted to clean canals in Black Bush Polder, said he never paid any money to Jaggassar, despite several requests from the councillor.
The issue was brought to the Region Six Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Thursday.
Regional Chairman David Armogan said the matter will be fully investigated, noting that it is the government that is normally accused of corruption by the opposition.
“Now it looks as though the opposition is working in cahoots with the contractors,” Armogan said.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) representative Jauvane Stephens congratulated the regional chairman for bringing the issue to the RDC, and urged a speedy investigation into the matter.
People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Councillor Philip Rose supported the investigation, pointing out that corruption is plaguing society.
“All must take ownership and operate above board.”
Regional Vice Chairman and Works Committee head Baupaul Jagroo told the council that anyone found guilty of any such act should be expelled, while AFC Councillor Ervin Abullah in support of his colleagues said the investigators must look to see if the contractor’s work was poor, hence, the non-payment.
Jaggassar said the contractor produces the poorest quality work in the region and expects payment for it.
He, however, admitted to signing certificates indicating that the said contractor has produced work to Jaggassar’s satisfaction and should be paid.
The regional chairman said if that is so, then the AFC councillor may be guilty of fraud.
The investigating team is being headed by the regional executive officer and includes a member from each of the three political parties.


Regional Chairman David Armogan said the matter will be fully investigated, noting that it is the government that is normally accused of corruption by the opposition.
“Now it looks as though the opposition is working in cahoots with the contractors,” Armogan said.


"Mitwah" stop parroting propaganda, put up or shut up, you goons started with the 3 Million a month propaganda, then you propagate, the sale of the Former Presidents house,the 50 Billion NICIL accounts, now you goons are propagating the former Presidents private residents, you are selling your soul (mits) in blindly separating false propaganda.....I pity you


Ramotar administration is a mirror image of the corruption, thievery, drugs & nepotism that were the hallmark of the Jadgeo


November 4, 2012

Donald Ramotar has lived up to the expectations of his detractors


Dear Editor,
It was clear to many political observers and other interested parties that the Peoples Progressive Party Civic, did not field the best candidate at the November 2011 elections. The critics at that time argued that Ramotar was weak and an untested; that he was not a critical thinker and had never held elected office or managed any complex governmental or non-governmental organization. Ramotar was perceived as a party hack, who was hand chosen by then president Bharatt Jagdeo, for all of the reasons mentioned.

However, in keeping with Stalinist tradition the other more prepared and credible candidates all bowed out and acceded to the dictate of the Jagdeo faction at Freedom House. To be fair there were voices that championed the candidacy of Donald Ramotar, they claimed that he was a man who had come from humble beginnings and was involved in the labour movement, that he was a fair and honest man; in other words he was not Jagdeo. Today as we approach the one year anniversary of the Ramotar presidency what I find interesting but not surprising is that the naysayers were right. Donald Ramotar the seventh president of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana has lived up to the expectations of his detractors; he is a weak, ineffective and visionless head of state.
In December 2011 at his inauguration president Ramotar told the nation that he would appoint his cabinet in two days and even flirted with the possibility of a cross-party government. Integrity, inclusivity and impartiality were the hallmark of a well balanced inaugural address; however, forty eight hours later Ramotar retained his predecessor’s cabinet, dashing all hopes for inclusivity, integrity and impartiality.
Within days of forming his new government, on December 6th 2011 peaceful demonstrators were shot by the police while processing in Georgetown. This was followed by a bitter budget debate that saw for the first time in recorded history a sitting government picketing against the parliamentary opposition. Ramotar had promised that he was prepared to work together with all the political parties and stakeholders, but when it came to the National Budget, his minority government was not prepared to work with the Parliamentary majority APNU/AFC.
The budget crisis spawned the Linden electricity crisis, when the PPPC government imposed on the people of Linden an undue hardship (an increase in the electric tariff), without negotiating or consulting with the peoples representatives. In his inaugural address president Ramotar spoke of the exciting task of creating opportunities for all Guyanese, yet within three months of taking office he was imposing a draconian tax on a community (Linden) where 70% of the people are unemployed or severely under-employed.
It was becoming quite clear that the new Head of State’s rhetoric were equidistant from his actions and his government’s treatment of the poor and depressed communities. As the situation escalated at Linden and the people and their Regional and national leaders called on the president to meet with them, to sit down and listen and consult, this president refused. Then came July 18th 2012 and three young men were brutally murdered after the Guyana Police Force again opened fire on peaceful protestors at the Mackenzie-Linden bridge.
The following day the president met with the Opposition Leader and Regional representatives, but by this time it was too late; property would be destroyed and more people would be shot by the police, all because of a government’s refusal to meet it constitutional mandate of consulting with the people and their elected representatives. Consumed by crisis, and showing no real flair for bold and innovative leadership, the Ramotar administration continued as a mirror image of the corruption, thievery, drugs and nepotism that were the hallmark of the Jadgeo years.
Once again innocents lives of young African men were taken, killed at the hands of the police; Shaquille Grant at Agricola; Dameon Belgrave in Georgetown.
In a side note, it was no surprise a few days ago that the longest serving member of the cabinet and president Ramotar’s Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee admitted under oath, when answering a question from Attorney Basil Williams(at the Linden Commission of Inquiry), that he(Rohee) was not a visionary. So, with a head of state that has proven to be weak, ineffective and visionless, surrounded by a cabinet that is mediocre for the most part, but generally less than stellar there is not much hope for the ensuing period of the Ramotar presidency.
Mr. Editor I truly searched for something complimentary to say about this period, but all I could find was controversy and conflict. In a country where most of the people would be classified as poor, the Ramotar government celebrates things and calibrates its development based on big buildings, poorly conceived roads and brand name hotels rather than human development.
The level of unemployment in this country is unsustainable, the under education of our children and the school dropout rate nationally is unsustainable, the crime situation and the lawlessness of our law enforcement agencies is unsustainable, yet this president has been deathly silent and has failed to lead on all of these important issues facing our nation.
Even if one graded on a curve it would be difficult to give this president anything but a failing grade in his first year in office.
Mark Archer


"Mitwah"....seriously, do you have thoughts of your own? stop selling your soul, and blog your true thoughts....come on mits, you can do better than that....give sharing your own thought a try....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah"....seriously, do you have thoughts of your own? stop selling your soul, and blog your true thoughts....come on mits, you can do better than that....give sharing your own thought a try....

HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!  Just funny hearing this from you, HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!

ai ai ai ai ai


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