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Originally Posted by albert:



Why is Yusuf yapping about this and not about NICIL etc? Did not Ralph Ramkarran had to resign merely for admitting what is an undeniable fact; corruption was endemic to the Guyanese administrative systems?


Tell that idiot that on every account when the AFC has raised the question of accountability the government asserts its autocratic rights. We have no transparency in government and as long as that Marcos like PPP are in power it is a remote possibility that they will change or the constitutionally hamstrung opposition can make much of a difference except highlighting it.


Originally Posted by albert:

This is the change they promised

 We are 20 years into a PPP complete totalitarian rule and instead of transitioning us to democracy, as was implicit and explicit in the reasons many so arduously worked to remove the government, they struggle to keep themselves as overlords. That is what you need to address. The AFC is shackled by the dictatorial constitution, there is little they can do except block budgets as they most certainly will do with the 2013 one.


Worse, the PPP retains internally the prescriptions for their party as was handed down by Lenin in the third communist party congress. Democratic Centralism is at the core of their party ideology. These paleontological relics of the long dead communist era are living fossils. You need to wonder what change can they promise!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The revelations by Mr. Yusuf may open the floor gates, his revelations, who knows, might have been the straw that broke the camel's back

 Dude, assuming that Mr Yu seh su is correct, where is this on the scope of NCN,  NICIL etc?


This is not a pursuit to shape a moral path in government. This is a smear to vilify on hear say evidence on an infractions with pittances in jeopardy when theft of millions are paraded before you.


Did Mr Yu Seh Su offered a perspective of the recent contract kickbacks in the news or the Mr Sateur using NCN resources to perform tasks and depositing the income earned into his personal accounts?


Get real, he has not opened his yap to none of these things and yet dare to speak of hypocrisy! What a pure example of a hypocrite!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"stormborn" are you trying to assassinate the character of Mr. Yusuf?..

 He was definitely a PPP fifth column. First his fuss was about  "gross corruption" on account of possible, yes possible padding of a bill by 2k. Since then he has lots to say of similarly petty crimes if they are crimes and attributing to them the quality of cardinal sins. Meanwhile, the grotesque and over the board corrupt schemes of the PPP clearly obvious to him gets nary a wink or a nod. He simply accepts them as business as usual. I do not have to attack his character. He does that himself with these hyperventilating on the petty crimes ( if they are indeed true) when the PPP runs the nation as a totalizing criminal enterprise.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see the goons of the AFC are at full  throttle attempting to assassinate Mr.Yusuf's character."stormborn" it seems to be your view that anyone who speaks out from within the AFC walls are molds?

 WHat is clear is your low moral threshold cannot grasp the failure of ethics implied in this penny wise pound foolish methodology of contesting corrupt practices. Actually, you and him do indeed do know what you are doing. You are simply instruments of the the pervasive criminal enterprise that is the PPP and shedding crocodile tears is a distraction hence corrupt as what it hides. Calling me a goon is not going to make me feel bad. I never stole a penny candy in my life so my faith in my integrity is crystalline.


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