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AFC councillor who accepted bribe should resignPDFPrintE-mail
Written by HAFEEZ YUSUF   
Sunday, 04 November 2012 22:50

IT is our political culture that if you belong to a particular political party then your party members are infallible and it is conventional that you do not speak out against their wrongdoings until you reach the point that you want to leave that party.

We desperately need to change that type of practice if we really love our party. The great Mahatma Gandhi put this succinctly when he said:  “Be the change you want to see in this world”. So why not be the change you want to see in your party instead of quitting? We must not be fettered and be afraid to speak the truth and as Gandhi again said: “Even if you are a minority of one the truth is the truth” and one of the seven deadly sins is, ’Politics without principle.’
On November 1, 2012, it was alleged at the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) meeting that an AFC councillor in the Works Committee tried to solicit a bribe from a contractor in Black Bush Polder for passing sub-standard work. This councillor never brought this to the attention of the RDC at any time that this contractor or any contractor was involved in doing sub-standard work. He signed and certified all the works that he visited. The said contractor gave a written statement which was read at the meeting. We always blame the government for sub-standard work but the question is, how can we really blame the government when opposition councillors are certifying work that they know are sub-standard? Now this councillor is claiming that he is being framed because that contractor is guilty of sub-standard work, which he certified as being correct according to the stipulations in the contract. This AFC councillor claimed that the Vice-Chairman, who is the head of the Works Committee instructed him to accept  the work even if it was 80% correct ! In other words, this councillor is willing to rob taxpayers 20% of the monies that they have contributed to the economic and social development of our country. This is unacceptable from any councillor especially one from the opposition party. Every day we are hearing about the poor quality of work executed by contractors but all these works were also certified by opposition councillors! Are they not culpable?
I want to draw to the attention of all councillors that when we were sworn in we took an oath which says that we will do our jobs without ‘fear, favour, affection or ill will according to the best of my judgement and ability’ so at no time should councillors compromise their functions. I stood up and among other things said that this councillor should do the honourable thing and resign. If he is willing to accept a standard of 80% then he is not fit to function in the capacity of a councillor! By his own admission he is guilty of a breach in his duty to the people of this country!
On Saturday November 3 on DTV 8 one Charrandass Persaud took offence to what I said at the RDC meeting and questioned my loyalty to the AFC and suggested that I was in the process of ‘crossing the floor’ and that I should have defended the AFC councillor.
I will never condone wrongdoing, be it on the government side or on the opposition side. Mr. Persaud who is an attorney by profession also questioned my legal knowledge and that I had passed judgement on the councillor without a trial.
If I could recall, this is the modus operandi of the opposition. Examine the opposition’s call for Mr.  Rohee’s resignation! But this presumption of innocence does not have any effect when the said councillor admitted that he was accepting 20% sub-standard work. You need to look at all that transpired at the RDC meeting Mr  Persaud. When you assess what your friend admitted to you will realise that he should have resigned there and then- the veracity of the bribery allegation becomes immaterial and irrelevant- and I do submit counsel that a confession was made with regard to his incompetence and dereliction of duty and it should have been acted upon!
In concluding, it gives me great satisfaction to know that I am not alone as Gandhi  once said: “I should love to satisfy all, if I possibly can; but in trying to satisfy all, I may be able to satisfy none. I have therefore, arrived at the conclusion that the best course is to satisfy my conscience and leave the world to form its own judgement, favourable or otherwise.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC cabal, needs to come clean, there appears to be a lot of skeletons in their closet, and anytime a member dares to speak, the wrath of the AFC seems to follow, Mr.Yusuf must be given credit for highlighting the wrongdoing  and alleged efforts to cover up corruption, to the Guyanese Populace....


The AFC seems to be always making the news on allegations of corruption, they all can't be false, no amount of damage control by the AFC goons, can distract the Guyanese Populace to speak about the corruption within the AFC...


The goons of the A.F.C seems to be at full throttle, doing damage control for their sinking party, its quite evident to the Guyanese Populace that the AFC is clinging onto A.P.N.U for political survival.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The goons of the A.F.C seems to be at full throttle, doing damage control for their sinking party, its quite evident to the Guyanese Populace that the AFC is clinging onto A.P.N.U for political survival.


The AFC is finished. Tata, Bye Bye. They are the most rotten folks bent on destroying Guyana.


In the event of any snap elections, the AFC would be a fragment of the imagination, that party has demonstrated to be totally anti-working and stands in the path of development

Originally Posted by warrior:

you have to come up with some thing better than this shit,this is old,if you cannot do better than this i think OP should let you go 

oh this is old, so it does not matter. You have a fine way of dismissing corruption. 


Jagdeo house is 2 mill US. Four of Irfan new water wells producing below capacity. Leonora centre of 500 mill Guyana is already falling apart. Expert claim it could be done for 200 mill. Jagdeo fully in control at OP. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The corrupt activities that was uncovered in Berbice involving the AFC councillor should not be swept under the carpet

 Dude, tell us how an Indian furniture maker ended up with 4 percent of our national land area.


Let us know how jagdeo can receive 29 containers of materials from a real estate fraudster and that fraudster gets access to our nation assets and there is no quid pro quo.


Let us know how come brassington can administrate an entity from which he transfers as purchases significant portions to his brother and yet there is no insider trading.


Let us Know what was doe at NICIL these past 10 years as is required by law  in public disclosures. After all it is not state secret but transparency requirements when you handle other people money.


Corruption is on  obscene display in the face of the PPP.


"Stormborn" why is it you are avoiding the comment on the corruption within the AFC, Don't sell your soul, let your conscience be your guide, you should develop the ability to "call a shade a shade".

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Stormborn" why is it you are avoiding the comment on the corruption within the AFC, Don't sell your soul, let your conscience be your guide, you should develop the ability to "call a shade a shade".

 I am not avoiding anything. I am focusing on the forest and not getting lost in the trees. The PPP and their oppressive machinery of corruption is the forest. They have turned the administrative class of the nations people into contract workers for hire in a new patronage caste system. You, alas is one of their slave.


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