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Former Member

By Kurt Campbell

AFC Region Six Councillor Haseef Yusuf.

AFC Region Six Councillor Haseef Yusuf.

[] – Alliance For Change (AFC) Region Six Councillor Haseef Yusuf has come out in full denunciation of recent statements by the Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan deeming him to be a rogue AFC Councillor.

In a written response to the article carried by iNews ( Yusuf stated “the first impression that came to my mind upon reading the article was ‘Look who’s talking!’ Does this man have a moral standing to condemn anyone who has taken such a position?”

Yusuf further questioned “how can he not recall that when he was kicked out of the PPP, he clung to the MP position for dear life! He cannot afford to lose the status, the money and the duty free perks! If I am a ‘rogue’ then I do submit Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance For Change, Attorney –at-Law and Honourable Member of Parliament is a bigger rogue that I am!”

The AFC councillor also claimed that the Honourable Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, who is an AFC Executive falls into the same category of being rogue.

AFC Executive Member & Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman and AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.

AFC Executive Member & Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman and AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.

“I have never ceased to wonder at the tenacity of the leaders of the AFC to fabricate and peddle lies to the public with the hope of getting through to a few of them. They are of the opinion if you peddle a lie long enough then not only will people believe those lies but you yourself will make those lies indelible in your psyche.”

Ramjattan had distanced the Party from Yusuf after he moved a motion at the Council meeting calling on the parliamentary opposition to support the passage of the Anti – Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill, despite the AFC saying it will only support the passage of the Bill once the Public Procurement Commission is established.

In this regard, Yusuf noted “I made it clear that I moved that motion in support of the Bill simply because I put my country first. This Bill is too vital to play politics with. But many persons cannot afford to think and act independently. I have done that. Is that a crime if I can show my blinded leaders the way forward?”

Yusuf said he was never officially expelled from the AFC adding that he has paid his subscriptions up to 2012.

Yusuf further pinpointed what he identified as unaccountability and corruption existing within the AFC.

“Many top AFC members have since resigned because of this mismanagement and fraudulent misappropriation of Party funds. These people want the Procurement Commission in order to stop corruption but is unwilling to establish accountability within their own political organisation.”

Yusuf stated that the AFC’s Constitution has provisions for the appointment of an auditor and audited statements, adding that this have never been complied with.

He claimed that at the Conference in 2012 inaccurate and unaudited statements were foisted at the members, deeming the AFC’s call for the Procurement Commission as hypocrisy and shamelessness.

“Ramjattan should start vigorously disposing of the garbage in the AFC but I guess that means disposing of himself with those garbage as well” Yusuf concluded.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 


Leave my mamoo out. He is 1 million times wiser and richer than you. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 


Leave my mamoo out. He is 1 million times wiser and richer than you. 

Who the hell cares about your mamoo besides you?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 


Leave my mamoo out. He is 1 million times wiser and richer than you. 

Who the hell cares about your mamoo besides you?

His employees, family, friends. You is a lump of donkey shit.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 


Leave my mamoo out. He is 1 million times wiser and richer than you. 

Who the hell cares about your mamoo besides you?

His employees, family, friends. You is a lump of donkey shit.

Dunce! Who is the lump of donkey shit now?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 


Leave my mamoo out. He is 1 million times wiser and richer than you. 

Who the hell cares about your mamoo besides you?

His employees, family, friends. You is a lump of donkey shit.

Dunce! Who is the lump of donkey shit now?

YOU jackass.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 


Leave my mamoo out. He is 1 million times wiser and richer than you. 

Who the hell cares about your mamoo besides you?

His employees, family, friends. You is a lump of donkey shit.

Dunce! Who is the lump of donkey shit now?

YOU jackass.

You chew jackass shit now?


This fellow has been off the reservation for awhile. Actually he is not rogue. That would be nice label since it would imply he originally shared some core beliefs with the AFC. His ridiculous behavior has shown him to the contrary. First he began with questioning a 4000 reimbursement request, an infraction if true would be to the effect of labeling the party corrupt by the act of one individual padding their bigan and bagie supply list. He  is clearly  a PPP plant , a fifth column worm in the apple so to speak  with intent to  destabilize from the inside  through pretense of having “inside” information.


Has this fellow who is so concerned with corruption spoken out on the exclusive Sparendsam project called Pradoville II? Why should our tiny country reserve plum locations for Politicians? Rather why should the administration afford themselves exclusive mansions on the states back?

This pugnacious fellow never spoke to NICIL, the rise to riches of church mice in the PPP to fat cat status, or even the failed 300 million white elephant that is the Skeldon plant that is in his backyard. How about the excessive toll on the Berbice river bridge? Surely the idea that the state subsidizing the lion’s share of the finances to build this bridge; and forgoing taxes refusing to accept dividends on investment ( illegal)  would mean reasonable fees!


Come on , have some integrity to speak for the people of your county if  you will complain about the overcharging for bigans and bagee! How about the fifteen million to Motilal who he would know surely did not have the competency to build a road? Further why afford him a license to build a Hydro Plant that he later flipped for 14 million U S when he never built a chicken coop?


There is corruption and there is the corrupting. With this fellow Yusuf, you get a corruption of morals and the corrupting idea that he stands for the AFC.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 

What is the worse implementation of rational process here? Hers is a crude representation of her suspicions that he is a plant  or yours is an  attempt to validate the fellow by calling her stupid. The man is clearly not concerned with corruption else he would not avoid choice opportunities to comment on corruption as with the Marriott or the no bid contracts on pharmaceutical where the fellow charges double the going rate. I suggest you ease up on the claims to being the smart one if you are so keen into kneebending to the lords of corruption

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 

What is the worse implementation of rational process here? Hers is a crude representation of her suspicions that he is a plant  or yours is an  attempt to validate the fellow by calling her stupid. The man is clearly not concerned with corruption else he would not avoid choice opportunities to comment on corruption as with the Marriott or the no bid contracts on pharmaceutical where the fellow charges double the going rate. I suggest you ease up on the claims to being the smart one if you are so keen into kneebending to the lords of corruption

You and your verbose garbage again. Indian hater. One who doesn't know where Guyana is and disposes his hogwash on this BB.

You were abroad but you stated:

I cannot say I punished because my family had money and most of the time I was abroad. What I remember clearly of the Burnham years is the courage, the tenacity of black people rejecting the dictatorship

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is so stupid. This fool get his car loan pay off to talk a little bit of donkey shit each week 

Do you feel the same that Moses Nagamootoo get paid off by the AFC to talk against the PPP?

You are talking to JB here. Don't expect any rational thinking on her part. She is also related to Warrior(her mamoo). 

What is the worse implementation of rational process here? Hers is a crude representation of her suspicions that he is a plant  or yours is an  attempt to validate the fellow by calling her stupid. The man is clearly not concerned with corruption else he would not avoid choice opportunities to comment on corruption as with the Marriott or the no bid contracts on pharmaceutical where the fellow charges double the going rate. I suggest you ease up on the claims to being the smart one if you are so keen into kneebending to the lords of corruption

You and your verbose garbage again. Indian hater. One who doesn't know where Guyana is and disposes his hogwash on this BB.

You were abroad but you stated:

I cannot say I punished because my family had money and most of the time I was abroad. What I remember clearly of the Burnham years is the courage, the tenacity of black people rejecting the dictatorship

Of course your easy appeal to sacred victimization will be your ready refuge. Alas, like all your input it remains nothing but an appeal to stupid pat stereotypes that means nothing,


Do not again pretend you know better, is richer, is more adept with language etc when there is no context for it. If you know better about the prevailing conditions in Guyana tell us. It should not be a secret. I would add, I have never been to Andromeda but I can speak of its constituent stars, its size its shape its distance and its pending merging with our milky way.


What makes Guyana different?  I have been to Guyana, lived there, visited enough, have family and business interests there so surely I can speak to it. You are a rather shallow fellow or neglectful to using your mind when it matters. Your habit of bragging with no foundation is also unbecoming.


Last edited by Former Member

Why we keep calling this man Yusuf an AFC Councillor, he has forfeited his member ship to the AFC, Mr Ramjattan said, so he is a FREE agent now on the payroll of the PPP.


They sell him wan nice car cheap.


He is a chattel, he can be bought and sold.


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