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With the popularity of the hit TV shows, Guyanese are familiar with CSIs – Crime Scene Investigators. As soon as word’s out a homicide’s been committed, these trained professions dash to the scene before it has been distu
rbed to collect any and all forensic evidence. Investigators then use this evidence to nab the “bad guys” and the prosecutor finishes up the job by making sure the miscreants get put away.
Our forensic lab’s still under construction, but Guyanese should know we already have our CSI team in place – the AFC. Or at least its chairman, Nigel Hughes. As soon as they got wind of the recent shooting in Agricola, Hughes and his crack AFC crime sleuths rushed to the village.
That’s the way the wind blows in these matters. Once the police are involved and the community’s one identified as APNU’s, the AFC will spring into action faster than you can say “Vultures!”. Ahh…the chance at a few votes is such a motivator! Lest you think we are making this up, let’s quote the Stabroek News – official sponsor of the AFC at the last Olympics elections.

“Hughes said that during the examination of the crime scene by party officials yesterday, no bullet holes or any other evidence were found to support the claim that any weapon was fired by any of the young men.”

There you have it: “examination of the crime scene”!!!! Can’t you just see Hughes snapping on his latex gloves and crawling in the dust of Agricola looking for bullet holes and spent shells? Hughes (and Flower Boy Ramsaroop?) would have calculated the angle of the bullets and all that and recreated the trajectories. Placing little snippets of hair and other ‘evidence’ into little self-seal plastic bags?! OOOOOH! This must have been so exciting!
But, really, can you believe these jokers? It’s a good thing Hughes hasn’t been accused yet of talking away more evidence from a crime scene as Freddie Kissoon said he did some years ago when his relative Hamilton was gunned down in Buxton. Sadly, Hughes and the rest of the AFC are so opportunistic that they won’t give the police the time to conduct their own investigation: Police should be charged!!
The AFC isn’t only CSI – they’re also judge, jury and executioner.

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