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Ramjattan’s red herrings to garner funds from supporters


I WAS utterly flabbergasted and bemused when I read about the conclusion AFC’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan came to that, “AFC risks ‘dead meat’ status in coalition with APNU”; but, as he further stated, that that was his personal opinion and that the AFC will discuss the possibility of such a coalition at various forums and forward a response to APNU. Now who is this guy trying to fool again?The AFC has enjoyed ‘a common law’ relationship with the PNC since the 2011 General Elections and has vigorously consummated that marriage in and out of Parliament. Now Ramjattan, in his effort to exercise ‘damage control’ is claiming that, “For us to join APNU would defeat our purpose and we risk losing our support base”. This is so hypocritical. The AFC has joined APNU publicly since the last Election. He then exposed the real reason for not wanting a coalition, “The AFC’s financiers could withhold their support and this would drastically affect the party”. So it is all about the money! Another fact is that the AFC has become ‘dead meat’ a long time ago and this feeble attempt at resuscitating the ‘dead meat’ party will not work. The AFC has joined with APNU to destabilise and stymie the social and economic development of this country and Berbicians are not fools. When some PPP supporters went to the AFC they did not envisage that that party would have sold out to APNU. That was not the ‘CHANGE’ that those persons had wanted. They did not want the PNC to get back into government and that is exactly what the AFC has laboriously been doing. Ranjattan should have done a Rip Van Winkle a long time ago. It is now too late. Coalition or no coalition AFC is ‘dead meat’. The carrion crows are already hovering. It will be most revealing for the AFC to recall what happened to the United Force Party when it formed a coalition with the PNC after the 1964 General Elections to get rid of the PPP. The PNC used the UF to get into power and then rigged the subsequent election to kick out the UF. Granger is so much like the late Forbes Burnham that he is dexterously wooing the AFC to legalise the ‘common law’ relationship so that it can legally depose of the PPP and then kick the AFC out at leisure. The PNC will then rig the subsequent elections and ‘live happily after’. Just look at Granger’s statements: “Even if the AFC does not join prior to the election I would include them in the governing of the country…we must move away from this thinking of majority government’. This is real ‘surhaweh’ (sweet talk). But as Granger said, ‘read my lips’- it is all lip service. In conclusion, the AFC has given its members and supporters many reasons why they should not vote for that party again and its ‘no-confidence motion’ will ensure that the carrion crows have a most enjoyable meal. HASEEF YUSUF AFC Councillor (Region 6)

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