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Former Member

Alliance for Change defector Rab Mukraj who blogs under the name Brandon Samaroo, recently lashed out at his former party and several of its members on social networking site Facebook . Mukraj took to the AFC group on Facebook where in response to several comments which were critical of him he accused the AFC of to lying to the people of Guyana. Mukraj named Rajendra Bissessar as one of the persons who attacked him and threatened to respond in kind if the attacks persisted.

He also responded by efforts to linking his defection to the APNU to support for the PNC by referencing Nigel Hughes, Cathy Hughes and Raphael Trotman’s family ties to former dictator and PNC founder leader, Forbes Burnham.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Farouk Samaroo is wicked enough to that. He is all over the place like shit.

hey idiot, it's Brandon Samaroo, not Farouk

Hey jackass, I meant Farouk Samaroo acted as Brandon Samaroo. Do you know who is Brandon Samaroo? If you don't just zip it.

I know them both, not the same people.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

We should have a boxing ring and make money off AFC's rivalry. The PPP has better things to do with its time.


The AFC is now like a circus. Enjoy folks. Let the AFC Katahars fight it out as they bite the dust. Moses reduced himself to a Dhobi (washer person). Cleaning Cathy's clothes and polishing Nigel's Shoes is his new role in the AFC.


Rumjattan is just being used as a yard dog. He can bark very loud for AFC (All For Cathy) party.


Last edited by Former Member

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