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No talk about georgetown.

When the results come out and you find out that the PPP won Region 6, albeit with fewer than normal votes, thanks to cross overs to the AFC. But gets stomped in region 4 by the PPP and APNU, I wonder what you wills ay then.

This is why my prediction is AFC=20%. Their problem, and yours is you forgot that 85% of the voters do not live on the Corentyne.

And the issue is you all arent even talking about New Amsterdam!!!!!!! This is where you got your region 6 votes last time.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
The people of Port Mourant, Tain, Whim, Corriverton and eleswhere in Berbice are sophisticated and will examine issues and make a rational decision on Monday.


Possibly true. However voters in the other 9 regions neglected by the AFC will also make decsions. Given that the AFC didnt bother with them and put all its eggs in the Corentyne because Ramjattan and Nagamootoo want to toss out the others, the rest of Guyana will vote for the AFC much less than they would have if the AFC targeted them as potential supporters.
Originally posted by caribj:
No talk about georgetown.

When the results come out and you find out that the PPP won Region 6, albeit with fewer than normal votes, thanks to cross overs to the AFC. But gets stomped in region 4 by the PPP and APNU, I wonder what you wills ay then.

This is why my prediction is AFC=20%. Their problem, and yours is you forgot that 85% of the voters do not live on the Corentyne.

And the issue is you all arent even talking about New Amsterdam!!!!!!! This is where you got your region 6 votes last time.
we talking about it as it comes in.the AFC SCARE to go into NEW AMSTERDAM too much cussing going on in that place Smile
Originally posted by Mitwah:

You will be proven right that the PPP and PNC are raced based.

I already hear your scream. When the AFC gets stomped in georgetown it will be because black people are racists. Not because for the last three months, or more, I have been saying that the AFC needs to focus as much on Gtwn as it is on the Corentyne.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

You will be proven right that the PPP and PNC are raced based.

I already hear your scream. When the AFC gets stomped in georgetown it will be because black people are racists. Not because for the last three months, or more, I have been saying that the AFC needs to focus as much on Gtwn as it is on the Corentyne.
if the people that live in region 4 seeing what bar--rat and bunch of thiefs is doing with their own eyes,and still want to vote ppp,then guyana is a mad mad place.the people want a new party the AFC
Originally posted by warrior:
]if the people that live in region 4 seeing what bar--rat

There are seeing a bunch of PPP folks who are angry because they werent selected to head the PPP, and now have a fire rage against jagdeo so they run over and pretend that they suddenly are bothered by Jagdeo's racist and corrupt ways.

Why didnt they leave in 2006? The PPP was as crookish then as it is now.

Maybe some folks will see this and figure out that the AFC=PNC=PPP so why bother. headbanging

I bet you must of these ex PPPites run back to the PPP to "fix" it if the PPP fails to get a majority vote and Ramotar is dumped. Leaving the AFC alone. You might be one of them.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

You will be proven right that the PPP and PNC are raced based.

I already hear your scream. When the AFC gets stomped in georgetown it will be because black people are racists. Not because for the last three months, or more, I have been saying that the AFC needs to focus as much on Gtwn as it is on the Corentyne.
if the people that live in region 4 seeing what bar--rat and bunch of thiefs is doing with their own eyes,and still want to vote ppp,then guyana is a mad mad place.the people want a new party the AFC

Guyana is a nice place. You should visit sometime.
Originally posted by Apollo:
Originally posted by Sanjay:
The AFC rally at Port Mourant deliver the final nail to the PPP coffin...The entire port Mourant/Tain/Rosehall and as far as Albion came out to support the AFC....Chaneg is definitely coming on Monday

Was there free something? Otherwise, they would not come out....

Banna you talking about the PPP, they're the ones who give an tek bribe.
This was an AFC affair, nothing free, just people with clean hearts and minds showing up to lend support.
Originally posted by Sanjay:
The AFC rally at Port Mourant deliver the final nail to the PPP coffin...The entire port Mourant/Tain/Rosehall and as far as Albion came out to support the AFC....Chaneg is definitely coming on Monday

On Monday they will forget the AFC ever existed... Attendance is not voting.. If thgat was true then the whole of LINDEN,40000, will vote PPP.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sanjay:
The AFC rally at Port Mourant deliver the final nail to the PPP coffin...The entire port Mourant/Tain/Rosehall and as far as Albion came out to support the AFC....Chaneg is definitely coming on Monday

On Monday they will forget the AFC ever existed... Attendance is not voting.. If thgat was true then the whole of LINDEN,40000, will vote PPP.

I'm happy to see the arrogance in the PPP. Arrogance is the downfall of many. AFC already surprised the PPP and APNU. Many in Guyana are now talking AFC, PPP supporters are for the first time admitting the possibility of a loss to the AFC.
Originally posted by baseman:
[ PPP supporters are for the first time admitting the possibility of a loss to the AFC.

I expect them to because being PPP they can only think of Indians. The AFC is now almost as bad.

Most Indos will vote PPP. Most Afros will vote PNC.

The issue will be what will young voters do...many will most likely not vote. Also with the TUF and GAP gone where will their supporters go.

Gtwn folks are tired of this elections from what I hear. Not excited with the offerings.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
[ PPP supporters are for the first time admitting the possibility of a loss to the AFC.

I expect them to because being PPP they can only think of Indians. The AFC is now almost as bad.

Most Indos will vote PPP. Most Afros will vote PNC.

The issue will be what will young voters do...many will most likely not vote. Also with the TUF and GAP gone where will their supporters go.

Gtwn folks are tired of this elections from what I hear. Not excited with the offerings.

Then APNU 45%, PPP 35% AFC 19% ?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
AFC already surprised the PPP and APNU. .

Well I guess we will know in a few days. Lets see whose right.

PPP 45%, APNU 35% AFC 20%.

Well Caribj, thats your best case scenario for the PPP and APNU. Now, even with that, you have to admit, the paradigm would have shifted, thanks to the AFC.
CaribJ hates the AFC for not focussing on Region 4 and because they have what he calls rejects from the PPP and PNC.

CaribJ hates the PNC because they caused the collapse of the black middle class.

CaribJ haes the PPP because they are racist to Blacks.

CaribJ hates CaribJ because CaribJ hates ALL the political parties.

There...... You now have CaribJ figured out, so stop beating up on him.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
The people of Port Mourant, Tain, Whim, Corriverton and eleswhere in Berbice are sophisticated and will examine issues and make a rational decision on Monday.

AFC must press on even harder now. Changes will happen.

Go AFC go!!!!! Big Grin cheers flag

Indians are sophisticated, WOW! and in berbice too!
Originally posted by Kari:
CaribJ hates the AFC for not focussing on Region 4 and because they have what he calls rejects from the PPP and PNC.

CaribJ hates the PNC because they caused the collapse of the black middle class.

CaribJ haes the PPP because they are racist to Blacks.

CaribJ hates CaribJ because CaribJ hates ALL the political parties.

There...... You now have CaribJ figured out, so stop beating up on him.

I agree!!! He is full of hate and it's eating him from the inside.
Originally posted by Kari:
CaribJ hates the AFC for not focussing on Region 4 and because they have what he calls rejects from the PPP and PNC.

CaribJ hates the PNC because they caused the collapse of the black middle class.

CaribJ haes the PPP because they ar

e racist to Blacks.

CaribJ hates CaribJ because CaribJ hates ALL the political parties.

There...... You now have CaribJ figured out, so stop beating up on him.

You are nuts.. Does he hate that indian girl he lives with?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Kari:
CaribJ hates the AFC for not focussing on Region 4 and because they have what he calls rejects from the PPP and PNC.

CaribJ hates the PNC because they caused the collapse of the black middle class.

CaribJ haes the PPP because they ar

e racist to Blacks.

CaribJ hates CaribJ because CaribJ hates ALL the political parties.

There...... You now have CaribJ figured out, so stop beating up on him.

You are nuts.. Does he hate that indian girl he lives with?

He is so busy hating that he has no time for love.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Kari:
CaribJ hates the AFC for not focussing on Region 4 and because they have what he calls rejects from the PPP and PNC.

CaribJ hates the PNC because they caused the collapse of the black middle class.

CaribJ haes the PPP because they ar

e racist to Blacks.

CaribJ hates CaribJ because CaribJ hates ALL the political parties.

There...... You now have CaribJ figured out, so stop beating up on him.

You are nuts.. Does he hate that indian girl he lives with?

He is so busy hating that he has no time for love.

You are a joke. How can he be busy hating. What action does one take to show that one is busy hating.

Bhaiji, Get off the substance!!
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
55% or more == PPP/C

45% or less == APNU/PNCR; AFC and the rest.

D_G, you clearly had too much to drink today. Save it for when we call on you.

I predict that the PPP would get 56% of the votes cast.. There are supporters who will take voters to the polling booth on monday and that is not against the law.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
55% or more == PPP/C

45% or less == APNU/PNCR; AFC and the rest.

D_G, you clearly had too much to drink today. Save it for when we call on you.

I predict that the PPP would get 56% of the votes cast.. There are supporters who will take voters to the polling booth on monday and that is not against the law.

Page 32 of the Classified Ads of the Guyana Chronicle of Saturday November 26, 2011 is advertising To Let: in PRADOVILLE, Ogle, well appointed 6 Bedroom MANSION, semi-furnished US $3000.(606,000 Guyana Dollars) per month. Wonder is who going away after Monday???!!!! (Pradoville is an exclusive Guyana Government Officials' enclave near the Ogle Municipal Airport)
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Kari:
CaribJ hates the AFC for not focussing on Region 4 and because they have what he calls rejects from the PPP and PNC.

CaribJ hates the PNC because they caused the collapse of the black middle class.

CaribJ haes the PPP because they ar

e racist to Blacks.

CaribJ hates CaribJ because CaribJ hates ALL the political parties.

There...... You now have CaribJ figured out, so stop beating up on him.

You are nuts.. Does he hate that indian girl he lives with?

He is so busy hating that he has no time for love.

You are a joke. How can he be busy hating. What action does one take to show that one is busy hating.

Bhaiji, Get off the substance!!

When you sober up, I will explain.
Originally posted by Lion King:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
55% or more == PPP/C

45% or less == APNU/PNCR; AFC and the rest.

D_G, you clearly had too much to drink today. Save it for when we call on you.

I predict that the PPP would get 56% of the votes cast.. There are supporters who will take voters to the polling booth on monday and that is not against the law.

Page 32 of the Classified Ads of the Guyana Chronicle of Saturday November 26, 2011 is advertising To Let: in PRADOVILLE, Ogle, well appointed 6 Bedroom MANSION, semi-furnished US $3000.(606,000 Guyana Dollars) per month. Wonder is who going away after Monday???!!!! (Pradoville is an exclusive Guyana Government Officials' enclave near the Ogle Municipal Airport)

The PPP will win by a landslide.

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