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AFC District Councillor lands in court over unauthorised road protest

Alliance For Change (AFC) District Councillor for Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni), Naieem Mohammed Gafoor on Wednesday made his appearance before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer a charge related to the protest in Mahdia early in August over deplorable roads.


The 48-year-old defendant of Mahdia pleaded not guilty to the charge that said on Monday, August 4 at 111 Miles Mahdia, Potaro, he held a protest without first obtaining permission in writing from the police along the Mahdia compound and the Mahdia airstrip roads.


He was represented by attorney-at-law Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, who is also the leader of the AFC party. Ramjattan told the court that his client owns a spare parts shop in Mahdia and is married with four children.
He explained that Gafoor was heading a procession for better roads for Mahdia and gave the police a notification which is in the file. However, the police were not looking for a notice but instead a permit and the defence will contest that.


Defence counsel noted that his client has no prior convictions and was only doing what he felt was constitutional.


Counsel said that Gafoor was placed on $18,000 station bail because there is no Magistrate’s Court in Mahdia, so he came to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer the charge.


Police Prosecutor Michael Grant did not oppose bail and Gafoor was released on his own recognisance. However, he will make his next court appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on Monday.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

AFC District Councillor lands in court over unauthorised road protest

Alliance For Change (AFC) District Councillor for Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni), Naieem Mohammed Gafoor on Wednesday made his appearance before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer a charge related to the protest in Mahdia early in August over deplorable roads.


The 48-year-old defendant of Mahdia pleaded not guilty to the charge that said on Monday, August 4 at 111 Miles Mahdia, Potaro, he held a protest without first obtaining permission in writing from the police along the Mahdia compound and the Mahdia airstrip roads.


He was represented by attorney-at-law Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, who is also the leader of the AFC party. Ramjattan told the court that his client owns a spare parts shop in Mahdia and is married with four children.
He explained that Gafoor was heading a procession for better roads for Mahdia and gave the police a notification which is in the file. However, the police were not looking for a notice but instead a permit and the defence will contest that.


Defence counsel noted that his client has no prior convictions and was only doing what he felt was constitutional.


Counsel said that Gafoor was placed on $18,000 station bail because there is no Magistrate’s Court in Mahdia, so he came to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer the charge.


Police Prosecutor Michael Grant did not oppose bail and Gafoor was released on his own recognisance. However, he will make his next court appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on Monday.


I sincerely hope that Magistrate Priya sends this thug in jail for a very long time. Guyana does not need terrorists. Throw the book at him.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

AFC District Councillor lands in court over unauthorised road protest

Alliance For Change (AFC) District Councillor for Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni), Naieem Mohammed Gafoor on Wednesday made his appearance before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer a charge related to the protest in Mahdia early in August over deplorable roads.


The 48-year-old defendant of Mahdia pleaded not guilty to the charge that said on Monday, August 4 at 111 Miles Mahdia, Potaro, he held a protest without first obtaining permission in writing from the police along the Mahdia compound and the Mahdia airstrip roads.


He was represented by attorney-at-law Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, who is also the leader of the AFC party. Ramjattan told the court that his client owns a spare parts shop in Mahdia and is married with four children.
He explained that Gafoor was heading a procession for better roads for Mahdia and gave the police a notification which is in the file. However, the police were not looking for a notice but instead a permit and the defence will contest that.


Defence counsel noted that his client has no prior convictions and was only doing what he felt was constitutional.


Counsel said that Gafoor was placed on $18,000 station bail because there is no Magistrate’s Court in Mahdia, so he came to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer the charge.


Police Prosecutor Michael Grant did not oppose bail and Gafoor was released on his own recognisance. However, he will make his next court appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on Monday.


I sincerely hope that Magistrate Priya sends this thug in jail for a very long time. Guyana does not need terrorists. Throw the book at him.

Strong word keep it up, the people are watching

pretty soon the party you are representing will

be a minority.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

AFC District Councillor lands in court over unauthorised road protest

Alliance For Change (AFC) District Councillor for Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni), Naieem Mohammed Gafoor on Wednesday made his appearance before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer a charge related to the protest in Mahdia early in August over deplorable roads.


The 48-year-old defendant of Mahdia pleaded not guilty to the charge that said on Monday, August 4 at 111 Miles Mahdia, Potaro, he held a protest without first obtaining permission in writing from the police along the Mahdia compound and the Mahdia airstrip roads.


He was represented by attorney-at-law Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, who is also the leader of the AFC party. Ramjattan told the court that his client owns a spare parts shop in Mahdia and is married with four children.
He explained that Gafoor was heading a procession for better roads for Mahdia and gave the police a notification which is in the file. However, the police were not looking for a notice but instead a permit and the defence will contest that.


Defence counsel noted that his client has no prior convictions and was only doing what he felt was constitutional.


Counsel said that Gafoor was placed on $18,000 station bail because there is no Magistrate’s Court in Mahdia, so he came to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer the charge.


Police Prosecutor Michael Grant did not oppose bail and Gafoor was released on his own recognisance. However, he will make his next court appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on Monday.


I sincerely hope that Magistrate Priya sends this thug in jail for a very long time. Guyana does not need terrorists. Throw the book at him.

Strong word keep it up, the people are watching

pretty soon the party you are representing will

be a minority.


No law abiding citizen of Guyana will support acts of terrorism. Jail them and teach the rest a lesson.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

AFC District Councillor lands in court over unauthorised road protest

Alliance For Change (AFC) District Councillor for Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni), Naieem Mohammed Gafoor on Wednesday made his appearance before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer a charge related to the protest in Mahdia early in August over deplorable roads.


The 48-year-old defendant of Mahdia pleaded not guilty to the charge that said on Monday, August 4 at 111 Miles Mahdia, Potaro, he held a protest without first obtaining permission in writing from the police along the Mahdia compound and the Mahdia airstrip roads.


He was represented by attorney-at-law Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, who is also the leader of the AFC party. Ramjattan told the court that his client owns a spare parts shop in Mahdia and is married with four children.
He explained that Gafoor was heading a procession for better roads for Mahdia and gave the police a notification which is in the file. However, the police were not looking for a notice but instead a permit and the defence will contest that.


Defence counsel noted that his client has no prior convictions and was only doing what he felt was constitutional.


Counsel said that Gafoor was placed on $18,000 station bail because there is no Magistrate’s Court in Mahdia, so he came to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer the charge.


Police Prosecutor Michael Grant did not oppose bail and Gafoor was released on his own recognisance. However, he will make his next court appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on Monday.


I sincerely hope that Magistrate Priya sends this thug in jail for a very long time. Guyana does not need terrorists. Throw the book at him.

Strong word keep it up, the people are watching

pretty soon the party you are representing will

be a minority.


No law abiding citizen of Guyana will support acts of terrorism. Jail them and teach the rest a lesson.

 The right to peaceful protest,are called acts of terrorism,

 that is democracy,no wonder there are so much dunces

 in the party you represent.


Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Prove your irresponsible statement. Hogwash is not tolerated here.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Prove your irresponsible statement. Hogwash is not tolerated here.

The sympthoms show that they are just like General Samoza and General Pinochet.  Can you image Donald Rmutar used to talk about Allende and now as Prez, he treating the people like Pinochet treated Allende.


The Jagdeo/Ramutar cabal is a FRAUD and killers.  See how they killed the lindeners.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Soon only thos Guyanese and Chinese who the PPP believe will vote for them are acceptable on the Voter's List.


Thanks to Surujballi, this Nazism was put to its place.


PPP Failed to corrupt the list again.

Bai, you ah really wuk haad fuh get noticed by the PNC or AFC.

Never will join AFC, PNC or PPP But will join the Guyana Democratic Party.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Soon only thos Guyanese and Chinese who the PPP believe will vote for them are acceptable on the Voter's List.


Thanks to Surujballi, this Nazism was put to its place.


PPP Failed to corrupt the list again.

Bai, you ah really wuk haad fuh get noticed by the PNC or AFC.

Never will join AFC, PNC or PPP But will join the Guyana Democratic Party.

HA HA. Brian Teekah/Kishan Bacchus: Is this GDP like one of those fly by night outfit? How about the campaign financing? Where is it going to come from? Keep us posted. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jail him and throw away the keys. These rotten people must not be a part of a civilized society.

What civilized society are you taking about dimwit? This gentleman has the right to assembly, and to question and to protest anything.

Without first obtaining a permit???

Bhai Cobra, Leave them alone. They get salvation listening to their daily Garbage.  Only yesterday Mc Donald Employees got arrested for Demonstrating. But FOOLS WILL BE FOOLS. Dem Bhias like to think they are making sense and that others are followers of them. It has to do with delusion and other factors. Please, let them have their day in the sun.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Prove your irresponsible statement. Hogwash is not tolerated here.

Skelly, Kishan is right. Here's ample proof:

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jail him and throw away the keys. These rotten people must not be a part of a civilized society.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Prove your irresponsible statement. Hogwash is not tolerated here.

Skelly, Kishan is right. Here's ample proof:

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jail him and throw away the keys. These rotten people must not be a part of a civilized society.

Gilly, I know you are being hilarious. Let's split hair here. Yuji is not the cabal of the PPP; he is a supporter of the PPP. We are all entitled to our opinions.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Prove your irresponsible statement. Hogwash is not tolerated here.

Skelly, Kishan is right. Here's ample proof:

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jail him and throw away the keys. These rotten people must not be a part of a civilized society.

Gilly, I know you are being hilarious. Let's split hair here. Yuji is not the cabal of the PPP; he is a supporter of the PPP. We are all entitled to our opinions.


Skelly, yuji22 is the self-appointed PPP hatchetman on this BB, the Guyana Gestapo.

If yuji gets his way, he will cut off Jalil's balls and force Stormy to swallow them. As for me, he using kid gloves for now but, who knows, he is planning to disembowel me.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Prove your irresponsible statement. Hogwash is not tolerated here.

Skelly, Kishan is right. Here's ample proof:

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jail him and throw away the keys. These rotten people must not be a part of a civilized society.

Gilly, I know you are being hilarious. Let's split hair here. Yuji is not the cabal of the PPP; he is a supporter of the PPP. We are all entitled to our opinions.


Skelly, yuji22 is the self-appointed PPP hatchetman on this BB, the Guyana Gestapo.

If yuji gets his way, he will cut off Jalil's balls and force Stormy to swallow them. As for me, he using kid gloves for now but, who knows, he is planning to disembowel me.

I do not agree with everyhing Yuji posts here. He is his own man and like the rest of us, we push as far as we can go.

Jail him and throw away the keys.

I believe in an individual's right to due process. Convict him in a court of law. No kangaroo justice.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Trump up charges by the house slaves, to let 'massa' see that they are wukkin.


"good bwai" take this piece of bone for a well done jab



Hitler did the same thin in 1934 that the PPP doing today.

He rass lucky dis nah Burnham days. He phambily might nah see he anymoe.

That is where the PPP going, they will start dissapearing human being like General Pinochet.

Prove your irresponsible statement. Hogwash is not tolerated here.

Skelly, Kishan is right. Here's ample proof:

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jail him and throw away the keys. These rotten people must not be a part of a civilized society.

Gilly, I know you are being hilarious. Let's split hair here. Yuji is not the cabal of the PPP; he is a supporter of the PPP. We are all entitled to our opinions.


Skelly, yuji22 is the self-appointed PPP hatchetman on this BB, the Guyana Gestapo.

If yuji gets his way, he will cut off Jalil's balls and force Stormy to swallow them. As for me, he using kid gloves for now but, who knows, he is planning to disembowel me.




You are the only balanced and fair poster from the opposition side. Yuji has a lot of respect for you despite our political differences.


The rest are fair game, they dish it out and should be able to take it back.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jail him and throw away the keys. These rotten people must not be a part of a civilized society.

What civilized society are you taking about dimwit? This gentleman has the right to assembly, and to question and to protest anything.

While indeed a person has the right to protest, it does appear that the individual/organization needed a permit for the occasion.


The matter is in the Courts so we need to await the decision.


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