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AFC doesn’t see polls in 90 days – Ramjattan

-going as coalition again

Khemraj Ramjattan

Although the court has not granted a stay of the successful motion of no confidence which triggered a 90-day timeframe for the holding of general elections, the Alliance for Change (AFC) does not believe polls will be held by March 22nd.

As such, the  party is awaiting the outcome of two cases before the courts and a meeting by government and opposition officials with GECOM on its preparedness for the holding of elections and thinks the results of those two issues would put elections outside of the 90-day timeframe.


 “We are very much prepared for an elections but we will have the elections, I understand, as was agreed to in the Presidential meeting,  when of course the two important matters: the court case and GECOM’s readiness, are known,” Chairman of the Party, Khemraj Ramjattan yesterday told a press conference held at the AFC’s Headquarters in Kitty. He also noted that while the AFC believes that the court matters should be expeditiously addressed, the party supports both cases “going right up to the CCJ (Caribbean Court of Justice)”…..

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It’s the law!  He don’t arbitrarily decide.  If it’s not humanly possible, then there are protocols for extension!

if they had moved on the elections front, it was possible.  They lost a whole month throwing spaghetti, now coming with this!


AFC doesn’t see polls in 90 days – Ramjattan

-going as coalition again

Khemraj Ramjattan

Although the court has not granted a stay of the successful motion of no confidence which triggered a 90-day timeframe for the holding of general elections, the Alliance for Change (AFC) does not believe polls will be held by March 22nd.

Ramjattan's ability to see or not to see is irrelevant to the requirements for an election.

It is his organization's responsibility to be ready for an election; whether at the regular prescribed times or for a snap election.


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