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Reaz Holladar:Please allow me some space in your news paper to explain the total disappointment myself and colleges feel with the party of our choice at the 2011 election.  We are young professionals, the so called future of Guyana and we truly believed Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan when they declared that they are going to usher in, in Guyana a new type of politics, one that is based on principles, with the young generation at the centre of Guyana’s development.
We believed them, switched from the PPP and campaigned feverishly for the AFC, sparing no time and resource because we truly believed that Guyana finally have a chance of creating a new political culture with young people at the centre of it all.  When the results were out we were overwhelmed with joy and hopes for a better future. Our hopes were high and we were sure that with the AFC holding the balance of power in the Parliament the era of constructive engagement would become an important part of Guyana’s politics and that the national and not individual of group interests will determine the order of the day.

But alas, we were in for great disappointments. Our first disappointment was when our leaders, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan abused our votes and supported the residents of Linden’s demand for free electricity without giving a thought to the fact that it is we who are saddled with the burden of Linden’s electricity bill, without giving a thought that we have to always be conscious of the necessity of conserving because of cost while Lindeners can use and abuse as they like because we are paying for it, not them. The second disappointment was when the AFC instigated and encouraged the Agricola mayhem. Words would never be enough to describe the horrible experiences of many, mostly young Indian women that evening.  The third was the chopping of all of the government’s major development projects from which the young generation stands to benefits the most since thos e projects are the ones that  would be lay the foundations for development from which we the young generation will be reaping the benefits in the future.
And now, the biggest disappoint of them all,   the denial of all Guyanese, especially the young generation of the life line of development – cheap, reliable and abundant energy by voting down the Hydro Electric Project. We could have expected anything, but not this, especially since there is not one single valid reason for this action. What makes it more disappointing is that the AFC is not short of “qualified economists”. We hope that Mr. Sasenarine Singh, et al, the economic gurus of the AFC would see it as their duty to enlighten us and the nation on the reasons for voting down the Hydro Electric Project. We are eagerly waiting.
We used to be proud to be associated with the AFC, but now with the voting down of the Hydro Electric Project we are ashamed to be so identified. How can Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and other leaders of the AFC, who promised the young people of Guyana a better future, by their irrational and vindictive actions seek to destroy the very foundations upon which that promised future must be built? Where is the pragmatism and constructive engagement that they publicly promised the nation, especially the young generation?
I think it is time that progressive forces within the entire Opposition speak out against the denial of development to Guyana. Pragmatism and constructive engagement with the Government demand that projects crucial to the development of Guyana must be supported regardless of whose initiatives they are since it is the entire Guyanese population that stands to benefit. If the AFC is serious about putting the young generation at the centre of development then it must understand that cheap and abundant energy is the backbone of development and their act of denying it to them throwing away their future, the future of those who they swore to promote and defend during their 2011 election campaign.
Aren’t the Opposition, especially the AFC doing the exact opposite of what it promised the young people of Guyana? The obvious answer is yes and I challenge any of its leaders to prove me wrong. Such divergence of word and actions are called hypocrisy and actors are called hypocrites. True? Of course true.
It is now clear that the AFC and its leaders are noting but wolfs lambs’ skins.
And a Guyanese would normally say “bi I done wid that”

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And now, the biggest disappoint of them all,   the denial of all Guyanese, especially the young generation of the life line of development – cheap, reliable and abundant energy by voting down the Hydro Electric Project. We could have expected anything, but not this, especially since there is not one single valid reason for this action.


 Go AFC...kick this bare face thieves to the curb...we don't need another skeldon factory or Berbice bridge that only enrich the PPP cronies. Fip motilall and their cronies already laugh all the way to the bank with U$15mil of taxpayer money with nothing to show for it.. 


Aren’t the Opposition, especially the AFC doing the exact opposite of what it promised the young people of Guyana? The obvious answer is yes and I challenge any of its leaders to prove me wrong. Such divergence of word and actions are called hypocrisy and actors are called hypocrites. True? Of course true.
It is now clear that the AFC and its leaders are noting but wolfs lambs’ skins.
And a Guyanese would normally say “bi I done wid that”


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