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caribny posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Tassa drums beating. "We tek back de country from black man. Black man time done".

Take heart ,Carib. this types of response is way below your grade. Let them take the back the country. As long as they don't take away your black pudding and souse there shouldn't be any problems. Stay strong man.

Sheik101 posted:

Tassa drums beating. "We tek back de country from black man. Black man time done".

Take heart ,Carib. this types of response is way below your grade. Let them take the back the country. As long as they don't take away your black pudding and souse there shouldn't be any problems. Stay strong man.

The truth hurts you doesnt it.  This is what blacks in Guyana are hearing so go tell them to stay strong. THEY will need it.

 But I think that the PPP will need it to if it thinks that ethnic triumphalism of the type witnessed between 1992-2015 will resume next year.

You see Sheik there are TWO important narratives in Guyana. It is a good idea for both YOU and the PPP to listen to BOTH and not ignore one of them because you dont like the texture of their hair.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django bai, opportunities like this doesn't happen often. McCain singlehandedly prevented the Republicans from )completely destroying Obamacare. Charandas did similarly last night. The Coalition government is hapless and have not earned the confidence that the Guyanese people placed in them in 2015. They did the same thing to Ramotar in 2014 so they should be fine with it. Everyone think that the PPP doesn't have the numbers but number are only good if they have substance. This Coalition government didn't demonstrate any substance.

No doubt, they blundered  the way they govern, maybe due to they were in the pastures for 23 yrs they lost touch with reality.


Granger did not show leadership either (I actually like Granger). 

The AFC is finished as long as it keeps clinging on to the PNC which will eventually kick them out since congress place has not commented and analysed the downfall and causes as yet. Moses might be crucified by them. 

Read Granger statement made today, you wI'll get an idea regarding the AFC.

caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Tassa drums beating. "We tek back de country from black man. Black man time done".

Take heart ,Carib. this types of response is way below your grade. Let them take the back the country. As long as they don't take away your black pudding and souse there shouldn't be any problems. Stay strong man.

The truth hurts you doesnt it.  This is what blacks in Guyana are hearing so go tell them to stay strong. THEY will need it.

 But I think that the PPP will need it to if it thinks that ethnic triumphalism of the type witnessed between 1992-2015 will resume next year.

You see Sheik there are TWO important narratives in Guyana. It is a good idea for both YOU and the PPP to listen to BOTH and not ignore one of them because you dont like the texture of their hair.

Only you are singing these lies. Let this post be the evidence of your wicked race hate mongering. 

caribny posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Tassa drums beating. "We tek back de country from black man. Black man time done".

Take heart ,Carib. this types of response is way below your grade. Let them take the back the country. As long as they don't take away your black pudding and souse there shouldn't be any problems. Stay strong man.

The truth hurts you doesnt it.  This is what blacks in Guyana are hearing so go tell them to stay strong. THEY will need it.

 But I think that the PPP will need it to if it thinks that ethnic triumphalism of the type witnessed between 1992-2015 will resume next year.

You see Sheik there are TWO important narratives in Guyana. It is a good idea for both YOU and the PPP to listen to BOTH and not ignore one of them because you dont like the texture of their hair.

Sorry to disappoint u Carib, but here's how it works for me. I was never a PPP supporter or an APNU one. They way I see it, neither of these two parties are good for Guyana.  What I would like to see is a party that would cater to the interest of all Guyanese. I dont see this happening anytime soon. What we have now is the kit n kin one one side and the apanjatist on the other. And u know damn well how that pans out.

yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo is giving Carib heartaches and driving him insane. Yes, Carib is the the dirtiest racist at GNI. The AFC clowns here are too dumb to read between the lines. 

Carib has a tribal mentality.  He uses terms as " them say"  "Indos are saying" but he is the one making the statements . Carib dislays an attitude as though he is superior than all Indians on GNI and many allow him to do so. I have detected his smell of racism a long time. Now his black party was defeated he has failed in dividing the site by race, "abie time now"

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I have never seen politicians as angry as Moses and Ramjattan. They achieved their goal of removing the PPP from office in 2015 but their bitterness and anger only gotten worse. 

Why not cool down and do your job of governing right?

What happened yesterday is a wakeup call for the government and future governments. 

Doing their jobs is extremely onerous for them.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.


you stirring up mischief man is a hero for ALL Guyanese especially if you are convinced, as I am that he voted his conscience...look at the video tape of him providing his explanations saying his actions was good for the PPP implies that he was "bought over" by the PPP, which is far from the truth.

You lucky Skeldon-Man and KP missed this post...dey got start cussin.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.


you stirring up mischief man is a hero for ALL Guyanese especially if you are convinced, as I am that he voted his conscience...look at the video tape of him providing his explanations saying his actions was good for the PPP implies that he was "bought over" by the PPP, which is far from the truth.

You lucky Skeldon-Man and KP missed this post...dey got start cussin.


ksazma posted:

Simona Broomes said in her presentation that her (PNC) core supporters were saying that the PPP has no place in Guyana. While it is excusable for a supporter to say that, it is inexcusable for a government minister to repeat it in Parliament. Maybe Simona also thought that Guyana belonged to the non-PPPs.

We are just coolies, serve the new massa!!

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Done mention to the PPP supporters, don't celebrate too much, bringing down a gov't can be a wake up call for correction.

What I have learned on GNI is how many PPP supporters live within their own bubble. I think that only Vishmahabir (who leans PPP even if he is critical of them) knows that it isnt just about winning elections.

One Indian votes to enable an Indian party to regain power after a track record of exclusion of blacks for 23 years. Indians run out congratulating Jagdeo.   Not a good image in a tribal society where people quickly galvanize around race.

If they only knew what some upper middle class blacks are now saying they would immediate stop the drum beating and go chat with these people.

It is not about endorsing Jagdeo. Chandradass gave the country the chance to have an early start again.

You are saying middle class Blacks supports bad governance. From that rationale, then Indians are right to follow Jagdeo, regardless.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
I do want a government that represents all Guyanese though.

Well you know that the likes of Anil will NEVER represent all Guyanese, so you can retire from beating your celebratory tassa drums knowing that Guyana remains as divided as ever.

You have a problem with tassa drums? You are getting to be like the ones you criticize.....

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.


you stirring up mischief man is a hero for ALL Guyanese especially if you are convinced, as I am that he voted his conscience...look at the video tape of him providing his explanations saying his actions was good for the PPP implies that he was "bought over" by the PPP, which is far from the truth.

You lucky Skeldon-Man and KP missed this post...dey got start cussin.

Little slow today, focusing too much on Charandass. KP lIked the post.Never intended to suggest  he was bought.There is something to ponder on.

Mr.Charandass gave a dynamic speech in his 2019 budget presentation recently, baffling how his mind was changes in such a short time.


It would have been better had all AFC members voted same as Charandass.  The coalition government never performed as they made themselves out to be.  They never followed through with their promises.

They even conned the youth for their votes but forgot about them once they attained power.

Maybe time for Moses and Ramjattan be kicked should those who look down on other members and treat them like crap.

For the PPP to get in power they also have to kick the foggies to the curb because we darn well know it will be same old shit from them.


For me, the biggest issue is the physical safety of Guyanese East Indian and Dougla people (until we get our own independent sovereign country that can give us the mechanisms of state institutions to protect us). At least during this time of PNC rule, there was not a Fineman Rawlings and East Indian children were not murdered while they sleep by race hate. 

Last edited by Prashad
cain posted:

It would have been better had all AFC members voted same as Charandass.  The coalition government never performed as they made themselves out to be.  They never followed through with their promises.

They even conned the youth for their votes but forgot about them once they attained power.

Maybe time for Moses and Ramjattan be kicked should those who look down on other members and treat them like crap.

For the PPP to get in power they also have to kick the foggies to the curb because we darn well know it will be same old shit from them.

Come in Cain, did you sell your handle for a joint . 

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.


you stirring up mischief man is a hero for ALL Guyanese especially if you are convinced, as I am that he voted his conscience...look at the video tape of him providing his explanations saying his actions was good for the PPP implies that he was "bought over" by the PPP, which is far from the truth.

You lucky Skeldon-Man and KP missed this post...dey got start cussin.

Little slow today, focusing too much on Charandass. KP lIked the post.Never intended to suggest  he was bought.There is something to ponder on.

Mr.Charandass gave a dynamic speech in his 2019 budget presentation recently, baffling how his mind was changes in such a short time.

Django do you understand, buying a vote doesn’t guarantee a victory at the poll. What is really wrong with you banna.

Election are due in less than 2 friken years 

cain posted:

It would have been better had all AFC members voted same as Charandass.  The coalition government never performed as they made themselves out to be.  They never followed through with their promises.

They even conned the youth for their votes but forgot about them once they attained power.

Maybe time for Moses and Ramjattan be kicked should those who look down on other members and treat them like crap.

For the PPP to get in power they also have to kick the foggies to the curb because we darn well know it will be same old shit from them.

Wow! Cain,

You took a full 360 degree turn hay wid dem must really lighting it up today....

Django posted:

Mr.Charandass gave a dynamic speech in his 2019 budget presentation recently, baffling how his mind was changes in such a short time.

You're assuming he changed his mind. How about assuming he planned to vote for the PPP's no-confidence vote all along but tactically supported the 2019 budget so as not to arouse suspicion? If you were in his shoes would you have declined to give that rousing speech? If so, yuh is pagal. A shrewd politician must be a convincing actor. Don't be baffled by what Charrandas did and how he did it.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Mr.Charandass gave a dynamic speech in his 2019 budget presentation recently, baffling how his mind was changes in such a short time.

You're assuming he changed his mind. How about assuming he planned to vote for the PPP's no-confidence vote all along but tactically supported the 2019 budget so as not to arouse suspicion? If you were in his shoes would you have declined to give that rousing speech? If so, yuh is pagal. A shrewd politician must be a convincing actor. Don't be baffled by what Charrandas did and how he did it.

One of the reasons i can't be a politician, opportunities was there just declined.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:

It would have been better had all AFC members voted same as Charandass.  The coalition government never performed as they made themselves out to be.  They never followed through with their promises.

They even conned the youth for their votes but forgot about them once they attained power.

Maybe time for Moses and Ramjattan be kicked should those who look down on other members and treat them like crap.

For the PPP to get in power they also have to kick the foggies to the curb because we darn well know it will be same old shit from them.

Hey hey hey Cainster.  I think you would have voted "YES"!

Moses, Ramjattan and Trotman need to be replaced.  Clearly, they were not in touch with their own members.  I wonder if they don't have weekly debriefs with their members in a closed-door sessions where everyone could vent and give honest opinions.

I believe the three where drunk with power in their own world and got infused with PNC arrogance!  Imagine dem coolies supporting Volda's racist comments?

VishMahabir posted:
cain posted:

It would have been better had all AFC members voted same as Charandass.  The coalition government never performed as they made themselves out to be.  They never followed through with their promises.

They even conned the youth for their votes but forgot about them once they attained power.

Maybe time for Moses and Ramjattan be kicked should those who look down on other members and treat them like crap.

For the PPP to get in power they also have to kick the foggies to the curb because we darn well know it will be same old shit from them.

Wow! Cain,

You took a full 360 degree turn hay wid dem must really lighting it up today....

Maybe Cain is Charrandas!


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