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Former Member

"At the 2012 Conference they did a similar selection when no nominations were allowed for Leader and Chairman and the elections were rigged in favour of Nagamootoo and Patterson. This year they have gone further – there is no reason to vote anymore as the current leaders are there for life! So Burnhamish!

Furthermore, in 2012, the AFC presented an inaccurate and unaudited financial statement which again was in direct contravention of Article 15 Section 9 which spoke of the appointment of an auditor on an annual basis and Article 7 Section 4(b) says that, “The business of the National Conference shall be to receive the Report of the Treasurer”.If these are read together then it means that an audited financial statement should have been presented at that Conference since each year the financial year ends on February 28th (Article 15 Section 10). However, at this year’s Conference the AFC went further by not presenting any financial statements whatsoever!

They have moved from an inaccurate and unaudited one to none at all! Yet once again the AFC Leadership is singing about accountability and the need to wipe out corruption. Once again I will reiterate that the AFC is the most corrupted political party this country has ever seen.

Unfortunately, the worse is yet to come from the AFC. I had made many revelations to AFC’s Leader Khemraj Ramjattan in my e-mails to him but corruption runs deep within the AFC and all are consumed.

I attempted to change that but I was expelled. Now there is no one in the AFC who is willing to stem the downward slide. The recent Rally at Whim speaks volumes when ‘a crowd’ was actually ‘rented’ from among APNU supporters from Lancaster, Liverpool, Lancaster and Liverpool. The AFC leaders cannot fool everyone. In addition, the poor turnout at the National Conference is another indicator- delegates had to be ‘bussed’ to get an attendance! The end is near!


AFC Councillor – Region 6


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Originally Posted by yuji22:

"At the 2012 Conference they did a similar selection when no nominations were allowed for Leader and Chairman and the elections were rigged in favour of Nagamootoo and Patterson. This year they have gone further – there is no reason to vote anymore as the current leaders are there for life! So Burnhamish!

Furthermore, in 2012, the AFC presented an inaccurate and unaudited financial statement which again was in direct contravention of Article 15 Section 9 which spoke of the appointment of an auditor on an annual basis and Article 7 Section 4(b) says that, “The business of the National Conference shall be to receive the Report of the Treasurer”.If these are read together then it means that an audited financial statement should have been presented at that Conference since each year the financial year ends on February 28th (Article 15 Section 10). However, at this year’s Conference the AFC went further by not presenting any financial statements whatsoever!

They have moved from an inaccurate and unaudited one to none at all! Yet once again the AFC Leadership is singing about accountability and the need to wipe out corruption. Once again I will reiterate that the AFC is the most corrupted political party this country has ever seen.

Unfortunately, the worse is yet to come from the AFC. I had made many revelations to AFC’s Leader Khemraj Ramjattan in my e-mails to him but corruption runs deep within the AFC and all are consumed.

I attempted to change that but I was expelled. Now there is no one in the AFC who is willing to stem the downward slide. The recent Rally at Whim speaks volumes when ‘a crowd’ was actually ‘rented’ from among APNU supporters from Lancaster, Liverpool, Lancaster and Liverpool. The AFC leaders cannot fool everyone. In addition, the poor turnout at the National Conference is another indicator- delegates had to be ‘bussed’ to get an attendance! The end is near!


AFC Councillor – Region 6


so this is what the dog drag in 


AFC has lost credibility. Their actions are what made overseas donations dry up.


How can a party violate their own constitution and fail to prove independent audited financial statements have any credibility left ?


The AFC consists of a shameless bunch.


Let's demandindependent audited financial statements from the AFC and demand that they stop violating their own party's constitution.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has lost credibility. Their actions are what made overseas donations dry up.


How can a party violate their own constitution and fail to prove independent audited financial statements have any credibility left ?


The AFC consists of a shameless bunch.


Let's demandindependent audited financial statements from the AFC and demand that they stop violating their own party's constitution.

maybe somebody need to let you ppp fools know that the AFC is not the government 


The AFC is a private entity if their members and underwriters are not asking for how the money is spent not much you can do there.


What is of importance however is how are government monies spent which directly impacts tax payers. AFC money does not impact tax payers in any way. People can hold them accountable by not giving them any more money. 


The question is how is the PPP accounting for all the money they have been stealing?


The PPP has been peddling this yasseef bs for some time now but no one is really buying their bullshit. Their continued repetition of the same drivel over and over again demonstrates their desperation and the fact that this story has no credibility. None whatsoever......


Yusuf has not been an AFC member for the past 3-4 years. He cannot know the AFC's financial business. Yusuf is just spouting "woof!woof!"

The point is valid, however, that the AFC should abide by its constitution in regard to financial matters.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Yusuf has not been an AFC member for the past 3-4 years. He cannot know the AFC's financial business. Yusuf is just spouting "woof!woof!"

The point is valid, however, that the AFC should abide by its constitution in regard to financial matters.

Yaseef is grasping at straws and he picked on the worst possible person to claim fiscal irregularities (Ramaya). Ramaya has given more to the AFC than many can claim. 


Yaseef is a useless PPP tool, kwame probably burgered his brains out........

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has lost credibility. Their actions are what made overseas donations dry up.


How can a party violate their own constitution and fail to prove independent audited financial statements have any credibility left ?


The AFC consists of a shameless bunch.


Let's demandindependent audited financial statements from the AFC and demand that they stop violating their own party's constitution.

The PPP should send this matter to the DPP. Yusuf will be the star witness.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has lost credibility. Their actions are what made overseas donations dry up.


How can a party violate their own constitution and fail to prove independent audited financial statements have any credibility left ?


The AFC consists of a shameless bunch.


Let's demandindependent audited financial statements from the AFC and demand that they stop violating their own party's constitution.

The PPP should send this matter to the DPP. Yusuf will be the star witness.

I am shocked that the man has not made a report to the police? 3 years and this dunce is still yapping with no action.


go to the DPP I am sure she will gladly frame another Hindu.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"At the 2012 Conference they did a similar selection when no nominations were allowed for Leader and Chairman and the elections were rigged in favour of Nagamootoo and Patterson. This year they have gone further – there is no reason to vote anymore as the current leaders are there for life! So Burnhamish!

Furthermore, in 2012, the AFC presented an inaccurate and unaudited financial statement which again was in direct contravention of Article 15 Section 9 which spoke of the appointment of an auditor on an annual basis and Article 7 Section 4(b) says that, “The business of the National Conference shall be to receive the Report of the Treasurer”.If these are read together then it means that an audited financial statement should have been presented at that Conference since each year the financial year ends on February 28th (Article 15 Section 10). However, at this year’s Conference the AFC went further by not presenting any financial statements whatsoever!

They have moved from an inaccurate and unaudited one to none at all! Yet once again the AFC Leadership is singing about accountability and the need to wipe out corruption. Once again I will reiterate that the AFC is the most corrupted political party this country has ever seen.

Unfortunately, the worse is yet to come from the AFC. I had made many revelations to AFC’s Leader Khemraj Ramjattan in my e-mails to him but corruption runs deep within the AFC and all are consumed.

I attempted to change that but I was expelled. Now there is no one in the AFC who is willing to stem the downward slide. The recent Rally at Whim speaks volumes when ‘a crowd’ was actually ‘rented’ from among APNU supporters from Lancaster, Liverpool, Lancaster and Liverpool. The AFC leaders cannot fool everyone. In addition, the poor turnout at the National Conference is another indicator- delegates had to be ‘bussed’ to get an attendance! The end is near!


AFC Councillor – Region 6


YUJI, you and your PPP squaddie YUSUF quite mischievous.


FACT - the AFC is the ONLY political party in Guyana ever to present an audited statement and the 2013 audited financial statement was published.


How on earth will they present the 2014 audited Statement in early December when the year finishes on December 31st?



QUACK ON YUSUF, the beef soup sharing in your family.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

FACT - in its 65 years history the PPP NEVER published or presented any financial statement to the public.


Let us not talk about Congress Place because thwy WUSS.



Not really. At some PPP congresses I attended, truncated financial reports were presented by the party's Secretary for Finance. Revenues from fund-raising activities and local donations were mentioned. What was omitted were hefty foreign currency contributions from the socialist bloc, principally the former Soviet Communist Party. This is one skeleton in the closet I can bring out if Rohee brings out Moses' "skeletons."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

FACT - in its 65 years history the PPP NEVER published or presented any financial statement to the public.


Let us not talk about Congress Place because thwy WUSS.



Not really. At some PPP congresses I attended, truncated financial reports were presented by the party's Secretary for Finance. Revenues from fund-raising activities and local donations were mentioned. What was omitted were hefty foreign currency contributions from the socialist bloc, principally the former Soviet Communist Party. This is one skeleton in the closet I can bring out if Rohee brings out Moses' "skeletons."


The AFC runs around Guyana talking about accountability and transparence and they cannot even provide independent audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution. 


No one is asking that these statements be made public but they owe their own members, especially those who donated money an audited financial statement in accordance to their own constitution. 


This portrays AFC as a corrupt party. They have ZERO credibility when it comes to finance.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

FACT - in its 65 years history the PPP NEVER published or presented any financial statement to the public.


Let us not talk about Congress Place because thwy WUSS.



Not really. At some PPP congresses I attended, truncated financial reports were presented by the party's Secretary for Finance. Revenues from fund-raising activities and local donations were mentioned. What was omitted were hefty foreign currency contributions from the socialist bloc, principally the former Soviet Communist Party. This is one skeleton in the closet I can bring out if Rohee brings out Moses' "skeletons."


The AFC runs around Guyana talking about accountability and transparence and they cannot even provide independent audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution. 


No one is asking that these statements be made public but they owe their own members, especially those who donated money an audited financial statement in accordance to their own constitution. 


This portrays AFC as a corrupt party. They have ZERO credibility when it comes to finance.

and with all their fault they still have donald ducking  

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has lost credibility. Their actions are what made overseas donations dry up.


How can a party violate their own constitution and fail to prove independent audited financial statements have any credibility left ?


The AFC consists of a shameless bunch.


Let's demandindependent audited financial statements from the AFC and demand that they stop violating their own party's constitution.

Get the DPP to file charges nuh?


We cant get the DPP to frame up some case here?

1 hour ago

Gov’t moves to recover $4M from ‘shady’ Civil Society Organiser for use of Conference Center

January 7, 2015 3:19 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

Guyana International Conference Center.

Guyana International Conference Center.

[] – The Guyana government says it is taking “appropriate steps” to recover $4 million from Organiser of the Guyana National Council on Public Policy (GNCPP), Phillip Thomas, who used the services of the International Conference Center at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara on December 17, 2014.

Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon told Reporters that Thomas utilized the services of the conference center to host a two days summit, bringing together all of Guyana’s Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organizations (NGO’s/CSOs).

However, the $4 million cheque provided by Thomas to government was not honoured by the bank, Dr Luncheon revealed.

Prior to the hosting of the summit by the GNCPP, the Office of the President had distanced itself from the group, stating it is unaware of the existence and of the “locus standi of the organisation in Guyana.”

The government had urged the public to disassociate itself from the event and not to participate.

A press statement from the President’s Office had noted that “Mr. Phillip Mozart Thomas, the organiser behind the activity has been found to be of a shady character.”

Leader of the GNCPP, Phillip Thomas

Leader of the GNCPP, Phillip Thomas

“Further, it has been brought to the attention of the Office of the President that qualifications Mr. Thomas purports to possess are highly suspicious. Research has revealed that the institutions where Mr. Thomas purported to have received his qualifications are unknown institutions, and lack well established bona fides,” the statement noted.


The statement further revealed that Thomas is known to have leanings in favour of the People’s National Congress (PNC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

FACT - in its 65 years history the PPP NEVER published or presented any financial statement to the public.


Let us not talk about Congress Place because thwy WUSS.



Not really. At some PPP congresses I attended, truncated financial reports were presented by the party's Secretary for Finance. Revenues from fund-raising activities and local donations were mentioned. What was omitted were hefty foreign currency contributions from the socialist bloc, principally the former Soviet Communist Party. This is one skeleton in the closet I can bring out if Rohee brings out Moses' "skeletons."


The AFC runs around Guyana talking about accountability and transparence and they cannot even provide independent audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution. 


No one is asking that these statements be made public but they owe their own members, especially those who donated money an audited financial statement in accordance to their own constitution. 


This portrays AFC as a corrupt party. They have ZERO credibility when it comes to finance.

A schizophrenic asking about credibility! Go back to talking to those other people in your head...


The fact remains they have been in office 22 years and if financial reporting on elections were a priority they could have initiated legislation and passed it on their own. They do not because the party is a family business.

Last edited by Former Member

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