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The Alliance For Change (AFC) today held a high-energy meeting to finalise its strategy as the Party prepares for General Elections early next year.
Representatives from all ten Administrative Regions of Guyana gathered at the Georgetown Club in the city with representatives from the Diaspora joining by Skype to put details to the AFC strategy that will guide the AFC at the 2015 Polls. There were a number of youth and women members of the AFC represented at the meeting.
The National Executive Committee gave total support to the Motion of No Confidence and saw the representatives pledging 100 percent commitment to move the election process forward. All representatives were highly motivated and eager to get back to the Regions to advance the work that will give the AFC the advantage at the next poll.
The AFC leadership in one voice condemned the minority government for undermining the constitution by refusing to hold local government elections and establishing a procurement commission, as well as unlawfully spending public funds not authorized by the Parliament.
The meeting also saw the NEC pledging full support for Co-founder and now Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman in the face of a diabolical plot against him.
The meeting also expressed solidarity with  Kaieteur News which is being subjected to attempts to muzzle it as a member of the free press.
The meeting of the NEC received four nominations for the Presidential Candidate; Khemraj Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo and Cathy Hughes.
Nominations received for the Prime Ministerial Candidate were; Raphael Trotman, Nigel Hughes,  Cathy Hughes, Dr. Verasammy Ramayya and David Patterson.
The decision on who will be elected the Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates will be made when the Party holds is biennial National Conference on October 25, 2014.
OCTOBER 4, 2014

For more information:
David Patterson
General Secretary
Alliance For Change

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai Mits, KFC ONLY gat one tune: THIRD PLACE and a distant one at day.

In a two legged race, the AFC might be able to topple the PPP. However, in a three legged race, the AFC is likely to reduce the number of seats the PPP/C currently have. 9,000 more Indians migrated than Afros. That translates to 2 seats less for the PPP/C since Guyanese traditionally vote race. The PPP/C is in denial that it is loosing support from the Sugar Workers and Rice Farmers.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai Mits, KFC ONLY gat one tune: THIRD PLACE and a distant one at day.

In a two legged race, the AFC might be able to topple the PPP. However, in a three legged race, the AFC is likely to reduce the number of seats the PPP/C currently have. 9,000 more Indians migrated than Afros. That translates to 2 seats less for the PPP/C since Guyanese traditionally vote race. The PPP/C is in denial that it is loosing support from the Sugar Workers and Rice Farmers.

Mits, when I visit Guyana, I see more negroes than coolies travelling on CAL. I think the negroes are migrating in mass numbers too. I think the opposition thinkers and writers are looking at the glass half empty.


It does not matter the composition of the Population, Indians, Afros, Amerindian, Mix, the thing is Humans always want the BEST for themselves and Family. In the History of Guyana, Guyanese never had it so GOOD.  Now, let us use common sense, if People ALWAYS want the BEST, and they are having the BEST right now, will they want to return to WORST???

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai Mits, KFC ONLY gat one tune: THIRD PLACE and a distant one at day.

In a two legged race, the AFC might be able to topple the PPP. However, in a three legged race, the AFC is likely to reduce the number of seats the PPP/C currently have. 9,000 more Indians migrated than Afros. That translates to 2 seats less for the PPP/C since Guyanese traditionally vote race. The PPP/C is in denial that it is loosing support from the Sugar Workers and Rice Farmers.

Mits, when I visit Guyana, I see more negroes than coolies travelling on CAL. I think the negroes are migrating in mass numbers too. I think the opposition thinkers and writers are looking at the glass half empty.

The last census reports confirmed the shrinkage of the Indo population. The PPP is strategically locating house lots outside the PNC areas to try and redistribute the PNC votes. It won't work since many are registering in their traditional home base. It would be interesting to learn how the younger voters who will be voting for the first time, if they would be voting on issues rather than race.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mits this post is you at your best.


It is refreshing to engage when you stay away from the vulgarity.


Please post like this and I will enjoy engaging with you. You can attack the PPP and their supporters all day long, just keep the vulgarity and indecency away.


Nice post.

But you support PPP/C vulgarity and buggery. Look at your signature.


our nominees received for AFC presidential candidate

Posted By Staff Writer On October 5, 2014 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

Khemraj Ramjattan,   Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo and Cathy Hughes have been identified as nominees to be the AFC’s next presidential candidate, the party announced yesterday.

The nominations were received at a meeting of the AFC’s National Executive Committee (NEC), held yesterday at the Georgetown Club, where the party’s strategy in preparation for general elections early next year was discussed.

In a statement yesterday, the AFC said Raphael Trotman, Nigel Hughes, Cathy Hughes, Dr. Verasammy Ramayya and David Patterson were nominated to be the prime   ministerial candidate. According to the party, the decision on who will be elected the presidential and prime ministerial candidates will be made when it holds its biennial National Conference on October 25th.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Yuji Bahi, no matter who they choose to be their presidential candidate, AFC is always going to be a minority. I think if the AFC does not do well in the next election(get 10%), you will see Moses sail for the sunset(retire from politics). I think this will be the best decision he would have made for him and his family. I will be the first one to wish him well.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Yuji Bahi, no matter who they choose to be their presidential candidate, AFC is always going to be a minority. I think if the AFC does not do well in the next election(get 10%), you will see Moses sail for the sunset(retire from politics). I think this will be the best decision he would have made for him and his family. I will be the first one to wish him well.

we see what is your worse nightmare,do not forget them black people and them collie ******

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Yuji Bahi, no matter who they choose to be their presidential candidate, AFC is always going to be a minority. I think if the AFC does not do well in the next election(get 10%), you will see Moses sail for the sunset(retire from politics). I think this will be the best decision he would have made for him and his family. I will be the first one to wish him well.

we see what is your worse nightmare,do not forget them black people and them collie ******

Some of my best friends are black people. So are you going to vote in Guyana's elections? How's your business doing under the PPP?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Yuji Bahi, no matter who they choose to be their presidential candidate, AFC is always going to be a minority. I think if the AFC does not do well in the next election(get 10%), you will see Moses sail for the sunset(retire from politics). I think this will be the best decision he would have made for him and his family. I will be the first one to wish him well.



Moses will retire after this election.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Yuji Bahi, no matter who they choose to be their presidential candidate, AFC is always going to be a minority. I think if the AFC does not do well in the next election(get 10%), you will see Moses sail for the sunset(retire from politics). I think this will be the best decision he would have made for him and his family. I will be the first one to wish him well.



Moses will retire after this election.



Moses is one of Ramo's worst nightmares. hahahahahahaha!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Yuji Bahi, no matter who they choose to be their presidential candidate, AFC is always going to be a minority. I think if the AFC does not do well in the next election(get 10%), you will see Moses sail for the sunset(retire from politics). I think this will be the best decision he would have made for him and his family. I will be the first one to wish him well.



Moses will retire after this election.



You make such daring declarative statements but you really don't know Moses Nagamootoo.

I struggled and worked alongside him for decades and I can state with confidence that retirement is not in Moses' political genes.

Like Cheddi Jagan, Nagamootoo will fight till he drops dead. Ask Churchill; he knows.

Sorry to unsettle you, your PPP Majesty.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI, call them all the names you like, but in a two leg race - AFC against the PPP - the AFC has a good chance to win, a better chance than APNU in a three legged race. If the opposition have more than a one seat majority would the PPP still have the face to say they are going to form a govt? 


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Yuji Bahi, no matter who they choose to be their presidential candidate, AFC is always going to be a minority. I think if the AFC does not do well in the next election(get 10%), you will see Moses sail for the sunset(retire from politics). I think this will be the best decision he would have made for him and his family. I will be the first one to wish him well.



Moses will retire after this election.



You make such daring declarative statements but you really don't know Moses Nagamootoo.

I struggled and worked alongside him for decades and I can state with confidence that retirement is not in Moses' political genes.

Like Cheddi Jagan, Nagamootoo will fight till he drops dead. Ask Churchill; he knows.

Sorry to unsettle you, your PPP Majesty.

I think Yugi is hearing voices. I can send him a jharay cloth but he has to bring me ladoos first.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Don't worry, yuji. Feel free to speak your mind. After the PPP's defeat I will petition Ramjattan and Nagamootoo and Hughes to pardon you. Not your fault. Yuh too impressionable and follow bad company ----that inconoclastic irreverent dunkehdam wutliss Rev. He may have to change his travel plans to Guyana next year. A special welcoming party will be standing by at CJIA when he touch down. They will say: Suh you is de man Rev. Suh you want to disembowel Mista Ramjattan and Mista Nagamootoo. Suh you want dem two gentlemen to tek rat poison. Suh you lead dat yujiman astray. Come leh we go to de lockup.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Don't worry, yuji. Feel free to speak your mind. After the PPP's defeat I will petition Ramjattan and Nagamootoo and Hughes to pardon you. Not your fault. Yuh too impressionable and follow bad company ----that inconoclastic irreverent dunkehdam wutliss Rev. He may have to change his travel plans to Guyana next year. A special welcoming party will be standing by at CJIA when he touch down. They will say: Suh you is de man Rev. Suh you want to disembowel Mista Ramjattan and Mista Nagamootoo. Suh you want dem two gentlemen to tek rat poison. Suh you lead dat yujiman astray. Come leh we go to de lockup.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharan will have to polish yuji's shoes when I visit Guyana because these two laughing stock will be reduced to nothing after the PPP's majority.


A red carpet welcome awaits Rev and Yuji when they visit Guyana.


These two loyal foreign based sons of Guyana are the PPP's weapons against AFC/PNC misinformation campaign in North America.


If I had my way, KN would be the first Toilet Paper to be flushed down the toilet.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


PPP will form a majority guaranteed. 


The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


Final results:


PPP 52 - 55 percent

PNC 40 percent

AFC 3 percent


Anyone who thinks that AFC will do any better is insane. This is the final election for the AFC.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharam will end up taking Rat Poison after the AFC's defeat.




Don't worry, yuji. Feel free to speak your mind. After the PPP's defeat I will petition Ramjattan and Nagamootoo and Hughes to pardon you. Not your fault. Yuh too impressionable and follow bad company ----that inconoclastic irreverent dunkehdam wutliss Rev. He may have to change his travel plans to Guyana next year. A special welcoming party will be standing by at CJIA when he touch down. They will say: Suh you is de man Rev. Suh you want to disembowel Mista Ramjattan and Mista Nagamootoo. Suh you want dem two gentlemen to tek rat poison. Suh you lead dat yujiman astray. Come leh we go to de lockup.


Rumjhaat and Neemakharan will have to polish yuji's shoes when I visit Guyana because these two laughing stock will be reduced to nothing after the PPP's majority.


A red carpet welcome awaits Rev and Yuji when they visit Guyana.


These two loyal foreign based sons of Guyana are the PPP's weapons against AFC/PNC misinformation campaign in North America.


If I had my way, KN would be the first Toilet Paper to be flushed down the toilet.

You want we start a fund for you go buy some real nice soff soff toilet paper?


Fine tuning? that is what dem calling it?


Fuss trotman was in fuss gear, den he move into second gear, den 3rd gear after Mrs. Holder's passing e move back into 2nd gear and promptly after mekkin a deal with granger to become speaker he go into Neutral. While in parliament the PPP induce him to slip into reverse a few times.


Now the PPP light a fire under he backside he fly out of neutral back into 3rd gear and he get all dem other gears to surround him at some bullshit press conference.


Now it look like he gone back into Neutral and immediately after dat he slip into reverse for ole times sake claiming the No confidence will languish.


these comics cannot get out of their own way.


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