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AFC has signed their death warrant” – PPP reacts to APNU/AFC coalition

February 17, 2015 11:48 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee [right] and PPP member, Zulficar Mustapha. [iNews’ Photo]

[– General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Clement Rohee says the Alliance For Change (AFC) has signed off on its political “death warrant” when it signed onto the Cummingsburg Accord which is the terms of agreement of the AFC’s pre-election coalition with A Partnership For National Unity (APNU).


On Saturday, February 14, the two parties signed the accord, which would see them contesting the May 11 General and Regional elections under one umbrella, in hope of being able to win the elections with a defined majority in the National Assembly.

Rohee, speaking at the Party’s weekly press conference on Tuesday February 17, made it clear the PPP was not surprised by the move to coalesce noting that the two have “been working in tandem to frustrate the PPP’s agenda in Parliament.”

According to Rohee, the Party finds it rather “nauseating” to note how far the once two political opposition factions have “sunk” to attain political power.

He noted that the AFC has been virtually “forced to swallow their pride” and eat the “proverbial humble pie.”

“The so called Cummingsburg Accord, will be remembered with shame down the corridors of time, as the day of betrayals of principal on the part of the AFC,” said Rohee while noting that the move to have Moses Nagamootoo as the Prime Ministerial Candidate is merely “cosmetic.”

He said that the PPP has noted that no fundamental or pillars of the alliance were announced, speculating that the only real thrust behind the coalition was to unseat the PPP.

“I think the AFC has signed their death warrant. They are quite likely to be the biggest losers in an election that will be hotly contested in a two way fight,” said the PPP General Secretary, adding “who don’t end up dead politically will come out badly wounded.”

He said that already, supporters of the AFC have started to dwindle and the coalition may very well serve as an “impetus” to such a loss of support.

Rohee maintained that despite the two political factions coalescing, the PPP is sure of a majority win for its Party coming out of the May 11 polls

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If the real thrust is to remove the PPP Jagdeoite, please remind me again what is wrong with that.


In the race last time, please remind the PPP that they lost.  The Constitution as written, gave the minority power over the majority.


Mike persaud is basically saying the same thing and your boy there Honorable Jalil the great Shittain is doing the same thing.


Joining them to attack Moses and his vision. No matter how you slice it and dice it they are throwing arrows and joining the PPP scum to attack the coalition.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

AFC has signed their death warrant” – PPP reacts to APNU/AFC coalition

February 17, 2015 11:48 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee [right] and PPP member, Zulficar Mustapha. [iNews’ Photo]

[– General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Clement Rohee says the Alliance For Change (AFC) has signed off on its political “death warrant” when it signed onto the Cummingsburg Accord which is the terms of agreement of the AFC’s pre-election coalition with A Partnership For National Unity (APNU).


On Saturday, February 14, the two parties signed the accord, which would see them contesting the May 11 General and Regional elections under one umbrella, in hope of being able to win the elections with a defined majority in the National Assembly.

Rohee, speaking at the Party’s weekly press conference on Tuesday February 17, made it clear the PPP was not surprised by the move to coalesce noting that the two have “been working in tandem to frustrate the PPP’s agenda in Parliament.”

According to Rohee, the Party finds it rather “nauseating” to note how far the once two political opposition factions have “sunk” to attain political power.

He noted that the AFC has been virtually “forced to swallow their pride” and eat the “proverbial humble pie.”

“The so called Cummingsburg Accord, will be remembered with shame down the corridors of time, as the day of betrayals of principal on the part of the AFC,” said Rohee while noting that the move to have Moses Nagamootoo as the Prime Ministerial Candidate is merely “cosmetic.”

He said that the PPP has noted that no fundamental or pillars of the alliance were announced, speculating that the only real thrust behind the coalition was to unseat the PPP.

“I think the AFC has signed their death warrant. They are quite likely to be the biggest losers in an election that will be hotly contested in a two way fight,” said the PPP General Secretary, adding “who don’t end up dead politically will come out badly wounded.”

He said that already, supporters of the AFC have started to dwindle and the coalition may very well serve as an “impetus” to such a loss of support.

Rohee maintained that despite the two political factions coalescing, the PPP is sure of a majority win for its Party coming out of the May 11 polls

calling the phantoms report to freedum house 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Mike persaud is basically saying the same thing and your boy there Honorable Jalil the great Shittain is doing the same thing.


Joining them to attack Moses and his vision. No matter how you slice it and dice it they are throwing arrows and joining the PPP scum to attack the coalition.


No one is attacking Moses here. We still like him very much.


We're just starting to question his good judgment and those around him who hatched this extraordinarily stupid idea of asking coolie people to vote PNC.


Of course I can understand how this came about when the AFC Brain Trust includes geniuses like you.


The limited support the A.F.C got coming into 2015, has all but gone on ST. Valentine's day, when the A.F.C should their independence to the P.N.C. Their few supporters are vowing to never again vote for the "neemakaram" and his cabal..never again!!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi Councie how nuh, you scared eh?


Councie is in tap farm today bai. He gonna be employed until 2020

Nahhh the new govt won't keep his mangy behind, he's toast

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi Councie how nuh, you scared eh?


Councie is in tap farm today bai. He gonna be employed until 2020

Nahhh the new govt won't keep his mangy behind, he's toast


Harse Cock in Head is angling for Councie lil wuk in de Coalition Guvament

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi Councie how nuh, you scared eh?


Councie is in tap farm today bai. He gonna be employed until 2020

Nahhh the new govt won't keep his mangy behind, he's toast


Harse Cock in Head is angling for Councie lil wuk in de Coalition Guvament


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi Councie how nuh, you scared eh?


Councie is in tap farm today bai. He gonna be employed until 2020

Nahhh the new govt won't keep his mangy behind, he's toast


Harse Cock in Head is angling for Councie lil wuk in de Coalition Guvament

Councie could assist yugi in his toilet duties. No room for improvement fo dem bannas.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"cain" if you are a man of your words, come the 12th of May, G.N.I would not longer be a forum you visit and comment daily.

I will still be will be humbled and you'd come back under a new nic but we'll ketch you anyway,councie does mek he moves wit a smell.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"cain" if you are a man of your words, come the 12th of May, G.N.I would not longer be a forum you visit and comment daily.

Would you still visit GNI if the PPP stopped paying you to post here?


"cain" therefore you are not a man of your words, you stated on this very forum,that if the P.P.P won the May 11 polls you would withdraw yourself from G.N.I completely, why the sudden change of heart?



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