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Former Member

Ok folks


AFC is holding katahar these days.


First, their political base dwindled to a point of holding a "massive" rally consisting of eight protesters.


The had the most disgraceful conference with plastic patio chairs and ate unsanitary food from the back of a minivan.


Their joker leader Rumjhaat (a rum boogie) threatened the AFC to take over the leadership of the PNC.


Granger told them to haul their A**. 


These fools in the AFC have no support base and cannot even arrange a conference and they want to take over the PNC when they cannot even arrange a meeting, protest or delegates conference.


Word is that their contribution base has dwindled and they are broke.


There you go folks. A bunch of katahars and losers n the AFC.






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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


AFC is holding katahar these days.


First, their political base dwindled to a point of holding a "massive" rally consisting of eight protesters.


The had the most disgraceful conference with plastic patio chairs and ate unsanitary food from the back of a minivan.


Their joker leader Rumjhaat (a rum boogie) threatened the AFC to take over the leadership of the PNC.


Granger told them to haul their A**. 


These fools in the AFC have no support base and cannot even arrange a conference and they want to take over the PNC when they cannot even arrange a meeting, protest or delegates conference.


Word is that their contribution base has dwindled and they are broke.


There you go folks. A bunch of katahars and losers n the AFC.





the AFC have their office in the national assembly,but donald scare to step into the office

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


AFC is holding katahar these days.


First, their political base dwindled to a point of holding a "massive" rally consisting of eight protesters.


The had the most disgraceful conference with plastic patio chairs and ate unsanitary food from the back of a minivan.


Their joker leader Rumjhaat (a rum boogie) threatened the AFC to take over the leadership of the PNC.


Granger told them to haul their A**. 


These fools in the AFC have no support base and cannot even arrange a conference and they want to take over the PNC when they cannot even arrange a meeting, protest or delegates conference.


Word is that their contribution base has dwindled and they are broke.


There you go folks. A bunch of katahars and losers n the AFC.





Quit masturbating publicly and write something that makes sense.


Every day the opposition forces are brainstorming how to win the next elections. It's very frustrating when we consider the history of the PNC and little support that the AFC command. It's even more frustrating when they see that they people are not responding positively to them when making charges against the gov't. and cutting the budgets. Some members of the AFC like Gerhard and TK believe the AFC will soon fold. They decided to make run now before the ship sinks to bottom of the Berbice River.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Every day the opposition forces are brainstorming how to win the next elections. It's very frustrating when we consider the history of the PNC and little support that the AFC command. It's even more frustrating when they see that they people are not responding positively to them when making charges against the gov't. and cutting the budgets. Some members of the AFC like Gerhard and TK believe the AFC will soon fold. They decided to make run now before the ship sinks to bottom of the Berbice River.

hahahahahah-bottom of the Berbice river...........and

Any survivors will end up at the house just around the corner by the high bridgeâ€Ķ.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Okay yuji, you're overdoing it now. You often complain that some members are flooding the board. That's precisely what you're doing. AFC this, AFC that, AFC the other ... all on one theme. Please compress your AFC posts.


Stop whining. 


Gilly is correct you fkin wimp

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Every day the opposition forces are brainstorming how to win the next elections. It's very frustrating when we consider the history of the PNC and little support that the AFC command. It's even more frustrating when they see that they people are not responding positively to them when making charges against the gov't. and cutting the budgets. Some members of the AFC like Gerhard and TK believe the AFC will soon fold. They decided to make run now before the ship sinks to bottom of the Berbice River.

One does not  have to brainstorm .There is material in abundance to leverage again this corrupt regime. Their failure is manifest. Everywhere the AFC is picking up voters. The only need some 20K pickup to put the PPP out of office! Think on that fool the next time you decide to yap for your masters approval. It is the PPP who is doomed. They will come back with a smaller minority status and if they are unlucky the PNC has their dinner.


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