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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, complacency also had a significant role, in the event of any snap elections, the Guyanese Populace will endorse the PPP/C with a majority

Yes just like 60% were going to vote for them last time, and Linden was to become a PPP stronghold.


We already know how accurate your forecasts are.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC will implode. 

Maybe but then some one else will replace them.  Mnay Guyanese are tired of the two incompetent, corrupt, and racist shams called the PPP and the PNC.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its a fact that factionism is the AFC is taking its toll, that party's is seemly being overtook by one faction

Could someone please break this down to English or Creole for me, thanks.

Those who voted AFC got what they wantedPDFPrintE-mail
Written by T. KING   
Monday, 05 November 2012 20:32

THE Commission of Inquiry into the Linden killings wrapped up hearings on Friday, and is set to submit its report in January 2013. If anyone thinks the PNC/AFC are done with this thing, then they are dreaming, especially the Government of Guyana, who is mandated to protect all of its citizens at any and all cost.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and Nigel Hughes is now the main big man in Guyana, calling the shots when he gave government an ultimatum to have Home Affairs Minister Mr. Rohee removed from office, so they, PNC/AFC, could instal their puppet,as how they had their very own Commissioner of Police in Winston Felix and David Clark of the GDF,respectively.

The last man to give the PPP an ultimatum was no other than Forbes Burnham, when he said in 1963, "Cheddie Jagan must demit office within 48 hours; if not, it is civil war.”

Mr. Henry Greene was at one time their very own, but he was no longer in the pockets of the PNC, so they vilified him to death after their Winston Felix was removed from being top cop.

The PNC is still looking to replace David Clark in the GDF, who could not find even a toy gun when sent into Buxton by Jagdeo, and who turned state witness against his comrade in crime, Roger Khan.

Those who abandoned the  PPP/C and voted for Moses Nagamootoo, since Ramjattan is irrelevant to the AFC, are having fits now, for one year asking themselves if this is what they had voted for.
They must be reminded yet again that their vote for the AFC is a vote for the PNC. They must be reminded that they voted for Nagamootoo, and not Ramjattan.

They must be reminded that they voted for Nagamootoo and not Nigel Hughes, who has now hijacked the AFC without firing a single shot.
Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are silent these days, since those two are the main ones to get the PNC’s ball rolling where the issue of Linden is concerned.

Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are silent on what took place in Agricola, where it was Nigel Hughes who got the PNC’s ball rolling.

I know many people who voted AFC and were hurt in the Agricola fiasco; threatened, beaten and robbed. I told them they got exactly what they had voted for, because their AFC vote is a vote for the PNC any which way they look at it.

They said they are afraid to come forward now to the police, since the PNC bandits have their ID.
I asked them why they don’t complain to Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, to have them replace their losses.

All they can say to me is “Wait till next time at the polls”. They won't be voting AFC again.
I told them no, they never did vote AFC last election, I had to remind them what I told them long before the last election -- that a vote for the AFC was a vote for the PNC, so in fact they did vote PNC.

I reminded them that once this CoI ruling does not come out in favour of the PNC, there will be many larger problems to come.

The government now has all the time in the world to set this right for innocent citizens, by taking the bull by the horns and doing whatever is necessary to protect its citizens, be they PPP/C or PNC, since there is no such thing as the AFC

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr.T you are displaying tendencies of a typical opposition goon, when they have nothing constructive to say, they post hogwash, come on Mr.T you can do better than that....

You are god in digging up copies of paperwork to publish on GNI. Go and publish T King birth certificate to prove me wrong.


Mr.T you're sounding more and more foolish dodging from the thread, why is it you can't stick to the thread, most persons on the board will now be convince you have nothing constructive to contribute

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr.T you're sounding more and more foolish dodging from the thread, why is it you can't stick to the thread, most persons on the board will now be convince you have nothing constructive to contribute

You speak for most persons? I doubt it very much. Most persons would want to know more about those secret bank accounts of yours.


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