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Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to a report, five donkeys, ten horses and a bunch of crabdawgs attended the AFC meeting.


Keep it up AFC, you are headed for the political graveyard with the likes of ROAR.

Come up with something more creative, Find something of substance to say Fujiyama I am no AFC supporter but damn that's lame.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP winning by 55% according to Dr. Baseman, his imaginary friends told him so............

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%

lol --- I guess that is why the PPP have deployed fake GECOM representatives to register voters........they are definitely sure about this "win".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP winning by 55% according to Dr. Baseman, his imaginary friends told him so............

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%




That is pretty much in line with what my sources are telling me from Guyana. 

Thanks for confirming the outcome of Guyana's National Election Outcome.


Looks like some in the AFC will be taking a piece of rope and heading for a mango tree.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP winning by 55% according to Dr. Baseman, his imaginary friends told him so............

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%

lol --- I guess that is why the PPP have deployed fake GECOM representatives to register voters........they are definitely sure about this "win".

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP winning by 55% according to Dr. Baseman, his imaginary friends told him so............

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%

lol --- I guess that is why the PPP have deployed fake GECOM representatives to register voters........they are definitely sure about this "win".

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%.

Let me help you


PPP = 85%, PNC 12%, AFC 3%.


Anyone can write dumb shyte, even Bisram has developed a wonderful reputation for cookup rice predictions, you ain't the first and won't be the last. Of course that is your M.O. no original content.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP winning by 55% according to Dr. Baseman, his imaginary friends told him so............

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%

lol --- I guess that is why the PPP have deployed fake GECOM representatives to register voters........they are definitely sure about this "win".

PPP = 55%, PNC 40%, AFC 5%.

Let me help you


PPP = 85%, PNC 12%, AFC 3%.


Anyone can write dumb shyte, even Bisram has developed a wonderful reputation for cookup rice predictions, you ain't the first and won't be the last.

Now, that's thoughtless, just like yuh buddy seh AFC 35% in 2011, rememba datt?


Mi still don't undastaan, how come he dozz cuss-up TK fuh joinin' PNC and he kiss-up you wenn you and TK bin hold hand wid Granga.  Someting nah mek sense wid alyuh bannas.


The AFC has to assume the leadership role if the PPP is to be defeated

August 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, Significant tales have and continue to be told to the people by the political leaders of the ruling cabal who have clearly used the political system to improve the image and status of their party at the expense of the constituents they serve. These politicians are so dishonest that no one believes them anymore. They have put their interests and those of their relatives and friends first and not the country and the people. They do not deserve another day in office. The no-confidence motion initiated by the AFC is a welcome relief to the people.  They have had enough. It is not that the PPP does not have honest people in its ranks, but the dishonest have outnumbered and overshadowed those who are honest by a ratio of 10:1, thus dwarfing the party’s abilities to share the resources equally and develop the country in the interests of all. Nepotism and cronyism are in every government department and agency. After almost three years in office, the President has not done anything to reduce corruption and crime and has not even fulfilled his promise to grant a TV licence to the people of Linden. Preservation of the Freedom House faithful has turned the party into a political force that is no longer credible.  We use the word credible since it is our belief that the opposition has a fighting chance to capture the plurality votes from the PPP if they collate.  The ruling cabal is disconnected from the people, especially the youths, and thus would find themselves in opposition at the next election, but this will only happen if commonsense prevails between APNU and the AFC. But the PNC has done itself in. Its recently concluded Congress proves that the PNC is highly dysfunctional, divided, undisciplined and leaderless. It is not in a position of strength and cannot be taken seriously to lead a coalition to defeat the PPP. The AFC has to assume the leadership role if the PPP is to be defeated at the polls. Having said that, it would be a grave mistake and great disservice to the people and the country for the opposition to pass the no-confidence motion and contest the election as separate parties. We hope they would put the country and people first and do the right thing. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh


The no-confidence motion initiated by the AFC is a welcome relief to the people.  They have had enough. It is not that the PPP does not have honest people in its ranks, but the dishonest have outnumbered and overshadowed those who are honest by a ratio of 10:1, thus dwarfing the party’s abilities to share the resources equally and develop the country in the interests of all. Nepotism and cronyism are in every government department and agency. After almost three years in office, the President has not done anything to reduce corruption and crime and has not even fulfilled his promise to grant a TV licence to the people of Linden. Preservation of the Freedom House faithful has turned the party into a political force that is no longer credible.


Fujiyama you couldn't come up with anything original eh? hahahahahaa.


It is amazing to watch the depth of the PPP's supporters and their creativity. If I were the PPP I would be very worried. Moses joined the AFC late in 2011 and he had a devastating impact on the PPP votes in region 6 just imagine wah guh happen now.




 The ruling cabal is disconnected from the people, especially the youths, and thus would find themselves in opposition at the next election, but this will only happen if commonsense prevails between APNU and the AFC. But the PNC has done itself in. Its recently concluded Congress proves that the PNC is highly dysfunctional, divided, undisciplined and leaderless. It is not in a position of strength and cannot be taken seriously to lead a coalition to defeat the PPP. The AFC has to assume the leadership role if the PPP is to be defeated at the polls.


Urgent reforms are needed if the PPP is to retain enough support to ensure a majority at the polls, former PPP stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran has said.


“With a dwindling electoral base, a permanent majority might no longer be assured in the future, unless urgent reforms are put in place to restore the support the Party had in 2006 and to attract wider support,” he said in an article published in yesterday’s Sunday Stabroek. “Unless measures are taken, not tomorrow, but today, the stark reality of a future of coalition governments must be now placed on the table for consideration, however reluctant it may be to do so,” said Ramkarran a former longstanding PPP executive who parted ways with the party in June following fallout from an explosive column he penned in which he said that corruption was pervasive and the government needed to do something about it.


In his article yesterday, Ramkarran noted that four successive election victories of the PPP in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006 were followed by the failure to obtain an absolute majority in 2011.

The AFC has to assume the leadership role if the PPP is to be defeated at the polls.
Having said that, it would be a grave mistake and great disservice to the people and the country for the opposition to pass the no-confidence motion and contest the election as separate parties. We hope they would put the country and people first and do the right thing.
August 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

They are locked in tight control, immediately after the 2011 election, with the AFC in their hip pocket and firmly controlled by the PNC.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The AFC has to assume the leadership role if the PPP is to be defeated at the polls.
Having said that, it would be a grave mistake and great disservice to the people and the country for the opposition to pass the no-confidence motion and contest the election as separate parties. We hope they would put the country and people first and do the right thing.
August 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

They are locked in tight control, immediately after the 2011 election, with the AFC in their hip pocket and firmly controlled by the PNC.

Jalil: Gilbakka, The PPP TODAY is controlled by a bunch of Corrupt Crab louse, Pimps, Parasites, Prostitutes, Vultures, Cockaroach and Funny Fellas,.......

like Jagdeo, Ramotar, Rohee, Lamumba, Bynoe, McClean, Witicka, Hamilton, Nascimento, Manniram, Totaram, Nandalall, Irfan Ali, Prya Manickchand, Ramroop, Brassington, James Singh,  Raj Singh, Rev, Yuji & Kwame.


Since Dr Jagan dead......the PPP has lost the confidence & Support of it most important people who brought them victory in Ralph Ramkarran, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Boyo Ramsaroop, Fazil Khan, O'lall, Sash Swah, Rajendra Persaud, Mel Carpen, Gilbaka, Joe Kanhai, Karchand, Fazil Ally, Lionel Peters .......and many more.




Look what they have left....

and they think the can win an election...


Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to a report, five donkeys, ten horses and a bunch of crabdawgs attended the AFC meeting.


Keep it up AFC, you are headed for the political graveyard with the likes of ROAR.



So YUJI calling these people "five donkey, and ten horse".  Carry on bwoy, these same donkeys and horses will BOOT you all rass out of office.


Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to a report, five donkeys, ten horses and a bunch of crabdawgs attended the AFC meeting.


Keep it up AFC, you are headed for the political graveyard with the likes of ROAR.



So YUJI calling these people "five donkey, and ten horse".  Carry on bwoy, these same donkeys and horses will BOOT you all rass out of office.


Kish, not because these people attended, they will vote AFC. I have seen a lot of PPP supporters at PNC meetings. Some might have gone there to harass the AFC speakers. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to a report, five donkeys, ten horses and a bunch of crabdawgs attended the AFC meeting.


Keep it up AFC, you are headed for the political graveyard with the likes of ROAR.

Come up with something more creative, Find something of substance to say Fujiyama I am no AFC supporter but damn that's lame.

Ravi Dev.jpg
According to Ravi Dev......
All de Congress Place Killers & Riggers,
All de Prostitutes, Pimps & Parasites
All de All de @untymen, Buggery & Nastiness,
All the Thiefing, Corruption & Narco Trafficing
All de Black House of Israel Thugs,
cannot stop a PPP Defeat at the Elections.


Nandalal say....
"55% Larwa in yuh Kakahole
is no victory"
"One Hand up Mamoo Baseman  Kakahole
is no victory"
"De other hand up Yuji Kakahole
is no victory"
"Black House of Israel Thugs
& PNC Riggers & Killers
And in Berbice
De only thing that count
is if a Berbician Put mark an X fuh De Cup...
Moses Nagamootoo and some of the enthused AFC supporters
And Dem Jihaji only talking about change
Dem Support Moses & AFC
Jagdeo Buy 5 Doctorate
Tell abee how da ah help
de Sugar Workers or Rice Farmers?
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to a report, five donkeys, ten horses and a bunch of crabdawgs attended the AFC meeting.


Keep it up AFC, you are headed for the political graveyard with the likes of ROAR.



So YUJI calling these people "five donkey, and ten horse".  Carry on bwoy, these same donkeys and horses will BOOT you all rass out of office.



The "massive" crowds above will of ZERO threat to the PPP. AFC will be wiped off the political map.


That crowd of jackasses is laughable. 

Last edited by Former Member

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