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A reliable source from Georgetown has confirmed that the AFC has resumed talks with the PNC. This comes after a fractured AFC tries to keep a handle on political infighting. The two main factions consisting of Moses and the opposing side consisting of Nigel are in deep disagreement over the future of the party.


Nigel has been pushing to merge the AFC and PNC with Moses objecting because the PNC sees him as a political outcast. This had led to a breakdown of talks in the past as high tension continues within the AFC camp. This may end up breaking up the AFC with one faction merging with the PNC and another faction staying with a weakened AFC.


The secret talks have been moving ahead much smoother than recent failed attempts in merging both parties. The AFC faction that wants to merge the AFC with the PNC has agreed to drop their demand for changing the name of the new party to PFC with the PNC members insisting on APNU. This has allowed the talks to move ahead.


Both parties have recognized that only a united PNC/AFC can defeat the PPP in an upcoming election as the AFC support declines in light of corruption scandals involving a top brass member.


Talks continue at the PNC headquarters. The news media has not been allowed in and members of both parties have been told  not to talk to the media.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:

another stained panty man looking for attention . . . fighting with drugb and rev for the KLOWN crown


whey de auntyman Rev Chandra de?

bai i delete meh post when i realize u gat dis


I wonder if he want wan Opposition "peaceful protest" pass by he house next time

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A reliable source from Georgetown has confirmed that the AFC has resumed talks with the PNC. This comes after a fractured AFC tries to keep a handle on political infighting. The two main factions consisting of Moses and the opposing side consisting of Nigel are in deep disagreement over the future of the party.


Nigel has been pushing to merge the AFC and PNC with Moses objecting because the PNC sees him as a political outcast. This had led to a breakdown of talks in the past as high tension continues within the AFC camp. This may end up breaking up the AFC with one faction merging with the PNC and another faction staying with a weakened AFC.


The secret talks have been moving ahead much smoother than recent failed attempts in merging both parties. The AFC faction that wants to merge the AFC with the PNC has agreed to drop their demand for changing the name of the new party to PFC with the PNC members insisting on APNU. This has allowed the talks to move ahead.


Both parties have recognized that only a united PNC/AFC can defeat the PPP in an upcoming election as the AFC support declines in light of corruption scandals involving a top brass member.


Talks continue at the PNC headquarters. The news media has not been allowed in and members of both parties have been told  not to talk to the media.



An AFC source told me Fada who is now a die hard AFC that they will work with both the PNC and PPP in progressing the agenda to bring betterment to the people, but the AFC WILL NOT JOIN EITHER THE PNC OR THE PPP.


This is the red herring to push a smoke screen on the wine up session the other day between Granga and Prez Ramu.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A reliable source from Georgetown has confirmed that the AFC has resumed talks with the PNC. This comes after a fractured AFC tries to keep a handle on political infighting. The two main factions consisting of Moses and the opposing side consisting of Nigel are in deep disagreement over the future of the party.


Nigel has been pushing to merge the AFC and PNC with Moses objecting because the PNC sees him as a political outcast. This had led to a breakdown of talks in the past as high tension continues within the AFC camp. This may end up breaking up the AFC with one faction merging with the PNC and another faction staying with a weakened AFC.


The secret talks have been moving ahead much smoother than recent failed attempts in merging both parties. The AFC faction that wants to merge the AFC with the PNC has agreed to drop their demand for changing the name of the new party to PFC with the PNC members insisting on APNU. This has allowed the talks to move ahead.


Both parties have recognized that only a united PNC/AFC can defeat the PPP in an upcoming election as the AFC support declines in light of corruption scandals involving a top brass member.


Talks continue at the PNC headquarters. The news media has not been allowed in and members of both parties have been told  not to talk to the media.




Originally Posted by yuji22:

A reliable source from Georgetown has confirmed that the AFC has resumed talks with the PNC. This comes after a fractured AFC tries to keep a handle on political infighting. The two main factions consisting of Moses and the opposing side consisting of Nigel are in deep disagreement over the future of the party.


Nigel has been pushing to merge the AFC and PNC with Moses objecting because the PNC sees him as a political outcast. This had led to a breakdown of talks in the past as high tension continues within the AFC camp. This may end up breaking up the AFC with one faction merging with the PNC and another faction staying with a weakened AFC.


The secret talks have been moving ahead much smoother than recent failed attempts in merging both parties. The AFC faction that wants to merge the AFC with the PNC has agreed to drop their demand for changing the name of the new party to PFC with the PNC members insisting on APNU. This has allowed the talks to move ahead.


Both parties have recognized that only a united PNC/AFC can defeat the PPP in an upcoming election as the AFC support declines in light of corruption scandals involving a top brass member.


Talks continue at the PNC headquarters. The news media has not been allowed in and members of both parties have been told  not to talk to the media.

 did they train you to lie in pandit school?


Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.

 As usual you are the veritable fool. In the first place the PPP are not kissable even if they are indos. They are dirty, rotten, scalawags. Secondly, the idea of having to deal with the PNC even if one does not care for their policies is that the PPP are in office and the holder of power and the ones robbing us blind. Obviously they are not an option in a game of best strategy since the AFC is not about conserving race but conserving the good and goods of our society. Lastly, if you ever concerned yourself with winning you would know this strategy is called " to kill with a borrowed knife". One uses the powers possessed by others to subdue ones principal foe. Nothing here has to do with your usual focus on race but a focus on people.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.


Under Burnham the GDF was infiltrated by WPA activists. Remind me again when did the GDF overthrow the PPP? 

Originally Posted by alena06:

Seems as though the AFC is struggling to stay alive and the internal conflicts only make this worse...Merging with APNU might be their only chance to compete against the PPP, but they run the risk of losing Indian support and losing credibility.

... like you are into thinking seeming is a source for believing! And why is credibility in the world means subscribing to Indian views?

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

... like you are into thinking seeming is a source for believing! And why is credibility in the world means subscribing to Indian views?

Associating with APNU will cause any party to lose credibility.

 And aligning itself with the crooked, murderous parasites in the PPP will mean heavenly blessings!

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.


Under Burnham the GDF was infiltrated by WPA activists. Remind me again when did the GDF overthrow the PPP? 

Only one force dissuade them from deposing the duly elected Govt, the USA.  You know (but pretend not to) that the PNC and GDF were hand-in-glove with the Buxton/Agricola terrorists.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.


Under Burnham the GDF was infiltrated by WPA activists. Remind me again when did the GDF overthrow the PPP? 

Only one force dissuade them from deposing the duly elected Govt, the USA.  You know (but pretend not to) that the PNC and GDF were hand-in-glove with the Buxton/Agricola terrorists.



A GDF guy was working for Khan right? And there was a fall out at some point. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.


Under Burnham the GDF was infiltrated by WPA activists. Remind me again when did the GDF overthrow the PPP? 

Only one force dissuade them from deposing the duly elected Govt, the USA.  You know (but pretend not to) that the PNC and GDF were hand-in-glove with the Buxton/Agricola terrorists.



A GDF guy was working for Khan right? And there was a fall out at some point. 

You are simple minded TK.  What you had was wars within wars.  Mixed in with the illicit drug feuds was a political element hell bent on leveraging the illicit wars for political outcomes.  You are indeed simpleminded.  No wonder you were taken in by the PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.


Under Burnham the GDF was infiltrated by WPA activists. Remind me again when did the GDF overthrow the PPP? 

Only one force dissuade them from deposing the duly elected Govt, the USA.  You know (but pretend not to) that the PNC and GDF were hand-in-glove with the Buxton/Agricola terrorists.



A GDF guy was working for Khan right? And there was a fall out at some point. 

You are simple minded TK.  What you had was wars within wars.  Mixed in with the illicit drug feuds was a political element hell bent on leveraging the illicit wars for political outcomes.  You are indeed simpleminded.  No wonder you were taken in by the PNC.



I have no reason to doubt that the ethnic war extended into the drugs war...that has always been my view. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A reliable source from Georgetown has confirmed that the AFC has resumed talks with the PNC. This comes after a fractured AFC tries to keep a handle on political infighting. The two main factions consisting of Moses and the opposing side consisting of Nigel are in deep disagreement over the future of the party.


Nigel has been pushing to merge the AFC and PNC with Moses objecting because the PNC sees him as a political outcast. This had led to a breakdown of talks in the past as high tension continues within the AFC camp. This may end up breaking up the AFC with one faction merging with the PNC and another faction staying with a weakened AFC.


The secret talks have been moving ahead much smoother than recent failed attempts in merging both parties. The AFC faction that wants to merge the AFC with the PNC has agreed to drop their demand for changing the name of the new party to PFC with the PNC members insisting on APNU. This has allowed the talks to move ahead.


Both parties have recognized that only a united PNC/AFC can defeat the PPP in an upcoming election as the AFC support declines in light of corruption scandals involving a top brass member.


Talks continue at the PNC headquarters. The news media has not been allowed in and members of both parties have been told  not to talk to the media.



Yuji was the AFC coalting with the APNU when they voted against the APNU and in favour of the PPP on the $2 billion for housing and D & I spending?


The AFC positioned themselves so that they could have an upper hand at the negotiation table with the PNC. This is politics and the AFC is slowly learning how to play the game after being outfoxed by the PNC several times in the past.


I will post an update on the talks after my source in Georgetown becomes available. According to my source, the AFC is a  divided party and this is a move to divert attention away from AFC party infighting. 


I wonder why Nigel is taking charge of the party ? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC positioned themselves so that they could have an upper hand at the negotiation table with the PNC. This is politics and the AFC is slowly learning how to play the game after being outfoxed by the PNC several times in the past.


I will post an update on the talks after my source in Georgetown becomes available. According to my source, the AFC is a  divided party and this is a move to divert attention away from AFC party infighting. 


I wonder why Nigel is taking charge of the party ? 


Oh look another auntyman post with primary school level propaganda for the mudheads.


Meh been hear suh and suh gyal. ah tru tru story....gyal ayuh hear who wife Nigel Hughes been deh wid last nite?


Yes gyal, meh been hear to.


My God, how you people still have 32 seats in Parliament is just a f*****g miracle


Even as a Catholic, I can't bring myself to believe this miracle!


Every post of yours contain the word aunty man. Rev was right about your status:


Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Who is dis lungeera Paul Chandra?  



Farouk Samaroo:


No wonder the Democrat party in Queens rejected you---you are a gullible and naive little boy!hahahaha


Paul Chandra is the fake name the Rev Al handle  used to register on gni---Chandra paul is my favorite player---so reverse that and you get Paul Chandra.hahahaha





Farouk--didn't you claim Rev Al was Alexi Ramotar ? Now you believe he is the fake name he registered under---Paul Chandra ?




By the way Farouk--yuji is right---that stint in Afghanistan seems to have mentally F****d up your mind---seek treatment little boy.



That pic looks light, the real joker is 'black skinned'...boy like you using fading cream.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Every post of yours contain the word aunty man. Rev was right about your status:


Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Who is dis lungeera Paul Chandra?  



Farouk Samaroo:


No wonder the Democrat party in Queens rejected you---you are a gullible and naive little boy!hahahaha


Paul Chandra is the fake name the Rev Al handle  used to register on gni---Chandra paul is my favorite player---so reverse that and you get Paul Chandra.hahahaha





Farouk--didn't you claim Rev Al was Alexi Ramotar ? Now you believe he is the fake name he registered under---Paul Chandra ?




By the way Farouk--yuji is right---that stint in Afghanistan seems to have mentally F****d up your mind---seek treatment little boy.



That pic looks light, the real joker is 'black skinned'...boy like you using fading cream.


My usage of the word "auntyman" is to point out clearly the type of behavior that you mudheads engage in daily here on this board.


I have nothing against gays or women. Your behavior though is wantonly and cravenly auntymanish to womanish

Originally Posted by baseman:

Sounds far-fetched but plausible.  The katahars in the AFC view the PPP as their enemy and kiss the PNC ass to feel favored and loved like poodles.  They subscribe to the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so the PNC is their friend.  Though it may be a rumor, the distrust is high and a rumor is enough to drive voters away.


Apart from the few katahars, no Indo-Guyanese trust and want to live under a PNC/GDF regime.

HAHAHAAAAA!!!! Baseman, I love this pic. This is for all you liars keep on looking at the pic to see if the players change. HAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rammo congratulates Granger for helping the AFC by merging the AFC and PNC. The PPP can single handedly run Guyana. The AFC and PNC are tame politicians.... easier to handle a merged AFC/PNC.


Rammo outfoxed AFC and PNC COMBINED.



This deception by the PPP is like "Teri meri teri prem khani muskil"


Hmmmmm yuji22 you wide awaken in a dream and when you wake up wah happen , still seeing the AFC leading the flock, Ramu nah congratulate Granga is the other way around , Ramu and Granga is congratulating each other fuh merge the PPP and PNC together, is only now dem ah come out publicly because AFC ah give dem headache, the equation always go like dis PPP = PNC, if you know Algebra you go know wah dis wan mean !!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by GtRudeGyal:

Hmmmmm yuji22 you wide awaken in a dream and when you wake up wah happen , still seeing the AFC leading the flock, Ramu nah congratulate Granga is the other way around , Ramu and Granga is congratulating each other fuh merge the PPP and PNC together, is only now dem ah come out publicly because AFC ah give dem headache, the equation always go like dis PPP = PNC, if you know Algebra you go know wah dis wan mean !!!!!!!!!!!

Bahin Gee, GT Gyal


Me worried right now cause I don't know if the PNC and the AFC will want an Aryan or Sanatan wedding but I can perform both types of wedding.


The PPP and PNC go way back... even before the the AFC was born. Dem usually get together when the have a Jhandi or Havan.  Na worry Bahin Gee, Guyana is safe. We does fight each other but we all love we country and dat is what matters.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by GtRudeGyal:

Hmmmmm yuji22 you wide awaken in a dream and when you wake up wah happen , still seeing the AFC leading the flock, Ramu nah congratulate Granga is the other way around , Ramu and Granga is congratulating each other fuh merge the PPP and PNC together, is only now dem ah come out publicly because AFC ah give dem headache, the equation always go like dis PPP = PNC, if you know Algebra you go know wah dis wan mean !!!!!!!!!!!

Bahin Gee, GT Gyal


Me worried right now cause I don't know if the PNC and the AFC will want an Aryan or Sanatan wedding but I can perform both types of wedding.


The PPP and PNC go way back... even before the the AFC was born. Dem usually get together when the have a Jhandi or Havan.  Na worry Bahin Gee, Guyana is safe. We does fight each other but we all love we country and dat is what matters.

How can you love something that you cannot protect, Guyana is being RULED by an IRON FIST, it is so well barricaded that no one could penetrate, we have to think how to move the IRON FIST first and when that happen then Guyana will get the love it deserve, we removed one of the IRON FIST but we under estimate the other one which in my book is much more radical............

Originally Posted by GtRudeGyal:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by GtRudeGyal:

Hmmmmm yuji22 you wide awaken in a dream and when you wake up wah happen , still seeing the AFC leading the flock, Ramu nah congratulate Granga is the other way around , Ramu and Granga is congratulating each other fuh merge the PPP and PNC together, is only now dem ah come out publicly because AFC ah give dem headache, the equation always go like dis PPP = PNC, if you know Algebra you go know wah dis wan mean !!!!!!!!!!!

Bahin Gee, GT Gyal


Me worried right now cause I don't know if the PNC and the AFC will want an Aryan or Sanatan wedding but I can perform both types of wedding.


The PPP and PNC go way back... even before the the AFC was born. Dem usually get together when the have a Jhandi or Havan.  Na worry Bahin Gee, Guyana is safe. We does fight each other but we all love we country and dat is what matters.

How can you love something that you cannot protect, Guyana is being RULED by an IRON FIST, it is so well barricaded that no one could penetrate, we have to think how to move the IRON FIST first and when that happen then Guyana will get the love it deserve, we removed one of the IRON FIST but we under estimate the other one which in my book is much more radical............


Iron fist is indeed right. Today in East Indian villages they don't even want to get caught on camera in the same pic with someone from AFC. 


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