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AFC is a chameleon of diabolic propensity


THE AFC is indeed a chameleon of diabolic propensity. It is a party which can say different things at different times to suit the occasion. 

AFC on DUI Law
On Saturday May 31, 2014 AFC’s Member of Parliament, Ramayya made a stunning statement when he vociferously attacked the PPP/C Government for passing the Drink and Drive Law which stated among other things that a person will be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence after three convictions. This was in 2008 and it received the support of the Opposition in Parliament. He further said that this law will seriously affect those who cannot read and write and would have “bought: their licences. He added that this will seriously affect a person’s ability to provide for his family if his driver’s licence is taken away or cancelled. Imagine an AFC member attacking the Government for trying to make our roads safer. At that time, PNC Member of Parliament, the late Deborah Backer said in Parliament that there must be ‘a joining of hands in the quest to make our roads safer.’
Ramayya as an MP should be aware of this fact. But this is nothing new since the AFC presenters on DTV 8 feel that they could say anything with impunity in their quest for political mileage.
AFC’s call for Anarchy
Then there was an extreme stance taken by AFC National Executive member and practising attorney-at-law, Charrandass Persaud, who told Berbicians on June 14, 2014 that the person who is responsible for killing people in accidents while driving under the influence of alcohol should be killed and that no lawyer should represent such persons. He sure suffers amnesia when it comes to the Lusignan massacre. Now here is an AFC national executive member on an AFC programme calling for anarchy and lawlessness. But this seems, without doubt, to be the agenda of the AFC. Barely two weeks ago another AFC MP, Moses Nagamoottoo on the Alliance on the Move programme in Berbice angrily telling a young girl who reprimanded him for his disrespect for the President, that “I am Moses and I believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” yet he was calling for national healing and unity on that same programme! This is the philosophy of a man who wanted to the President of this country! This is not only hypocrisy, but it is an extreme case on insanity. In their quest for political power these people can say and do anything. These people are dangerous!
Once again, this brings to light the venomous nature of the AFC leaders and it confirms everyone’s fear that the AFC is one track in its quest for vengeance. They are willing to stir racial disharmony and destroy the blissful peace this nation is enjoying.
This brings to mind the infamous Agricola protest. AFC’s national executive member, Charrandass Persaud in an article in the Stabroek News blamed APNU for that protest and APNU letter writer Mark Archer flung the accusation right back at the AFC. It is no secret that the AFC leaders were responsible for that terrible event when Indians were beaten, robbed and sexually molested. Now again the AFC leaders are in Berbice trying to ignite racial acrimony and hate. These people are so consumed in their own selfish ambitions that they are willing to burn this nation.

In the case of GUYSUCO, when the media quoted AFC Leader, Ramjattan as calling for a closure of the sugar industry, the AFC quickly issued a statement that it never promoted a position and that it is ‘downright political wickedness’ on the part of the PPP/C to promote such a position. Yet week after week on DTV 8, AFC’s executive member, Charrandass Persaud has been telling Berbicians that the sugar industry is not profitable and should be closed down. On Saturday, June 14, a GAWU representative and AFC member, Rolston Austin was on the AFC programme and he again made a demand for the closure of the industry. He has done this on numerous occasions before but this time he has a redundancy plan for the industry. He said that sugar workers should be given a sum of $5 million dollars each! This will amount to approximately 10 years of wages and salaries! Why is AFC promoting the closure of the industry on their programme ‘Alliance on the Move’ if they are not seriously contemplating its closure?
The AFC is a party which is replete with lawyers and it is anyone’s guess why they are allowing such views to be aired continuously on their TV programme. They simply want to close down the sugar industry!
I am calling on all sugar workers to take note of these happenings which have now exposed the true nature of the AFC and their stance on sugar. Dr. Leslie Ramsammy was absolutely correct when he referred to the ‘fork-tongued’ nature of the AFC leaders!

AFC Councillor-Region 6

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