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The Alliance for Change (AFC) is against the construction of the Marriot Hotel Project simply because the owner of the Pegaus Hotel is the client of the Party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.

The Pegaus owner also made a huge financial contribution to the AFC’s campaign. This is according to Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, who told scores of PPP supporters in Tain, Berbice on Saturday October 5 that the AFC leader should resign due to conflict of interest issues, given the fact that he also represented persons who bid for the construction of the Specialty Hospital and lost.

The AFC is against the construction of the hospital and voted in favour of cutting funds for it in Parliament.

“And Nigel Hughes had to resign about conflict of interest… why shouldn’t Ramjattan resign? He blocks a hospital that is good for the entire country because his client lost the bid. He is trying to block the Marriot because the owner of the Pegasus made a big contribution to their campaign and because he is the person’s lawyer. So you block a big investment for the country by talking about Chinese people coming to build it. The Chinese will build it but immediately after the Chinese leave in two years’ time, 500 young Guyanese will be working there,” Jagdeo said.

According to the former President, the opposition political parties are against every project that the PPP administration has embarked upon.

“There is not a single project; there is not a single thing that PPP could do that is good for this country.

This campus [Tain, UG Campus], when we wanted to build it, they said why do you want to take this campus in Tain, that we were bringing it close to our supporters. We ignored them; we brought it here because we believe the people in Berbice deserve the same right as people in Georgetown.”

Jagdeo also defended the construction of the Berbice River Bridge.

“The bridge that they promised to build in the 1960s, we build it and suddenly this bridge which cut out all the waiting time…imagine days and days of waiting for the ferry. The fare across the bridge that they said is too high, that fare is the same rate that people used to pay to cross on the ferry. It’s not higher but now the only good thing is that you can cross immediately. It’s such a good thing that they used against us.”

The former President also defended the Amaila Falls Hydro Project and the Airport Expansion.

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Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the ‘Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.
Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recently issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.
Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.
 Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews



Only recently three members of the AFC’s New York Chapter – Tarron Khemraj, Rab Mukraj and Asquith Rose – tendered their resignations and joined A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

It was subsequently revealed by Chairman of the AFC New York Chapter Dr.Rohan Somar that the three members wanted the AFC to join forces with APNU for the next general elections – a suggestion which was met with much resistance from other AFC members.


According Dr. Somar in a statement, the three defectors were also opposed to the AFC Parliamentarians voting in favor of the supporting Bills for the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project.

Meanwhile, a week prior to this episode the AFC had accepted the resignation of Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, who was associated with the New York, AFC Chapter, following a bitter dispute.


(AFC) is against the construction of the Marriot Hotel Project simply because the owner of the Pegaus Hotel is the client of the Party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.


That was the main reason from the beginning and Ramjattan using politics to undermine the Marriott progress to satisfy friends. Ramjattan desire was to stonewalled Pegasus's competitors, whereas he doesn't believe in free enterprise and competition to advance in our society. I agree he should resign.




Ramjattan has already been kicked out of the AFC. He is hanging on due to shame and humiliation. Nigel and Cathy are fully in charge of the AFC with Moses as the Dhobi (washer person). The AFC is history. They faded as quickly as they started. They are now in the political grave yard just like ROAR. RIP AFC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

(AFC) is against the construction of the Marriot Hotel Project simply because the owner of the Pegaus Hotel is the client of the Party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.


That was the main reason from the beginning and Ramjattan using politics to undermine the Marriott progress to satisfy friends. Ramjattan desire was to stonewalled Pegasus's competitors, whereas he doesn't believe in free enterprise and competition to advance in our society. I agree he should resign.




AFC is rotten at it's very core. RIP AFC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

(AFC) is against the construction of the Marriot Hotel Project simply because the owner of the Pegaus Hotel is the client of the Party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.


That was the main reason from the beginning and Ramjattan using politics to undermine the Marriott progress to satisfy friends. Ramjattan desire was to stonewalled Pegasus's competitors, whereas he doesn't believe in free enterprise and competition to advance in our society. I agree he should resign.



when the government is building something how can you call it free enterprise you know the meaning of the word it do not mean giving away the taxpayers money to the ppp crime family

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

(AFC) is against the construction of the Marriot Hotel Project simply because the owner of the Pegaus Hotel is the client of the Party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.


That was the main reason from the beginning and Ramjattan using politics to undermine the Marriott progress to satisfy friends. Ramjattan desire was to stonewalled Pegasus's competitors, whereas he doesn't believe in free enterprise and competition to advance in our society. I agree he should resign.



when the government is building something how can you call it free enterprise you know the meaning of the word it do not mean giving away the taxpayers money to the ppp crime family

If the name was GuyMarriott, then I would state differently. Marriott is an international franchise, and its aiming to accommodate people from all nationalities, including Guyanese.


Prem se bolo Ramjattan ki jai! May Mother Durga give him the shakti to deal with the Ahirawans that have taken heist of our beloved country and using the treasury as their own petty cash. Jai Mata Di!.


Long live the AFC!


The AFC goons are in desperation mode and attacks anyone that exposes their conflicts of interest within the party, as the defections begins to take its toll on the political gathering.


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