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Former Member

It now appears that the AFC wants to block Chinese Investment in Guyana.  Let us be reminded that Chinese make up one of the six races of Guyana. Our first President was a Chinese and the Chinese community is a vital part of our country's history and culture. The AFC should not be displaying anti Chinese sentiment on this BB. It is borderline racism.


AFC needs to be reminded that Afro Guyanese is not the only race that can be allowed to Invest in Guyana. In fact, I have not seen African countries showing any interest in Guyana where Afro Guyanese make up a significant portion of the population.


India has made investment in Guyana and continues to support Guyana's economic development. Investment is vital to the the development of any country. The greatest nation of the world, the United States always encourage investment. It appears that the AFC is led by  socialists and borderline communists like Moses hence their anti Investment agenda.


The AFC's motto "what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC" is now in overdrive. We must be reminded that they are opposed to the Marriott because of political affiliation to one of their financial supporters who own a run down, cockroach infested Hotel. AFC's action is total anti Investment and anti Chinese. We must speak out against the unacceptable actions of the AFC.


In capitalism one must compete or their business will die. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JoKer:

The Chinese Government pursues a blood sucking neo-slavery policy towards Mudhead Governments like Guyana.


The only Guyanese being helped by the Chinese Rape of Guyana are a handful of corrupt officials getting their bribes.

Bottom line... The AFC is a racist party and will not support the investments because the AFC has take a racist position and that is anti Chinese.

I wonder if the AFC is planning their next terrorist attack ? And please do not tell me that their next target is the Chinese community. The AFC's position is a racist one and must be condemned.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

* It now appears that the AFC wants to block Chinese Investment in Guyana.


* AFC needs to be reminded that Afro Guyanese is not the only race that can be allowed to Invest in Guyana.


* It appears that the AFC is led by  socialists and borderline communists like Moses hence their anti Investment agenda.


* The AFC's motto "what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC" is now in overdrive.   

Excellent post Yuji!


Listen! The good people of Guyana have witnessed the AFC being diminished and miniaturized on a daily basis. The party's credibility with 90% of Guyanese people is almost zero. And because of their anti-development stance, most Guyanese now question the loyalty, the allegiance and the patriotism of AFC leaders like Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Raphael Trotman, etc, etc




Investment is good.


However, it is not good to give away the God given gifts of the nation.


The GoG should not be like the Bibical Esau, who gave away his birthright for a bowl of soup. In the case of Guyana, for a few US$.


The PPP must revisit the 1953 manifesto. It was promised that everything possible WILL BE DONE to empower Guyanese to plant and harvest the land.


The way thing goings, if we knew then that the country would be having new colonials, we would have opted to let the English stay on. They would have given us a better deal.


So far, Chinese investments in Guyana have not been too generous to the natives.


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

* It now appears that the AFC wants to block Chinese Investment in Guyana.


* AFC needs to be reminded that Afro Guyanese is not the only race that can be allowed to Invest in Guyana.


* It appears that the AFC is led by  socialists and borderline communists like Moses hence their anti Investment agenda.


* The AFC's motto "what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC" is now in overdrive.   

Excellent post Yuji!


Listen! The good people of Guyana have witnessed the AFC being diminished and miniaturized on a daily basis. The party's credibility with 90% of Guyanese people is almost zero. And because of their anti-development stance, most Guyanese now question the loyalty, the allegiance and the patriotism of AFC leaders like Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Raphael Trotman, etc, etc



Guyanese must take a vigilant stand against the AFC. The AFC is now out to destroy Guyana because of political greed and Envy. Moses is burning in envy as more investment pours into Guyana.


Milk and Honey drinking aside, the PPP is still the best option for Guyana. Unlike the terror branded politics of the AFC and PNC... shoulder to shoulder. Rev, it looks like the Chinese community will become the next victim of the AFC.


The AFC forgot their role in Parliament... curbing milk drinking. The AFC is now terror drinking.


I know for sure the AFC is not against Chinese investments. What the AFC has said explicitly is it intends to regularize relations with the West so as to also attract reputable Western investors. For AFC Foreign Policy = Economic Policy.  I personally am wary of the willingness of the Chinese to bankroll an ethnic oligarchy thereby allowing the PPP to refuse constitutional reforms. Refusal of constitutional reform is akin to an exclusion of African Guyanese from determining how the resources of the nation is to be allocated. I hope the Chinese government is aware of this dimension.  

Originally Posted by TK:

TK: What the AFC has said explicitly is it intends to regularize relations with the West so as to also attract reputable Western investors.


What do you mean by reputable Western investors ?


* Aren't the Canadian investors investing in the gold sector Western Investors ? There are two huge Canadian mining projects coming on line in the near future


* How about the companies exploring for oil---aren't they Western investors ?



Yuji is right! You losers in the AFC are clearly anti Chinese and anti chinese investments




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

TK: What the AFC has said explicitly is it intends to regularize relations with the West so as to also attract reputable Western investors.


What do you mean by reputable Western investors ?


* Aren't the Canadian investors investing in the gold sector Western Investors ? There are two huge Canadian mining projects coming on line in the near future


* How about the companies exploring for oil---aren't they Western investors ?



Yuji is right! You losers in the AFC are clearly anti Chinese and anti chinese investments




U know the mainland Chinese would be killing the blood suckers as soon as they overcome the tyrannical regime. So, these blood suckers are looking for new victims-and wallah the unsuspecting Guyanese are on their sights. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

TK: What the AFC has said explicitly is it intends to regularize relations with the West so as to also attract reputable Western investors.


What do you mean by reputable Western investors ?


* Aren't the Canadian investors investing in the gold sector Western Investors ? There are two huge Canadian mining projects coming on line in the near future


* How about the companies exploring for oil---aren't they Western investors ?



Yuji is right! You losers in the AFC are clearly anti Chinese and anti chinese investments




I would like to see some big and important non-extractive industry investments. Agro-manufacturing in particular. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

TK: What the AFC has said explicitly is it intends to regularize relations with the West so as to also attract reputable Western investors.


What do you mean by reputable Western investors ?


* Aren't the Canadian investors investing in the gold sector Western Investors ? There are two huge Canadian mining projects coming on line in the near future


* How about the companies exploring for oil---aren't they Western investors ?



Yuji is right! You losers in the AFC are clearly anti Chinese and anti chinese investments




I would like to see some big and important non-extractive industry investments. Agro-manufacturing in particular. 

Wake up Bro. More text book scenerios u deliberating.


The citizens must pave the way first. Every progressive nation followed that route- they put their soul in their country. Guyana doan have dat kind of souls, the government doan encourage them either.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Guyanese must take a vigilant stand against the AFC. The AFC is now out to destroy Guyana because of political greed and Envy. Moses is burning in envy as more investment pours into Guyana.



* 90% of Guyanese hold an extremely negative and cynical view of the AFC.


* In the 70s, 80s and 90s it was the PNC that incited violence among Guyanese ---today it is the AFC that incites violence---Guyanese saw the havoc, destruction and anarchy in Agricola and Linden.


* Moses Nagamootoo is an angry, bitter, belligerent, washed out politician---a sore loser---he reminds me of poster stormborn on this forum---like Stormy he likely still suffers from male




There is no real future for the AFC in Guyana's politics--90% of the Guyanese people know fully who they are---terrorists, hustlers, trouble makers, opportunists---after the next election they'll likely disappear like other 3rd parties----ROAR, etc






Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

TK: What the AFC has said explicitly is it intends to regularize relations with the West so as to also attract reputable Western investors.


What do you mean by reputable Western investors ?


* Aren't the Canadian investors investing in the gold sector Western Investors ? There are two huge Canadian mining projects coming on line in the near future


* How about the companies exploring for oil---aren't they Western investors ?



Yuji is right! You losers in the AFC are clearly anti Chinese and anti chinese investments




I would like to see some big and important non-extractive industry investments. Agro-manufacturing in particular. 

Wake up Bro. More text book scenerios u deliberating.


The citizens must pave the way first. Every progressive nation followed that route- they put their soul in their country. Guyana doan have dat kind of souls, the government doan encourage them either.

Oh rass...sorry Seignet I thought I was responding to Rev Al. You are my Bro 

Last edited by Former Member

The entire AFC male supporters suffer from male menopause. They whine and complain about the PPP all day long and how corruption exists and about how the sky is falling.......


Rev, you offered the AFC a solution to partner with the PNC and form a single slate since they have 51 percent of the votes. They hold the power and still whine and post here with their male version of hot flashes.


The AFC is the party of male menopause. Hot flash... all day long. They have nothing better to do. Hence they whine, complain and post pictures all day long. The PPP should donate some TV's and golf clubs to the AFC.


I am Mac user and have several iMacs lying around that I can gladly donate to the AFC. Thats a start.... Other members can chip in.

Originally Posted by TK:
I would like to see some big and important non-extractive industry investments. Agro-manufacturing in particular. 



In order for Guyana to develop a large scale agro processing industry---and attract large scale agro processing companies---the country will need to have a world class infrastructure.




I hope the hydro can be developed in a feasible manner---that ought to cheapen energy costs---then new manufacturing industries can make their way into Guyana----new infrastructure can be built---hundreds of thousand of acres of arable land can be put under cultivation---and then agro processing facilities can be developed.





Originally Posted by yuji22:

The entire AFC male supporters suffer from male menopause. They whine and complain about the PPP all day long and how corruption exists and about how the sky is falling.......


Rev, you offered the AFC a solution to partner with the PNC and form a single slate since they have 51 percent of the votes. They hold the power and still whine and post here with their male version of hot flashes.


The AFC is the party of male menopause. Hot flash... all day long. They have nothing better to do. Hence they whine, complain and post pictures all day long. The PPP should donate some TV's and golf clubs to the AFC.


I am Mac user and have several iMacs lying around that I can gladly donate to the AFC. Thats a start.... Other members can chip in.

My employer gave me an HP Elitebook and I bought my own Ipad. I don't use Macs because of special software like Eviews I have to use. Thanks anyway. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The entire AFC male supporters suffer from male menopause. They whine and complain about the PPP all day long and how corruption exists and about how the sky is falling.......


Rev, you offered the AFC a solution to partner with the PNC and form a single slate since they have 51 percent of the votes. They hold the power and still whine and post here with their male version of hot flashes.


The AFC is the party of male menopause. Hot flash... all day long. They have nothing better to do. Hence they whine, complain and post pictures all day long. The PPP should donate some TV's and golf clubs to the AFC.


I am Mac user and have several iMacs lying around that I can gladly donate to the AFC. Thats a start.... Other members can chip in.

My employer gave me an HP Elitebook and I bought my own Ipad. I don't use Macs because of special software like Eviews I have to use. Thanks anyway. 

To teach you a few lessons. Are you sitting down ?


Now listen, a Mac can run Windows and it runs better on a Mac than it does on a PC. There is something called Bootcamp. Google is your friend. My offer still stands. The AFC male menopause sufferers are welcome to get the Macs.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The entire AFC male supporters suffer from male menopause. They whine and complain about the PPP all day long and how corruption exists and about how the sky is falling.......


Rev, you offered the AFC a solution to partner with the PNC and form a single slate since they have 51 percent of the votes. They hold the power and still whine and post here with their male version of hot flashes.


The AFC is the party of male menopause. Hot flash... all day long. They have nothing better to do. Hence they whine, complain and post pictures all day long. The PPP should donate some TV's and golf clubs to the AFC.


I am Mac user and have several iMacs lying around that I can gladly donate to the AFC. Thats a start.... Other members can chip in.

My employer gave me an HP Elitebook and I bought my own Ipad. I don't use Macs because of special software like Eviews I have to use. Thanks anyway. 

To teach you a few lessons. Are you sitting down ?


Now listen, a Mac can run Windows and it runs better on a Mac than it does on a PC. There is something called Bootcamp. Google is your friend. My offer still stands. The AFC male menopause sufferers are welcome to get the Macs.

I KNOW THAT...BUT STILL PREFER THE HP ELITE BOOK WITH WINDOWS 7 runs like a charm. Tell me something I don't know. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The entire AFC male supporters suffer from male menopause. They whine and complain about the PPP all day long and how corruption exists and about how the sky is falling.......


Rev, you offered the AFC a solution to partner with the PNC and form a single slate since they have 51 percent of the votes. They hold the power and still whine and post here with their male version of hot flashes.


The AFC is the party of male menopause. Hot flash... all day long. They have nothing better to do. Hence they whine, complain and post pictures all day long. The PPP should donate some TV's and golf clubs to the AFC.


I am Mac user and have several iMacs lying around that I can gladly donate to the AFC. Thats a start.... Other members can chip in.

My employer gave me an HP Elitebook and I bought my own Ipad. I don't use Macs because of special software like Eviews I have to use. Thanks anyway. 

To teach you a few lessons. Are you sitting down ?


Now listen, a Mac can run Windows and it runs better on a Mac than it does on a PC. There is something called Bootcamp. Google is your friend. My offer still stands. The AFC male menopause sufferers are welcome to get the Macs.

I KNOW THAT...BUT STILL PREFER THE HP ELITE BOOK WITH WINDOWS 7 runs like a charm. Tell me something I don't know. 

Now sit down again. Are you sitting ?


Listen, with your PC, you need antivirus, antispyware, antimalware. Get my drift ? Let alone complains about a bloated OS. Remember the PC vs Mac ad ?


Take a Macbook Air for a test drive and you will ditch yor cheap HP Elitebook.


Now TK.. next class will be on SSD and RAM and CPU. Read up and I will give you your next test. No cheating now.....

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The entire AFC male supporters suffer from male menopause. They whine and complain about the PPP all day long and how corruption exists and about how the sky is falling.......


Rev, you offered the AFC a solution to partner with the PNC and form a single slate since they have 51 percent of the votes. They hold the power and still whine and post here with their male version of hot flashes.


The AFC is the party of male menopause. Hot flash... all day long. They have nothing better to do. Hence they whine, complain and post pictures all day long. The PPP should donate some TV's and golf clubs to the AFC.


I am Mac user and have several iMacs lying around that I can gladly donate to the AFC. Thats a start.... Other members can chip in.

My employer gave me an HP Elitebook and I bought my own Ipad. I don't use Macs because of special software like Eviews I have to use. Thanks anyway. 

To teach you a few lessons. Are you sitting down ?


Now listen, a Mac can run Windows and it runs better on a Mac than it does on a PC. There is something called Bootcamp. Google is your friend. My offer still stands. The AFC male menopause sufferers are welcome to get the Macs.

I KNOW THAT...BUT STILL PREFER THE HP ELITE BOOK WITH WINDOWS 7 runs like a charm. Tell me something I don't know. 

Now sit down again. Are you sitting ?


Listen, with your PC, you need antivirus, antispyware, antimalware. Get my drift ? Let alone complains about a bloated OS. Remember the PC vs Mac ad ?


Take a Macbook Air for a test drive and you will ditch yor cheap HP Elitebook.


Now TK.. next class will be on SSD and RAM and CPU. Read up and I will give you your next test. No cheating now.....


I am quite content with what I can do with PC. My colleagues took Macs...I like Windows 7 Professional. "Ghost in the wires" and then come let's talk about antivirus. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The entire AFC male supporters suffer from male menopause. They whine and complain about the PPP all day long and how corruption exists and about how the sky is falling.......


Rev, you offered the AFC a solution to partner with the PNC and form a single slate since they have 51 percent of the votes. They hold the power and still whine and post here with their male version of hot flashes.


The AFC is the party of male menopause. Hot flash... all day long. They have nothing better to do. Hence they whine, complain and post pictures all day long. The PPP should donate some TV's and golf clubs to the AFC.


I am Mac user and have several iMacs lying around that I can gladly donate to the AFC. Thats a start.... Other members can chip in.

My employer gave me an HP Elitebook and I bought my own Ipad. I don't use Macs because of special software like Eviews I have to use. Thanks anyway. 

To teach you a few lessons. Are you sitting down ?


Now listen, a Mac can run Windows and it runs better on a Mac than it does on a PC. There is something called Bootcamp. Google is your friend. My offer still stands. The AFC male menopause sufferers are welcome to get the Macs.

I KNOW THAT...BUT STILL PREFER THE HP ELITE BOOK WITH WINDOWS 7 runs like a charm. Tell me something I don't know. 

Now sit down again. Are you sitting ?


Listen, with your PC, you need antivirus, antispyware, antimalware. Get my drift ? Let alone complains about a bloated OS. Remember the PC vs Mac ad ?


Take a Macbook Air for a test drive and you will ditch yor cheap HP Elitebook.


Now TK.. next class will be on SSD and RAM and CPU. Read up and I will give you your next test. No cheating now.....


I am quite content with what I can do with PC. My colleagues took Macs...I like Windows 7 Professional. "Ghost in the wires" and then come let's talk about antivirus. 

Tell your colleagues that Yuji congratulates them on their excellent choice.


I was just kidding on the PC. The PC vs Mac debate is just like politics... it will never end. I have all Macs at home except the lone PC. My daughter is stubborn like you and still loves her Ultrabook PC. 


Well... lets get back now to politics.

Originally Posted by yuji22: 

AFC needs to be reminded that Afro Guyanese is not the only race that can be allowed to Invest in Guyana. In fact, I have not seen African countries showing any interest in Guyana where Afro Guyanese make up a significant portion of the population.



breathtakingly ignorant . . . GRATUITOUS race baiting taken to an entirely new order of low as, incapable of shame, the PPP operatives dutifully follow their 'orders'


pure EVIL [as in T. King] lives!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22: 

AFC needs to be reminded that Afro Guyanese is not the only race that can be allowed to Invest in Guyana. In fact, I have not seen African countries showing any interest in Guyana where Afro Guyanese make up a significant portion of the population.



breathtakingly ignorant . . . GRATUITOUS race baiting taken to an entirely new order of low as, incapable of shame, the PPP operatives dutifully follow their 'orders'


pure EVIL [as in T. King] lives!

Redux, are you evil as you PC ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22: 

AFC needs to be reminded that Afro Guyanese is not the only race that can be allowed to Invest in Guyana. In fact, I have not seen African countries showing any interest in Guyana where Afro Guyanese make up a significant portion of the population.



breathtakingly ignorant . . . GRATUITOUS race baiting taken to an entirely new order of low as, incapable of shame, the PPP operatives dutifully follow their 'orders'


pure EVIL [as in T. King] lives!

Redux, are you evil as you PC ?

'sir' . . . in your nakedness, have u no shame left?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

It now appears that the AFC wants to block Chinese Investment in Guyana.  Let us be reminded that Chinese make up one of the six races of Guyana. Our first President was a Chinese and the Chinese community is a vital part of our country's history and culture. The AFC should not be displaying anti Chinese sentiment on this BB. It is borderline racism.


AFC needs to be reminded that Afro Guyanese is not the only race that can be allowed to Invest in Guyana. In fact, I have not seen African countries showing any interest in Guyana where Afro Guyanese make up a significant portion of the population.


India has made investment in Guyana and continues to support Guyana's economic development. Investment is vital to the the development of any country. The greatest nation of the world, the United States always encourage investment. It appears that the AFC is led by  socialists and borderline communists like Moses hence their anti Investment agenda.


The AFC's motto "what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC" is now in overdrive. We must be reminded that they are opposed to the Marriott because of political affiliation to one of their financial supporters who own a run down, cockroach infested Hotel. AFC's action is total anti Investment and anti Chinese. We must speak out against the unacceptable actions of the AFC.


In capitalism one must compete or their business will die. 



How more dunce can you be.


The wise people say "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"?


Well we see all 64 teeth from your dotish mouth Mr HE HAW dutty swami YUGI.


Me FADA seh, the following:


1.  the AFC is FOR foreign and local investment, just tifing deals;  Investment creates JOBs and the AFC is the ALL FOR JOBS PARTY.


2. YOU SO blasted blind like a bat.  Who is Gerhard, Moses, Khemraj, Ramaya, Charandass, Punalal?  Are they afro-Guyanese?  Your racism knows no end you kuli racist.  My Fada said to tell you that he ask bhagwan to put a "swarap" pun yuh tiefing family.  All yu fellas do is think, sleep, live is racism and superiority of one race over another.


Gwan from hey suh you DOG!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

The Chinese Government pursues a blood sucking neo-slavery policy towards Mudhead Governments like Guyana.


The only Guyanese being helped by the Chinese Rape of Guyana are a handful of corrupt officials getting their bribes.

Bottom line... The AFC is a racist party and will not support the investments because the AFC has take a racist position and that is anti Chinese.

I wonder if the AFC is planning their next terrorist attack ? And please do not tell me that their next target is the Chinese community. The AFC's position is a racist one and must be condemned.

This is where the F word comes in. Banna you really are an f in Idiot.

Do you have proof of what you write here and if you do, please present it, you silly ignorant arseole.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
I know for sure the AFC is not against Chinese investments. What the AFC has said explicitly is it intends to regularize relations with the West so as to also attract reputable Western investors.

Charles is hardly worth 50 million. The communist oligarchs in China are worth billions. I take Charles any day over Bo Xi Li. 

Originally Posted by Henry:

Just the standard AFC veneration of our erstwhile colonial masters.


Robson Bennup, ak Henry, it is you again?


When will you tame that wayward wife beating child of your's?


It is a sin to murder an unborn child and young Benup should have been in jail.


But as per norm his father is a PPP.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Ron, you are just a slightly more infantile version of Freddie Spittoon.

It is be better to be a Freddie Kission who teaches his child principles that a Bennup who allows his child to beat a woman to pulp until she loses her child.


Ian Chang cannot judge you bandits, but GOD will and when he start hitting all the Bennup from one side to the other with CANCER, the billions you stole will not save you.


So run along now Robson Been up ak Henry!

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Ron, you are just a slightly more infantile version of Freddie Spittoon.

It is be better to be a Freddie Kission who teaches his child principles that a Bennup who allows his child to beat a woman to pulp until she loses her child.


Ian Chang cannot judge you bandits, but GOD will and when he start hitting all the Bennup from one side to the other with CANCER, the billions you stole will not save you.


So run along now Robson Been up ak Henry!

Freddie has allegedly committed theft including his stint in Canada and UG. Are you really like him ? Small time guys does become big time. 


Have you no shame ? Theft is theft, big or small.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Ron, you are just a slightly more infantile version of Freddie Spittoon.

It is be better to be a Freddie Kission who teaches his child principles that a Bennup who allows his child to beat a woman to pulp until she loses her child.


Ian Chang cannot judge you bandits, but GOD will and when he start hitting all the Bennup from one side to the other with CANCER, the billions you stole will not save you.


So run along now Robson Been up ak Henry!

Freddie has allegedly committed theft including his stint in Canada and UG. Are you really like him ? Small time guys does become big time. 


Have you no shame ? Theft is theft, big or small.

Is'nt a sin for the holi bramin to rub shoulder with known crininal like Bynoe, Joe Hamilton, Mclean etc or yuh trow dar pan dem an cleanse dem...

Originally Posted by Henry:

Just the standard AFC veneration of our erstwhile colonial masters.

My task is to fight exploitation of the "poor and powerless". Whether it comes from Western corporations, Chinese communist oligarchs or PPP elected oligarchs like yourself does not matter. We fight must apologize for the outright raping of the peoples monies. I don't. 


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