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AFC is hypocritical about corruption, cronyism and transparencyPDFPrintE-mail
Written by HASEEF YUSUF AFC Councillor Region 6   
Monday, 14 May 2012 20:19
THE Alliance For Change (AFC) is now embarking on a crusade to discredit me by maligning my character and cunningly evading and ignoring the questions raised in my letter, namely those relating to unaccountability, corruption and cronyism. It was most disappointing that at a meeting held at Trainline, Port Mourant, AFC’s Member of Parliament, Mr. Veerasammy Ramayya told the approximately 200 persons gathered there that a certain letter writer in the press is making false accusations against him because the PPP/C has bribed him to do so.
I am that letter writer, so clearly I am now being accused of accepting a bribe from the PPP/C. This is preposterous. I want to make it abundantly clear that, to date, I have not even discussed this matter with anyone even remotely connected to the PPP/C.
Is the Alliance For Change willing to delve into the same false and baseless propaganda that they so often attributed to the PPP/C?
The Member of Parliament has admitted to the fact that he does not have receipts and bills to support his claims to $4.5M and, instead of the AFC trying to resolve this serious matter of unauthorised and unaccountable spending, they are continuing to allow him to appeal to the emotions of the members and supporters of the AFC by peddling false and unsubstantiated garbage. Moreover, two other AFC Councillors have openly agreed to the contents that I have written in the press. Will this MP be willing to malign their characters as well? Have they also been bribed?
I have met with many members and supporters of the AFC who fully supported the stance I have taken since they themselves are now very much disenchanted by the corrupt practices by the MP and the complacency and condescending attitude of the party’s Chairman. Many of them have requested that I give them copies of my email to them and I have done so.
I have analysed carefully what the MP has claimed in order to excuse his unaccountability and I want to share some of these findings with you. The MP claimed that he was feeding 30 or 40 members and supporters of the AFC during the campaign season. However, this ‘fact’ was not disclosed to the Campaign Manager and therefore we are back to the fact that this spending was unauthorised.
How about the MP answering this question? If the MP wanted to reclaim these huge unauthorised sums of monies, would he not have ensured that he collected the necessary documentary evidence to support his exaggerated claims? No he did not! So now we have unsupported and unauthorized spending of $4.5M as well.
Yet this same MP when he was interviewed by Stabroek News upon his swearing in said that he would fight for transparency and accountability: those are his platforms. Is this man serious? What he probably meant was that he is willing to hold the government accountable but not himself and the AFC? Dear reader, is this not hypocrisy in action? Well this reminds me of a very old clichÉ: ‘do what I say but don’t ever do what I do!’
Let us now analyse another fact. Millions of dollars were collected locally as well as from abroad by this MP and then, in addition, he was given huge amounts of monies by the Campaign Manager to fund AFC’s campaign activities.
You do not need to be a rocket scientist to know that given the huge sums of monies entrusted to you makes it imperative and warrants you to be accountable. You had, as you claimed, 40 persons with you and you could not even come up with an accurate financial statement! You were sitting at home while myself and others were toiling with our hearts and souls yet you yourself had no time to keep accurate records.
But then you had to relax in order to be prepared for your ‘comedy jams’ on TV and your live shows. But you nearly had a full parliament yet you could not provide accountability! And now you are in our Parliament bawling for accountability. Physician - heal thyself! Sorry you are not a physician; you are a ‘bush doctor.’ Not only that, you are hypocritically demanding budget cuts in our Parliament, but you could not have worked within your own campaign budget. If you guys are so good at using the proverbial ‘scissors,’ why did you not apply it to your own budget?
We must practise what we preach. You are willing to take away food from 40 GINA and NCN workers but you were feeding 40 persons to ensure that they make you an MP so that you can snatch food from poor people! This is a shameless and despicable act which is devoid of any humanity, but our leader knows that in a war ‘collateral damage’ is inevitable, especially when you are shooting ‘scatterloads’.
During your  ‘comedy jam’ on TV and public shows, you were so vociferous about transparency that we actually believed you and I guess some fools still believe you, but the manner in which you rigged the election of the Regional Management Committee was no comedy. You were the one who invited members to that meeting, not the General Secretary and you ensured that only a selected handful of members were invited. You were ‘dead serious’ about maintaining your stranglehold on the ‘candy jar’ so you rigged the election to ensure this! So there goes the transparency which the AFC preaches but cannot practise.
But then my dear MP you hit two birds with one stone, you made sure that your cronyism tendencies remained intact. Your female friend is now heading the office! On February 1,  I spoke out against this type of cronyism and wanted the AFC to invite applications so that we offer everyone an equal opportunity to be employed. This is in line with human resources best practices.
During the campaign you preached against this type of cronyism, you lambasted Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, our former President about helping his friends and not providing a level playing field. But again, what you preach, you do not practise. This seems to be your mantra and that of our leader who has to date failed to address this issue as well.
In conclusion, I am also extremely positive that I will be expelled from the party since another councillor told me that that decision is already made. By the way, this person also agreed with my letter but said that I should not have gone public since it will destroy the AFC in Berbice. But I drew his attention to the fact that the AFC’s leader was unwilling to address the issue and to date has still not done so. I call on this person and others to come forward and be courageous in this battle against corruption and cronyism within our party. How can we hope to fight against these things if we are guilty of practising them? The AFC does not have a seal on your mouths and hearts. I call upon all you honest and dignified members and supporters of the AFC to wage war against the corruption in our midst! Are you willing to be blind to our own faults and wrongdoings? I guess not.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 00:27

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Sharon Storm:

Stormborn, the truth hurts

 I am sure the PPP does not know what is the truth and most of you have swallowed their crap so much you believe it is manna from heaven.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I am sure the PPP does not know what is the truth and most of you have swallowed their crap so much you believe it is manna from heaven.


Is that your belief about the AFC? 

Originally Posted by Sharon Storm:

stormborn, why are you selling your soul to defend the thievery and embezzlement of funds with the AFC?

My "soul"? I will take that to mean core values. Well they are intact. I would ask you the same but you would simply rant like a zombie about corruption elsewhere except among those you serve. Well the dish can never be accused of discovering water.


LCDS monies were not ‘cut’ from the budget

Dear Editor,

I am an Amerindian and have always been in support of the LCDS, although I must admit having a few reservations. As a matter of fact I agree with others who say that without our historical care for the environment there would be no LCDS.


However, having read about the big storm surrounding the LCDS budget cuts  in Parliament and seeing the  PPP/C government’s  overdriven propaganda  in our remote indigenous communities, I  did some  research..

The LCDS has become a political football. Actually, this is what the PPP/C intended it to be from the beginning. The goal was to win the hinterland votes by showering gifts on the indigenous people, hoping that they would vote for them resoundingly and so gain the balance of power that they desperately needed to win the last elections. Unfortunately for them, a number of factors still stand in their way.


The first and foremost is that to date the expected funds from Norway have not been released to Guyana. From listening to a minister of government a few days ago, one would believe that the Norway funds were earned by us and are for the government to spend as it sees fit. However, I found that approved LCDS projects will be implemented by partner entities such as the IDB, UNDP, some Government of Guyana agencies, and others. Again, from all the statements made by the government it seems that they firmly believe or want us to believe that they will be the only ones to implement the projects and spend the LCDS monies.


On the internet, I read the following: “The GRIF will provide grant financing for goods, works or services for an investment, technical assistance or capacity building activity or activities as approved by the Steering Committee in accordance with the GRIF Governance Framework Document. The GRIF will not provide financing for budget support.” The last sentence clearly clarifies what the opposition parties in parliament are saying. Namely, that the monies from Norway have to be treated as funds flowing from external sources and not via the national budget.


Therefore, the combined opposition is correct in saying that the LCDS monies were not ‘cut’ from the National Budget this year. The PPP/C government has to get busy to complete the various activities that have to be done before the LCDS monies are released to the partner entities for actual spending on the projects’ implementation.



According to current information seen on the internet I noted that the following projects have been approved or are in the process of being approved. 1. Institutional strengthening, (approved) approximately US$6M with the partner entity the IDB. 2. Micro and Small Enterprise Development, (project concept note approved, project document to be developed) approximately US$10M with partner entity the IDB.

Then there are other projects that are at a stage in which just the concept notes were prepared.  These include the Cunha Canal, (World Bank); Amerindian Development Fund (UNDP);  Amaila hydro project; and Amerindian land titling.


Also, there are other projects that still have a far way to go before possible approval. These include One Laptop per Family; Biodiversity research centre; solar panels for hinterland electrification; E-governance and the fibre optic cable; biofuel; Canje Basin agriculture; aquaculture; MRV for the LCDS.

Those of us who apply for project funding would know that funding for any one project cannot be released until the funders are satisfied with the final proposal submitted. It is the government of the day, namely those who have been in power since the money was available for the LCDS funding from Norway, to prepare award winning proposals so that funds can be released for the implementation of the various projects.


Then, it is no secret that corruption is at an all-time high in Guyana.  No funder will release monies into a basket in the hope that it can fetch water. We have to face facts: our country is a basket case where corruption is concerned. To make matters worse we are now being told that funds from NICIL cannot be placed in the Consolidated Fund because of a technicality. A government which practices good governance would have hustled to correct this anomaly before it explodes in its face.


Then at the last general and regional elections the majority of Guyanese voted for the combined opposition.  However, the PPP/C minority did not see it fit to consult with the opposition majority in the preparatory stages to create an acceptable people’s budget.


I quote from Sydney Allicock’s speech in Parliament: “Madam Speaker, the rebirth is now. This budget should have been one we have come to initiate and not debate. Consultation with the majority should have already been done, granting that no one could have gotten all they wished for at one go and the limited time available.  Instead, what do we have in front of us, a budget that can only be described as an insult to the intelligence of the Guyanese people… Madam Speaker, having said the above, as a representative of the hinterland people, I request that this budget be historical. Let it be the first budget in modern day Guyana that sees the indigenous peoples of Guyana being the beneficiaries from large projects. Madam Speaker, I do not believe that the framers of our constitution wanted us to have a white-washed budget without any amendments being done. Let us have a new beginning, let our bright minds sit together and make the amendments without regard for the midnight oil. Give and take for Guyana, can we do it? I say we can.“


From reading the national newspapers,  I have come to the conclusion that the combined opposition, which represents the majority of the Guyanese people is willing to negotiate with the minority PPP/C government. They have said that once the monies for LCDS projects are approved  by the World Bank they would be willing to approve their passage as supplementary provisions to benefit the indigenous peoples and all Guyanese. We see from this end of Guyana that the PPP/C is trying desperately to avoid negotiations with the combined opposition because although the changes requested by the opposition will benefit Guyanese and the Indigenous Peoples, the PPP/C will lose its control over the various slush funds that it is keeping close to its bosom and the warped governance that allows it the winner takes all politics. They will also have to grant us, the Amerindians, our ownership to our traditional lands.


I was surprised when an Amerindian youth  stopped me on the road to tell me about the PPP/C’s ‘budget cut’ meeting in his remote village.  He made it clear among other points raised that he did not believe the PPP/C. He said that Uncle Sydney (Member of Parliament) would never make a decision to hurt the Indigenous peoples. He asked if there is a way to stop the PPP/C from using government resources to do their cheap propaganda. The comments he made have proven to me that once we are well informed we will come to the right        conclusions. As shown in the last general elections the Amerindians are not for wholesale selling or buying any more.  This will lead to the further demise of the PPP/C.  I challenge them to call snap elections.


Therefore, unless I do not have the information, the big gnashing of teeth and crying by the government over the ‘budget cuts’ are merely crocodile tears.


Already many of us are questioning the motives of the government. To us the PPP/C has no respect for us indigenous peoples. They do not see us as their equals.  That is why they feel that they can buy us with cheap solar panels and feed us with wholesale lies.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)


As shown in the last general elections the Amerindians are not for wholesale selling or buying any more.  This will lead to the further demise of the PPP/C.  I challenge them to call snap elections.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

As shown in the last general elections the Amerindians are not for wholesale selling or buying any more.  This will lead to the further demise of the PPP/C.  I challenge them to call snap elections.

Alyuh mek wan biiiig mistake deh.


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