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Former Member


The Guyanese people are picketing against the AFC and Ramjattan for wanting to cut civil service jobs.

AFC is fooling the poor sugar workers that they can replace Jagan struggle to save them and their family.

AFC is the party of propaganda.

AFC made a good man like Moses eat the forbidden apple.

AFC made the mantle of Jagan a neemakaram.

AFC is angry with APNU for supporting the PPP. What a shame!

AFC is nothing without APNU.

Ramjattan will push the AFC key in every Guyanese batty to show them where our future lies.


Who want to see the future? Arite, I going to get the key to open the BT lock. 




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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:


The Guyanese people are picketing against the AFC and Ramjattan for wanting to cut civil service jobs.

AFC is fooling the poor sugar workers that they can replace Jagan struggle to save them and their family.

AFC is the party of propaganda.

AFC made a good man like Moses eat the forbidden apple.

AFC made the mantle of Jagan a neemakaram.

AFC is angry with APNU for supporting the PPP. What a shame!

AFC is nothing without APNU.

Ramjattan will push the AFC key in every Guyanese batty to show them where our future lies.


Who want to see the future? Arite, I going to get the key to open the BT lock. 




 They Guyanese people are not in the street. Some civil servants deluded to thinking the AFC is after their jobs rather than what the AFC was after, excess fat and padding in the budget as leech source to the PPP.


Ramotar squatted on the GUYSUCO's board. They have Geeta Knight whose mishandling of CLICO caused it to become insolvent on its board ( and on the Berbice River Bridge as well that shafts poor people with its fees). They had Errol Hanoman who skipped as it the industry became unproductive and was accused with Asrodeen Shaw ( don't believe this one) as scheming to steal funds. He on the other hand ( Shaw) said the management was robbing the place blind. No Ramjattan is not harming the Sugar Industry. The PPP already ran it into the ground with incompetence and thievery. He simply asks for an accounting but thieves hate being audited.


The AFC asks questions of the liars in the PPP.  People like you cannot frame an honest statement are their shills and propagandists.


Moses knew the curroptocrats were a cancer to his party that is why he took a leave from them a long time ago to seek alternative source of income rather than to remain and suck the fat off the Guyanese people like  the vampires in the PPP.


Indeed the APNU or the AFC are nothing with out each other. We being a democracy were haplessly abused by the autocrats in the PPP and they completely shut out the opposition. That left us at a deficit of democracy. It is contingent on these two parties, if they care about the bedrock of democracy, deliberation and dialog on all matter then that is their course of action. The PPP does not seem to want to come along willingly.


The PPP as the quintessential autocrats are not our future. That future will see us in a race war. The PPP is hell bent on consolidating their scheme to make Guyana their property. That being the case and they being supported mainly by Indians means civil disorder and ethnic retributive  strife of the worse sort can only be the inevitable outcome of their idea of perpetuating autocratic rule.  Only if the opposition force them into being democrats can there be fairness, social justice and ethnic equity in the land.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:


The Guyanese people are picketing against the AFC and Ramjattan for wanting to cut civil service jobs.

AFC is fooling the poor sugar workers that they can replace Jagan struggle to save them and their family.

AFC is the party of propaganda.

AFC made a good man like Moses eat the forbidden apple.

AFC made the mantle of Jagan a neemakaram.

AFC is angry with APNU for supporting the PPP. What a shame!

AFC is nothing without APNU.

Ramjattan will push the AFC key in every Guyanese batty to show them where our future lies.


Who want to see the future? Arite, I going to get the key to open the BT lock. 




 They Guyanese people are not in the street. Some civil servants deluded to thinking the AFC is after their jobs rather than what the AFC was after, excess fat and padding in the budget as leech source to the PPP.


Ramotar squatted on the GUYSUCO's board. They have Geeta Knight whose mishandling of CLICO caused it to become insolvent on its board ( and on the Berbice River Bridge as well that shafts poor people with its fees). They had Errol Hanoman who skipped as it the industry became unproductive and was accused with Asrodeen Shaw ( don't believe this one) as scheming to steal funds. He on the other hand ( Shaw) said the management was robbing the place blind. No Ramjattan is not harming the Sugar Industry. The PPP already ran it into the ground with incompetence and thievery. He simply asks for an accounting but thieves hate being audited.


The AFC asks questions of the liars in the PPP.  People like you cannot frame an honest statement are their shills and propagandists.


Moses knew the curroptocrats were a cancer to his party that is why he took a leave from them a long time ago to seek alternative source of income rather than to remain and suck the fat off the Guyanese people like  the vampires in the PPP.


Indeed the APNU or the AFC are nothing with out each other. We being a democracy were haplessly abused by the autocrats in the PPP and they completely shut out the opposition. That left us at a deficit of democracy. It is contingent on these two parties, if they care about the bedrock of democracy, deliberation and dialog on all matter then that is their course of action. The PPP does not seem to want to come along willingly.


The PPP as the quintessential autocrats are not our future. That future will see us in a race war. The PPP is hell bent on consolidating their scheme to make Guyana their property. That being the case and they being supported mainly by Indians means civil disorder and ethnic retributive  strife of the worse sort can only be the inevitable outcome of their idea of perpetuating autocratic rule.  Only if the opposition force them into being democrats can there be fairness, social justice and ethnic equity in the land.


Add Storm to the list: AFC snake oil salesman of the month.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That coming from a pernicious, and ignorant racist is a compliment.

Your are now officially: AFC snake oil salesman of the month.

Personal attacks will not break my bones. Since it is coming from an AFC Snake Oil salesman of the month. 

Ask the civil servants how they burst the AFC snake oil bottle.

Last edited by Former Member

Storm started to cuss out Granger and getting angry about APNU's decision. The AFC don't have the answer to all the problem, actually, they're the problems in the country right now. You guys notice how Ramjattan behaved is the same way Storm is behaving on GNI. They're like the fox who can't get the grapes and cried that its sour. Yall huff and puff and huff till air comes out of your backside.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Moses now belong to the political gutter where he rightfully is right now. Moses is Guyana's Judas. Moses now sit beside the doghouse by RUMjattan.

He sold out his soul to the Snake oil AFC corporation.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Storm started to cuss out Granger and getting angry about APNU's decision. The AFC don't have the answer to all the problem, actually, they're the problems in the country right now. You guys notice how Ramjattan behaved is the same way Storm is behaving on GNI. They're like the fox who can't get the grapes and cried that its sour. Yall huff and puff and huff till air comes out of your backside.

 The AFC should not and does not declare it has all the answers or even the means to most of our problems. That is a matter for deliberation and decision making by consensus.That is why our ideals of management is as a democracy !


Unfortunately, our past 20 years experience with the PPP has been their complaint that we cannot or somehow are of vastly inferior intellect to grasp their ability for immaculate perception.


Jagdeo the micro-manager was master of everything! The culture persists in the present administration as it inevitably must given the same draft horses are pulling  ( or pushing?) the cart.


I don't know what 20 years or Jagdeo micro-managament you're talking about. If I ask you to go back to Burnham era, you would refuse. So, let's stay on current affairs and forget about the past. AFC don't have the answer to anything. They went against the tripartite agreement time and time again and frustrate the president effort to work in partnership with the oppositions. That partnership is wearing thin and soon they may be a fresh election and send the AFC packing. You guys want to run Guyana from GNI. We're dealing with a new breed of Guyanese who demand answer. Getting them angry is another shortfall for the oppositions.


"the Budget, in its present form, does not meet their demands for changes to stimulate growth, lower the cost-of-living and improve the quality of life for ordinary people"


The statement said that the main demands of the Opposition are:


  • Reduction in the Value-Added Tax rate.
  • Reduction in the Berbice River Bridge toll rate.
  • Increase in the salaries of public servants.
  • Effectively re-establishing the functioning of Public Service Collective Bargaining.
  • Cease the blatant abuse of the
    mechanism of Contract Employees in the Public Service.
  • Increase in the subvention to the University of Guyana.
  • Increase in the retirement age of public servants.
  • Guarantee the independence of the constitutional offices – Parliament Office; GECOM and the Service Commissions – by their removal as Budget Agencies under the Office of the President and ensure that they receive their subventions directly from the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GUYSUCO and GPL to make them into viable corporations.
  • Restructure NICIL to bring its financial assets into the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GINA and NCN to make them into responsible
    national institutions.
  • Establish the long delayed Constitutionally mandated Public Procurement Commission as a matter of urgency.
  • Establish appropriate arrangements for the governance of key projects and entities, ranging from NICIL, the Amaila Falls Hydro power project and the  NIS, with a view to greater transparency in decision-making, eliminating corruption and making them more
    responsive to public wishes.
  • Devote more urgent attention and resources to the plight of the unemployed, the youth of Guyana and the depressed communities and areas.
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I don't know what 20 years or Jagdeo micro-managament you're talking about. If I ask you to go back to Burnham era, you would refuse. So, let's stay on current affairs and forget about the past. AFC don't have the answer to anything. They went against the tripartite agreement time and time again and frustrate the president effort to work in partnership with the oppositions. That partnership is wearing thin and soon they may be a fresh election and send the AFC packing. You guys want to run Guyana from GNI. We're dealing with a new breed of Guyanese who demand answer. Getting them angry is another shortfall for the oppositions.

That Jagdeo was a micro manager is self evident and even his own party had to struggle with that. It is the reason the head did not know where the tail was at.


What particularly in the Burnham era do you care to speak of in comparison? Do we take the initial condition that the former was clearly a despotic dictatorship and the latter supposedly a democracy with some obligation for deliberation not possibly in the former?


And why should the AFC have answers! They clearly state that they have ideas but answers are to be the property of communal discussion with the PPP in their delusion that they are possessed of immaculate perception never cedes to.


As for the fictive Tripartite agreement, it was never convened here is a statement by both opposition:


"APNU recalled that soon after the 28th November 2011 General and Regional Elections, it called for the establishment of a Tripartite Budget Committee to work on designing a national budget that would be acceptable to all sides. The statement charged that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration “adopted the call as its own but never convened that Committee.”


No one here wants to run Guyana. The fact we are here affirms that since such aspirations would be better expressed on the ground.


Guyanese are indeed getting the answer. That is why the PPP are now a minority government and has to meet its obligation to be democratic and discuss the budget with the opposition.



I know, especially when the working class are leeches!


  • Reduction in the Value-Added Tax rate.
  • Reduction in the Berbice River Bridge toll rate.
  • Increase in the salaries of public servants.
  • Effectively re-establishing the functioning of Public Service Collective Bargaining.
  • Cease the blatant abuse of the mechanism of Contract Employees in the Public Service.
  • Increase in the subvention to the University of Guyana.
  • Increase in the retirement age of public servants.
  • Guarantee the independence of the constitutional offices – Parliament Office; GECOM and the Service Commissions – by their removal as Budget Agencies under the Office of the President and ensure that they receive their subventions directly from the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GUYSUCO and GPL to make them into viable corporations.
  • Restructure NICIL to bring its financial assets into the Consolidated Fund.
  • Restructure GINA and NCN to make them into responsible national institutions.
  • Establish the long delayed Constitutionally mandated Public Procurement Commission as a matter of urgency.
  • Establish appropriate arrangements for the governance of key projects and entities, ranging from NICIL, the Amaila Falls Hydro power project and the  NIS, with a view to greater transparency in decision-making, eliminating corruption and making them more responsive to public wishes.
  • Devote more urgent attention and resources to the plight of the unemployed, the youth of Guyana and the depressed communities and areas.


I guess that is what constitute a working class demands as opposed to a secretive plutocratic party intent on continuing their pillage.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the joint opposition party are totally anti-working class



It's even much clearer seeing you and some of your fellow backing thieves gang still got your heads up your batties.

Please refrain from speaking to these shims about " heads up b@#*$#" or you will begin to get them worked up.


Where did you see a good point? You're just as naive as that green dragon who is trying to distract the embarrassment caused by the AFC with Obama's secret service nonsense. Canada get a good health care plan, you should use it wisely when you retire. AFC don't have anything to offer you other than a loaf of dry bread. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Where did you see a good point? You're just as naive as that green dragon who is trying to distract the embarrassment caused by the AFC with Obama's secret service nonsense. Canada get a good health care plan, you should use it wisely when you retire. AFC don't have anything to offer you other than a loaf of dry bread. 

 Funny. The AFC is as Charlie Sheen noted "winning"!


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
The AFC should not and does not declare it has all the answers or even the means to most of our problems. That is a matter for deliberation and decision making by consensus.That is why our ideals of management is as a democracy !

Translation: the AFC has no intention of offering any leadership. They hope to keep the populace miserable and discontented, so that they may exploit the sour mood of the voters and somehow gain power.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
They Guyanese people are not in the street. Some civil servants deluded to thinking the AFC is after their jobs rather than what the AFC was after, excess fat and padding in the budget as leech source to the PPP.

Translation: the AFC is after their jobs. I suspect that as typical compradors, they want the government to divert funds to the payment of external creditors.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
The AFC should not and does not declare it has all the answers or even the means to most of our problems. That is a matter for deliberation and decision making by consensus.That is why our ideals of management is as a democracy !

Translation: the AFC has no intention of offering any leadership. They hope to keep the populace miserable and discontented, so that they may exploit the sour mood of the voters and somehow gain power.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
They Guyanese people are not in the street. Some civil servants deluded to thinking the AFC is after their jobs rather than what the AFC was after, excess fat and padding in the budget as leech source to the PPP.

Translation: the AFC is after their jobs. I suspect that as typical compradors, they want the government to divert funds to the payment of external creditors.

You do seem to lose yourself in your translation. Leaders do not necessarily know all the means to an end. They know where to find those who will help them consolidate the means, to accomplish the ends in acceptable ways and efficiently.  


Their presence is not felt through their know-it-all personality but in their capacity to move social actors  to bountiful ends in ways they would not necessarily have thought of. The AFC is doing that. 


Exploiting sour mood is what politicians do. People are sour because of some existing astringent ie a sour note affecting their lives.  They want the truth to what it  is and an antidote to their plight.


They do not fabricate nonsense as the PPP does to conserve their fatted calves status  by lying to the people that they are facing doom days with these proposed stream lining. They ought to fight  project by project if they  are sure of the integrity of the need.


Lying and scaring the population that the AFC is doing a hack job on their lives is  the mode of scoundrels.


Your last paragraph is Larouche nonsense as usual.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the joint opposition party are totally anti-working class



It's even much clearer seeing you and some of your fellow backing thieves gang still got your heads up your batties.

Batty is where the AFC future lies.

Doan let dem PPP boys hear dis, they will be real jealous and wonder who's planning to usurp dem.


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