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AFC lambastes APNU over consensus with government on budget issues … accuses Granger of engaging in backroom meeting with government


Written by Adele Rampersaud

Sunday, 22 April 2012 22:50

Source - Guyana Chronicle


THE Alliance for Change (AFC) has expressed disenchantment with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) because it feels that the party did not vote in Parliament for the slashing of contract jobs. The AFC is also accusing APNU of being in agreement with the hiking of electricity tariffs and for allowing the passage of $18M for security for the Housing Minister and his Permanent Secretary.

The matter came up in the National Assembly on Wednesday for vote, when APNU abstained.

According to a source close to the AFC, Ramjattan is upset with the main opposition party since, in his view, they have reneged on their words to vote for budgetary cuts if there were no convincing explanations.

Ramjattan and APNU had struck a deal that they were going to grill the government thoroughly on the line of items to be cut. However, once the explanations were clear, they had agreed not to have any cuts.

Ramjattan is accusing Granger of meeting with the government without telling him, and only admitted to this after he pointedly questioned him.

During last week, the President and APNU leader were engaged in a series of meetings on the budget, after which they were able to meet consensus. The AFC was also invited to a meeting on Friday last, but opted not to attend.

Ramjattan also noted that APNU’s Vice Chairman, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, had before only suggested that government might have been open to granting some concessions if the AFC had withdrawn its plan to cut allocations for super-salaried contract jobs.
As for the increase in electricity tariffs in Linden, Ramjattan was irritated by the announcement made by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds that APNU had agreed to the undertaking, following a meeting with President Donald Ramotar.

Ramjattan believes that APNU has sold out the Lindeners. The agreement between the government and the main opposition has sparked many speculations in the public domain. APNU Leader, David Granger, has since met with Lindeners to discuss the way forward.

However, this publication was made to understand that the agreement with the government on the tariff hike has created some disruption in the coalition’s stronghold region. Negotiations will continue from time to time between the coalition and the Lindeners in their interest.

Government has said that the time has come for Linden to begin paying the real cost of electricity, like the rest of the country that is served by Guyana Power and Light, since the power company was running at a loss. Government has since announced its intention to plug $7B into the company.

Prime Minister Hinds has given the assurance that efforts would be made to phase in the increases in tariff and make special provisions for the vulnerable. He has also reported that the government-opposition talks have seen promises to stimulate small business development.

The AFC firmly believes that Granger and crew are playing a dangerous game. The party is questioning what will be his next move should the government fail to honour their side of the deal.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PNC use AFC fuh weaken PPP.  Now dem geh datt, AFC geh push da side and dem PNC gon deal wid PPP.  Come nex seleckshun, PPP gon win bak all dem coolies an PNC gon deh bak in dem carna.


The PPP, PNC, AFC all gat a job to do to run the country properly. yu must say that the APNU did ok to support the PPP because they decide to put the interest of Guyana before the link with AFC. All this talk of betray is not useful because I am sure AFC will also support PPP sometime in the future because of the interest of the country.


Ramjattan mouth is like posey and he can long it and make it look more ugly. What the hell he knows about agreement? What happen to the tripartite agreement? How quick they forget! AFC and APNU can't go on like batty and poke forever. They have to screw each other and give way to the PPP. Yes, and the screwing started to hurt Ramjattan. 

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

The PPP, PNC, AFC all gat a job to do to run the country properly. yu must say that the APNU did ok to support the PPP because they decide to put the interest of Guyana before the link with AFC. All this talk of betray is not useful because I am sure AFC will also support PPP sometime in the future because of the interest of the country.

It is in the interest of the country to have explanations for all spending of its money. The PPP has nebulous line items  and obvious padding to which explanations was demanded. APNU capitulated without the nation receiving a rational explanation from the PPP and in so failed in their obligation to seek after accountable government. Worse, Granger was no less opportunistic than the PPP claimed he is.


To say something is of interest or to the benefit of the people is not the same as agreeing with all proposals of the PPP. They have a history of opacity in their handling of the nations finances. One sees the result of that in the fact that these once piss, poor cretins now are the nations elite with multiple homes, cars and their children all attending fine schools. One knows that is not possible without leeching.


We want accountability and that will not come with Granger acting like the PNC of old which to this point the PPP has done beyond  possible predictive capacity to emulate par excellence.



If we only live by what the PNC done in the past it gon be hard to make progress because all the parties make mistake. As you can see AFC already make a small mistake by wanting to cut jobs for civil service people but they got bitten because of that. It is a small mistake and they gon learn. So it ain't because of the PNC bad past that we can't accept that they did the correct thing this time. PPP should ease up with these big projects and try to pay attention to some small things that affect people lives.

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

If we only live by what the PNC done in the past it gon be hard to make progress because all the parties make mistake. As you can see AFC already make a small mistake by wanting to cut jobs for civil service people but they got bitten because of that. It is a small mistake and they gon learn. So it ain't because of the PNC bad past that we can't accept that they did the correct thing this time. PPP should ease up with these big projects and try to pay attention to some small things that affect people lives.


Indeed if the PPP ease of the ambitious projects it will be fodder for the AFC as what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC they want to see the country stagnate and be mediocre. hahahah

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

If we only live by what the PNC done in the past it gon be hard to make progress because all the parties make mistake. As you can see AFC already make a small mistake by wanting to cut jobs for civil service people but they got bitten because of that. It is a small mistake and they gon learn. So it ain't because of the PNC bad past that we can't accept that they did the correct thing this time. PPP should ease up with these big projects and try to pay attention to some small things that affect people lives.

Where do you get pedaling wrong information about wanting to cut jobs? I suggest you be more careful and rather than swallow the PPP swill whole get informed on your own or you will constantly be deluded.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by SUN-G:

If we only live by what the PNC done in the past it gon be hard to make progress because all the parties make mistake. As you can see AFC already make a small mistake by wanting to cut jobs for civil service people but they got bitten because of that. It is a small mistake and they gon learn. So it ain't because of the PNC bad past that we can't accept that they did the correct thing this time. PPP should ease up with these big projects and try to pay attention to some small things that affect people lives.


Indeed if the PPP ease of the ambitious projects it will be fodder for the AFC as what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC they want to see the country stagnate and be mediocre. hahahah

The PPP does not have ambitious projects. They have projects bloated with fat and lined with graft potential because they are clothed in  shady financing.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The working class has stood up and rejected the Budget cuts by the AFC


Don't you think these people will know they were duped? They will find out for themselves the aims of the AFC which never included cutting the rolls of honest laborers but the PPP leaches who are there for graft opportunities that constantly escalate the cost of doing business in the government.


Storm, these people are smart enough not to drink the AFC snake oil so they broke the AFC snake oil bottle. These are compelling pictures that has killed the AFC as we know it.


A picture is worth a thousand words. Stop spinning and start the rebuilding process of the AFC otherwise, they will not be around for the next elections.


As for claims of theft, prove it with hard evidence, until then you are selling snake oil that has been flatly rejected by the working class.


You now sound like a broken record.


Storm, top AFC snake oil salesman of the month.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm, these people are smart enough not to drink the AFC snake oil so they broke the AFC snake oil bottle. These are compelling pictures that has killed the AFC as we know it.


A picture is worth a thousand words. Stop spinning and start the rebuilding process of the AFC otherwise, they will not be around for the next elections.


As for claims of theft, prove it with hard evidence, until then you are selling snake oil that has been flatly rejected by the working class.


You now sound like a broken record.


Storm, top AFC snake oil salesman of the month.

I do not repeat myself so I cannot be likened to a broken record. If I say the same thing a thousand times each time it will be clothed in different words. I suggest you look to how many times you said snake oil salesman today. You are apparently caught in the came Karmaic eddy as air headed Nehru.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm, these people are smart enough not to drink the AFC snake oil so they broke the AFC snake oil bottle. These are compelling pictures that has killed the AFC as we know it.


A picture is worth a thousand words. Stop spinning and start the rebuilding process of the AFC otherwise, they will not be around for the next elections.


As for claims of theft, prove it with hard evidence, until then you are selling snake oil that has been flatly rejected by the working class.


You now sound like a broken record.


Storm, top AFC snake oil salesman of the month.

I do not repeat myself so I cannot be likened to a broken record. If I say the same thing a thousand times each time it will be clothed in different words. I suggest you look to how many times you said snake oil salesman today. You are apparently caught in the came Karmaic eddy as air headed Nehru.

Look how many times you defended your beloved snake oil AFC today. 


It is my civic right to seek justice from these thieves. It is a matter of record they do not want to disclose the items on which they supposedly allocate funds; publicly open NICIL accounts. Then perhaps we will know how much jagdeo got for Lenora  or our forests to the furniture maker who pillaged 50 containers of prime hard woods worth more than they are trying to beg as subsidy for the sugar corp.


When such thievery is on going and they try to defame good people, the community has a responsibility to protest.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

If I say the same thing a thousand times each time it will be clothed in different words.


Apt description of your writings on GNI -- regurgitation of words and long non-sensical sentences.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

If I say the same thing a thousand times each time it will be clothed in different words.


Apt description of your writings on GNI -- constant regurgitation of words and long non-sensical sentences.

If only you can make sense just once! That is a quite basic sentence; is it not?


Green dragon, stop side tracking with personal nit-wits and get back on track with the real topic. The same way the AFC does side-step its boundary and screw up the working class people. Sometime I can't blame you when I remember which group you belong to. That's the hall of shame for you.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Green dragon, stop side tracking with personal nit-wits and get back on track with the real topic. The same way the AFC does side-step its boundary and screw up the working class people. Sometime I can't blame you when I remember which group you belong to. That's the hall of shame for you.

 Side tracking? I suggest you examine your presumption of knowledge as to what are the boundaries of anyone or the AFC in this case and do not misuse the term "working class" as the PPP paid propagandists do.


The matter is simple. The PPP explain their budget since they did not feel it was a worthy thing to collaborate on crafting it. It is not an optional thing but a necessary thing. They are the administration and as such they are to abide by the checks and balance in the system.


It is understandable the are not used to being responsible or accountable but  unfortunately for them and fortunately for the Guyanese people times have changed. They are the minority party and they cannot get funded unless they first explain themselves.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

If I say the same thing a thousand times each time it will be clothed in different words.


Apt description of your writings on GNI -- constant regurgitation of words and long non-sensical sentences.

If only you can make sense just once! That is a quite basic sentence; is it not?

Persistent approach of speaking to yourself in the mirror.


The AFC expected APNU to support them but APNU chose to go a different way, why blame the PPP for this? AFC is morally incompetent to run anything. Look at their record in the past government. They have nothing to show for it. 

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The AFC expected APNU to support them but APNU chose to go a different way, why blame the PPP for this? AFC is morally incompetent to run anything. Look at their record in the past government. They have nothing to show for it. 

Wah dah, wenn wah AFC in di government.  Mi tink yuh ole and senile bai.


The AFC was not in the past government but they were in Parliament and so they were part of the machinery. But that's not here or dere the AFC has one agenda and its is clear that it wants to look out for itself first and using Guyanese to get its way.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The AFC was not in the past government but they were in Parliament and so they were part of the machinery. But that's not here or dere the AFC has one agenda and its is clear that it wants to look out for itself first and using Guyanese to get its way.

Yuh mean juss like PP wah oart of dah "machinery" unda LFSB wenn dem bin brutalize abie coolies.  Yea, denn mi gafa 'gree wid yuh.


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