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Former Member

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has launched an investigation into allegations of financial and administrative irregularities involving one of its parliamentarians, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya, brought by Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf.

Yusuf, in a letter to the editor, followed by vocal outcries to the media, has accused Veerasammy of “corrupt and fraudulent practices”.

When contacted yesterday, Yusuf said he had been advised to “keep a low profile until the matter has been settled”, as such he did not extend a comment on the issue. He said the matter would soon come toa conclusion, as he understands that it is being investigated at the party level and if he is not satisfied with the outcome he will compose another letter.

Dr Veerasammy Ramayya

Stabroek News also contacted Dr Ramayya who also said that he was advised to remain silent until investigations were complete.

AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan told this newspaper that his party had launched an investigation into the allegations and will soon make public its findings.

Yusuf in his extensive, penned complaints, also said that there were attempts to cheat him out of a Regional Management Committee position as he was never made aware of the elections date.

Further, the letter extensively accused Ramayya of a cover up of financial activities. “Just after the November election, three AFC groups submitted financial reports on campaign activities to the head office: New Amsterdam, Whim and Upper Corentyne. Two of these groups submitted detailed reports with the necessary supporting documents; however, the Whim Group headed by Dr Ramayya failed to do so. He submitted a financial report without supporting documents…,” Yusuf’s letter said.

The Region 6 councillor also accused Ramayya of trying to solicit funds from supporters to recover $4.5 million that he claimed he spent during the elections campaign; an amount Yusuf said he did not believe Ramayya spent from his personal coffers.

However, a senior AFC member told Stabroek News that Ramayya had made no such claim for a refund. The source said it was known by the party that Ramayya indeed spent millions of dollars of his own money and so did many other members of the party.

The AFC member opined that much of Yusuf’s claims had to do with his personal dislike of Dr Ramayya and welcomed the speedy investigations which he predicts will clear the MP of the damning and derogatory allegations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

HASEEF YUSUF, AFC Councillor, Region 6: IT is with profound thought and extreme deliberation that I have finally made this decision to let the public know, especially the Alliance For Change (AFC) members and supporters in Berbice of the corrupt and fraudulent practices of certain AFC members in Berbice, more specifically a Member of Parliament (MP).
He has been on DTV 8 for the past few years where he hosted a programme called ‘Issues of the People’, where he vehemently lashed out at the government, the PPP/C, GPL, GWI and the Guyana Police Force, Guysuco, etcetera. He proclaimed himself as the ‘champion’ of transparency, justice and accountability. He entertained anyone who claims to have a grievance and he would lash out without any supporting evidence. He also claimed on numerous occasions that he would ‘singlehandedly’ deliver Berbicians from oppression and corruption, even if the AFC fails to do so.
However, certain post-election events greatly contradicted this image he is trying so hard to portray on TV. I will deal chronologically with these events and you be the judge.
Just after the November elections, three AFC groups submitted financial reports on campaign activities to the Head Office: New Amsterdam, Whim and Upper Corentyne. Two of these groups submitted detailed reports with the necessary supporting documents; however, the Whim Group headed by this MP failed to do so. He submitted a financial report without supporting documents and he furthermore made a ludicrous claim. He claimed that he spent $4.5 M from his pocket and that the party should reimburse him. Two points should be noted here:
I) He was not authorised by the executive or the Campaign Manager to spend in excess of what funds were given to him through the party or by way of donations;
II) He provided no documentary evidence whatever to support his claim of $ 4.5M. In fact, he claimed that he was too busy for that. Right now he is asking for same such evidence in Parliament!
I want to add here that even for funds collected, no receipts were issued. In fact, he would tell a woman working at his house to ‘throw it in the box upstairs.’
The central executive of the party categorically refused to entertain his spurious and unsubstantiated claim for reimbursement. This led to the next linked event.
On February 1 this year, he convened a meeting at his Whim office where 51 members were present. At this meeting, he emphasised that the party owed him $4.5M and he tried to solicit funds through donations and fund- raising activities in order to recoup his claim of $4.5M ‘owed’ to him. He then convened an election to form a Regional Management Committee and to establish an AFC Office at his Office at Whim. One of the functions of this RMC would be fund-raising through which he would get ‘his money back.’
I was unanimously elected by all 51 members present as the Chairman, Mr. Lionel Howell as the Vice- Chairman and Ms. Donna Mathoo as the Secretary.
Among other things, I put forward fund-raising suggestions to the members present and asked their suggestions as to what should be done with excess funds above the needs of individual groups and everyone unanimously agreed that all excess funds should be placed into a bank account to take care of future expenses. No one present agreed that monies collected should be used to offset the claim by the MP. This irked him.
At this same meeting, he also suggested that a certain female be selected and employed to work at the AFC office to be opened at Whim. I strongly objected to this sort of cronyism and suggested that applications be invited so that there is fairness and transparency and that the most suitable person be selected. Can you imagine a fledgling party behaving in this undemocratic manner? Suddenly I became this MP’s number one enemy, but I can live with that!
The third event unfolded on April 16, 2012. Unknowing to Donna Mathoo (the Secretary) and I, another election meeting was convened to re-elect office bearers to the Regional Management Committee. The meeting held on February 1, 2012 was declared unconstitutional by the General Secretary, Mr. Sixtus Edwards. I knew about this meeting two days later when Mr. Lionel Howell called me to hand over some funds and documents to him, the new Chairman.
However three points should be raised here:
i) Donna and I were never officially or unofficially informed that the election held on February 1 was null and void and that we were no longer the Chairman and Secretary respectively, and that the office will become vacant;
ii) We were not invited to present ourselves for nomination or otherwise; and
iii) A public announcement was not made about the election meeting. The AFC’s Constitution Article, Section 8, has made it clear that all groups in the region should be invited for any such meeting. Less than 20 members were present. Why the MP did not make a public announcement on DTV 8 the week before so that members could take notice? Why only a selected handful of members? Is this not rigging? Is this not fraudulent?
It is time to take out the ‘beam from thine own eyes’ Mr. MP!
And lo and behold the very same female whom the good MP recommended was employed to work in the AFC Office! And yet speakest thou about cronyism! This is a shame and disgrace to the very principles which the AFC stand for or claims to stand for!
The million dollar (or 4.5 million) question that I want Mr. Ramjattan to answer is: Was the MP acting in the interest in the AFC or in his own self-interest?
The other questions are:
i) Where is the accountability within the AFC?
ii) Where is the transparency in the electoral process?
iii) Isn’t there cronyism within the AFC?
iv)What are you going to do about these matters?
v) Afraid of another defection if you drop the hammer?
I doubt whether Mr. Ramjattan has the courage to act decisively in these matters since I have emailed him three times and on the third occasion he said that he was too busy and that the General Secretary will deal with these matters.
In any other country the misuse and abuse of campaign funds are dealt with criminally, especially where a person is making unsubstantiated claims in order to enrich himself or herself. But alas ! In Guyana such a person will be promoted to high offices.
I still want to know which university made that terrible blunder to confer that MP with a doctorate as he is unfit for public office and should be severely reprimanded for his actions. I call upon the party’s Chairman, Mr. Ramjattan and the Central Executive to act decisively now or face the consequences later.
At this point I am undecided as to what my next move will be, but I am sure that it hinges on how the party will take it from here.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has launched an investigation into allegations of financial and administrative irregularities involving one of its parliamentarians, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya, brought by Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf.

Yusuf, in a letter to the editor, followed by vocal outcries to the media, has accused Veerasammy of “corrupt and fraudulent practices”.

When contacted yesterday, Yusuf said he had been advised to “keep a low profile until the matter has been settled”, as such he did not extend a comment on the issue. He said the matter would soon come toa conclusion, as he understands that it is being investigated at the party level and if he is not satisfied with the outcome he will compose another letter.

Dr Veerasammy Ramayya

Stabroek News also contacted Dr Ramayya who also said that he was advised to remain silent until investigations were complete.

AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan told this newspaper that his party had launched an investigation into the allegations and will soon make public its findings.

Yusuf in his extensive, penned complaints, also said that there were attempts to cheat him out of a Regional Management Committee position as he was never made aware of the elections date.

Further, the letter extensively accused Ramayya of a cover up of financial activities. “Just after the November election, three AFC groups submitted financial reports on campaign activities to the head office: New Amsterdam, Whim and Upper Corentyne. Two of these groups submitted detailed reports with the necessary supporting documents; however, the Whim Group headed by Dr Ramayya failed to do so. He submitted a financial report without supporting documents…,” Yusuf’s letter said.

The Region 6 councillor also accused Ramayya of trying to solicit funds from supporters to recover $4.5 million that he claimed he spent during the elections campaign; an amount Yusuf said he did not believe Ramayya spent from his personal coffers.

However, a senior AFC member told Stabroek News that Ramayya had made no such claim for a refund. The source said it was known by the party that Ramayya indeed spent millions of dollars of his own money and so did many other members of the party.

The AFC member opined that much of Yusuf’s claims had to do with his personal dislike of Dr Ramayya and welcomed the speedy investigations which he predicts will clear the MP of the damning and derogatory allegations.

Albert where you got that picture from bai.  It look like the man just got release from jail.


The Alliance For Change (AFC) has launched an investigation into allegations of financial and administrative irregularities involving one of its parliamentarians, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya, brought by Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf.


Good post there Albert!  This is not taxpayers money. Compared to NICIL, this is a tiny drop in de bucket.


When will the PPP investigates its thieves?



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has launched an investigation into allegations of financial and administrative irregularities involving one of its parliamentarians, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya, brought by Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf.


Good post there Albert!  This is not taxpayers money. Compared to NICIL, this is a tiny drop in de bucket.


When will the PPP investigates its thieves?



PPP waan whole bunch tief man, ah who goa investagate who?


Kudos to Gerhard. He is a man of his words. He insisted that he supported an investigation and he is keeping to his word.


The government should also be as transparent to the public when dealing with public funds.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Ehe! The AFC will investigate itself and the verdict will be not guilty.

Mind this is not tax payers money.


When will the PPP investigate its own thieves?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

this is infantile on your part to tease.

THat might be so. However, you are obviously a  bright person but naive and can be easily deceived or duped.


When will the PPP/C investigate  its thieves?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are there people in the AFC and APNU who are potentially corruptocrats who can drag our nation off a cliff? The answer to the is question will test your political naievity?


Will your PPP/C investigate its thieves?


Mitwah you talking crap. Here in Berbice people have little faith in the AFC. But you know waht? There will be an investigation of sorts and the AFC will come out clean as a whistle. Why you drag the PPP in this? This is an AFC matter. Stop being crookish.


Alyuh prapa trying fuh mek story hay.  Alyuh read, da man nah tek nobady money.  Da man claim fuh money he seh he spenn and da Yusuff seh nah so.  AFC seh dah man muss gi prapa support.


Diss aint nuttin laka PPP tiefin abie money an gi dem fambly and mekking millian dalla house.  If AFC tief, dem tief dem own money, alyuh PPP ah tief abie money and mekkin abie pikney dem goa bare foot an hungry.  Dah waaan diffrnt story.


AFC shows good character here. Let the investigation begin. We can't say the same for PPP which has not given us audited reports for NICL for 7 years. Also Ashni's wife works at AG office - a clear conflict of interest.


AFC has definitely shown good character by opening an investigation. This will make many including myself have a lot more respect for the AFC.


Now if the PPP can act in good faith by responding in a timely fashion when calls of corruption are made against them then Guyana can start moving in the right direction.


Al's post on the youtube video about the situation in Guyana as it relates to racial tensions opened up my eyes as the lack of opportunities for many in Buxton. 


Poverty will breed crime and  PPP should have invested in job opportunities for the people in Buxton instead of pumping billions into electricity subsidy. If we are ever to bring racial harmony in Guyana, then we cannot forget the people of Buxton.



 I will do my utmost to be fair and objective.


A very close friend of mine just came back from Guyana and gave me some examples and photographs of a few politicians who profited while some people suffered and I had a change of heart. I will not blindly support politicians or any party.


If we truly love our country, then we must be objective and speak out when we see things going wrong. We must also commend positive developments in Guyana.



I'm truly impressed with the AFC's unhesitant move to examine Councillor Yusuf's claims against Dr Ramayya. This is a shining example of upright political conduct that the other parliamentary parties should emulate.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Mitwah you talking crap. Here in Berbice people have little faith in the AFC. But you know waht? There will be an investigation of sorts and the AFC will come out clean as a whistle. Why you drag the PPP in this? This is an AFC matter. Stop being crookish.

Bhai, the people in Berbice are finally listening and voting on issues. It was the people of Berbice who traditionally voted PPP and decided not to vote race but to vote for changes. My focus group tells me that the people's faith are streghtening for the AFC. 


How exactly do you mean when you say "I am being crookish" when you are morally bankrupt?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I will do my utmost to be fair and objective.


A very close friend of mine just came back from Guyana and gave me some examples and photographs of a few politicians who profited while some people suffered and I had a change of heart. I will not blindly support politicians or any party.


If we truly love our country, then we must be objective and speak out when we see things going wrong. We must also commend positive developments in Guyana.


Yuji22, you have come to the point where I did sometime ago, actually at the time of the big floods a few years ago.  I have no personal grudge against the PPP as I was never a PPP man, just a regular Joe public with a keen interest in the betterment of the nation and people.


As we worked to help alleviate some of the suffering, we went where few overseas Guyanese ever venture when they make their annual pilgrimage.  What we saw and found was shocking and unbelievable, many of which continue to this day.  At that time we were still not overly judgmental of the PPP.  However, what really turned us off was when we tried to engage the Govt to help facilitate us, the absolute disregard of certain officials for the suffering and what was going on.  Some of these sitting ministers began attacking us for exposing, make us feel as we are creating problems where none exist.  They accused us of bringing our "American" ways and attitude to Guyana.


I can attest to you, when we went to Social Welfare regarding the suffering, they looked at their map and accused us of making up stories as, according to their records, no one lives where we found people.  I can tell you this, in one place there was about 50 people with about 15-20 kids below 14 who never saw a school door and lived in shacks.  When we questioned the people, there were living there for five or more years.  We saw little children left to fend for themselves, girls being preyed upon by sexual predators as young as 8.  When we brought these cases up, PPP officials cuss us and start cussing out the people saying they look for it, they caused it, they are responsible for themselves.  Yuji22, I must say, we went into primarily Indian areas as no Indian wanted to take us into Afro villages due to race tensions at that time.  I have to believe this was also happening in Black villages.


We formed groups here to help and tried soliciting local affluent people.  Most were/are un-interested, they have the same attitude of the PPP and started blaming us for "stirring up" issues.  Many refused to assist us so we are now engaging the more capable poor to help up.  As we got to know some of these destitute people, they were not as you would think, all are not drunkards and pissers, especially the mothers.  Many of these women want to do better for their kids, but have no avenues, there are totally helpless as their husbands go to find work, they are stuck with their kids.  Some of there women do go and clean houses in GT, etc but this is only if there kids are a certain age.  Even then, they are afraid to leave their kids due to sexual predators.  This seem to be a sport in some quarters, like a duck or rabbit hunt.  We met with the police who are overwhelmed and very frustrated.  The officer in-charge showed us files where the pursued certain cases and were mysteriously "thwarted" from completing the investigation.  Money and who you know seems the law in Guyana.


This situation is still as serious as ever, though there have been some sensitivity to the issue by the PPP.  However, we find the PPP still seem to be kicking and screaming and only do what is needed to make a decent UN report.  What we believe, the Govt is not incentivized to expose these for as long as it remains "undocumented" it does not make it into the "numerator" of any UN stats.  As harsh as it seems, this is the only rational explanation for their attitude as they know it exists.


Even now, we take some affluent persons in GT to some of these places and they put their hand to their mouths in disbelief sometimes exclaiming "is this really Guyana".  Yes, we had this reaction only a few months ago.  Yuji22, certain very very senior PPP leader(s) made veiled threats to us hinting that we may be breaking Guyana's law by not "reporting" what we uncover.  Yes we are breaking the law for "uncovering" things happening in full view of the law.


On the positive side, we have found alot more positive attitude from mid-level Govt officers (Afros and Indians) as they truly want to help.  They appreciate our efforts and do what they could to make things happen.  Many of these people live closer to reality and do see and understand some of the suffering.  The affluent and senior Govt officials are removed from the people and live lives that is separate and apart from "Joe public".  They live in a virtual bubble reminiscent of long past colonial physical and mental enclaves.


Baseman, Thank you for reporting BUT you will see NO change until you name the individuals. President Ramotar cannot take action against anyone since he has no names. I strongly believe that such individuals should be exposed so that the President can deal with them. It is most likely that these individuals are more likely to be Corrupt and worst.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Baseman, Thank you for reporting BUT you will see NO change until you name the individuals. President Ramotar cannot take action against anyone since he has no names. I strongly believe that such individuals should be exposed so that the President can deal with them. It is most likely that these individuals are more likely to be Corrupt and worst.



Hehehe...what a simple point of view. I called names of Bibi, Indra and PPP schalars on the UG board who did not promote one of Ramotar's strongers supporters all because I wrote a support letter for him...hehehe...PPP schalars for you.


Baseman yuh did not tell dem about de overweight Minista from West Coast who was stuffing de money in wan bag under he chair at Grand de man had lunch wid de lady who gave him great gifts...hehehe.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Baseman, Thank you for reporting BUT you will see NO change until you name the individuals. President Ramotar cannot take action against anyone since he has no names. I strongly believe that such individuals should be exposed so that the President can deal with them. It is most likely that these individuals are more likely to be Corrupt and worst.

Do you really know today's Guyana?  Do you understand the connectivity between the various shades of Guyana's society, i.e political, certain businesses and judicial and extra-judicial enforcers?  If you know, then you will also know such actions could be suicidal to your cause and the collateral damage will be the very persons you seek to help, NOT the person you name.


You begin to name people, you never know where and who the thread leads to and you will, sooner or later, thread on the wrong toes.  The Govt has a well entrenched "spider-web" construct designed to counter the existential threat posed by the PNC construct in the early-to-mid 2000's.  We all know why this was done and why this was necessary.  This was regime preservation, very smart and very slick. Well, existential threats to the status quo, the privileged and the powerful extends beyond the the realm of the PNC.  Everyone owes everyone a favor and you might just invoke a "call".


To make a long story short, you start threading on toes, you will find yourself having so much drag in short order, you will wonder what happened.  You could very well return to discover your volunteers no longer will (able) to carry on for you.  Then what?


Do you really think Ramotar is calling the shots there?  Well, take a strong cup of coffee to clear you head.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

And hear this, if I come across any of these Criminal ACT, I WILL CALL THEM OUT!!!!

I dare you to have a vested interest in Guyana, i.e. Business, charitable set up, any substantive presence and then you go and start calling names.


The difference with all those leaders above, they had a strong constituency with them and a congruent objective against the establishment.  Guyana is more like what you see in the ME (Iraq, Syria, etc), where ethnic fears and loyalties are a protection in itself.  Do you think all the Sunis were with Sadaam, you you think all the Alawites are with Assad, but sure as hell the close ranks against the common internal "enemy".  Its the same in Guyana with the Indian constituency.


Understand what you are saying, anyone who criticizes the PPP establishment are called "nemakaran".  Are you familiar with that term?  Due to this, one needs to go about their business of serving and helping without ruffling regime feathers.


Bannas, The Corrupt ones in Offices will have you to believe that. I called out names during the DARk 28 years. TRUTH is TRUTH. I cannot have Info of Criminal activities and be silent. If we just say it is just the way Guyana is and be afraid, then, we must not ask for or expect changes.


Critising the PPP dont make one a NEEMAKARAR but a long period od Statements and Actions can give one the reason to conclude that individuals are NEEMAKARAM. If you follow the statements and Actions of some on this Board it will be very easy to label them as NEEMAKARAMS.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bannas, The Corrupt ones in Offices will have you to believe that. I called out names during the DARk 28 years. TRUTH is TRUTH. I cannot have Info of Criminal activities and be silent. If we just say it is just the way Guyana is and be afraid, then, we must not ask for or expect changes.

Do you have any actions on the ground in Guyana?

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

First question for the AFC and Mitwah: Is Ramayya a doctor and where did he get that doctor degree from? 

I do not answer questions extraneous to the subject being discussed.




What is extraneous? The topic is that the AFC launching a probe into Ramayya? Well is he a doctor or not? This is part of the probe, isn't it? And you wanda why they calling you crookish.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I will do my utmost to be fair and objective.


A very close friend of mine just came back from Guyana and gave me some examples and photographs of a few politicians who profited while some people suffered and I had a change of heart. I will not blindly support politicians or any party.


If we truly love our country, then we must be objective and speak out when we see things going wrong. We must also commend positive developments in Guyana.


Yuji22, you have come to the point where I did sometime ago, actually at the time of the big floods a few years ago.  I have no personal grudge against the PPP as I was never a PPP man, just a regular Joe public with a keen interest in the betterment of the nation and people.


As we worked to help alleviate some of the suffering, we went where few overseas Guyanese ever venture when they make their annual pilgrimage.  What we saw and found was shocking and unbelievable, many of which continue to this day.  At that time we were still not overly judgmental of the PPP.  However, what really turned us off was when we tried to engage the Govt to help facilitate us, the absolute disregard of certain officials for the suffering and what was going on.  Some of these sitting ministers began attacking us for exposing, make us feel as we are creating problems where none exist.  They accused us of bringing our "American" ways and attitude to Guyana.


I can attest to you, when we went to Social Welfare regarding the suffering, they looked at their map and accused us of making up stories as, according to their records, no one lives where we found people.  I can tell you this, in one place there was about 50 people with about 15-20 kids below 14 who never saw a school door and lived in shacks.  When we questioned the people, there were living there for five or more years.  We saw little children left to fend for themselves, girls being preyed upon by sexual predators as young as 8.  When we brought these cases up, PPP officials cuss us and start cussing out the people saying they look for it, they caused it, they are responsible for themselves.  Yuji22, I must say, we went into primarily Indian areas as no Indian wanted to take us into Afro villages due to race tensions at that time.  I have to believe this was also happening in Black villages.


We formed groups here to help and tried soliciting local affluent people.  Most were/are un-interested, they have the same attitude of the PPP and started blaming us for "stirring up" issues.  Many refused to assist us so we are now engaging the more capable poor to help up.  As we got to know some of these destitute people, they were not as you would think, all are not drunkards and pissers, especially the mothers.  Many of these women want to do better for their kids, but have no avenues, there are totally helpless as their husbands go to find work, they are stuck with their kids.  Some of there women do go and clean houses in GT, etc but this is only if there kids are a certain age.  Even then, they are afraid to leave their kids due to sexual predators.  This seem to be a sport in some quarters, like a duck or rabbit hunt.  We met with the police who are overwhelmed and very frustrated.  The officer in-charge showed us files where the pursued certain cases and were mysteriously "thwarted" from completing the investigation.  Money and who you know seems the law in Guyana.


This situation is still as serious as ever, though there have been some sensitivity to the issue by the PPP.  However, we find the PPP still seem to be kicking and screaming and only do what is needed to make a decent UN report.  What we believe, the Govt is not incentivized to expose these for as long as it remains "undocumented" it does not make it into the "numerator" of any UN stats.  As harsh as it seems, this is the only rational explanation for their attitude as they know it exists.


Even now, we take some affluent persons in GT to some of these places and they put their hand to their mouths in disbelief sometimes exclaiming "is this really Guyana".  Yes, we had this reaction only a few months ago.  Yuji22, certain very very senior PPP leader(s) made veiled threats to us hinting that we may be breaking Guyana's law by not "reporting" what we uncover.  Yes we are breaking the law for "uncovering" things happening in full view of the law.


On the positive side, we have found alot more positive attitude from mid-level Govt officers (Afros and Indians) as they truly want to help.  They appreciate our efforts and do what they could to make things happen.  Many of these people live closer to reality and do see and understand some of the suffering.  The affluent and senior Govt officials are removed from the people and live lives that is separate and apart from "Joe public".  They live in a virtual bubble reminiscent of long past colonial physical and mental enclaves.


Baseman, Thanks for the resonse and keep up the good work. The less fortunate in Guyana need to be assisted and politicians form all political stripes must do a LOT more to help these people, especially women and children.


I have lost faith in politicians and will now prefer to express my opposition or support as I see fit.


Corrupt politicians were called out by Nadira. Her father, Dr. Jagan had the equivalent of $ 200 U.S. dollars in his bank account when he passed away. Now that is honesty.


It makes me angry to see a new generation of politicians becoming like our American and Canadian politicians.


They are out of touch with the working class. Kudos to those who are still fighting for and working in the interest of the less fortunate, especially the children who are becoming prey for the scumbags who want to exploit them.


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