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October 29th,   2013

AFC launches radio   programme at Linden


The Alliance For Change launched is Linden radio programme   'Change is the Key' on 104.3 Power FM on Sunday, October 27, 2013. Change is   the Key is scheduled to be a fortnightly programme where community leaders of   Region Ten will sit alongside AFC leaders to discuss matters of specific   importance to the communities of Region Ten and Guyana as a whole.

At the inaugural programme Chairman of the AFC Nigel Hughes,   AFC Region Ten Councillor Audwin Rutherford, Youth Activists Vladimir Glasgow   and Member of Parliament Trevor Williams congratulated the owner of the Radio   Station and his team for working to bring Region Ten up to speed with the   rest of Guyana when it comes to media access. The AFC believes a radio   station for the Region was long overdue and 104.3 Power FM is just the   beginning of full media access and freedom for Region Ten.

The team discussed conditions at Linden including the   deplorable state of the roads at Block 22 and youth unemployment. They also   discussed how the absence of a safe and reliable ferry service between New   Amsterdam and Kwakwani was forcing residents of the riverain communities to abandon   their farms and homesteads.

The AFC team took the opportunity to share through radio,   background on the Party's position on the Anti-Money Laundering/ Countering   the financing of Terrorism Bill, the need for Constitutional Reform and the   AFC plans to work with residents to revitalise Region Ten.

Through 104.3 Power FM, the AFC is able to reach Linden,   Wismar, McKenzie, Christianburg, Rockstone, Ituni and other communities along   the Berbice Rive and sections of the Soesdyke-Linden Highway. The next   programme will be on November 10, 2013. 

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