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Former Member
Written by REAZ HOLLADAR   
Thursday, 03 October 2013 22:40

AS I said in my first letter to the press I voted for the AFC.
The recent revelations by Mr. Haseef Yusuf, a member of the AFC, have created a tsunami for the AFC. These revelations have left AFC members and supporters in shock. They are asking themselves how this could be.
After all, it is the exact opposite of what the AFC declared to the nation. They are asking themselves if this is the same party that is preaching to the PPP, the government and the nation about high morals, integrity, corruption, good

governance, conflict of interest, etc. to name a few.
It is unbelievable that Mr. Ramjattan, leader of the AFC continues to accuse the government of lack of accountability and good governance, but sees nothing wrong with the AFC practising the opposite to what they preach to all and sundry.

The AFC has taken lack of accountability to another level. According to Mr. Yusuf, the AFC’s “audited” accounts are not signed by anyone. They have introduced new principles into accounting. What does Mr. Christopher Ram has to say about this phantom auditing? Is he aware of these new principles in the accounting field? After all accountability is his favourite topic. His silence on the issue of accountability in the AFC would definitely confirm that he is a hypocrite. It is therefore, the duty of Mr. Christopher Ram to prove he is not. We await you Chris!
This level of lack of accountability in the AFC can be   judged from the horses own mouth. Mr. Ramjattan publicly declared that Mr. Yusuf is not a financial member of the AFC. Mr. Yusuf on the other hand is claiming that he has a receipt that proves otherwise.
Mr. Yusuf has exposed yet another conflict of interest situation among leaders of the AFC. A company owned by Cathy Hughes, wife of the now discredited Nigel Hughes, provided services to the AFC to the tune of some $7M. Was the price a fair one or was it inflated?  Was this contract advertised internally? Were other party members offered an opportunity to bid? Isn’t the AFC the one that always accuses the government and PPP of cronyism and conflict of interest?
The message of Mr. Yusuf’s letter and of course the recent high profile resignations from the AFC are clear. Don’t believe the AFC leaders and stick your head out for them, you will get it cut off.
The AFC leadership is losing whatever little credibility they have by the day. It is only a matter of time before they completely destroy themselves. The head of the fish is already rotten.

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Who are they loosing credibility..the crooks in office? That is like starting a new religion with its theology being written by the plutocrats in office.  It may cull its congregation from among the non thinking PPP sheep but the prudent know the saints from the sinners. It aint the AFC by a long shot.

Originally Posted by Rev:




The AFC leadership---nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, tricksters, frauds, pretenders and con artists.



Dude, you are synonymous with fakery, gross racism, pompous affections and in lies


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