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AFC leads PPP and the APNU/PNC still snoozing!

By Editor

October 24, 2012


Dear Editor,

Finally, whew! that took a while let me exhale. It seems that the AFC has really awoken out of their slumber and guess what they are putting APNU and the PPP to shame. Raphael Trotman and the leadership in the AFC have gotten something incredible done where they have organized external folks to provide training for MP’s to write bills.

It must be noted that the PPP stumbled miserably on this like they do on everything else in Guyana and with no shame on his face Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall addressed the participants at the launching and here is what he said “the legislative drafters in his Ministry are for the Government only even though he said the administration is supportive of a training programme – which he referred to as “an unprecedented initiative” – to train MPs and Parliament staff in legislative drafting.” – Is Nandlall taking credit for the AFC’s idea, initiative and hard work? no please say it is not so.

That is right what this demonstrates is that Mr. Nandlall and the corrupt PPP government lacks the ability to show initiative. Instead of finding solutions, the PPP are official obstructionists and narrow minded fools. Educating our MP’s would benefit who? not the entire nation? correct!

So Nandlall while fumbling and bumbling like the usual laurel and Hardy he is on TV when he is lying and telling us that there is no corruption in Guyana and that he is so worried about the children who could not get home due to the agricola protest and how he cares so much for the region 3 citizens who had to take boats home. Mind you when the bridge sunk he was not on TV expressing any concern for the thousands that were stranded then. (Sidenote in a letter to Kaiteurnews today Vishnu Bisram said that 10,000 people were stranded due to Agricola protests. Stay tuned it will soon grow to 100,000 persons)

The PPP simply does not know how to do the right thing it has become abundantly clear and for that reason alone the AFC has earned significant kudos for stepping up to the plate and working towards goals for the people, I salute you AFC you are leading and this is what we expect of you. This should not be a one time event it should be a regular event.

The AFC now needs to step up and start delivering some small wins for the poor and the working class in this country, Look at VAT, NICIL and GPL.

L. Trotz



Replies sorted oldest to newest

So far the AFC has done more harm than good.  The good: under the leadership of the PNC, they stopped funding to NCN. The bad: together with the PNC they killed their own protesters in Linden, funded their campaign from drug funds and ezjet investment and cause Indians to be beaten and robbed in the Agricola riots. 

Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC has overplayed their hands and displayed much anger for their own good.


What ever happened to VAT?

The AFC seriously needs to get this on the table for reduction. It was part of their election platform.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So far the AFC has done more harm than good.....according to Big Seed 


 The good: under the leadership of the PNC, they stopped funding to NCN.

Godey Walla forget De President had to Fire De CEO at NCN fuh thiefing


The bad: together with the PNC they killed their own protesters in Linden,

Hydro seed ......everyone in the world know it is the Police who kill de Linden Protesters.


funded their campaign from drug funds and ezjet investment...........Seed if this was true why the police dont lock them up


and cause Indians to be beaten and robbed in the Agricola riots. ,,,,,,,,take a shower and scratch yuh duty seed again......

Kwame dont wuk fuh de AFC.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC has overplayed their hands and displayed much anger for their own good.


What ever happened to VAT?

The AFC seriously needs to get this on the table for reduction. It was part of their election platform.

Good observation.......De PPP killing de Poor Guyanese with this Jagdeo and Ramotar VAT.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC has overplayed their hands and displayed much anger for their own good.


What ever happened to VAT?

The AFC seriously needs to get this on the table for reduction. It was part of their election platform.

Seems more complicated that originally thought, at least that's what GR says.


AFC did not over play its hands.  The AFC is making the right moves at the right time.


It is the AFC that woke up the APNU on the 2012 budget.


It is the AFC that made the no confidence motion on the GOAT a reality.


It is the AFC who has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.  Once they vote against the PPP once, then they can do it again.


The latest estimates before last Thursday sitting was AFC 13 seats.


Originally Posted by Mahen:

AFC did not over play its hands.  The AFC is making the right moves at the right time.


It is the AFC that woke up the APNU on the 2012 budget.


It is the AFC that made the no confidence motion on the GOAT a reality.


It is the AFC who has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.  Once they vote against the PPP once, then they can do it again.


The latest estimates before last Thursday sitting was AFC 13 seats.


Mmm, exactly what has been delivered tote people of Guyana.  VAT was a big mantra and many were looking for relief here.  All the other points are of little of no consequence to the average person.  Many are more concerned about the obstructionist stance of the opposition and the race tensions caused by agitation.


Many Indians see the quiet hand of the PNC behind this.  Remember, in the 60's the UF was one of the leading agitators of mayhem against the Indians.  It's a true and tested model still in-play today.  As they say, "a sucker is born every day".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

AFC did not over play its hands.  The AFC is making the right moves at the right time.


It is the AFC that woke up the APNU on the 2012 budget.


It is the AFC that made the no confidence motion on the GOAT a reality.


It is the AFC who has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.  Once they vote against the PPP once, then they can do it again.


The latest estimates before last Thursday sitting was AFC 13 seats.


Mmm, exactly what has been delivered tote people of Guyana.  VAT was a big mantra and many were looking for relief here.  All the other points are of little of no consequence to the average person.  Many are more concerned about the obstructionist stance of the opposition and the race tensions caused by agitation.


Many Indians see the quiet hand of the PNC behind this.  Remember, in the 60's the UF was one of the leading agitators of mayhem against the Indians. Yes this is true ....AFC is hurting both PPP and PNC.

Now AFC has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.


 It's a true and tested model still in-play today.  As they say, "a sucker is born every day".

Baseman u need to ask Rohee who beat him up and drag him thru the streets.


The man is a PNC thug....Today Ramotar and Jagdeo Baptise him as a PPP.


Call him whatever yuh want.....but yuh cant call him a AFC.





Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

AFC did not over play its hands.  The AFC is making the right moves at the right time.


It is the AFC that woke up the APNU on the 2012 budget.


It is the AFC that made the no confidence motion on the GOAT a reality.


It is the AFC who has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.  Once they vote against the PPP once, then they can do it again.


The latest estimates before last Thursday sitting was AFC 13 seats.


Mmm, exactly what has been delivered tote people of Guyana.  VAT was a big mantra and many were looking for relief here.  All the other points are of little of no consequence to the average person.  Many are more concerned about the obstructionist stance of the opposition and the race tensions caused by agitation.


Many Indians see the quiet hand of the PNC behind this.  Remember, in the 60's the UF was one of the leading agitators of mayhem against the Indians. Yes this is true ....AFC is hurting both PPP and PNC.

Now AFC has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.


 It's a true and tested model still in-play today.  As they say, "a sucker is born every day".

Baseman u need to ask Rohee who beat him up and drag him thru the streets.


The man is a PNC thug....Today Ramotar and Jagdeo Baptise him as a PPP.


Call him whatever yuh want.....but yuh cant call him a AFC.





Forget about individuals, there are PNCites from the 60's who turned against the PNC later.  It's about institutions and the PNC, as an institution is using their old play book, cuz they know, a sucker is born everyday.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

AFC did not over play its hands.  The AFC is making the right moves at the right time.


It is the AFC that woke up the APNU on the 2012 budget.


It is the AFC that made the no confidence motion on the GOAT a reality.


It is the AFC who has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.  Once they vote against the PPP once, then they can do it again.


The latest estimates before last Thursday sitting was AFC 13 seats.


Mmm, exactly what has been delivered tote people of Guyana.  VAT was a big mantra and many were looking for relief here.  All the other points are of little of no consequence to the average person.  Many are more concerned about the obstructionist stance of the opposition and the race tensions caused by agitation.


Many Indians see the quiet hand of the PNC behind this.  Remember, in the 60's the UF was one of the leading agitators of mayhem against the Indians. Yes this is true ....AFC is hurting both PPP and PNC.

Now AFC has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.


 It's a true and tested model still in-play today.  As they say, "a sucker is born every day".

Baseman u need to ask Rohee who beat him up and drag him thru the streets.


The man is a PNC thug....Today Ramotar and Jagdeo Baptise him as a PPP.


Call him whatever yuh want.....but yuh cant call him a AFC.





Forget about individuals, there are PNCites from the 60's who turned against the PNC later.  It's about institutions and the PNC, as an institution is using their old play book, cuz they know, a sucker is born everyday.

The biggest sucker is were on the fence like a kanicrow during election campain, backing AFC until yuh figa they won't have carcass to toss your way, so you switch side like wan judass...hang yuh mouth near the ppp kakahole when they finish feasting at the trough and farth they might eventually trow a bone your way....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

AFC did not over play its hands.  The AFC is making the right moves at the right time.


It is the AFC that woke up the APNU on the 2012 budget.


It is the AFC that made the no confidence motion on the GOAT a reality.


It is the AFC who has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.  Once they vote against the PPP once, then they can do it again.


The latest estimates before last Thursday sitting was AFC 13 seats.


Mmm, exactly what has been delivered tote people of Guyana.  VAT was a big mantra and many were looking for relief here.  All the other points are of little of no consequence to the average person.  Many are more concerned about the obstructionist stance of the opposition and the race tensions caused by agitation.


Many Indians see the quiet hand of the PNC behind this.  Remember, in the 60's the UF was one of the leading agitators of mayhem against the Indians. Yes this is true ....AFC is hurting both PPP and PNC.

Now AFC has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.


 It's a true and tested model still in-play today.  As they say, "a sucker is born every day".

Baseman u need to ask Rohee who beat him up and drag him thru the streets.


The man is a PNC thug....Today Ramotar and Jagdeo Baptise him as a PPP.


Call him whatever yuh want.....but yuh cant call him a AFC.





Forget about individuals, there are PNCites from the 60's who turned against the PNC later.  It's about institutions and the PNC, as an institution is using their old play book, cuz they know, a sucker is born everyday.

The biggest sucker is were on the fence like a kanicrow during election campain, backing AFC until yuh figa they won't have carcass to toss your way, so you switch side like wan judass...You still have hope, hang yuh mouth near the ppp kakahole when they finish feasting at the trough and farth they might eventually trow a bone your way....


Originally Posted by Jalil:

We understand Baseman like Rohee.....

eee turn over fuh Lamumba and Kwame.

Now we know de Truth.

Imagine Basie a wan Indo supremisist but he cyant accept Rohee bring nuff nuff pain pun de Indos fuh he drug connection. 


The AFC has been a breath of fresh air on the Guyanese political scene.  Finally there is a viable option the the PPP and the PNC. The PPP is worried stiff about erosion of their base.  Kudos to the AFC they were there when the canecutters need representation, they were with the folks in Linden.  They are the party that are representing the working class.  Much more needs to be done.


The latest estimates before last Thursday sitting was AFC 13 seats.

Is this according to any of the Buxton/Agricola terrorist or Dick Morris the con man? When the AFC is far removed from the PNC influence, it will be a good move for the Guyanese people. Ramjattan needs to remove the hatred of the PPP from his brain and let the PNC go at their business alone. 

I am guessing that AFC will win 5-6 seats next election. They will take votes away from the PNC. Ramjattan will not be the presidential candidate. Indians will not vote for the AFC again. 



Where do you get the idea that the PNC is controlling the AFC? That is hogwash.  The AFC calling out the wrongs of the PPP has noting to do with the PNC. What you racist PPPites want is for the AFC to give their to the PPP because we are all Indians and we must come together to defeat the evil PNC.  Banna it is not going to happen the AFC votes are not for sale.  The AFC is calling out the wrongs and are representing all the people of Guyana not just Indo Guyanese and that irks you fellas. At the end of the day the electorate will decide.

Originally Posted by FC:

Where do you get the idea that the PNC is controlling the AFC? That is hogwash.  The AFC calling out the wrongs of the PPP has noting to do with the PNC. What you racist PPPites want is for the AFC to give their to the PPP because we are all Indians and we must come together to defeat the evil PNC.  Banna it is not going to happen the AFC votes are not for sale.  The AFC is calling out the wrongs and are representing all the people of Guyana not just Indo Guyanese and that irks you fellas. At the end of the day the electorate will decide.

Your PNC/AFC opinion! What happened when th PPP was calling the wrong doings of the PNC? Murder! MIA! We are lucky that today in Guyana we have freedom of speech. Praise the PPP. Long live democracy!

Originally Posted by FC:

So what is your issue with the AFC?  They are doing the same thing the PPP was doing.

Weh yu mouth bin den? Wah yu na bin open yu mouth den? You scared dem chap yu tong aff?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by FC:

So what is your issue with the AFC?  They are doing the same thing the PPP was doing.

Weh yu mouth bin den? Wah yu na bin open yu mouth den? You scared dem chap yu tong aff?

Weh yu mout deh today fuh de NICL and de NCN audit? 

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Mmm, exactly what has been delivered tote people of Guyana.  VAT was a big mantra and many were looking for relief here.  All the other points are of little of no consequence to the average person.  Many are more concerned about the obstructionist stance of the opposition and the race tensions caused by agitation.


Many Indians see the quiet hand of the PNC behind this.  Remember, in the 60's the UF was one of the leading agitators of mayhem against the Indians. Yes this is true ....AFC is hurting both PPP and PNC.

Now AFC has open the gates for Indo Guyanese from the PPP jail.


 It's a true and tested model still in-play today.  As they say, "a sucker is born every day".

Baseman u need to ask Rohee who beat him up and drag him thru the streets.


The man is a PNC thug....Today Ramotar and Jagdeo Baptise him as a PPP.


Call him whatever yuh want.....but yuh cant call him a AFC.





Forget about individuals, there are PNCites from the 60's who turned against the PNC later.  It's about institutions and the PNC, as an institution is using their old play book, cuz they know, a sucker is born everyday.

The biggest sucker is were on the fence like a kanicrow during election campain, backing AFC until yuh figa they won't have carcass to toss your way, so you switch side like wan judass...You still have hope, hang yuh mouth near the ppp kakahole when they finish feasting at the trough and farth they might eventually trow a bone your way....


Banna, I was on the AFC side but started to question their one-sided attacks well before the election.  I expressed my views many times but certain interest and agendas had already left the station.  I raised my suspicions about the PNC and was suspicious of their plans all along.


I find many on the Indians in the AFC are filled with anger and hate towards the PPP and will do anything to harm them, even if they throw Indians "to the dogs".  After the elections, which exposed the sinister plan and the race-campaign conducted by the PNC and the tone from Afros when it looked like the PNC has a chance, it's clear where the lines are drawn.  The AFC's approach since elections give much concerns as they have become the PNC mule.


I have little direct contact with the PPP, and even less interest in anything they have to offer, so I'm not sure what "hang mouth" means in your book.


Talk about judas, you need to count some of the AFC insiders who cuss the PPP but has friends inside the PPP and making a pitch for positions in the PPP.  Now, is that hanging mouth or judas.


You all got to leff Baseman alone.  He hates the blackman so much that he is prepared to accept a coolie crab-dog from Unity to rule rather than a decent black man like Nigel Hughes.


Baseman is no better rather Ravi Dev or Visnu Bisram.  It is Indian or nothing.


But baseman lives in a country with a Black prezzy- Barak.


What a hypocrite!


Baseman the anger and hate you are talking about is towards Jagdeo, Ramotar and De Funny Fellas because of the Corruption, thiefing and mismanagement.


Baseman is it not right to be angry  because of the Corruption, thiefing and mismanagement???


If you think it is not right tell us......

Originally Posted by Mahen:

You all got to leff Baseman alone.  He hates the blackman so much that he is prepared to accept a coolie crab-dog from Unity to rule rather than a decent black man like Nigel Hughes.


Baseman is no better rather Ravi Dev or Visnu Bisram.  It is Indian or nothing.


But baseman lives in a country with a Black prezzy- Barak.


What a hypocrite!

If the AFC rules that is not too bad, but they ain't gon rule, infact the PNC will rule before the AFC could ever achieve critical mass, then Indians will be thrown back to the dark ages and it's the end for them politically.  The PNC GDF campaigners even said that to their supporters during the campaign.  The said if they get power, between the PNC and GDF, they will rule forever.


FYI i never heard Mr Hughes once ever was critical of the PNC rule over Guyana.  He talks of the ills of the PPP, but forget the PNC.  However, I am not overly concerned about personalities though this is critical in a nation like Guyana.  Institutions is what matter.  Obama operates within strong institutions similar to Romney and others, so I'm not overly concerned, I'm go for policy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

You all got to leff Baseman alone.  He hates the blackman so much that he is prepared to accept a coolie crab-dog from Unity to rule rather than a decent black man like Nigel Hughes.


Baseman is no better rather Ravi Dev or Visnu Bisram.  It is Indian or nothing.


But baseman lives in a country with a Black prezzy- Barak.


What a hypocrite!

If the AFC rules that is not too bad, but they ain't gon rule, infact the PNC will rule before the AFC could ever achieve critical mass, then Indians will be thrown back to the dark ages and it's the end for them politically.  The PNC GDF campaigners even said that to their supporters during the campaign.  The said if they get power, between the PNC and GDF, they will rule forever.


FYI i never heard Mr Hughes once ever was critical of the PNC rule over Guyana.  He talks of the ills of the PPP, but forget the PNC.  However, I am not overly concerned about personalities though this is critical in a nation like Guyana.  Institutions is what matter.  Obama operates within strong institutions similar to Romney and others, so I'm not overly concerned, I'm go for policy.


Bai yuh a tink and tink too hard. PNC cyant get mo than 40%. And if dem do win meh cyant see how dem go be dictataship wid 40%. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

You all got to leff Baseman alone.  He hates the blackman so much that he is prepared to accept a coolie crab-dog from Unity to rule rather than a decent black man like Nigel Hughes.


Baseman is no better rather Ravi Dev or Visnu Bisram.  It is Indian or nothing.


But baseman lives in a country with a Black prezzy- Barak.


What a hypocrite!

If the AFC rules that is not too bad, but they ain't gon rule, infact the PNC will rule before the AFC could ever achieve critical mass, then Indians will be thrown back to the dark ages and it's the end for them politically.  The PNC GDF campaigners even said that to their supporters during the campaign.  The said if they get power, between the PNC and GDF, they will rule forever.


FYI i never heard Mr Hughes once ever was critical of the PNC rule over Guyana.  He talks of the ills of the PPP, but forget the PNC.  However, I am not overly concerned about personalities though this is critical in a nation like Guyana.  Institutions is what matter.  Obama operates within strong institutions similar to Romney and others, so I'm not overly concerned, I'm go for policy.


Bai yuh a tink and tink too hard. PNC cyant get mo than 40%. And if dem do win meh cyant see how dem go be dictataship wid 40%. 

That's a fool's position.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Nah Basie. Me tink 40% nah wan mandate. 

Yuh fool dem people who tink Guyana is America.  40% + GDF = 66.6%

Bai nah bring up de GDP boogey man. If dem bin want dem woulda overtrow de PPP all de time. Jagdoe put wan fello type lika de fuh head am? But wah de PPP do fo put Indo in de army? 


Excellent point PKR.


This GDF Bogey man is just the race baiting of the PPP.


20 years they have been in power and they did ZERO tobalance the forces, so why cry now?


The PPP is an evil party that is selling the birth rights of Indians out to give them a chance to tief more to build mo taj mahals.


Do not listen to Baseman, he is the Prem Miser on this Blog.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Excellent point PKR.


This GDF Bogey man is just the race baiting of the PPP.


20 years they have been in power and they did ZERO tobalance the forces, so why cry now?


The PPP is an evil party that is selling the birth rights of Indians out to give them a chance to tief more to build mo taj mahals.


Do not listen to Baseman, he is the Prem Miser on this Blog.

Banna, alyuh cyant fool people or pull wool over anyone's eyes.  Why you think PNCites on this site get incensed at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from politics.  Redux referred to my suggestion as "Indian Hegemony", what ever that means.  What you think was the message of the GDF campaigners to their constituency in 2011?  Why you think Afros cheered the AFC but flocked in droves to the PNC in that ballot?  People nah stupid.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cyant fool people or pull wool over anyone's eyes.  Why you think PNCites on this site get incensed at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from politics.  Redux referred to my suggestion as "Indian Hegemony", what ever that means . . .

nailing a[nother] bold faced LIE by GNI's low-rent Goebbels . . . real antiman runnings


show we bai

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cyant fool people or pull wool over anyone's eyes.  Why you think PNCites on this site get incensed at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from politics.  Redux referred to my suggestion as "Indian Hegemony", what ever that means . . .

nailing a[nother] bold faced LIE by GNI's low-rent Goebbels . . . real antiman runnings


show we bai

You did, but unlike you, I have no time to go dig it up.  You referred to my suggestion of a separation of military from politics as a ploy at "Indian Hegemony"...I remember your term clearly. This ties into the PNC mantra during the campaign.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cyant fool people or pull wool over anyone's eyes.  Why you think PNCites on this site get incensed at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from politics.  Redux referred to my suggestion as "Indian Hegemony", what ever that means . . .

nailing a[nother] bold faced LIE by GNI's low-rent Goebbels . . . real antiman runnings


show we bai

You did, but unlike you, I have no time to go dig it up.  You referred to my suggestion of a separation of military from politics as a ploy at "Indian Hegemony"...I remember your term clearly. This ties into the PNC mantra during the campaign.

OF COURSE "you have no time to go dig it up" u lil antiman . . . "it" doesn't exist.


However, i did (and do) indeed call you (and others) out for supporting "Indian hegemony" in Guyana . . . your memory is VERY clear on that point - the reasons are multifarious and manifest.


more to your 'claim' . . ., on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics" [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism


now go manufacture another one you shameless LIAR 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
O  You referred to my suggestion of a separation of military from politics as a ploy at "Indian Hegemony"...I remember your term clearly. This ties into the PNC mantra during the campaign.

Indian hegemony exists and the PPP uses its control o0f the GDF and the GPF, through controlling who runs those entities, to esnure that this continues.


Blacks and mixed voters turned out in large numbers to reject this Indian hegemony, but IndoNazis like you can onloy breathe at night if you boots remain planted firmly on the backs of blacks and that you use black stooges to ensure that this continues.

Originally Posted by baseman:
 Why you think Afros cheered the AFC but flocked in droves to the PNC in that ballot?  People nah stupid.

Afros Did NOT cheer the AFC last year and when I told you and Mitwah this BOTH of you accused me of being a PPP soup lickerf (Imagine that).


The AFC IGNORED the black vote, until it was too late, and even Gerhard had to admit that I was right.


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