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Jagdeo invested $20B from Treasury to enrich self, family and friends

December 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Kaieteur News has been at the forefront of reporting on corruption and other questionable deals in which billions of taxpayers’ dollars were blatantly used to secretly fill the pockets of a few.PAGE 15 y As a result of extensive research and consultations with worried industry experts, Kaieteur News has unearthed a massive scheme by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, who when at the helm of power in Guyana, engineered the heist of the telecommunications industry. The plan was to use monies from the national coffers to finance a number of seemingly unrelated projects that cost Guyanese in excess of US$100 Million {$20B}.

Fibre Optic Cables GT&T signed a US$30M deal with Suriname to land a submarine fibre optic cable in Guyana. That cable has the capacity to service the demands of Guyana, five times over, providing ‘lightning speed internet service’ to the country by increasing its available bandwidth 3,000 fold. The Jagdeo administration announced shortly after, much to the surprise of Guyana, that it was no longer interested in holding onto its shares in GT&T. That 20 per cent shareholding was one of the most lucrative investments for Government, earning as much as $500M a year. By the time GT&T’s fibre optic cable landed in Guyana, Jagdeo announced that Government had already made a down payment for its own fibre optic cable coming from Brazil. He said that the government cable will facilitate E-Governance—an ambitious US$32M plan to increase efficiency in the public service.

Cable TV Restricted Unknown to the Guyanese public, Jagdeo had already called in all operators of Cable Television across the country and halted their operations. Included in the bunch was one operator who is also providing wireless internet service, Vishok Persaud’s E-Networks. The then President, like a knight in shining armour, granted a reprieve to the operators but with the condition that they do not expand their operations. E-Networks was, however, allowed to expand its services countrywide, while the Jagdeo administration turned a blind eye. Jagdeo then announced another ambitious project –this time using the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL). This massive US$42M expansion project was at first glance a good sell as it would include changing out the aging transmission power lines along the coastlands. Jagdeo secured a loan from China for this venture. What Guyana did not know until later about this transmission line was that it contained a built in fibre optic cable. It stretches from Essequibo, through Georgetown to Berbice. GPL sought to justify the use of the fibre optic by claiming that it was for connecting the power company’s network. This massive new fibre optic network is also complemented by the construction of 54 LTE (Long Term Evolution) towers which were erected under the E-governance project. The towers reportedly cost in excess of US$10M.

Automatic Telecoms Licence While all this was going on, the Jagdeo administration crafted a piece of legislation which revealed one of the most shocking and unprecedented occurrences anywhere in the world. It identified companies which would automatically be handed a Telecommunications Licence when the legislation is passed. GT&T and Digicel are already holders of Telecommunications Licences. A Telecommunications Licence is indeed a valuable document as it allows its holder to provide any internet-related service including the sale of bandwidth, cable television and mobile/cellular. So just who are the companies named in this proposed law to be handed Telecommunications Licences? Two of those companies are E-Networks and Quark Communications Inc. E-Networks has as its shareholders, Vishok Persaud and his sister Member of Parliament, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, both the children of former PPP Minister, the late Reepu Daman Persaud; Keith Evelyn (Brassington’s partner in Hand in Hand Trust) and Rakesh Puri. Quark Communications has as its shareholders Jagdeo’s niece, Subrina Singh, Brassington and Brian Yong, a close friend of the former President. Interestingly, Quark has its base of operations in a compound at Versailles, West Bank Demerara, which belongs to none other than Jagdeo’s best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop. Another private company slated to be handed a Telecommunications Licence is iNet Communications Inc. This company has as its principals, Dr. Bobby Ramroop, his secretary Valerie Khan and one of his Directors, Roopnarine Ramcharitar, among others.

Foundation Laid But what does all of this mean when one takes a step back and takes a look at the bigger picture? Upon completion of the multiplicity of projects spearheaded by Jagdeo, there will be a massive network in place with the capacity to not only rival GT&T but also put it out of business. When the administration was asked what it intends to do with the excess bandwidth it would have available to it via the Brazil cable, Government shockingly admitted that it would be sold to private operators. A clear picture was emerging of the plan. With little private investment, but with the use of taxpayers’ dollars to install a fibre optic network, the restriction of Cable TV operators, and the sale of GT&T shares, Jagdeo literally laid the foundation for the takeover of the industry. These few companies, all closely linked to Jagdeo, are now positioned to compete directly in one of the most lucrative industries in the worldâ€Ķtelecommunication— and it was all done using taxpayers’ dollars. These select companies will now be in a position to firstly close down every private cable television operator, sell cheaper bandwidth than any other Internet Service Provider and embark on rolling out cellular services.

Guaranteed Market Not only did the former President utilize the nation’s coffers to put in the infrastructure required for these private companies to take over the industry, he also secured a guaranteed market for them. Shortly before he was scheduled to demit office, Jagdeo rolled out another multi-billion-dollar (US$27M) project and said Government will supply 90,000 laptops to families across the country. This was a critical component of the grand scheme orchestrated by Jagdeo to create huge demand for internet connectivity. Industry experts have also opined that by refusing to use GT&T’s submarine cable in the first place, Jagdeo in essence has left Guyana four years behind the technology curb.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


These two losers have no political future left.


Granger kicked them in the rear.


Guyanese now pour scorn on these losers Rumjhaat and Neemakharam.


Here is a classic picture of  Guyana's political outcast and losers:



Never in the history of discussion fora online did so-called losers generate so much attention, anxiety and ass-acheing as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have done to yuji22.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


These two losers have no political future left.


Granger kicked them in the rear.


Guyanese now pour scorn on these losers Rumjhaat and Neemakharam.


Here is a classic picture of  Guyana's political outcast and losers:



Never in the history of discussion fora online did so-called losers generate so much attention, anxiety and ass-acheing as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have done to yuji22.


yuji is relaxing these days. AFC has been demolished.

Mission completed.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


These two losers have no political future left.


Granger kicked them in the rear.


Guyanese now pour scorn on these losers Rumjhaat and Neemakharam.


Here is a classic picture of  Guyana's political outcast and losers:



Never in the history of discussion fora online did so-called losers generate so much attention, anxiety and ass-acheing as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have done to yuji22.


yuji is relaxing these days. AFC has been demolished.

Mission completed.

George W Bush had said MISSION ACCOMPLISHED about Iraq too. Bush lied, as yuji is doing now.



November 23, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

By Moses V. Nagamootoo AFC Vice-Chairman

The Motion contained 10 words: “that this National Assembly has no confidence in the government”.

Moses Nagamootoo

Moses Nagamootoo

It was on the Order Paper for debate, and passage, on November 10, 2014. But the minority PPP government, out of fear of those 10 tiny words, shut down Parliament by a Presidential Proclamation, styled “Prorogation”. Guyanese hardly knew that word before. But they are now seeing widespread condemnation of the PPP’s action, many seeing it as cowardly, as anti-democratic, as dictatorial. Even present “comrade” like Joey Jagan and former leader, Ralph Ramkarran and colleague Henry Jeffrey, have come out against the prorogation, and have joined the call for Parliament to be re-convened. The PPP, which under Ramotar lost its majority in the National Assembly in 2011, has now found itself almost totally isolated on this issue. The major Western partners have warned that Guyana is stepping out of the folds of democratic states. Caribbean press concluded that whilst the PPP government was elected, it has now lost legitimacy. This is not a good place in which a minority government should find itself. President Ramotar is buckling. He knows that he could lose two years of his term, in much the same way that Mrs. Janet Jagan lost hers, and was forced by pressure politics in 1999 to hand the country over to her worse nightmare – Jagdeo. He has indicated that he would limit the prorogation period and, also, he has summoned the Opposition Leader to talks. But all too late, as no decent Opposition would talk whilst their Parliament is shut down, or under political duress. The combined opposition has said: “no parliament; no talks”. They would raise the tempo: “No Parliament; No Government”. 10 COMMANDMENTS It is now timely to explain why those historic 10 words have been used as a commandment for the government to go. Basically, it captured and reproduced one of the Ten Commandments: “Thou shall not steal”. That was the immediate, underlining reason, for the no confidence motion which I first floated during July 2014 on my Facebook page as a rhetorical question. People responded that it was a good idea. At that time, we were confronted with a situation in which the Government spent $4.5 billion without the approval, in defiance of the opposition of the National Assembly, and in violation of Articles 217 to 220 of the Guyana Constitution, which prohibit unauthorized and illegal spending of public monies. The minority PPP Government had thrown down the gauntlet. It would not obey the National Assembly, nor be accountable to the House. It was declared that the PPP would disobey the Guyana Constitution that commands government to spend the people’s money only with parliamentary consent. Parliament is the keeper of the people’s purse. The AFC lodged a complaint with the Commissioner of Police that the Minister of Finance has violated the law, and that he has committed an unlawful act for which he ought to be prosecuted. Up to this time, no charges have been laid against the Finance Minister. A Partnership for National Unity by motion sent the Finance Minister before the Privileges Committee of Parliament for him to show cause why he should not lose his seat or be prosecuted. But, predictably, the PPP circled the wagons. It considered as an Untouchable the Finance Minister, just in the same way that it cuddled the Home Affairs Minister when three peaceful, unarmed, protesters were shot and killed in Linden and, more recently, vouched for the integrity of the cuss-bird, Chatree Attorney General, when he intimated that an independent, non-government newspaper would be attacked and innocent persons would be harmed. The prorogation shut down the tribunal, and the Minister remains at large, a free man. Unlike Watergate, when sanctions were finally imposed, All the President’s Men are out there – handing out state vouchers to needy parents, spewing silly excuses for the President’s uncouth behavior, and unleashing feral blasts against the opposition on state media, in what must be a pre-election jaunt. CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION The Guyana Constitution provides protection for the people against a rogue government that would violate the law and the Constitution itself with impunity. Article 106 (6) states: “The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.” New general elections should then be held within three months. But President Ramotar made a pre-emptive strike. He shut down the Parliament on the day he re-convened it. He ran from the No Confidence Motion. I was to use cricket parlance on that day when I said that the no confidence motion was like a bouncer. And Donald Ducked. It was my nephew, Mahendra Nagamootoo, a former national and West Indies bowler, who gave Ramotar’s action that spin. OTHER MAJOR VIOLATIONS But illegal spending was just the immediate cause. There must be 101 other reasons, many for constitutional violations, why this government must go.  ·    Denial of Local Government elections last held in 1994; ·    Refusal by the President to assent to opposition Bills; ·    Failure to set up Public Procurement Commission to check corruption; ·    Non-appointment of a Chairperson for the Integrity Commission to probe funds of public officials; ·    Diversion of billions in public funds to NICIL and retention/spending of same without parliamentary approval or scrutiny; ·    Giveaway of television and radio spectrum to cronies of the regime; ·    Misuse of state resources and media for partisan, PPP party propaganda purposes; ·    Use of confidential tax information to blackmail critics and to terrorise dissidents; ·    Complicity in plot to discredit and destroy the character of the Speaker of the National Assembly. Guyanese would add to this “Crime List” the lack of protection from widespread crime, joblessness, and despair leading to drugs abuse, suicide and migration. The PPP can no longer use prorogation as a fig leaf to cover its incompetence and misrule.


Not even the AFC backers are starting as many threads about the AFC as those who keep repeating the same shit constantly.

If the AFC is supposedly done, why are certain posters starting most of their threads about them?

I'll tell you why, it is because the person(s) doing this is trying to tell a lie in the hopes the more they tell it the more it will be believed. The AFC got them having nightmares.

Originally Posted by cain:

Not even the AFC backers are starting as many threads about the AFC as those who keep repeating the same shit constantly.

If the AFC is supposedly done, why are certain posters starting most of their threads about them?

I'll tell you why, it is because the person(s) doing this is trying to tell a lie in the hopes the more they tell it the more it will be believed. The AFC got them having nightmares.

The PPPites here giving the so-called "dead" AFC more cuss down than they ever gave dead Burnham.

Wha de old time calypso de seh? "Let them talk, let them talk, let them criticize..."


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by cain:

Not even the AFC backers are starting as many threads about the AFC as those who keep repeating the same shit constantly.

If the AFC is supposedly done, why are certain posters starting most of their threads about them?

I'll tell you why, it is because the person(s) doing this is trying to tell a lie in the hopes the more they tell it the more it will be believed. The AFC got them having nightmares.

The PPPites here giving the so-called "dead" AFC more cuss down than they ever gave dead Burnham.

Wha de old time calypso de seh? "Let them talk, let them talk, let them criticize..."


So the PPP seh the AFC is a small party.  So why is the PPP not ignoring the AFC?  Why so much cuss down for the AFC from the PPP?


The goat is not as stupid as we think.  He know who running away with votes from the PPP.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by cain:

Not even the AFC backers are starting as many threads about the AFC as those who keep repeating the same shit constantly.

If the AFC is supposedly done, why are certain posters starting most of their threads about them?

I'll tell you why, it is because the person(s) doing this is trying to tell a lie in the hopes the more they tell it the more it will be believed. The AFC got them having nightmares.

The PPPites here giving the so-called "dead" AFC more cuss down than they ever gave dead Burnham.

Wha de old time calypso de seh? "Let them talk, let them talk, let them criticize..."


So the PPP seh the AFC is a small party.  So why is the PPP not ignoring the AFC?  Why so much cuss down for the AFC from the PPP?


The goat is not as stupid as we think.  He know who running away with votes from the PPP.

Yeh right, someone told that to the goat, he doan know shit.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


These two losers have no political future left.


Granger kicked them in the rear.


Guyanese now pour scorn on these losers Rumjhaat and Neemakharam.


Here is a classic picture of  Guyana's political outcast and losers:



Never in the history of discussion fora online did so-called losers generate so much attention, anxiety and ass-acheing as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have done to yuji22.


yuji is relaxing these days. AFC has been demolished.

Mission completed.

George W Bush had said MISSION ACCOMPLISHED about Iraq too. Bush lied, as yuji is doing now.




I understand that you are a diehard AFC supporter. I also recognize that you are in denial but you must face reality that the AFC is now dead.


Ask former AFC strongman Gerhard who is now in bed with Granger and the PNC. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


These two losers have no political future left.


Granger kicked them in the rear.


Guyanese now pour scorn on these losers Rumjhaat and Neemakharam.


Here is a classic picture of  Guyana's political outcast and losers:



What makes you a winner? Surely not you 300K "mansion". You are the classic idiot striving for a place at the table and unfortunately stumbling over yourself because you are ill mannered, ill-bred, unschooled, and ignorant. Get over yourself, restrain your compulsion for stupid labels and begin to write some clear analysis of something that ails you that one may get the feeling you can carry on a conversation or have an opinion.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


These two losers have no political future left.


Granger kicked them in the rear.


Guyanese now pour scorn on these losers Rumjhaat and Neemakharam.


Here is a classic picture of  Guyana's political outcast and losers:



What makes you a winner? Surely not you 300K "mansion". You are the classic idiot striving for a place at the table and unfortunately stumbling over yourself because you are ill mannered, ill-bred, unschooled, and ignorant. Get over yourself, restrain your compulsion for stupid labels and begin to write some clear analysis of something that ails you that one may get the feeling you can carry on a conversation or have an opinion.


Shut you dunce A**

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


These two losers have no political future left.


Granger kicked them in the rear.


Guyanese now pour scorn on these losers Rumjhaat and Neemakharam.


Here is a classic picture of  Guyana's political outcast and losers:



What makes you a winner? Surely not you 300K "mansion". You are the classic idiot striving for a place at the table and unfortunately stumbling over yourself because you are ill mannered, ill-bred, unschooled, and ignorant. Get over yourself, restrain your compulsion for stupid labels and begin to write some clear analysis of something that ails you that one may get the feeling you can carry on a conversation or have an opinion.


Shut you dunce A**

smart reply 


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