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AFC losing ground in East Berbice as APNU struggles to salvage reputation in Linden



Poor turn out at AFC rally held in Berbice over the weekend

The ruling People's Progressive Party(PPP) in a statement issued yesterday said the Alliance for Change's support in sections of East Berbice is dwindling and that this was evident by low turn out at rallies held over the weekend. It also noted A Partnership for National Unity(APNU) attempts to regain ground lost in Linden owing to David Granger's poor leadership. It said these attempts have been futile as it is a little too late.


Here's the full text of the PPP's release below:

The hopes of AFC Presidential Candidate Moses Nagamottoo to garner support for his party from East Berbice communities seem to be dwindling as most residents from Whim and Port Mourant boycotted two rallies by the party. This is a clear indication that those who voted for the party has lost confidence in them and are therefore returning to the PPP/C which has over the years up kept it programs and policies all aimed at improving the lives of all Guyanese. The turnout at both rallies which were held over the weekend was less than favorable.

Meanwhile after being ‘booed’ out of a meeting recently in the Mining Town of Linden Opposition Leader David Granger in attempt to salvage what he thinks is left in that community dispatched a new team. However, that team too was not able to accomplish much as Granger is trying desperately to regain lost ground, a little too late.


Further, both parties also held meeting simultaneously at Reliance on the Essequibo Coast a clear indication that they are jostling each other for political support. This certainly does not speak well for them individually as they try to put up a united front to Guyanese, while trying to gain political momentum over each other.


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What bothers Guyanese is the corruption and arrogance of the PPP and the increasing tendency for the country to be bought out by the elites.


The blame the PPP for this.


So continue to ramble and pretend as if Ramotar is well regarded.  He isn't and every day we get more and more evidence to support this fact.


BTW where is the money which the PPP spent on Fip Motilall even after they were warned that this guy was totally incapable of building a drive way?

Poor turn out at AFC rally held in Berbice over the weeken

The ruling People's Progressive Party(PPP) in a statement issued yesterday said the Alliance for Change's support in sections of East Berbice is dwindling and that this was evident by low turn out at rallies held over the weekend. It also noted A Partnership for National Unity(APNU) attempts to regain ground lost in Linden owing to David Granger's poor leadership. It said these attempts have been futile as it is a little too late.


AFC losing ground in East Berbice as APNU struggles to salvage reputation in Linden, THURSDAY, 04 DECEMBER 2014 19:52 ADMINISTRATOR

While that revelation is showing up at public gatherings, the main interest is the result of the next elections.


Snap elections seems more than likely now, the razor thin majority that the AFC/APNU cherished dearly would be history, and the AFC/APNU would remain in the opposition benches, were they rightly belongs.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Snap elections seems more than likely now, the razor thin majority that the AFC/APNU cherished dearly would be history, and the AFC/APNU would remain in the opposition benches, were they rightly belongs.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Snap elections seems more than likely now,..

Why didn't Ramotar not immediately dissolve parliament and schedule elections already rather than wasting a month?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

AFC losing ground in East Berbice as APNU struggles to salvage reputation in Linden



Poor turn out at AFC rally held in Berbice over the weekend

The ruling People's Progressive Party(PPP) in a statement issued yesterday said the Alliance for Change's support in sections of East Berbice is dwindling and that this was evident by low turn out at rallies held over the weekend. It also noted A Partnership for National Unity(APNU) attempts to regain ground lost in Linden owing to David Granger's poor leadership. It said these attempts have been futile as it is a little too late.


Here's the full text of the PPP's release below:

The hopes of AFC Presidential Candidate Moses Nagamottoo to garner support for his party from East Berbice communities seem to be dwindling as most residents from Whim and Port Mourant boycotted two rallies by the party. This is a clear indication that those who voted for the party has lost confidence in them and are therefore returning to the PPP/C which has over the years up kept it programs and policies all aimed at improving the lives of all Guyanese. The turnout at both rallies which were held over the weekend was less than favorable.

Meanwhile after being ‘booed’ out of a meeting recently in the Mining Town of Linden Opposition Leader David Granger in attempt to salvage what he thinks is left in that community dispatched a new team. However, that team too was not able to accomplish much as Granger is trying desperately to regain lost ground, a little too late.


Further, both parties also held meeting simultaneously at Reliance on the Essequibo Coast a clear indication that they are jostling each other for political support. This certainly does not speak well for them individually as they try to put up a united front to Guyanese, while trying to gain political momentum over each other.


extracted from

All the PPP stooges in GNI can do is talk but they cannot DO.  Call the elections so we can have the change that Guyana wants - KICK the PPP OUT!



Change is gonna come but the PPP continue to hang around by their BUKTA string.


EVEN Tina tell them, GET OUT!  GET OUT PPP!


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