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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I find it offensive that  you would align me with the PPP who have in their party killers from the Rabbi Washington - House of Israel and other criminals. They have destroyed the lives of many within the party, by lying, making up false stories, Maccie Hamid, Boyo Ramsaroop, Moses Bhagwan, Moses Nagamootoo, Edward B Beharry and so many others too numerous to mention. It is sad that Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo stood by while all this was happening and remained silent, until their turn came around.  Jagdeo, single handedly destroyed the party. So Mitts, please don't insult me, I do not belong to the PPP.


Naah! You are PPP to the core. I was a PPP supporter until the annointment of Jagdeo. I became more disenchanted with his cabal when I learnt of their dirty tricks. You don't need to be ashamed of your allegiance. You question you raised here is not new. TK dealt with it at lenght before the elections.


It will cost billions but the benefits like job creation, revenue generation, and more long term for the populace rather than only for the bank accounts of the PPP cabal and their cronies.

Mitts, believe what you want to believe -that is your right. What I believe is that, like the PPP, you and the AFC do not believe in the truth. The AFC are a pack of bullies sleeping in the same bed with the APNU/AFC. In a democracy the minority has to live with the will of the majority. The AFC and APNU/PNC like to go around telling people that the are the majority and the PPP are the minority. Even thogh this is true, please tell me what the majority has achieved for the citizens og Guyana since December. So far, from my observation, the AFC has been looking after itself in the name of its supporters. They put themselves ahead of their supporters. Ask your leader the PNC hit man Raphael Trotman. Ask him where he was in 2002 when East Indian women and men were being beaten by Stabroek market. I asked for the AFC costing of its promises, you want money for it. You know what I will give your party for it - a new name "ALL  FOR CORRUPTION". Your key is to open the doors of corruption. You all think that all Indians belong to the PPP. The AFC can buy you, How mch they pay you. No one can buy me. I am a free thinker not tied to any political party's navel string. You, a former PPP disgruntled member. You probably wanted to become a member of the cabal and they kicked your ass so far, it was as if pigs could fly.


Dondadda, I mistook you for someone else. My sincere apologies. I would encourage you to keep the AFC on their toes. 


One major achievemnt of the AFC, is that it as able to secure the Speakership. Another is the blocking of the supplemantal  budget in the quest for transparency and accountability for money the PPP spent without proper approval.


Dondadda, I think you are good person! Once again my sincere apologies!


Dondadda, I take offense to what you are saying about the AFC.  However, notwithstanding that I believe you are engaging in rank propaganda, it is something we have to deal with.  And we do have our work cut out proving that we are for the people and nothing else.  Your comments will not deter me, in fact, they will propel me to even greater action.


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