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Former Member
Another AFC member resignsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by HASEEF YUSUF   
Friday, 18 October 2013 00:30

ON Saturday October 5, 2013 the Alliance for Change (AFC) kept a quasi-executive meeting at Future Line Restaurant at Susannah Village, Berbice. At this meeting, I was the agenda. After much wrangling and name-bashing, Moses Nagamootoo concluded that I should be ‘expelled’ from the party and ‘rules’ will be put in place to that effect.
However, the meeting took a sour note when a long-standing AFC member and councillor tendered his resignation to Moses Nagamootoo. Rohan Jageshwar has decided to part ways. He had long ago vociferously stated on many occasions that ‘Ramjattan is no leader’ and that he has ‘no respect for him.’

This is truly the AFC style, not quite unlike ‘Animal Farm’ where ‘rules’ are made to fit, cover-up and legalise corruption within the AFC. Rules are now in effect to ‘legalise’ Nigel Hughes’ conflict of interest with Sithe Global although he admitted his commission of that illegality and apologised.
The lawyers in the AFC are true to form - they can make illegal things legal and legal things illegal! These guys are geniuses of  a rare and unique specie!

May I remind Nagamootoo that in the Kaieteur News (last month) the ‘knowledgeable’ leader of the AFC said that the AFC ‘regards Yusuf as a former member’ since ‘he has not renewed his membership to the party for the past two years’ hence it is clear that the need to expel me does not arise if the leader’s statement is accurate. I have since publicly challenged the veracity of his statement but it seems that he has concurred that his statements were inaccurate as well as malicious.
It seems that the AFC has also concurred that the financial statements submitted to members at the 2012 conference were inaccurate with regards to Cathy Hughes liability and they were indeed unaudited, since Dominic Gaskin, the AFC treasurer in his TV appearance in Berbice did not rebut my findings. They are hoping that the exposed corruption will be blown away and forgotten.
I want to remind Ramjattan that on April 19, 2012, I emailed him that ‘I will not allow corruption to become cancerous in the AFC and I have lived up to those words. I both emailed and spoke to him many times on corrupt practices of individuals but he never listened.
I am encouraging Ramjattan to read the ‘Uttara Kandha’ chapter of the Holy Ramayan and do a self-analysis. He will get some answers with regard to his deceitful and lying behavioural patterns.
At a meeting held at Whim, AFC Councillor Rohan Jageshwar accused him of ‘bad talking’ members behind their backs and then walked out of that meeting. That councillor has since resigned from the AFC.
I am quite happy that I have parted company from the ‘naag (snake) party’ and that I have brought to fore their corrupt practices. I am positive that the next election will prove decisively that the PPP is the only party that can promote and maintain long lasting social and economic development for Guyana. The people will not be fooled again! The AFC ‘fat cats’ will disappear!


Last Updated on Friday, 18 October 2013 00:32

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Oh lord.  He is on the same page as Baseman however, I hope he help to fight corruption in the PPP.  It is this corruption and ineptness which caused Baseman to go against the PPP.  I still have a big issue with PPP corruption however, more transparency and openness will render the PPP the best thing for Guyana and its people.  The Despotic racist PNC should not be allowed to rule over Guyana "as long as they have the means, mindset and will to impose their rule regardless of the wishes on the people".

Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh lord.  He is on the same page as Baseman however, I hope he help to fight corruption in the PPP.  It is this corruption and ineptness which caused Baseman to go against the PPP.  I still have a big issue with PPP corruption however, more transparency and openness will render the PPP the best thing for Guyana and its people.  The Despotic racist PNC should not be allowed to rule over Guyana "as long as they have the means, mindset and will to impose their rule regardless of the wishes on the people".

He is on the same page because you are a congenital racist like him.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh lord.  He is on the same page as Baseman however, I hope he help to fight corruption in the PPP.  It is this corruption and ineptness which caused Baseman to go against the PPP.  I still have a big issue with PPP corruption however, more transparency and openness will render the PPP the best thing for Guyana and its people.  The Despotic racist PNC should not be allowed to rule over Guyana "as long as they have the means, mindset and will to impose their rule regardless of the wishes on the people".

He is on the same page because you are a congenital racist like him.

Cuss bird Mitwah = stink fired up today, trying not to become a dead duck.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh lord.  He is on the same page as Baseman however, I hope he help to fight corruption in the PPP.  It is this corruption and ineptness which caused Baseman to go against the PPP.  I still have a big issue with PPP corruption however, more transparency and openness will render the PPP the best thing for Guyana and its people.  The Despotic racist PNC should not be allowed to rule over Guyana "as long as they have the means, mindset and will to impose their rule regardless of the wishes on the people".

He is on the same page because you are a congenital racist like him.

Cuss bird Mitwah = stink fired up today, trying not to become a dead duck.

Very soon, Mitwah will be running drugs for the PNC to raise funds for the next election. That is what he can do for the PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

YOU! You were pretending here to be a CUNY professor.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

YOU! You were pretending here to be a CUNY professor.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

YOU! You were pretending here to be a CUNY professor.


You wish you were a tenured professor like Dr TK, eh.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

YOU! You were pretending here to be a CUNY professor.


You wish you were a tenured professor like Dr TK, eh.

Why would I want to be a Prof, I am very happy Cutting Sugar Cane. But I am NOT a SHAMELESS NEE NEEE NEE MACK NEE MAKARAM!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

YOU! You were pretending here to be a CUNY professor.


You wish you were a tenured professor like Dr TK, eh.

Why would I want to be a Prof, I am very happy Cutting Sugar Cane. But I am NOT a SHAMELESS NEE NEEE NEE MACK NEE MAKARAM!!!!!


You are not a proud and great sugar worker. You are a thieving pandit in Queens NY. I am coming to Queens in December. I will spread the news in all the mandirs there. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

YOU! You were pretending here to be a CUNY professor.


You wish you were a tenured professor like Dr TK, eh.

Why would I want to be a Prof, I am very happy Cutting Sugar Cane. But I am NOT a SHAMELESS NEE NEEE NEE MACK NEE MAKARAM!!!!!


You are not a proud and great sugar worker. You are a thieving pandit in Queens NY. I am coming to Queens in December. I will spread the news in all the mandirs there. 

I will be waiting Darling. Please accept my invitation for a night out on the Skyline of Manhattan. See you then.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The stench of corruption in the AFC was so bad that even the disgraced TK had to flee.


Envy and bitterness getting the better of you. You really envy him, eh. 

Who on the Planet will envy such an absolute FOOL????

YOU! You were pretending here to be a CUNY professor.


You wish you were a tenured professor like Dr TK, eh.

Why would I want to be a Prof, I am very happy Cutting Sugar Cane. But I am NOT a SHAMELESS NEE NEEE NEE MACK NEE MAKARAM!!!!!


You are not a proud and great sugar worker. You are a thieving pandit in Queens NY. I am coming to Queens in December. I will spread the news in all the mandirs there. 

I will be waiting Darling. Please accept my invitation for a night out on the Skyline of Manhattan. See you then.


I dislike uneducated men, especially old ones like you.


Haseef Yusuf: . . . This is truly the AFC style, not quite unlike ‘Animal Farm’ where ‘rules’ are made to fit, cover-up and legalise corruption within the AFC. Rules are now in effect to ‘legalise’ Nigel Hughes’ conflict of interest with Sithe Global although he admitted his commission of that illegality and apologised.
The lawyers in the AFC are true to form - they can make illegal things legal and legal things illegal! . . .



hmmm . . . the PPP disinformation machine energized and 'reaching' with new ambition. Observe the persistent, obsessive [albeit ILLITERATE] use of "illegal" in formulating the PPP brief against the AFC


the Freedom House brain trust is very conscious of the nation's growing understanding that they helm an irretrievably corrupt and criminal operation where acts of good government occur (shamefully) in the breach


psychological projection at work in spades . . . remember when barrat and the PPP used their parliamentary majority to pass laws retroactively legalizing unlawful, tiefman acts by the regime?


we ah watch alyuh

Last edited by Former Member

Baseman, we all want an end to corruption.


The hypocrisy shown by the AFC is disgusting. These crooks in the AFC are lining up with the PNC to loot the treasury of Guyana just like how crab dawg Carl Greenidge made Guyana a basket case.


The AFC cannot account for the hard earned cash given to them by their supporters, could you imagine if these AFC crooks had a chance to govern ?


Top financial supporters could not stand the stench of corruption in the AFC so they fled in droves. The AFC is finished. They call for higher standards and they are the most rotten and corrupt politicians Guyanese have ever seen.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Baseman, we all want an end to corruption.


The hypocrisy shown by the AFC is disgusting. These crooks in the AFC are lining up with the PNC to loot the treasury of Guyana just like how crab dawg Carl Greenidge made Guyana a basket case.


The AFC cannot account for the hard earned cash given to them by their supporters, could you imagine if these AFC crooks had a chance to govern ?


Top financial supporters could not stand the stench of corruption in the AFC so they fled in droves. The AFC is finished. They call for higher standards and they are the most rotten and corrupt politicians Guyanese have ever seen.

they still have the ppp on their kness in parlament 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC is flat on it's face right now with revelations of fraud and corruption in their won party. Indians are fleeing the corrupt AFC. They are no different than the PNC.

PPP in panic mode. You are clutching at straws.


Naga = Snake. Moses is Nagamootoo


Folks the AFC member is right the AFC is led by snakes. They run and duck for cover when it was revealed that the Snake (Naga) billed NICIL for millions of dollars.


These snakes (Naga) are a bunch of rotten and stinking politicians in the AFC. They now cannot allegedly account for another $ 80,000 US dollars in hard earned funds donated to them.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Naga = Snake. Moses is Nagamootoo


Folks the AFC member is right the AFC is led by snakes. They run and duck for cover when it was revealed that the Snake (Naga) billed NICIL for millions of dollars.


These snakes (Naga) are a bunch of rotten and stinking politicians in the AFC. They now cannot allegedly account for another $ 80,000 US dollars in hard earned funds donated to them.



Yugi = Donkey.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Naga = Snake. Moses is Nagamootoo


Folks the AFC member is right the AFC is led by snakes. They run and duck for cover when it was revealed that the Snake (Naga) billed NICIL for millions of dollars.


These snakes (Naga) are a bunch of rotten and stinking politicians in the AFC. They now cannot allegedly account for another $ 80,000 US dollars in hard earned funds donated to them.



Yugi = Donkey.


Do not compare Yuji to that noble animal. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Naga = Snake. Moses is Nagamootoo


Folks the AFC member is right the AFC is led by snakes. They run and duck for cover when it was revealed that the Snake (Naga) billed NICIL for millions of dollars.


These snakes (Naga) are a bunch of rotten and stinking politicians in the AFC. They now cannot allegedly account for another $ 80,000 US dollars in hard earned funds donated to them.



Nagamootoo provided legal services to members of the public and legally billed NICIL for payment due to him. He earned the money and is entitled to be paid for his services. Unlike most of those filthy PPP thieves who rape the nation's coffers under cover from NICIL.


You have to be a moron if you believe the $80,000 fake story posted by Coounscie from newguymedia. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Naga = Snake. Moses is Nagamootoo


Folks the AFC member is right the AFC is led by snakes. They run and duck for cover when it was revealed that the Snake (Naga) billed NICIL for millions of dollars.


These snakes (Naga) are a bunch of rotten and stinking politicians in the AFC. They now cannot allegedly account for another $ 80,000 US dollars in hard earned funds donated to them.



Yugi = Donkey.


Do not compare Yuji to that noble animal. 

Sorry! He is very shallow to allow Kwamee put things in his mouth.


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