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AFC member charged for sexual assault on minor


Written by Telesha Persaud

Friday, 29 June 2012 22:37

Source - Guyana Chronicle


ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) activist Patrick Roberts was yesterday charged with sexual assault of a minor, and is due to make a court appearance on Tuesday. He remains, meanwhile, at the Grove Police Station lockup, East Bank Demerara.

Patrick Roberts

Roberts also holds the post of disciplinarian at the Institute of Professional Education (IPE), at Grove Market Street. He was once Vice Chairman of the Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), and is currently the Chairman of the Grove Community Policing Group.

He reportedly carried out the alleged offence on a 15-year-old student of the school last Thursday. The girl turned up in uniform at the station yesterday afternoon, with her father in attendance; and they both spoke to this publication as Roberts remained seated ‘on the bench,’ in the station.

“This teacher tried to get at my daughter,” the father said, adding that he was asked to turn up at the Brickdam Police Station today.

The girl said that, last Wednesday, Roberts told her to collect his telephone number, and asked her to call him at 8:00pm, not later or sooner, and told her not to tell anyone about that.

On the following day, “He came up to me and was pushing his hands towards me. A girl sitting in front of me asked him why he was going to touch me, and told him he was always touching at somebody’s girl child. He asked her, ‘like you want I touch you’,” the girl said.

Asked if she was actually touched by Roberts, the girl responded: “Many times. He always rubbing your hand or holding your hands.”

The father rejoined that his wife called Roberts, who apologized to her, but asked her why her daughter took the number in the first place. The father believes that this question by Roberts showed that he had some kind of ulterior motive in giving his child the number.

He alleged that Roberts told a 17-year-old friend of his daughter, who is also a student at IPE, that he wanted to perform oral sex on her, but the child was too afraid to come forward.

The father also lodged a report with the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, which he said would proceed with the matter based on what transpired at the station.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I can slander the entire AFC and its supporters for one man's action, but let's show some PPP class and just focus on Patrick Roberts, who is in the center of this allegation. Who is in agreement with me?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I can slander the entire AFC and its supporters for one man's action, but let's show some PPP class and just focus on Patrick Roberts, who is in the center of this allegation. Who is in agreement with me?

There are sick people all over.  You can bet he is out of the AFC.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I can slander the entire AFC and its supporters for one man's action, but let's show some PPP class and just focus on Patrick Roberts, who is in the center of this allegation. Who is in agreement with me?

Has the AFC spoken out about its activists behaviour? The longer they take to respond the faster people will think that they support this behaviour. He is innocent until proven guilty, however, if he is found guilty I hope that they chop his cock off and give him something to suck while spending time in jail. He was in a position of trust and betrayed that trust. 


Bhai, Guyanese are civilized on many things. They know one man can't dutty the entire party. People only act stupid to give credence to one's party and to desecrate the other. You just have to give them a bone to chase, and they will run like a dog. Today, I don't want to see that happen.


Today is my charity and forgiveness day. I will spare the rod.

AFC member charged for sexual assault on minor
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You  folks  have  to be real desperate to  try  to  pin the  action  of  an  individual who  at best is a  periphery  member  of  the  AFC.  On  the  other hand  you have notorious  scoundrels like Bugabatty  Kwame,   child  rapists Killaman, Bheri Berry, Rotee and manish  puppy Greene all  seems  immune  from  prosecution.  Alyuh  need  a  good  dose of  'shame-baby'  bush  tea  to  get  some  shame or a heavy  dose  of  croton  oil  to  shyt out  de dry eyeness. 


Mara, why did you made a generalize statement when most of us do not share the same sentiments about the alleged charges against Patrick Roberts?
BTW, what is buggabatty? I couldn't find the meaning the word.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

 . . . buggabatty? I couldn't find the meaning the word.

Are you a real Guyanese ?? LOL

He should guh leh Kwame give he a demonstration...he might need a dacta to stitch up he kakahole afta though...

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

 . . . buggabatty? I couldn't find the meaning the word.

Are you a real Guyanese ?? LOL

Look in the Mirrow you will find the meaning.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace will not allow this incident to be swept under the carpet, he should be brought before the courts

Who the hell appointed Misir and Kwame and their New Media Group the voice of the Guyanese Populace? 


ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) activist Patrick Roberts was yesterday charged with sexual assault of a minor, and is due to make a court appearance on Tuesday. He remains, meanwhile, at the Grove Police Station lockup, East Bank Demerara.

Patrick Roberts

Roberts also holds the post of disciplinarian at the Institute of Professional Education (IPE), at Grove Market Street. He was once Vice Chairman of the Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), and is currently the Chairman of the Grove Community Policing Group.

He reportedly carried out the alleged offence on a 15-year-old student of the school last Thursday........

Silence is consent, his party superiors are very silent on the issue...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) activist Patrick Roberts was yesterday charged with sexual assault of a minor, and is due to make a court appearance on Tuesday. He remains, meanwhile, at the Grove Police Station lockup, East Bank Demerara.

Patrick Roberts

Roberts also holds the post of disciplinarian at the Institute of Professional Education (IPE), at Grove Market Street. He was once Vice Chairman of the Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), and is currently the Chairman of the Grove Community Policing Group.

He reportedly carried out the alleged offence on a 15-year-old student of the school last Thursday........

Silence is consent, his party superiors are very silent on the issue...

Banna haven't you realised by now that whatever you post means shit, so what you just said here is sheer shit.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

cain are you condoning the acts of Mr.Patrick Roberts (AFC member)?

Where did I say that? What I said, read carefully now, I said, "what you said is sheer shit."

That has nothing to do with condoning an action.

Let the courts decide whether guilty or not.



This is what you posted.

"Silence is consent, his party superiors are very silent on the issue"

Have you not seen issues that your tiefin party has thrown under the rug and only now the thieves are being dragged out one by one, you better be careful....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) activist Patrick Roberts was yesterday charged with sexual assault of a minor, and is due to make a court appearance on Tuesday. He remains, meanwhile, at the Grove Police Station lockup, East Bank Demerara.

Patrick Roberts

Roberts also holds the post of disciplinarian at the Institute of Professional Education (IPE), at Grove Market Street. He was once Vice Chairman of the Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), and is currently the Chairman of the Grove Community Policing Group.

He reportedly carried out the alleged offence on a 15-year-old student of the school last Thursday........

Silence is consent, his party superiors are very silent on the issue...

You have a pedophile pandit at the PPP spiritual advisory, a minister who tried to rape his friends 16 year old, another who is accused of kidnapping and rape and another who once cuckold went on a rampage. Then there were those hit and run accidents etc all going under the radar. Did I mention Jagdeo lied that he had a wife and the supposed wife insisted he was vile, vindictive and abusive? How about t he ultumate sticking it to law and order by hiring a drug lord as your enforcers and the resulting carnage amounting to hundreds of Guyanese being murdered without recourse to law?



Quit the bullshi.t about condoning morality. If that fellow above is a creep, let the courts deal with him.


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