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The Alliance for Change (AFC) is upset that the People's Progressive Party (PPP) called its bluff by exposing the sham document put forward called a code of conduct. Facing huge public backlash its leader Khemraj Ramjattan was once again at pains to point out that there’s no conflict of interest in the employment of Nigel and Cathy Hughes by the company which developed the Amaila Falls Hydro Project to which the AFC is opposed. He said that until his party gets into Government, or attains high public office, they remain private citizens.  What Ramjattan therefore means by implication is that AFC members are free to work with the devil whilst chastising hell even as they accuse others of being part of the devil's flock.

This position further highlights how foolish the AFC believe we all are. How can one be a private citizen when he/she is a member of Parliament? How can one be a private citizen when the public has invested in him/her the power to shape and decide public policy in parliament?  Thought not a public servant in the truest sense a member of the legislature is in fact a servant of the public in the broader sense. Also as a person who obtained legal training we are pretty sure that Ramjattan knows that he and his AFC 'private citizens' cannot serve two masters. From a legal perspective this means you cannot be for both the defense and the prosecution. So it is a conflict of interest if Nigel and Cathy Hughes as senior members of the AFC – in this case the prosecution - which opposes the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, are being employed by the developers of Amaila Falls Hydro Project - in this case the defense.




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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

What Ramjattan therefore means by implication is that AFC members are free to work with the devil whilst chastising hell even as they accuse others of being part of the devil's flock.

The gist of the AFC's activities.

Perhaps, perhaps not!


As opposed to the gist of the PPP's activities - tiefin.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

What Ramjattan therefore means by implication is that AFC members are free to work with the devil whilst chastising hell even as they accuse others of being part of the devil's flock.

The gist of the AFC's activities.

Perhaps, perhaps not!


As opposed to the gist of the PPP's activities - tiefin.


Mr Demerara Guy is a fervent supporter of the looting of the Guyanese peoples' tax monies. Once East Indians do the looting he is fine with that.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It appears Sase, TK and Gerhard are preparing to walk the AFC plank...

Councie wha yuh want...

Dem walk De PPP Plank..

Which reduce Anil to Kwame Level...


Until Dem Rig the Congress in Berbice....

and mek De Honorable Attorney General...

and Aunteeman Kwame.....EQUAL....

Aya Think Anil Like it........


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