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Former Member


Posted by in Press Releases


<h6 class="post_details">January 16th, 2013</h6>



January 26 marks the 5th Anniversary of the Lusignan massacre. Though eleven persons were victims, Lusignan was the most shocking mass killing in Guyana, after Jonestown.


The Alliance for Change (AFC) remembers with anguish the late Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandai Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, 4; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52.


Several others were wounded and survived to re-live the horrors of that gruesome, insane, terrorist attack.


The 11 persons were murdered in cold blood whilst they slept in the peace and quiet of their humble dwelling by criminals carrying AK-47 assault rifles. Apart from early reports of a “vengeance killing” by the notorious “Fine Man”, no one has given a definitive account and, with the death of the alleged killer, these killings would go down as “cold cases”. They would be explained away as the work of criminal and narco-gangsters, just as the Bartica and the Lindo Creek massacres.


Many of these people were caring mothers, father, sisters and brothers – few were infants and students. The elders were champions in their own right in the little things they did to preserve and protect their families. But they were the poor and the underprivileged.  The five children were not allowed to dream or to graduate, to love and live in their own country where criminals and drug-lords settled scores through the muzzle of guns, some of whom were recruited by a frightened state to come to its defence.

Guyana has lost irreplaceable diamonds from its human collection as the PPP and the PNC battled for political space and dominance. Members of the disciplined services lost their lives in the line of duty during the killing frenzy of what one Head of State described as “rival gangs”.


Like all multiple killings (extra-judicial and otherwise), the Lusignan massacre represents a failure by our State to protect our people. It would forever be the smoking gun that points to the guilty parties, those who were in bed with the insurgents and narco-criminals.


Over the years we have seen these parties trying to pass the buck. Guyanese are tired of this scapegoat politics and blame-games. Guyanese are also fed up with efforts to use Lusignan and other tragic episodes for racial/ethnic solidarity and mobilisation, which only serve to desecrate the memories of the fallen victims.


AFC believes that a thorough investigation is needed into all mass crimes as well as corruption in post-independent Guyana, to bring not only closure for aggrieved families but healing to our nation as well.


The AFC shares the compound grief and loss of relatives and survivors, and commit itself to ensure that all Guyanese are afforded adequate protection and security, and that Guyana up-root the narco-and-money-laundering gangs and their handlers, who incubate criminals to menace our society. [END]


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Fish market politicians!!!!!11



The 11 persons were murdered in cold blood whilst they slept in the peace and quiet of their humble dwelling by criminals carrying AK-47 assault rifles.


who were the political masters of these criminals?


I am told it was Roger K who was owned by Bharti Jugs.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Isn't this same KFC caused the DEATH of innocent Citizens at Linden AND the robbing, Assulting and beating of DOZENS at Agricola. bloody HYPOCRITS!!!!

ONE BIG FAT NEHRU LIE.  Tell us about

OH HENRY a/k OH Robsen Bennup who has a wayward wife beating, child murdering son.



Like all multiple killings (extra-judicial and otherwise), the Lusignan massacre represents a failure by our State to protect our people. It would forever be the smoking gun that points to the guilty parties, those who were in bed with the insurgents and narco-criminals.


well said Mr Nagamootoo.


Guyana has lost irreplaceable diamonds from its human collection as the PPP and the PNC battled for political space and dominance. Members of the disciplined services lost their lives in the line of duty during the killing frenzy of what one Head of State described as “rival gangs”.


source - AFC



Hise up, lash down from the AFC.


Lusignan was as a result of the PPP and PNC battling for political space.  The blood of the Lusignan victims is on the hands of Corby and Fagdeo.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

Guyana has lost irreplaceable diamonds from its human collection as the PPP and the PNC battled for political space and dominance. Members of the disciplined services lost their lives in the line of duty during the killing frenzy of what one Head of State described as “rival gangs”.


source - AFC



Hise up, lash down from the AFC.


Lusignan was as a result of the PPP and PNC battling for political space.  The blood of the Lusignan victims is on the hands of Corby and Fagdeo.

Lusignan is about Afros feeling they could act with impunity and take out their tantrums against Indian as they please.  Fineman had not yet yielded to the reality of a new Guyana.  The GoG needs to be unyielding and snuff terrorism of all sorts without mercy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

Guyana has lost irreplaceable diamonds from its human collection as the PPP and the PNC battled for political space and dominance. Members of the disciplined services lost their lives in the line of duty during the killing frenzy of what one Head of State described as “rival gangs”.


source - AFC



Hise up, lash down from the AFC.


Lusignan was as a result of the PPP and PNC battling for political space.  The blood of the Lusignan victims is on the hands of Corby and Fagdeo.

Lusignan is about Afros feeling they could act with impunity and take out their tantrums against Indian as they please.  Fineman had not yet yielded to the reality of a new Guyana.  The GoG needs to be unyielding and snuff terrorism of all sorts without mercy.

Some of the funding of the AFC comes form overseas. The government must investigate the source of AFC's recent activities in Agricola and Linden. Those responsible must be brought to justice. The death penalty must be applied here to any guilty party.


I am told by senior members of the special branch that the lusugnan slaughter was the residual elements of the Roger K group acting on instructions from FAGdeo to drive fear in the East Indians.


By Henry G, buried all the evidence.



AFC Message on the 5th Memorial of the Lusignan Massacre


The AFC shares the compound grief and loss of relatives and survivors, and commit itself to ensure that all Guyanese are afforded adequate protection and security, and that Guyana up-root the narco-and-money-laundering gangs and their handlers, who incubate criminals to menace our society.

The PPP Narco trafficking family headed by FAGDOW must be put under pressure to stop the killing.


The Goat Clementina Rotie has no clue how to tackle crime in Guyana.


Imagine he trying to sell the people a headline the other day as follows:



Murders, robberies up but serious crimes down one percent overall - police



How more comical can the goat get!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

Guyana has lost irreplaceable diamonds from its human collection as the PPP and the PNC battled for political space and dominance. Members of the disciplined services lost their lives in the line of duty during the killing frenzy of what one Head of State described as “rival gangs”.


source - AFC



Hise up, lash down from the AFC.


Lusignan was as a result of the PPP and PNC battling for political space.  The blood of the Lusignan victims is on the hands of Corby and Fagdeo.

Lusignan is about Afros feeling they could act with impunity and take out their tantrums against Indian as they please.  Fineman had not yet yielded to the reality of a new Guyana.  The GoG needs to be unyielding and snuff terrorism of all sorts without mercy.

There has been no evidence to support your racial lies that Lusignan was about Afros in any way, shape or form. In fact, the circumstances indicate a cold blooded attempt by Jagdeo to influence the then upcoming elections. A few innocent inhabitants of Lusignan were murdered by the PPP and the crime conveniently blamed on Afros. And you are blaming them again, whilst in the full knowledge who inside the PPP gave the orders to murder those people.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

I am told by senior members of the special branch that the lusugnan slaughter was the residual elements of the Roger K group acting on instructions from FAGdeo to drive fear in the East Indians.


By Henry G, buried all the evidence.

Were you also told the TRUTH that you are the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet and therefore can be told that Raw Sewage is GOLD.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

I am told by senior members of the special branch that the lusugnan slaughter was the residual elements of the Roger K group acting on instructions from FAGdeo to drive fear in the East Indians.


By Henry G, buried all the evidence.

Were you also told the TRUTH that you are the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet and therefore can be told that Raw Sewage is GOLD.

This Davindra dude is the joker also.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Everyone else except the PPP stooges are fully aware that the people slaughtered in Lusignan were slain at the hands of the PPP.

You smoking the ganja too early.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Everyone else except the PPP stooges are fully aware that the people slaughtered in Lusignan were slain at the hands of the PPP.

The half of the British Parliament that came out of the Closet explained this to you, right????

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If you stop taking cocaine you might get to see the truth. Cocaine makes people like you paranoid.

T: I have been in America for over 40 years. I never saw cocaine, never used any illegal substance. Never touched ganja, was never stopped by the authorities for even a driving violation. Can you say that about yourself?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If you stop taking cocaine you might get to see the truth. Cocaine makes people like you paranoid.

One might say "Look who is talkin"  Dem Parliamentarians does give you the money to get the Dope before they visit.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If you stop taking cocaine you might get to see the truth. Cocaine makes people like you paranoid.

T: I have been in America for over 40 years. I never saw cocaine, never used any illegal substance. Never touched ganja, was never stopped by the authorities for even a driving violation. Can you say that about yourself?

And you expect the rest of us to believe the words of a PPP milkdrinker? Is which glass they gave you to drink from?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If you stop taking cocaine you might get to see the truth. Cocaine makes people like you paranoid.

T: I have been in America for over 40 years. I never saw cocaine, never used any illegal substance. Never touched ganja, was never stopped by the authorities for even a driving violation. Can you say that about yourself?

And you expect the rest of us to believe the words of a PPP milkdrinker? Is which glass they gave you to drink from?

FYI: I left Guyana in early 1970 and was never personally involved in the PPP. I do support the PPP. No milk or honey here. I believe in earning what I own.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If you stop taking cocaine you might get to see the truth. Cocaine makes people like you paranoid.

T: I have been in America for over 40 years. I never saw cocaine, never used any illegal substance. Never touched ganja, was never stopped by the authorities for even a driving violation. Can you say that about yourself?

You sound lil borin man.




Posted by in Press Releases


<h6 class="post_details">January 16th, 2013</h6>



January 26 marks the 5th Anniversary of the Lusignan massacre. Though eleven persons were victims, Lusignan was the most shocking mass killing in Guyana, after Jonestown.


The Alliance for Change (AFC) remembers with anguish the late Clarence Thomas, 48; Vanessa Thomas, 12; Ron Thomas, 11; Mohandai Goordat, 32; Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Seegobin Harilall, 4; Dhanwajie Ramsingh, 52; Seecharran Rooplall, 56; Raywattie Ramsingh, 11; Shazam Mohammed, 22; and Shaleem Baksh, 52.


Several others were wounded and survived to re-live the horrors of that gruesome, insane, terrorist attack.


The 11 persons were murdered in cold blood whilst they slept in the peace and quiet of their humble dwelling by criminals carrying AK-47 assault rifles. Apart from early reports of a “vengeance killing” by the notorious “Fine Man”, no one has given a definitive account and, with the death of the alleged killer, these killings would go down as “cold cases”. They would be explained away as the work of criminal and narco-gangsters, just as the Bartica and the Lindo Creek massacres.


Many of these people were caring mothers, father, sisters and brothers – few were infants and students. The elders were champions in their own right in the little things they did to preserve and protect their families. But they were the poor and the underprivileged.  The five children were not allowed to dream or to graduate, to love and live in their own country where criminals and drug-lords settled scores through the muzzle of guns, some of whom were recruited by a frightened state to come to its defence.

Guyana has lost irreplaceable diamonds from its human collection as the PPP and the PNC battled for political space and dominance. Members of the disciplined services lost their lives in the line of duty during the killing frenzy of what one Head of State described as “rival gangs”.


Like all multiple killings (extra-judicial and otherwise), the Lusignan massacre represents a failure by our State to protect our people. It would forever be the smoking gun that points to the guilty parties, those who were in bed with the insurgents and narco-criminals.


Over the years we have seen these parties trying to pass the buck. Guyanese are tired of this scapegoat politics and blame-games. Guyanese are also fed up with efforts to use Lusignan and other tragic episodes for racial/ethnic solidarity and mobilisation, which only serve to desecrate the memories of the fallen victims.


AFC believes that a thorough investigation is needed into all mass crimes as well as corruption in post-independent Guyana, to bring not only closure for aggrieved families but healing to our nation as well.


The AFC shares the compound grief and loss of relatives and survivors, and commit itself to ensure that all Guyanese are afforded adequate protection and security, and that Guyana up-root the narco-and-money-laundering gangs and their handlers, who incubate criminals to menace our society. [END]

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If you stop taking cocaine you might get to see the truth. Cocaine makes people like you paranoid.

T: I have been in America for over 40 years. I never saw cocaine, never used any illegal substance. Never touched ganja, was never stopped by the authorities for even a driving violation. Can you say that about yourself?

You sound lil borin man.

E lil cold hey man; but me ah keep meslf busy bai. You eva hear about ice fishin?


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