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Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana
Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana


- for robbing Guyanese blind by taking their money and feeding them lies

Old Kai is of the firm belief that the Kaieteur News is operating like a pickpocket in Guyana. By their very own yardstick, they are guilty of corruption, yet they have the temerity to say how they are “fighting against corruption”. Well they are just like the AFC and as we know, “birds of a feather are corrupt together”. No wonder everyday they are carrying a fairytale from Prak-a-lak or Moses. Even in the letter columns “dem boys” writing their own letters and publishing them, but that is not as bad as what they were caught recently doing (once again).

Now Old Kai is holding no brief for the CJIA but before Kaieteur News callously decides to tarnish the image of such a premier organisation in our country, taking into consideration that it is basically the gateway for outsiders coming into our country and the final point of exit for those leaving; this national newspaper should not rely on 100% hearsay and use that as the “gospel truth” in its attempts to be “judge, jury and executioner.”

The headline screamed, “Massive corruption uncovered at the CJIA” and it is only when the unsuspecting reader went through the article, he or she realised that they were conned by the newspaper as it is no more than one of their mysterious “sources” informing them of an alleged act of corruption.
Old Kai has no doubt that the source is no other than the “imaginary friend” of the reporter or editor as it seems they all have imaginary friends over there. To tell the nation that “massive corruption” has been “uncovered” is telling the nation that you have evidence, even if it is miniscule. After all, if you have “uncovered” something, it means you have stumbled across evidence which confirms an illegal act or at least will raise serious doubts to warrant an investigation. But nowhere in the story is such a mention made. We are only bamboozled with “allegation after allegation” by their mysterious “source”.

Now Old Kai is holding no brief for the CJIA, but before Kaieteur News callously decides to tarnish the image of such a premier organisation in our country, taking into consideration that it is basically the gateway for outsiders coming into our country and the final point of exit for those leaving, this national newspaper should not rely on 100% hearsay and use that as the “gospel truth” in its attempts to be “judge, jury and executioner”. This is highly unethical and irresponsible and this type of hooliganism masquerading as journalism must be condemned by all.

Old Kai is very concerned because in putting up such a headline and publishing such scandalous information without any proof, the newspaper has also tarnished the reputation of all the hardworking employees at the CJIA. They have now been lumped as a bunch of crooks who are involved in an illegal racket to defraud the nation and aiding drug smugglers. Bear in mind that we have not heard an allegation or concern from a passenger to date regarding the possible tampering of their departure-tax stubs and, as far as my recollection goes, these stubs are all stamped and dated which would make it virtually impossible to be re-used.
Then there are several independent departments within the CJIA which would keep reports on the amount of passengers either departing or arriving: these include the airlines, customs and immigration. Obviously, cross checking the data between these agencies could easily verify the accuracy of how many persons departed on a flight or during a specific period which will determine how many paid their departure tax. But if you believe Kaieteur News, every single one of these individuals has to be corrupt and clearly, nations which receive flights from Guyana will be taking note. It is even possible that such reports can lead to the downgrading of the CJIA airport and these are the types of misinformation which organisations such as Transparency International readily take and compile jaundiced reports on perceived corruption in Guyana.

But those over at Kaieteur News are not concerned with anyone except themselves, after all, at the end of the month they expect their “fat salaries” while the owner focuses on maximizing profits, so every day they apparently turn up to work thinking, “What can we publish to make more people buy our papers tomorrow?”
Hence, the stories become more and more exaggerated with each passing day as the pressure of making more and more money begins to take its toll.
Clearly,the “ethics of journalism” have been thrown out the window and a slander and vilification campaign is the order of the day.

So in the search for profits, hundreds of honest and hard-working public service employees have now become “collateral damage” for the Kaieteur News. Strange enough, this is the very newspaper which has been critical of the administration using “lie detector tests” to ensure the integrity of CANU officers who are stationed at the airport among other locations.
You cannot have it both ways Kaieteur News, but sadly this is an example of devious methods being employed to control the minds of Guyanese and make them addicts, coming day after day with their money to purchase the “once upon a time” newspaper.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by raymond:

prove it in a court of law

This is the PPP doing what they do best, never confronting an obvious problem but imagining it does not exist and all a figment of the imagination. It is quite clear from the amount drugs intercepted that passed through t hat place it has serious security holes. I is also clear that travellers who left that place and appeared in their homes in Guyana are surprised there the welcoming party is not family and friends but gunmen, informed of their arrival by cohorts at the airport. My mother got taken for all her belongings last year. It is also clear the place is a confused mess.  My sister just came back ( took my mom home for Christmas )and said it is among  most inefficient and confusing  and often discourteous port of entry she has ever encountered and every time she returns she is reminded of that. I  am sure I value her opinion a lot since she is well traveled.  Every other person says the same so why deny you h ave a problem.Maybe Kaiteur News exaggerates but that does not mean a problem of corruption on a massive scale does not exist there.


BTW, the PPP really have no respect for AMerind peoples that the pretend to use one of their sages as their mouth pieces. They are unhesitatingly insulting and disrespectful when it comes to us.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Toilet Paper/Yellow Journalism of the AFC/KN Exposed.

Swallowing the PPP bilge whole cloth does not mean the rest of us or most of us do not think the airport is a den of inefficiencies and corruption. That is a commonplace belief. You are just showing your skill at kneebending

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by raymond:

prove it in a court of law

This is the PPP doing what they do best, never confronting an obvious problem but imagining it does not exist and all a figment of the imagination. It is quite clear from the amount drugs intercepted that passed through t hat place it has serious security holes. I is also clear that travellers who left that place and appeared in their homes in Guyana are surprised there the welcoming party is not family and friends but gunmen, informed of their arrival by cohorts at the airport. My mother got taken for all her belongings last year. It is also clear the place is a confused mess.  My sister just came back ( took my mom home for Christmas )and said it is among  most inefficient and confusing  and often discourteous port of entry she has ever encountered and every time she returns she is reminded of that. I  am sure I value her opinion a lot since she is well traveled.  Every other person says the same so why deny you h ave a problem.Maybe Kaiteur News exaggerates but that does not mean a problem of corruption on a massive scale does not exist there.


BTW, the PPP really have no respect for AMerind peoples that the pretend to use one of their sages as their mouth pieces. They are unhesitatingly insulting and disrespectful when it comes to us.


Another of your Nancy story.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by raymond:

prove it in a court of law

This is the PPP doing what they do best, never confronting an obvious problem but imagining it does not exist and all a figment of the imagination. It is quite clear from the amount drugs intercepted that passed through t hat place it has serious security holes. I is also clear that travellers who left that place and appeared in their homes in Guyana are surprised there the welcoming party is not family and friends but gunmen, informed of their arrival by cohorts at the airport. My mother got taken for all her belongings last year. It is also clear the place is a confused mess.  My sister just came back ( took my mom home for Christmas )and said it is among  most inefficient and confusing  and often discourteous port of entry she has ever encountered and every time she returns she is reminded of that. I  am sure I value her opinion a lot since she is well traveled.  Every other person says the same so why deny you h ave a problem.Maybe Kaiteur News exaggerates but that does not mean a problem of corruption on a massive scale does not exist there.


BTW, the PPP really have no respect for AMerind peoples that the pretend to use one of their sages as their mouth pieces. They are unhesitatingly insulting and disrespectful when it comes to us.


Another of your Nancy story.

willful ignorance does the mind no good.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 Prak-a-lak or Moses  I GUN START USING THIS NOW. sOUNDS GOOD.  prak a lak


Prak-a-lak sounds like Gas.

you guys is the best the ppp have to spread their propaganda no wonder the ppp is a minority  


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