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AFC misled nation, only secured 3.8% of overall votes in LGE – Jagdeo

Nov 21, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...votes-in-lge-jagdeo/

The Alliance For Change (AFC) did not secure 10 percent of the votes cast at the recently concluded Local Government Election (LGE) as propagated by the party’s leaders. In fact, the AFC only secured just 3.8 percent of the votes.

Leader of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, Bharrat Jagdeo was keen to point this out at a press conference on Monday morning at his Church Street Office.

There, Jagdeo referred to a press statement that the AFC had issued focusing on the results of LGE.

Jagdeo recalled that AFC acknowledged that there was a low percentage of voter turnouts at polls across the country. “They said that the initial results were not as projected and it fell below the party’s expectation,” said Jagdeo.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

He then quoted, verbatim, a line from the statement, which read, “The AFC however, based on our preliminary analysis, has in fact moderately increased its support among Guyanese from the 10.32 percent, which it registered in 2011.”

Jagdeo said, “So, this looks good. They have increased their percentages from 2011, the last time it contested. But what is the fact? Just 208,000 Guyanese voted in the 2018 LGE. AFC got 8,000 votes. Eight thousand votes as a percentage of 208,000 would be just under four percent. They have a huge problem with mathematics in the AFC, the problem is massive.”

The Opposition Leader continued, “And the one (Prime Minister, Moses) Nagamootoo said that if you can call it (AFC) the 10 percent party, it is still a credible force. What 10 percent party? You are a four percent, actually 3.8 percent party that is what you are. And they put this out as a press statement misleading the entire Guyana. Basic mathematics they cannot do in that party. In fact, let me say, the AFC has become the most dishonest political party in this country.”

At a recent forum at Congress Place, Sophia, AFC leaders told the press that the party maintains its support base of 10 percent of the votes cast.

They said this as leader of both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) said that there are currently no efforts afoot to review the Cummingsburg Accord.

The Cummingsburg Accord is the agreement that governs APNU and AFC existence at the helm of Guyana.

The AFC entered the recently concluded Local Government Elections (LGE) independently.

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Now that the polls are over, the AFC sought to affirm on Friday last that it is still unwaveringly committed to the coalition and will be contesting the General and Regional Elections just as it did in 2015.

Minister of Public Security, AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan, told the media that the results of LGE show that that party he co-founded maintains its status as a force to be reckoned with.

Prime Minister, AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo, echoed the sentiments of his colleague. Nagamootoo said, “You cannot mess with figures”. He said that the figures show that the AFC has maintained 10 percent of the votes. He said that even if it went down to as low as one percent of the votes, it would still be needed, as that one percent, along with APNU, is enough to keep the PPP/C out of power.

Greenidge said, “This was an approach to governance in its entirety that was crafted with all of the relevant parties of the coalition. As far as I can recall, it is a formula with the longest longevity of any formula that has been crafted.

“That means that the parties organized to fashion the formula. At this point in time, that formula has worked. There is no signal at this point in time, from the parties, that there is an intention to change.”

Nevertheless, Greenidge said that there is the capacity, “once the parties believe that the formula can be improved, they can always call on each other to sit and look at it again. It is not something cast in stone, recognizing that circumstances change”.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC got just over 10% of the GT vote.  This means (if Jagdeo is correct) that 40% of their base is in GT.  I have maintained since the last election that the AFC is a mainly urban middle class party with cross ethnic support.  I don't know that either Ramjattan or Nagamootoo represent the urban vote, which is why they have been kicked to the curb, not only by APNU, but also by the urban AFC.

With a low turnout one cannot say whether there was migration to different parties when compared to the 2015 election.  I suspect that the AFC base are the most frustrated and so were even less inclined to vote in the LGE than even the PNC base.  So it isn't obvious that urban Indo AFC supporters went back to the PPP.

The question will be where will these disillusioned urban AFC voters go in 2020.

Baseman posted:

Truth, if they get 3-5%, coalition will likely win!! But will be close!

Voter turn out and the young voters (those too young in 2015) will determine the victors.  This will be the most interesting election in Guyana's history.

Who will lead APNU, given that it likely will not be Granger.  I suspect that Greenidge and Harmon are battling (hence Harmon's war cries to mobilize the PNC base).

Who will Jagdeo select to lead the PPP and will the PPP grass roots be motivated by this person.

What will the AFC supporters do now that its obvious that the party is weak, has no base of support, and therefore can do nothing to contain the PNC.

And by 2020 the mixed identified population will be a greater factor than in times past and Indians will be less of a factor. Who are these mixed identified people and what is their political behavior.  Contrary to what some here think they aren't necessarily douglas, so its not true that an inclination to an Indian identity might help the PPP.\

In Trinidad only 1/3 of the mixed identified population is dougla (their census breaks out douglas from other mixed identified people).  Not sure what is the situation in Guyana, but a whole lot of them might be Amerindian mixtures, especially upriver Demerara, Region 7 and in the Pomeroon.

Dave posted:

And Django ( who claimed to have no political affiliation) fail to publish this article, I guess he’s ashamed. 

I am waiting on GECOM results, in the mean time let BJ continue talking.That chap lied too much.

caribny posted:

And by 2020 the mixed identified population will be a greater factor than in times past and Indians will be less of a factor. Who are these mixed identified people and what is their political behavior.  Contrary to what some here think they aren't necessarily douglas, so its not true that an inclination to an Indian identity might help the PPP.\

 in Guyana, but a whole lot of them might be Amerindian mixtures, especially upriver Demerara, Region 7 and in the Pomeroon.

That's correct, Region 4 is a bit difficult to determine.

From a glance East Indian voting population is around 40%, more on the  others later.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

And Django ( who claimed to have no political affiliation) fail to publish this article, I guess he’s ashamed. 

I am waiting on GECOM results, in the mean time let BJ continue talking.That chap lied too much.

You can wait till next election, why, are they changing the results in your favor.

caribny posted:

The AFC got just over 10% of the GT vote.  This means (if Jagdeo is correct) that 40% of their base is in GT.  I have maintained since the last election that the AFC is a mainly urban middle class party with cross ethnic support.  I don't know that either Ramjattan or Nagamootoo represent the urban vote, which is why they have been kicked to the curb, not only by APNU, but also by the urban AFC.

With a low turnout one cannot say whether there was migration to different parties when compared to the 2015 election.  I suspect that the AFC base are the most frustrated and so were even less inclined to vote in the LGE than even the PNC base.  So it isn't obvious that urban Indo AFC supporters went back to the PPP.

The question will be where will these disillusioned urban AFC voters go in 2020.

I don't know that either Ramjattan or Nagamootoo represent the urban vote, which is why they have been kicked to the curb, not only by APNU, but also by the urban AFC.


 I could not have said it BETTER.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

And Django ( who claimed to have no political affiliation) fail to publish this article, I guess he’s ashamed. 

I am waiting on GECOM results, in the mean time let BJ continue talking.That chap lied too much.

You can wait till next election, why, are they changing the results in your favor.

Why would they change the results ? LGE is no bench mark for General Elections, different kettle of fish.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

And Django ( who claimed to have no political affiliation) fail to publish this article, I guess he’s ashamed. 

I am waiting on GECOM results, in the mean time let BJ continue talking.That chap lied too much.

You can wait till next election, why, are they changing the results in your favor.

Why would they change the results ? LGE is no bench mark for General Elections, different kettle of fish.

So how come you ride it horses that LGE is about Democracy 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

And Django ( who claimed to have no political affiliation) fail to publish this article, I guess he’s ashamed. 

I am waiting on GECOM results, in the mean time let BJ continue talking.That chap lied too much.

You can wait till next election, why, are they changing the results in your favor.

Why would they change the results ? LGE is no bench mark for General Elections, different kettle of fish.

So how come you ride it horses that LGE is about Democracy 

He dances to different tune every time.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

And Django ( who claimed to have no political affiliation) fail to publish this article, I guess he’s ashamed. 

I am waiting on GECOM results, in the mean time let BJ continue talking.That chap lied too much.

You can wait till next election, why, are they changing the results in your favor.

Why would they change the results ? LGE is no bench mark for General Elections, different kettle of fish.

So how come you ride it horses that LGE is about Democracy 

It's called Local Democracy, that's is good.

kp posted:

He dances to different tune every time.

See my post above. Them bhais at Freedom House still trying to figure what it's all about, maybe that's why they never held any LGE since 1994.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

And Django ( who claimed to have no political affiliation) fail to publish this article, I guess he’s ashamed. 

I am waiting on GECOM results, in the mean time let BJ continue talking.That chap lied too much.

You can wait till next election, why, are they changing the results in your favor.

Why would they change the results ? LGE is no bench mark for General Elections, different kettle of fish.

So how come you ride it horses that LGE is about Democracy 

It's called Local Democracy, that's is good.

Good you establish their is a value to Local Democracy, and PPP cut their arss. 

caribny posted:

The AFC got just over 10% of the GT vote.  This means (if Jagdeo is correct) that 40% of their base is in GT.  I have maintained since the last election that the AFC is a mainly urban middle class party with cross ethnic support.  I don't know that either Ramjattan or Nagamootoo represent the urban vote, which is why they have been kicked to the curb, not only by APNU, but also by the urban AFC.

With a low turnout one cannot say whether there was migration to different parties when compared to the 2015 election.  I suspect that the AFC base are the most frustrated and so were even less inclined to vote in the LGE than even the PNC base.  So it isn't obvious that urban Indo AFC supporters went back to the PPP.

The question will be where will these disillusioned urban AFC voters go in 2020.

Granger should throw some money to the AFC to go and help Sugar Workers start alternate livelihood!  Doing this, then rig the vote in favor of the AFC will ensure the Coalition wins.

I don't put that pass them bannas.  The AFC want's the PPP out of power more desperately than the PNC!


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